Let's Discuss a Few Things, Solomon...

Story by PixelsWithFur on SoFurry

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Sue and Solomon discuss a couple of important things.

It was a surprising day for Suzanne, who wanted to talk to Solomon a bit.

"Solomon, I think I should confess a few things."

"What's up, Mom?"

"First off, I'm fine if you call me Sue."


"You're already 20, so I'm fine with that."

"Sue, is it also true that you adopted me?"

"Solomon, who said that I didn't? If anything, I've been your step-mom for so long. So, you're correct; you were adopted!"

"Sue, for as long as I've remembered, I've been calling you Mom. However, someone told me you've helped with my birth."

Sue frowned, speculating he knows how he was born. She rested both of her hands onto his shoulders. "Solomon, I have only felt like your maternal figure. I'm sure you know I donated my last egg cell to Raia, who did not have egg cells. She earned most of the possible credit for your birth, not me. The egg cell was transplanted in her vaginal region by a doctor who knew about egg cell transplanting, a very rare type of procedure," Suzanne strictly explained. Solomon felt so worthless to her. "How was I loved," he asked, now on the urge of tears. Sue hugged him, trying to comfort her step-son, who was extremely saddened. "Don't be so sad, Darling. _You're_the one who has a family," she told him. Solomon looked confused. "What do you mean," he asked. "Neither of my own parents have been alive for a lot of years," she said. "My mom has been Lord Raigeki's wife," she added. "The same Raikou who was once assassinated, but now revived," he asked. Sue then vertically shook her head.

"So you're Raigeki's daughter," he asked. "No, I'm not related by him," she answered him. Once again, her step-son was confused. "If Raigeki isn't your dad, who is," he asked. "I never even got to know him. I am the maternal sister of your uncles Raio and Elliot, alongside your aunt Raia as well. I'm unrelated to Mark," she said. "Then again, I've never been married," she told him. For decades, I've dated lots of men," she added. "So, you haven't tried dating women," he asked curiously. Sue angrily looked him. "That's very sick of you to think I'd swing that way," she said. "I never explicitly said you dated women," he said. "Oh... Well, oops," Sue replied as she felt dumbfounded. "Now I remember, Darling! I might possibly have a boyfriend," Sue said, now feeling happier. "What's her na-" Solomon paused as Sue strictly glared. "Is he the Ray guy who has starred with you in those flicks," he asked. "What?! You know him," she asked. "Yes, you probably have his 'business' card he gave you," he teased. Sue gasps as she feels embarrassment. "You saw it, too," she asked. "Yep, the whole thing," he said. "You know, I've considered moving out anyway," he added. Sue looked at him with sad eyes. "Why would you want to move out so soon," she asked. "Listen, Solomon; you're the last man in our family. Please don't leave me so soon," she hastily added. "I'm already moving out so I have my own house," he said. "This may not be farewell forever, so I'll clarify that," he added. Sue wept as he walked out of her home. What was once his home is now exclusively hers.

Can Sue possibly suffice with living alone once again?