Behind Closed Doors 1

Story by cnbfox on SoFurry

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#4 of The Legacy of Alexzander Monroe

A fair warning that this is a darker story and a look at his parents and their mindsets. This story contains scenes of rape, small amount of scat and watersports, and language. If this offends you then, please find another story to read.

Behind Closed Doors 1

I flicked my crimson red and black tail in excitement hearing Ms. Sherrill was taking "that boy" for a walk. I was going to have company and "some fun" at the same time, but for the moment I was just going to enjoy the company of my wife.

"John, I brought the leaf you requested."

I glanced up from my newspaper and felt a twinkle in my reddish brown eyes as I watched the flames in the fireplace go from mere embers to a small fire.

"Thank you my dear Elizabeth."

I went back to reading the paper as the flicking of my tail began to match the ticking of the clock. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my wife's enticing dress and frowned seeing the bottom of her bloomers touching the top of her short boots.

"You are not showing off enough fur. We will be having guests shortly and I want you to be as enticing as possible." She looked at me with fear in her eyes as she placed the leaf on the coffee table.

"John, please I am not comfortable removing my bloomers."

"I am sure you also have on a pair of pantaloons too." She nodded nervously.

"Remove them as well."

I continued to read the paper as I felt my fur begin to stand on end in lust and anticipation. The light from the fire began to cast shadows on the wall and the crucifix that was mounted on the side of the brick fireplace casted a shadow of a black upside down cross. I just happened to glance up and seeing it, I smirked to myself sitting my paper down to undo my belt and glanced over at my wife. My eyes were beginning to change from the reddish brown to a light red.

"I gave you a command. You are to remove your bloomers and pantaloons." I stood up and started to walk over to her after I grabbed my leather leash.

"I-I will do as you command."

She bent down and started to undo the laces in her boots and I was able to catch a good glimpse of her voluptuous tail and hips. It was amazing how after giving birth she was able to return to her before pregnant body. I waited until she had removed her boots to make my move. I quickly wrapped the leash around her muzzle and saw her reaction in the reflection of the grandfather clock glass door. The terror in her eyes as I whispered into her ear.

"I'm going to enjoy every minute of this my dear! Do not struggle with me or I will make you regret it!"

She stood there frozen and started to whimper as I roughly reached under her dress and roughly pulled her bloomers and pantaloons down to her ankles.

"Get on all fours."

She complied as I began to undo my brown trousers. Just from my dominating control and the smell of her fear, I was dripping pre as I freed my ten inch cock from its cloth prison.

"I am going to enjoy every minute of this!"

I moved her tail and the tail of her dress out of the way and grabbed my handkerchief from my vest and wiped the pre off my cock. I looked at her ass as her tight pucker began to flex and twitch from the angle I held her tail. Her eyes began to swell with tears as she became aware of what I was fixing to do from watching my motions in our reflection. She let out a few muffled cries of protest.

"I suggest you try not to tighten up."

I said sadistically as I raised her tail and forced her tailhole to tighten up. I dropped down to my knees and proceeded to aim the head of my cock at her forbidden entrance. If I was not married then I could have easily been arrested for the act I was about to commit, but because my wife has given me consent through marriage, I was able to do what I wanted. I watched her start to shake her head no frantically and pleaded through the make shift muzzle, but her cries of stop fell on deaf ears.

In a single thrust I pushed her hips back toward the head of my cock and forced my way deep into her bowels and felt the skin around her pucker give way as she began to cry out in pain and agony. Her tears began to drop to the floor as I started to pull out and thrust back in hilting myself roughly. I watched as she started to drop her upper body to the floor and with a quick yank of the leash, I pulled her back upright and heard her cry out once more.

"Now, now my dear, I will not allow you to give out on me as I have my fun." I leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"I am sure "she" would be able to handle this fucking without any theatrics."

I thrusted a few more times and gave the leash some slack. No sooner did I let her have some slack, I watched in delight as her amber colored eyes began to change and soon her cries of pain turned to groans of pleasure. She caught me off guard as I felt her anus muscles tighten around my shaft causing me to gasp deeply from the sudden tightness. Her eyes changed from amber to yellow and without warning she pushed back against me as I watched her reach down between her legs and start to play with her feminine slit. I watched her smile in devilish enjoyment the fires of our love making began to match the fire in the fireplace. I began to pick up speed as she sat up allowing me to go deeper into her. I watched her in surprise as she pulled the leash from around her muzzle.

"Bastard, took you long enough to free me from my slumber."

We changed position to where I had her back against me chest. She turned her head and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. I was getting close and felt my knot began to hit her puckered abused asshole.

"You better tie with you and afterwards, I expect to have my fun." I smiled lustfully as I thrusted hard against her and felt her abused tail hole give way taking my thick knot forcing her to let out a small cry of pain.

"I will make sure you have fun, you dirty whore!" I could feel her getting close as she tightened her anal muscles around me trying to hurry me along.

"I am about to explode."

"Please do, our company will be here soon and I would like to get cleaned up a little bit before we get dirty again." With her comment I thrusted one more time and felt her tighten around my knot. I could not help but to tie with her spilling my seed deep within her bowels.

"You dirty little bastard! I was about to finish!"

My wife was rather disgusted that I had finished before her and within seconds I had shrunk enough to pull out with an audible pop and grabbed my wife's bloomers to wipe the blood, seed, and pieces of feces of my cock. I watched as she dejectedly stopped touching herself and looked at me with a fire in her eyes now.

"I will have you tonight, regardless if you are in the mood or not!"

We cleaned up quickly and readjusted our clothes minus my wife's bloomers and pantaloons to ready ourselves for our company. My wife took the liberty of lighting some scented candles to mask our scents and clear the air. It was going to be a very interesting afternoon and evening to say the least. Once we regained our composure to the best of our abilities considering I left my wife frustrated and in wanting need of pleasure, I stood up hearing a carriage pull up outside of our home. I made my way to the front door and greeted a nervous coyote couple.

"Welcome to my humble abode Lord and Lady Harris."

"I-it is a pleasure Mr. Monroe. I hope there is somewhere we could talk in private."

"The parlor room is the best place in the house. I made sure to coat the walls with a special sound proof paint to keep others from hearing our conversations."

"I did not know such a thing was made."

"It is a special paint that I created."

Lady Harris had a nervous look in her eye as they cautiously entered the foyer. They could have easily been mistaken for siblings due to the same fur markings they shared. Their coats were tannish brown with white markings on their chin and they even wore the same colored clothes. I was hoping my wife had mixed the leaf with Lady Harris's tea. I did not want any scandals occurring with our upcoming festivities. I led them into the parlor and smirked to my wife as she locked the door behind us.

"Now that we are alone we can discuss your concerns and I will be more than happy to listen." I walked over to my chair and sat down.

"Please feel free to sit where you like, my wife has taken the liberty of fixing tea to calm your nerves and help you relax." I was still surprised the Harris's had yet to make any comment to my wife's attire, and lack of clothes.

"Mr. Monroe, as you know, I come from a very powerful family." I stopped him for a moment.

"My Lord and Lady, I am very familiar with the Harris family, you have two older brothers and a sister. Your parents and ancestors have been loyal to the crown of England for decades. Please Lord Harris, tell me your concerns." He gulped a little bit as I watched Bethany move closer to Lady Harris with the leash in her paw and a leather strap also. She could be very dominating and devilish more so than me at times, and I loved her for it.

"As you know, I do not believe the crown is as strong as it once was. Should the crown fall, I would like some sort of restitution should the crown fall." I looked at my wife and smiled as the fire in the fireplace began to grow stronger.

"I understand your concerns and I am very open-minded, however." My eyes began to change to a bright fiery red and my wife's changed to a bright yellow.

"As you know Lord and Lady Harris, I know it might alarm you for you to hear this, but I have ties to Jonathon Wilkins and I have strong beliefs that he is alive and looking to gain power and notoriety in France. If he becomes King of France, would you be willing to change your allegiance?" Both Lord and Lady Harris's went wide in shock as the glanced nervously at each other.

"We would be willing to do anything to ensure our family name and as you know I am the youngest. I would like an opportunity to acquire the same amount of recognition as my siblings, and any ancestors." My eyes went wide as a devilish grin appeared on both my face and my wife's.

"I am glad to hear that you would be willing to do anything. I am fully aware that you do not have any children, and as is the custom for me to grant you what you desire, I desire a small token or gift that I will take as offering." I smirked to my wife as she grabbed a small jar that contained a pink and white liquid.

"Mr. Monroe, what are you suggesting?"

My fur went on end as my eyes began to burn brightly as I glared at Lord and Lady Harris.

"I am suggesting you declare allegiance to Jonathon Wilkins. How daft do you have to be to not see that I am suggesting you to betray England?"

Lord Harris gulped deeply as Lady Harris let out a small cry of surprise as my wife tied the leash around her muzzle and pinned her down to the sofa and tied her paws behind her back with the leather strap.

"I'm sorry my dear, I could not stop myself. My lustful desires got the best of me." She started to laugh sadistically as Lady Harris began to struggle as my wife removed Lady Harris's bloomers and pantaloons over her shoes.

"Lord Harris, since you do not have any daughters, I ask for your wife as payment, but do not worry, she will go home with you, I just want to have some time with her and if you are interested, you are more than welcome to join in." I watched as Lord Harris's demeanor change from fear and resignation, to one of anger and despair as he knelt down at my feet.

"I accept you as my leader and I swear my allegiance to you along with my wife."

"I will restore your wife's purity to her and once we have had our fun, she will bear a child for you." I smiled viciously at him as he began to smile evilly and flicked his tail while his wife looked on with horror.

"Bring her to me my dear."

"I never thought you would ask!" My wife was smiling from ear to ear as she roughly picked her up by the leash and rough led her over to me as she struggled to free herself from the leash around her muzzle.

"Shall I fetch the arousal liquid?"

"No need, I am already aroused." I looked into Lady Harris's eyes as she trembled in fear and tried to get away.

"There's no need to be afraid my dear, he will take care of you and I will be gentle with you too."

I made a motion with my paw as I watched Lord Harris remove his coat and begin to undo his trousers. I had a way to control a person's mind and desires. I could easily have made Lady Harris become aroused, but what fun was that? I enjoyed watching adult and young females squirm as they were ravaged dry. I reached down and started to lift her dress up as I was somewhat shocked to see Lord Harris help me pick her up and place her on my lap. My wife was holding the leash in one paw while she helped undo my pants with the other. My shaft was dripping once more and I couldn't help but to smile evilly as I took my handkerchief and once more wiped the pre off my cock. I could tell that I was much larger than her husband by a good two inches, which for her was good because I could have easily destroyed her tight puckered tail hole.

"Do not be concerned Lord Harris about committing sodomy. My lips are sealed along with my wife's."

I watched as Lord Harris moved her tail out of the way and grabbed his wife's legs to keep them from thrashing about as I aimed the head of my cock to her nether lips and watched in delight as her eyes went wide in terror. Tears began to stream down her face as I impaled her on my shaft and smiled to Lord Harris as he aimed his cock at her tail hole. I heard a small groan coming Lord Harris and another cry of pain from Lady Harris as her tail hole was violated for the first time in her life. My wife started to pant heavily as I watched her start to rub her wet cunt and from my angle I could see her fluids dripping from her sex and start to coat her fur. I removed Lady Harris's make shift muzzle when I saw the look of defeat in her eyes and smirked feeling my knot start to swell.

"My lord, I am getting close."

"Keep your comments to yourself Lord Harris, I have not reached my point yet, but if you wish to finish then be my guest."

I was starting to grow annoyed with the feeling of our scrotums touching as I let out a small groan feeling my knot slam into her rather tight cunt. Her husband was going to have even more fun when I restored his wife's purity to her and I watched her let out a small moan before crying out.

"I just popped my knot in there! I did not know that was possible."

I could only roll my eyes at the rather inexperienced Lord. I figured with as much as wealth as he had, he was familiar with sexual positions and desires of both male and female, but I guess I was wrong. He was enjoying himself a little too much as I watched him enjoy this pleasurable moment and let out a small grunt when I felt him stop thrusting. Our knots were deep inside her and I could feel his knot on the other side of his wife's small membrane that separated her anal canal and her vaginal walls. I felt her muscles start to tighten around me, and I could only whisper in her ear as I smirked. She was defeated and lump, but I couldn't help but perk my ears hearing my wife's moans of pleasure and the slushing sound as she toyed with her clit and let out a small cry of pleasure as she buried two digits into her wet snatch.

"Oh God, that feels good!"

Seeing my wife's response I started to thrust a little bit more and watched as Lord Harris pulled out leaving behind a thick coat of his seed around her tail and couldn't help but to chuckle feeling Lady Harris gush a mixture of fluids from her tail hole. She must have passed out from the shock of everything because her eyes were closed, or she was just trying to get this over with, I was not able to tell. I started to slow my pace down a bit and heard her let out a small cry as my knot hit her g-spot and within seconds her eyes shot open as the tip of my shaft entered her cervix. Her muscles clamped down tight around me as she reached her climax and sprayed her feminine juices while losing control of her bowels at the same time. I could not hold back anymore coated the inside of her womb with my seed. I was fortunate that my wife gave her the herbal tea to keep my seed from mixing with one of her eggs.

"OH GOD!" My wife reached her climax and dropped to her knees spraying fluids over her paw and floor and the side of my chair. There was definitely going to be some cleaning up to do before Ms. Sherrill and the boy came home. I stayed tied with Lady Harris for several minutes before I looked at my wife.

"Do you still need to be tended too, or are you satisfied?" She gave me a cold hard stare and let out a small growl.

"My words from earlier do not change!"

I watched the fire in the fireplace start to die down back to embers as my knot loosened allowing me to pull out. A mixture of fluids poured out of Lady Harris's slit and I could have sworn there was some urine mixed in too. Once we had time to clean up our mess and get Lady Harris coherent, I began to walk them toward the front door and it was perfect timing too. Ms. Sherrill and the boy were coming by the side of the house as I opened the door and walked them to their carriage. Lord Harris was smiling from ear to ear, while Lady Harris was pale and said nothing. My wife helped clean her with a handkerchief and restored her purity and healed her abused tail hole.

"I will write my Lord, please take care."

Lord Harris finally spoke up as he motioned the driver to head on. He was such a fool and a coward. I watched my wife head up the stairs to our bedroom holding her bloomers and pantaloons flicking her tail wildly. I knew she was not happy with me for leaving her unsatisfied, but I also knew she had something wild in store for me. I just did not know what. I left the front door open as Ms. Sherrill and the boy walked up the stairs.

"So the boy finally learned to walk on his own, took him long enough!" The boy just stood there and grabbed Ms. Sherrill's paw as tears filled his eyes.

"He is no different from when you were a child. You did not walk on your own overnight either. In fact he has started walking on his sooner than you did."

Ms. Sherrill was right, and I knew in my mind that if I was going to achieve my goal of leaving England and heading to France as king I was going to have to do something about the boy. I just did not know where to start. The wheels in my mind began to turn as I watched the boy shiver as my eyes returned to a normal brown. I could sense fear in him and I knew that would be the key to turn his fear into anger as I left him shivering and whimpering as I made my way back into the parlor to collect my thoughts and begin making my plans for my chance to reawaken the beast that was inside.