Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 10: Meet Bill Greys, a horrific dream and Ryan is missing!

Story by Boomerthemagnificant on SoFurry

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#10 of Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 1 The start of school

I almost forgot to mention, starting with Chapter 2 up to chapter 7, the events of this series contain homosexual and bisexual acts. Do not read them if you're offended, don't like it or have accidentally stumble upon it and are scared of it. Any future chapters with sexual events will have a warning to those who don't like reading these stories.

I really liked my new friends. Whether it be Ryan, Starfox, Shane, Morrell, Ky or any of the Lucian brothers, I felt happy that I had found a new group of friends to be with.

My mom sent me on Saturday night to pick up some milk for our house. I already knew the route so getting down there was no problem.

After exiting the store with the milk my mom sent me to get, I looked up and saw to my surprise a spacecraft flying over me! Now this had to be the real thing since I could hear it, but I could see the lights on it were turned off. It landed behind a bank in a fenced area. I ran towards it feeling excited as it could be the discovery of a lifetime!

Creeping into some bushes near the fence, I saw the ship land onto the ground. A door opened up and a treadmill with 3 hooded figures came out of it. I couldn't see them clearly, but I could tell what they were saying.

"Is our contact ready?" said the first voice. It sounded a little raspy.

"Yes, our secret man said he'll arrive soon with the human brat," boomed the second. "Soon these earthlings will bow towards us."

"Can I eat something?" asked the third voice. The first two figures smacked across the head. As I leaned closer, my foot accidentally stepped on a twig. Crap, not the sterotypical twig snapping scene now!

"Who's there?" asked the second voice. Crawling commando style out of the bushes, I dashed off into the night before they could trace me or see me. I didn't want to stay around to find out what they were!

Next Monday after school I nervously waited for the bus to arrive. That night with the spaceship scared me! Luckily I saw my friends walk towards me and their sight cheered me up.

"Whoa Kevin, you don't look so good,"Falco murmured as they pulled up to me. "Did you see a ghost or something?"

"No, I saw," I breathed heavily. "A spaceship!" Everyone including the othe bus passengers waiting gasped.

"Holy crap, are you serious?! exclaimed Fox.

"Yeah last week as I purchased milk for my mom, I saw a craft fly overhead and land in a abandoned area behind a bank!" I replied. "I don't know if it's still there, but I overheard they had a contact who's bringing a human to them."

"This is scary," quivered Slippy. "I'd better call my dad and let him and General Pepper know about this." He pulled out a weird blackberry looking phone and dialed numbers. I knew Beltino as his father and I hoped to meet him and the old hound in person someday. That scenario of the aliens made me cringe.

"It's alright, Starfox will handle it,"Krystal said soothing me with a shoulder rub. "We've taken down strong foes over the years and we'll be able to handle it. That advice made me feel calmer because I had seen starfox in their games take down Andross, the Aparoids and all sorts of creatures. It was no worry.

Later Fox mentioned he was bringin an old friend of his over to my house so we could hang out and see the news of an update on the situation in case anyone else saw the spaceship. When the doorbell rang, I answered it and saw an amazing site. The vulpine was there standing with a grey husky next to him.

Fox had brought his friend Bill Greys over! Now I hadn't seen many pictures of him online, but he was definately a grey husky. His white shirt showed a six pack as an indication of good excercise, he had blue cargo shorts and a cap reading,"Would you like a free guy to go with that babe?" That hat made me laugh since I knew it indicated a pick up line for girls.

"Kevin, this is my old friend Bill Greys," Fox told me. The husky shook my hand.

"Please to meet you," Bill told me.

"Wow this is such an honor to meet you Mr. Greys!" I cried out loud. "I've never seen you before and you look so smoking!" I covered my mouth in case he felt rathered offended, but instead he laughed.

"It's okay, Fox and your other friends told me you're bi," Bill chuckled. "To tell you the truth, I sort of find guys attractive too and maybe I'll find a good boyfriend someday." "I do fancy girls, but I seem to be more interested in seeking a long term relationship with a male." His remark stunned me, is almost any guy from Starfox a swinger in both directions? Were any of them just gay or straight? Well it didn't really bother me since I knew that since most of them were bi, they wouldn't have a problem with me staring at their butts or making a hot sex comment about them.

Anyways we played my Nintendo Wii for a bit and I showed them how to do it of course and then it was 6 o clock, time for the news. Fox flipped to World-wide news channel and a bullein regarding the aliens popped up. A female human reporter sat at her desk with some papers beginning the segment.

"Hi, I'm Tricia Sparkles," the female human reporter said. "Tonight we bring you a special bulletin on an alien sighting." "A week ago, we've had news of a craft sighting flying over a grocery store." "The craft hasn't been seen again yet, but our good reporter Tony Romains has the scoop on it." "Tony?" Another screen popped up and a grey suit human male appeared on screen with a microphone. He appeared to be in front of a science building showing a Starfox statue. I guess I knew that Cornerian scientists had a place here now.

"Thanks Tricia," Tony replied. "I'm standing outside of Cornerian labs where scientists of the place have been running research on the UFO." "With me tonight is Beltino Toad, one of the finest scientists of this fine establishment and possibly of all time too." "Care to share a word with us Beltino?" The screen shifted to the right revealing a green toad in glasses and a white coat. I already knew it was Beltino since I had seen him in Starfox Assault.

"Well Tony, our sheets show us a remarkable thing," Beltino croaked adjusting his glasses. "We've had yet to find out where it is going or get a trace on it's location, but so far it indicates there are 3 specimens aboard it, a radio recording said they've had a source on Earth bringing them a human and has contact with them, but that's it."

"Thank you Beltino," Tony said turning back to the screen. "So if any of you spot the UFO or possibly know who's working with them, contact our website and send us an email about it and we'll air it on the next news segment." A website address flashed across the TV bottom. Then a commercial came up.

"Don't worry, we'll catch these scum bags," Fox told me patting me on the back. "You just leave everything to us."

"Yeah me and Foxy here can handle anything," Bill added. "Whoa Fox, look at the time!" "We'd better get going so we can get to Pepper's meeting on time!" "See you next time kev?" I waved goodbye to them as they rushed off to General Pepper.

I had a hard time sleeping that night. In my dreams, I saw Starfox on a battlefield and all sorts of freakish mayhem. Fox, Krystal and Bill were grappling with some weird green aliens with freakish arms, Falco struggled with an aliens tentacle that was trying to strangle Slippy and Slippy kept pounding it to let him go. Fara and Katt went double-team at a spaceship throwing grenades and laser blasting it and even Shane, Morrell, Ky, the Lucian brothers, Bill and Ryan were there. Shane was crying to lift up Ky who appeared to be dead lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Blaze appeared to be doing martial arts on a alien that looked like the one from Alien vs Predator, Snow slashed his way through a mob of small yellow humanoid aliens that kind of looked like the children ones from the movie Akira and Equinox was lifting Canad onto his shoulders as he appeared to be severily injured. Bill also tried to fire at the tentacle alien strangling Slippy except his blaster wouldn't work so he kept pounding it desperately trying to get it functioning again.

Then a sad dream scene of Morrell and Ryan appeared to my right. The orca was being held down by an army of tentacle freaks as the 3 hooded figures and a black wolf were carrying the human bound up and gagged onto their ship. Just then the wolf came over and punched me in the face waking me up from my dream. My arms and legs were covered in sweat.

"What a nightmare," I panted from the horrific scene that just occured last night. Getting up, I showered and made myself some cereal for breakfast. Watching Spongebob on TV helped me get my mind off it although a little bit still stuck in my head.

Well it was Sunday and today we planned to meet at the mall for lunch. At the food court the gang was gathered up around tables and booths. Bill was there too sitting next to Slippy and Fox.

"Is something wrong?" Ky asked me as I sat down. Guess he saw my sad, worried expression on my face.

"I had a horrific dream last night," I said as my eyes began filling with tears. I couldn't stop the tears from pouring so I buried my face into Fox's chest. I just hope the guys wouldn't think I'm a wuss for crying in front of them especially Falco. He probably wasn't too keen on it, but instead Bill pulled my head up and looked me in the eye.

"Kevin, it's okay," Bill said. "We're always here for you and even Falco doesn't mind." I looked over at Falco who surprisingly gave me a smile and then at the other guys who gave me either thumbs up, a wave of the hand or a cheerful expression. "Just explain to us what you dreamed and maybe letting it out will make you feel better." So I let it all out.

"In my dream there had been so much mayhem and destruction happening,"I began speaking with the husky. "We were all on a battlefield and it looked like the battle was lost. Fox, you and Krystal were fighting some tentacle aliens." "There was also one trying to choke Slippy and Falco was trying to stop it." "You were also trying to fire at it with a blaster, but it refused to work. I saw Blaze doing a karate chop on some other extra terristrials, Snow appeared to be in full fury mode killing aliens with his claws and Equinox appeared to be carrying Canad who looked seriously damaged." The others began leaning in closer to listen. "Fara and Katt threw bombs and blasted a ship that wouldn't go down and I saw Ky lying dead in a pool of blood and Shane was looking sad and weeping to try and revive him." The wolf and tiger gasped at the mention of it and Katt, Krystal and Fara squealed in shock. The guys' eyes went big, even Falco looked stunned at the scenario in his head!

"That's not all yet," I continued. "Before I woke up, I saw Morrell being held down by some other aliens and Ryan got carried away by 3 hooded figures and a black wolf carrying a sketchbook." "The wolf socked me in the jaw and then I woke up." By the end of explaining my dream, everyone had gaping mouths open. Falco however patted me on the back.

"Don't worry a thing about it," Falco said. "If they try to get near you, I'll kill them and chop a head off one for a trophy." "Now let's get some lunch." Food definately takes my mind off things so I got a taco, a lemonade, a side of fries and a cup of cheese sauce. Ryan got some vegetarian pizza to share with Morrell and everyone else went off to either Supreme Sushi, KFC, the Greek Taverna or Orange Julius. I even gave them a copy of my phone number so they could call me.

That evening Ryan went to the Home Departement store to look for some tools his dad needed. After buying a hammer and other things, he got a call from his cellphone. It was Morrell.

"Hey hot stuff, are you done yet?" Morrell growled sexually through it.

"Sure hun, I just got to go home and then I'll come over for you,"Ryan told the orca back. He walked over to the bus and sat down on the bench for his ride. Just then 4 hooded figures came up to him.

"Are you Ryan Lewis?" asked one of them.

"Yeah it is, what do you want?" Ryan asked back.

"We need you to come with us to enslave people," said another figure. He got smacked by the other 3. Sensing that he was in danger, Ryan punched one of them in the stomach and then kicked another in the balls and then took off. The other two followed him in an effort to catch up with him. Ryan rounded a corner and hid in behind some tall stacks of recycled newspapers in an abandoed alley as the two rushed by. Thinking he had outrunned them, Ryan stepped out only to run into the two he socked earlier.

"Take this bitch," said the crotch smacked figure socking Ryan into his jaw. He stumbled over and fell to the ground. The other two guys ran back and one of them took out a bottle of sleeping pills.

"Here get this into his system," boomed the stomach punched goon as the 3 others held the human down. Ryan struggled as hard as he could, but he got a few pills into his system forcibly by one of them and fell asleep.

"So this is the one?" asked the second figure to the fourth.

"Yes he's the one,"replied the fourth figure. "Would have gotten him myself if he wasn't hanging around with his gay boyfriend and that group of bi's and whores so much, but no matter." "We have him, now lets take him to our meeting space." They tied up Ryan and gagged him and carried him off into the night. They took out his cellphone and tools, leaving them in the alley so no one could follow them.

Later at home, my mom got a phone call. She came up to me.

"Kevin, honey, it's Fox calling,"she told me. "Ryan hasn't gone home and he's wondering if perhaps you've seen him?" I shook my head no. "I'm sorry, he hasn't seen him." "What, his mom called the police, there's no trace of him anywhere?" "His cellphone was lying near a Burger King in an alley near the Home Department bus statin?" That got my attention quickly. "Okay bye." She hung up.

"Mom you got to drive me down there,"I told her. "We need to see what's happening." My mom went and grabbed her keys.

At the scene, four cop cars were gathered around a taped off scene. Morrell was there along with Fox, Falco and Krystal. A couple of humans, probably Ryan's parents were talking to one of the cops.

"Please officer, you have to find my son!" cried the female. "Who knows what happened to him?"

"We're trying our best, but they didn't leave a clue for us," said a stocky bear cop.

"Well you'll just have to try harder now, won't you?" said the male firmly who I guessed was her husband. The bear nodded yes.

'Hey Charlie, Doug and I found something!" cried a fat pig officer munching a chocolate donut. The bear ran over to investigate. I went over to Morrell.

"So what's happned?" I asked him.

"Ryan's mom called the police after he didn't come home for 4 hours," replied Morrell. "She called him at the store before I telephoned him." "It looks like he's long gone by now, but I gotta find him." "I'll make those shitheads pay for stealing my boyfriend,"he growled making a fist with his right hand.

"If it's something supernatural, Fox and us can handle it," Krystal added rubbing Morrell's shoulders to calm him down. "There's nothing Fox's team can't handle!" Fox and Falco agreed and raise their hands in the air.

In a warehouse somewhere, Ryan woke up finding himself in a chair tied up tight with a light over his head. Their appeared to be dusty crates of soda around him and the sounds of traffic echoing outside through broken windows. The four hooded figures emerged from a shadow in a far-right corner and came up to him.

"What do you want from me freaks?" Ryan groaned feeling dizzy from the pills. The 3 of them lifted off their hoods.

One of them was a rhino, the other a human and the last one a wolf.

"I've been waiting a long time for this," the fourth figure said as he pulled off his cloak. The sight shocked Ryan.

"No way, it can't be!" cried Ryan. The fourth guy was a black wolf!

"What's the matter?" the wolf said grinning evily at him. "Surprised that you've seen me again?"

"Why would I be Russell Black?" remarked Ryan. Russell used to be a replacement teacher back at Ryan's old school. He remembered him as that gay hater who kicked him out of a class back in his old school when he used to be a substitute. After beating him nearly in a chess tournament, he left and wasn't seen again until now. Before leaving, he saw a sketchbook in his hand with a picture of him surrounded by chess pieces. "Haven't been able to get over me by your sketchbook pictures?" "I guess you must be spending a lot time drawing erotic pictures of me and then pleasuring yourself into your home bathroom and making a mess everywhere." Of course Ryan didn't know Russell really did that, but he was smart talking him after the rude remarks the wolf said to him and smashing his cellphone. The other goons laughed at that.

"Dirk, Sleaze and Johnny, shut up!" yelled Russell. They went quiet quickly. "Oh Ryan, I forgot to introduce them." "Sleaze is the wolf, Dirk is the human and that rhino is Johnny." "They're actually aliens in disguise."

"So what's your plan involving me?" replied Ryan. "How did you make contact with these freaks?"

"Funny you should ask," Russell responded. "After leaving as a teacher, I came to this place with a hard time looking for jobs since my reputation as a harrasser spread here." "I managed to get a job at Cornerian labs looking for that UFO your friend Kevin saw." "These guys can only morph into these forms here and don't have super powers." "Little did those Cornerian dummies knew that I actually made contact with them with an old science job I got back in your town before my bad rep spread and fired me from it." "I agreed to help them by taking over this pathetic city and making all those business pay for pushing me away from a job and calling me a freak!" "They'll serve us and be our slaves!" Dirk raised his hand to speak.

"Are you going to have your way with him yet?" asked Dirk.

"Maybe I'll start now," grinned Russell easily. He went over to Ryan and knealed down to his neck and start licking it seductively.

"Get off me you pedophile," growled Ryan angrily, but the wolf didn't want to stop. He then went in front of him and reached for his crotch, but Ryan kicked him in the nuts. Since his legs weren't tied up, it had been an easy task and Russell fell to the ground clutching his nuts.

"You piece of crap!" yelled the wolf. "No matter, you're going to help us break into Cornerian labs and help us steal equipment to enslave this pathetic city."

"What if I refuse?" replied Ryan. Sleaze clamped a hand hard on his left shoulder.

"If you don't," added Sleaze. "Then Johnny, Dirk and me will have our way with you and make your ass bleed." "So you either help us with the plan and co-operate or we'll hump you hard and show no mercy." Ryan looked over and saw Dirk smiling all smart ass like and Johnny licking his lips seductively. He looked up behind him and saw Sleaze with a smug look on his face. "So what will it be?" Ryan did like being dominated by Morrell, but these guys were going to be vicious and cruel so he only had one option.

"Fine, I'll help you," he grumbled. Sleaze, Dirk and Johnny laughed out loud in their own evil way. "By the way, why do you take these forms?"

"We find it looks better this way,"Dirk replied. He morphed an arm into a tentacle and then back into a human hand. "Beside I think a human look for me looks hotter this way."

"Boys, lock up our prisoner tonight," Russell said getting up after his nut pain wore off. "When we're finished, I'll get to have my alone time with him."

"You never said anything about that!" cried Ryan. Russell just laughed.

"Tough luck kid," laughed Johnny as he and the others dragged the human off. "Life ain't fair." "Hey Russell, could me and my boys have a shot at him too?"

"Maybe, but for now, he's going to need rest for our break-in," the wolf said back. "I"ll see you later in bed," he whispered to Ryan as he was dragged by.

"Go to hell you fucking pervert," Ryan said spitting into his face. Russell just grumbled and wiped it off.

Somewhere in a house in the city, Morrell was lying in bed looking at a picture of Ryan, the four Lucians and himself at a chess tournament. They were all smiling and crowding in for the shot.

"Ryan I promise I'll find you," Morrell said moving his finger over the photo. "Those sons of bitches who took you will pay for it." He kissed the picture goodnight and placed it beside him as he drifted off to sleep.

Whew this chapter took a lot of work, but I hope you guys appreciate me for posting it! Btw here's some things about the chapter

  1. This scene where Morrell looks at the frame photo of Ryan and the group alludes to the scene in Home Alone where Kevin looks at his family portrait and says,"I didn't mean it, if you guys come back, I won't be a pain in the butt again, I promise" and kisses it goodnight.

  2. The alien spaceship scene references to the plot in the NES game Bart vs The space mutants.

  3. The original title was Ryan's missing! However I just felt like changing it.

  4. Russell Black is used with permission from Ryan-master-paladin lewis. For those of you who don't know, he appeared in the special chapter of his My Journey Through Highschool Series which comes after Ch 10. Check it out to find more on Russell.