The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon ch.3

Story by iheartspyro on SoFurry

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#3 of The Legend of Spyro: Return of The Dragon

The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dragon ch.3

Authors note: ok, once again it took longer to post this then I wanted, but on a bright side it didn't take 6 months like last time. Haha. Not as long as you guys might like, but I'm still fairly new at this so stretching out my ideas for a chapter is not so as easy for me as it is for others. But enough ranting, here is chapter 3.

Legalities: All characters in this story belong to sierra entertainment. Except for Nova, she is mine and my intellectual property so no copying!

Chapter 3: Settling in

Spyro and Cynder just stared in shock at the crimson dragoness before them. They couldn't believe there eyes. Never in there wildest dreams did they think that there were any surviving dragons other than them selves and the guardians. And to top it all off she was Ignitus' daughter.

"I know that this is a bit of a shock" said Nova, "but it is true, I am the daughter of Ignitus and I am the new fire guardian."

Still in a bit of a daze, Spyro spoke up and said, "but if this is all true, how come we never saw you before?"

A very good question, but with all good questions come good answers, and that is when Ignitus spoke up.

"Spyro, do you remember the caves that you and Cynder were in that laid under Dragon city?"

"Yeah, how could we forget" said Spyro

"And do you remember the paintings of Malefor being trained by the elders?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" said Spyro getting a tad annoyed.

"Well after Malefor went bad and killed the very dragons that trained him, it was decided that all guardians in training, would be trained in complete secrecy. That way there would be no way for Malefor to know who would be the next guardian. And he can't kill what he doesn't know about. It wasn't until you and Cynder defeated him that I let Nova come into knowledge of the other guardians."

"So the other guardians didn't even know?" asked Cynder

"No we didn't" said Terrador. "We didn't even know Ignitus had a daughter."

"It came as quite a shock" added Cyril.

"So if the whole secret training thing is true, then that would mean that you three have trainees of your own." said Cynder.

"I only wish that were the case" Said Volteer. "you see while it was Nova's birth right to be her fathers successor, the rest of us had to choose our trainees because we didn't have any children of our own."

"That doesn't mean we didn't have a family", said Terrador sadly, "my mate was killed during one of the raid attempts on the temple along with Volteer's mate. Cyril just never found that special someone."

"So we had to choose a dragon or dragoness to take our place. But they were all killed before we had the chance." Added Volteer

"Nova was training practically from birth so she was safe" said Cyril who was glaring at Terrador for his previous comment. "and just for everybody's Information I was dating a very good looking dragoness at the time!"

Everyone chuckled at Cyril's sudden outburst.

"Let us not dwell on the past friends" said Ignitus "what is important is that Spyro and Cynder are back safe and sound."

"yes and you must be awfully tired from your journey" said Terrador. "Nova, would you go and show Spyro and Cynder to the rooms we prepared for the in the event that they retuned?"

"It would be an honor Master Terrador; come the rooms are this way."

And with that the three dragons walked out of the room and went deeper into the temple.

Still in the room of visions the guardians remained. Then Cyril spoke up and said "you think we should have told them earlier about Nova?"

"No I think that it only would have but more strain on Spyro."

Then out of the blue Sparx woke up to all of the guardians staring at him.

"whoa, wait what I do? What I miss?"

All the guardians just shook their heads and walked out of the room.

Almost as soon as they had left the room full of guardians did Spyro and Cynder start asking Nova questions.

"So Nova, your Ignitus' daughter right?" asked Cynder

"Yes that is correct Cynder" responded Nova

"So that would mean that he had a mate at some point. I wonder why he never mentioned it?" said Cynder

"Yes but I'm not surprised. He has been very self conscious about losing her to the Dark Master's malice. He still wishes he could have done something to stop it but there really was nothing he could have done"

"Poor Ignitus" remarked Spyro "well at least he still has you"

"That s very kind of you Spyro." Said Nova

The remained silent for a few moments until Nova spoke up again, "do you mind of I asked you to a question?"

"Not at all, shoot" said Cynder

"Where have you two been all this time? I mean it not as if anything was keeping you away was there?"

Spyro and Cynder looked at each other for a moment. The Spyro finally said, "I guess if you want the truth, we just didn't want to come back to all the responsibilities and stress. We just wanted to relax awhile. I guess we got a bit carried away with the time frame huh."

"I understand" said Nova, "I would have done the same thing."

"Could I be frank with you two for a moment?"

"Yeah sure" said Cynder

"Forgive me for my bluntness but I have to ask, you to love each other don't you?"

Spyro and Cynder where completely taken aback by the question. Cynder was the first to respond, although her voice was cracking a bit "wha...what makes you say that?"

"Oh just the way you guys keep looking at each other"

The two dragons both blushed intensely, embarrassed at the way Nova had read them like a book. Noticing this, Nova turned to them and smiled sweetly saying, "don't worry, I won't tell the guardians if you don't want me to. I think it's wonderful. You two deserve to have someone in your life to love and be loved by."

This made the two of them feel better. They then continued to their rooms.

"Nova", said Spyro "how did you even notice that. I didn't even notice I was looking at Cynder."

"Oh that", said Nova "that's just a girl thing" she said laughing to herself

"I guess I will just have to get used to that then" said Spyro

"It sure is nice to have another female around that's for sure" added Cynder

They all laughed as they approached the rooms.

They soon got near the end of the hall, and they were approaching a fork in it. Nova paused a moment and said, "come I believe that your prepared rooms are to the left"

She continued to walk with Spyro following, but Cynder stayed where she was . She was upset that she and Spyro were to be in separate rooms. After what they had decided about sharing a room, she was really looking forward to it.

Noticing that Cynder wasn't following next to him, Spryo turned around to see a slightly upset Cynder. He quickly ran back to her and asked, "Cynder, what's the matter?"

"it... it's just that we were supposed to share a room, remember?"

"Oh ancestors I had forgotten. But we can't do anything about it now. You heard Terrador, they had prepared rooms for us in case we ever returned"

"I can change that" said Nova from behind both of them, "I you two wish to share a room, then I can have that arranged."

"But what about the Guardians? They wouldn't approve of that, would they?" sobbed Cynder

"Don't worry about them, I'm sure they will understand. Even if you don't wish to tell them about the two of you; you've been through so much together, I can't see a problem with staying in the same room." Said Nova said with complete understanding.

"Oh thank you Nova" said Cynder no simply overjoyed at the simple fact that she and Spyro can stay in the same room as one another.

"But which room would we be staying in then?" asked Spyro

"Well, the rooms prepared for you two aren't big enough for two dragons to stay in." remarked Nova.

After some thinking, her face lit up; obviously with some kind of idea in mind.

"I got it!" she said," there is a room all the way at the end of the hall to the right. It's the perfect size for a couple of dragons. The only problem is that it isn't furnished or anything. So while I get that all set up for you two, why don't you both go to the room meant for Spyro and use that until the room is adequately furnished."

Both Spyro and Cynder both were extremely excited about what Nova had just said.

"That would be great Nova! Thank you so much!" said Cynder with sheer happiness in her voice.

"It is my pleasure. After all it's the least I could do for you two after what you went through for all of us."

With a plan in mind, Nova lead them to Spyro's room. Upon entering, they almost felt bad that they weren't going to stay in the room much longer. It was a medium sized room. Perfect for a single dragon. There was a bed against the side wall, with a fairly large oak headboard. On the other side was a chest where Spyro could put his things, and a desk and chair. There was also a dresser and book case. All made of oak with a beautiful golden trim around the edges. And lastly there was a window with a door next to it. The door led to a balcony that over looked the mushroom forest and at night would show a wondrous sunset.

"wow" said Spyro in awe, "this is beautiful, I kind of feel bad about not staying here now"

Nova chuckled, "I wouldn't worry too much. I you rally like the furniture it can be moved to your new room. Except for the bed, you two will need a bigger one."

"Well ill let you two settle in. and il see what I can do about your new room" said Nova

"thanks again Nova" said Cynder

Nova smiled at the two of them. Then she turned and left the room.

"well" said Spyro "we're home"

And that concludes chapter 3. Hope you liked itïŠ and remember, any constructive criticism is appreciated. And I know you guys want longer chapters. I promise that as I get more experience, they will get longer. For example I believe that this chapter is a page longer than the previous two. But I digress, so just be patient, I still have to develop the story line in my head first before it gets typed up lol. C u guys ltr