Land of Discord's World History

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#2 of Land of Discord

Let me introduce myself first. The one narrating this story (me, apparently) is Hal Trixija. Crappy name, I know, but that is my fucking name!

Now, let me tell you about the world I am stuck into (I really wish they can make a crossover with the other marvelous stories. That'd be great).

This world is called Rugdar by some people, but most of us just call it 'Earth'. It's a plain and simple world with oceans, continents, island, cities, towns, weather, climate, etc, etc. But seriously, it's the same with the world you are in now. What makes it different, though? Magic, that's it. Not surprised? How about magic and post-apocalyptic world?

I know it doesn't sound original. I bet you've known a lot of fantasy worlds set in post-apocalyptic settings. Well, this one is different. We've passed the post-apocalyptic setting. The world starts to become a better place to live, unlike 2000 years ago when this epidemic happened.

I don't know much of the story, but Segara told me about the world before all this madness began. It all started when magic became apparent in some individuals. They harnessed great magical abilities that were said to be devastating that they must be put out of the way and sent into a place to let them thrive. Sound unoriginal, don't you think?

Then this epidemic happened. Some humans were infected with that magical ability that it started to transform them. No, not the werewolf thing, but a painful, sometimes outright rabid, slow transformation, turning many humans into their respective animals.

At first, it wasn't weird creatures like I know now. They were slowly mutating into common animals that were known at that time like dogs, cats, and stuff. This infection was believed to be infectious, like a classic zombie movie. They were wrong, and this almost killed all humans, leaving only those with magical capabilities and those who kept sane after transformation.

Of course, humans retaliated by surviving in a wild world after this 'infection'. Most of those survivors were held up inside a compound, which came straight out of a zombie movie. The world went dark, and these humans were isolated with the magically-inclined ones.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, due to the abundance of magic, dragons and other mythical creatures started rising out of their 'slumber', as some said, and populated the land. The 'infected' slowly regained their sanity when these noble creatures provided them with a temporary cure that can return them into human form.

When I said temporary, it is based on fact. One day, these people will have to come in term with their transformed life, and they started getting civilized. The humans who were afraid of them started to make a new relationship with them, and thus, this world becomes a fantasy world.

So, that history ends there. Nowadays, there are many creatures and people who were descendants of these ancestors. I'll tell you the sentient races, okay?

The primary one is, of course, humans. They are the descendants of these non-transformed humans who were immune from it. As a result, they had no magical capabilities and resort to techs, which sorts of like what technology pre-outbreak would look like. The other one is called Magi, the descendants of these magically inclined humans. Magi, singular, magus, are long-lived and looks youthful, but they are not a being higher than the humans. They use magic, of course, but some folks prefer the term 'arcana' when magic and tech married with each other. Magi are good folks, but some scholars can be quite arrogant.

Now down to the beast races. Beast race has many subraces from each name. The first beast race is called Anima, a non-magical beast race. Anima is the anthropomorphic version of all animals that you and I know. It ranged from birds to reptiles, with a lot of mammals in between. If you ask about insects and spiders, don't. There are, surprisingly, no insects. Yes, there are giant spiders and shit, but don't get me wrong. They are gross!

Animas are a lot. Just consult your friends and ask them how many animals in this world, excluding worms and snails, and there you have it. Fish Animas existed, but they are not so social themselves, unlike the beast races, who had made a considerable relationship with other races.

The other beast race is my favorite. Well, of course it is my favorite! I am included in this subrace. This is what you call a Mythar, or magically-inclined beast race. Well, there is a pattern, alright. You want a non-magically inclined races, there it is. There is also magically-inclined beast races, right? Now, back to topic.

Mythar is the anthropomorphic version of mythical creatures. You can name many of them, but most of them were actually Animas with strong magical properties. For example nagas. Nagas are considered an anima, but if they can use petrifying magic, then they are Mythars. Like Anima, they have integrated in the life of other races, and learned to least at my place, though. I don't know about the rest of the world.

There are common interracial marriage that can either ended up bad or nicely, depending on the privileges of the races involved. A chimera can happen more often than not (fyi, the chimeras in this story are NOT multi-headed. Chimera, with a capital 'C', is a separate Mythar race), but what is special is how someone cannot determine if they are a beast race or not until they reached puberty. This is a case called 'Hidden Beast' as dubbed by the public.

It's not uncommon these days. Most Hidden Beasts are basically based on whose gen is more dominant (thanks for the technology). If the humans or Magi are more dominant, then they stay human the rest of their lives. If the Animas or Mythars are more dominant, they always turn into a beast after puberty. No one denies their sons and daughters if they are transforming, yet the problem lies on how fast they are transforming.

Just like the epidemic I mentioned earlier, it is a gross thing for some, and a major turn-off to some. It is not like a one minute transformation like a werewolf, but it is a painstakingly long process that varies from people to people. The first step is always the DNA, then slowly every cell in your body becomes a beast race. That happens to me.

Well, enough of that. I know you are getting bored by this point. Let's cut to the story of mine, shall we?