Part 1 information and prologue

Story by fox kitsune OwO on SoFurry

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#1 of lovers,thieves and everything in between

Seattle detention centre -----------------------------------------------------------------

There's a boy 5'9 with pale white skin 15 and a half years of age. With a black scarlike birth mark going down his eyebrow to the other side of his eye stopping just above the corner of the mouth. He has light red tinged eyes and pale white hair going down to his shoulders. And he is in a blank square room sitting at a table he couldn't get out no matter how much he wanted to the walls were made of cement and the door about 4 solid inches of steel. With only a one way mirror to look in the room. The boy at the tables name is Ferhonanths shale an odd name but s name none the less his friends called him Fero for short but then he didn't have many friends in the first place.

An inspector walks in and sits at the chair opposite Fero "well ferhonanths what are we gonna do with you.. Hmm?" he spoke in a jubilant tone despite the seriousness of the situation.

I sighed " come on you cant exactly keep me in this place for long ya know. My sentence ended a week ago."

Officer o'hara 49 6'1 black man bald shuffled his papers "well it may be for longer kid"

"What do you mean longer?"

"well"..he splays the papers on the table " you tried to escape at least 38 times that actually concludes to a longer sentence"

My breathing quickened slightly just at the very thought of having to spend more of my life in this hell hole "just exactly how much longer?"

O'hara swallows he wasn't used to dealing with boys like this when they talked to him about theyr sentences they usually pleaded innocence and begged for parol. But this kid just sat there listening to every word he wasn't used to having people pay attetion to him his wife barely did and neither did his boss or most of his co-workers it was odd but nice for him to be the talker for once. Maybe when the kids sentence hearing was done he could contact him and talk to him about other things as well normal things. "well about 10 to 20 years kid"

My eyes went wide as dinner plates upon hearing this "t..t....twenty years but ..but il be over the age for the detention center il egt put in jail"

"I know kid but considering your crimes advanced theft computer hacking drug smuggling you were lucky to get your first sentence for a year on first warning. The trying to excape just gave them a reason to give you the full hit punishment"

I was scared I knew what happened in jail I wasn't built for fighting I was a hacker a programmer the best in the buisness at a young age but that wouldn't matter to males in the jail they would rip into me in five seconds "there's gotta be something else I can do anything community service there has to be something"

"I'm sorry kid there's nothing I can do I wish I could help ya I really do but there's nothing no loop holes no age terms agreements or deals and trust me I know I looked everywhere"

I felt sad for the kid I kinda liked him over the weeks id seen the kid I saw him he was cute and intelligent and that was jut his personality when I noticed his body it hit me like a ton of bricks he was hot.

I had seen that boy the first time and I wanted to see him without his clothes I hadn't talked to anyone about this not my wife my friends anyone it was sick I mean not because he was a male or cause I was married. But because he's a kid he's not even legal age yet and I was horny cause of him something had to be wrong with me.

I felt cold rushes of anger and sadness wash over me then they calmed I sat breathing thinking about it "it ok if your sure there's nothing you can do I just don't want to go to jail I mean il be...."

The kid didn't have to finish the sentence I knew what those convicts would do to him they hadn't seen a woman in a long time and most males at the prison lacked even good looks of a male. The minute any of them saw this sweet cute little kid they'd swarm over him like flies to a cake "I think its time for you to go back to your room kid I'll see what I can do you just try and not escape again or get into anymore trouble ok"

I got up from table and walked to the steel door and knocked on it the guard came in and puts cuffs on the kid and walked away with him.

As I was walked back to my cell my head went over everything I was gonna go to prison id probably be raped at least ten times a day I was scared. The guard took my cuffs off and a walked back into my cell I heard the loud metallic thunk of the door slamming behind me. I was gonna possibly die in prison not a good thing to know when your fifteen.


Meanwhile in the state of denver-------------------------------------------------------------

A pink bloused tan skinned female around the age of 23 sat at a desk. She sat typing in the room at a large expensive computer system" WALTER!!!"

A black skinned male walked in and went over to the female "what is it Felicia?"

She typed up the screen finding a file " found him this guys an expert computer hacker a regular thief just what we need for the team"

Walter looked at the file " seattle detention centre how old is this guy?"

She typed up the screen scrolling down "I don't know im not good with computers he's probably around eighteen or nineteen "

Walter snorted "and that means you and the other girls will be all over him when we bring him here"

Felicia smirked "mhmmm you know how the young ones are always sooo eager to please and horny as hell I mean whats a girl want other than that?"

Walter shook his head there was no point taking up the subject shed just go on and on about how good under twenty year olds are in bed " so all we gotta do is break a under twenty year old out of a detention centre simple ok you run all the info off and il go get the gang together and tell them"

The girl smiled derisively "Sir yes Sir" doing a fake impression of an army salut.

She ran the information into the computer and grabbed the printed sheets going to the games room where all the gang were to be.