An enginer by trait ch1.

Story by London79 on SoFurry

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I got board so here's a story series about a

engineer who falls in love.


we pull out of the depot the steam swirling quitely out of the funnel the pistion rods clank loudly we

trundle along, "more coal!," I fireman Wilt he replies by shoveling coal into.the frenice ,

I yank the whistle cord to tell everone to move outta my way.

We hit the station at about a quater till 8:00 we hooked her up and set out on our long journey

I stuck my head out the window looking at the track ahead clear as day I take out my IPhone

And check the time.

We pull into the station at 8:09 I take a look to my right and see the most beautiful collie I've ever layed eyes on I motion him over to the cab "you get to rid up here my treat," I say he looks fearful at first but I reach out my paw to him,

to which he accepts we pull out gracefully I put my arm around him holding him thight.

"You like it," I say the collie nods, I point to the whistle the collie reaches up.and tugs the cord the whistle

gives a long mournful hum I look down and notice the dog's

ection so, I lick him he hugs me.