Trust me; You'll love it...

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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So, this was a little writing experiment. I wanted to do some stuff I hadn't done before, so here you have it! Some kinky Ovi and M/M smut as written by the Trotfox :P Enjoy!

Jordan ducked the first punch that was thrown at him, and managed to at least deflect the second one, his green scales glinting in the artificial sunlight. The third one caught him in the stomach at the same time as another of his assailants stuck him across the back of the head with a wild right-hook.

For the 16 year old, this was a fairly routine day, and honestly, it was more surprising to him that it hadn't happened sooner in the week. The pure blooded, many tailed vulpines around him railed on his with fists and kicks when he fell, and reflexively, he curled in on himself to try and protect his midsection from the sharp jabs of the teenagers boots.

"Halfbreed scum! That's what you get for showing your damned face around here. You Dragari don't even deserve to live here, let alone attend the same school as purebloods!" The ringleader mocked him, a vivid orange furred male with a half dozen tails who stood some 6 foot tall already. His name was Oliver, and he and his purebred Kyruku posse were the bane of Jordan's day to day life in the Kyruku facility deep beneath Islamabad.

He'd lived here as long as he could remember, growing up beneath the glow of artificial sunlight and learning the maze of medical white corridors and transit networks throughout the miles and miles of tunnels and chambers that made up the multi-leveled underground complex. He'd only ever been to the surface once with his parents, and the strange cultures and languages had scared him greatly. Down here, things at least were simple, and made sense.

For example, Oliver was a purebred Kyruku. He had no mixed blood in his lineage, no out of species breeding, and was therefore, considered, by social standards, 'higher' than any non-purebloods by default. All of his physical features were in line with how a 'proper' Kyruku should appear. Silky fur, vulpine paws, tails, ears and features, and a snobbish, 'holier than thou' attitude that for some reason had survived to this day and age.

Jordan, on the other paw, was about as far from a pure blooded Kyruku as one could get without being an entirely different species, and even then, they at least might have been more readily accepted within the bounds of society. He was Drakon Kyruku, or Dragari, as the slur went. A Hybrid of Dragon and Kyruku, that for whatever reason, didn't end up like every other hybrid. He looked physically like a fox; same build, same facial features. He simply had scales instead of fur, and a long dragon's tail instead of the multiple bushy appendages his attackers all had.

And, for whatever reason, this immediately marked him as an outcast. Kyruku genetics were strong, like the species as a whole, and came out on top in the race to reproduce. Mixed breed hybrids almost always came out looking like a Kyruku, albeit, with some odd features occasionally, like a different kind of tail, or strange fur patternings. With Dragons, it was different. Their hybrids just came out, as everyone described it and each kick harshly reminded him, wrong.

Scales on a vulpine body? Thick, reptilian leathery skin? Sharply slitted golden irises? Check check and check. As the boys so cruelly reminded him, he was a freak, a reject of biology, and for that, he was shunned by most simply for being... But not all, at least.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" A voice shouted out, interrupting the gang, who quickly split and ran after giving Jordan one last swift kick in the ribs as a parting gift. His would be rescuer reached down, pulling Jordan back up to his feet, brushing off the dirt and gunk from his shirts shoulders.

The Panther... Well, he wasn't quite technically. TECHNICALLY, he was a Kyruku as well, or at least that was what the genetic markers read him as. He just looked like a Panther, if a panther could have five, synchronous moving feline tails flicking behind it, thanks to the power of Kyruku genetics. Most everyone in the facilities, if they looked like a Kyruku or not, had that trait.

"Hey, there you go." The 17 year old panther smiled, sort of. It was more a 'At least you're still in one piece' grimace. He managed to scare the others off on account of his being both older, and one of the martial arts honor students. "I can't believe they're still pulling this shit on you. You alright Jordan?"

Jordan groaned, probing carefully around his ribs. They were tender, and painful to the touch. He'd have bad bruises to show for it no doubt, but nothing felt broken. "Yeah... I think I'll be okay. Just some bruises and what little pride I have left got injured. Thanks Garret..."

"Hey, MBUA for life." Garrett chuckled, making an approximation of a gang sign, mockingly. It stood for 'Mixed Breed, unlike appearance", the code that was used when determining just what you were for census purposes.

Jordan managed a half laugh, but it died as he grit his teeth, the pain in his rips reminding him not to move too much. No, laughing right now was a bad idea. "Yeah, not like we have much of a choice. At least they accept you for what you are..." Jordan said, sighing softly.

"It's all bullshit anyway. You make it to the surface, nobody gives a damn. This kind of thing only happens in the facilities." Garrett pointed out. The panther-cross was lucky. His father worked as an ambassador to a few of the surface nations above, and Garrett was able to frequently visit the cities and countries above, each time bringing back stories and trinkets from the odd cultures 'topside'.

He'd always been a friend of Jordan's, as long as he'd been attending public schooling in the facility. Right from day one, the pair of them had been inseparable, and in a way, he was more than just a friend to Jordan... Not that he'd have let anyone else in on that fact though. That would have just been another thing to taunt him about, and he was already a freak. He didn't need to be a freak and a queer. It was enough that the feelings were mutual.

When he was sure nobody else was around the building, he placed a quick kiss on Jordan's cheek. "You've got to be more careful scale tail. I can't always be here to come to the rescue."

"I tried, but they followed me after my last class for the day..." Jordan huffed, collecting his backpack and belongings from where they had been knocked astray. Garrett guided him over to one of the looming pine trees, and they sat together on the rough hill beneath it. The Panther's arm wrapped around Jordan's shoulders comfortingly.

The school itself had been created in the likeness of many surface side education facilities, several buildings separated by nature strips of grass and trees, along with a few larger, pseudo 'outdoor' areas. All things told, the campus was about a square kilometer, and the chamber was at least 30 or more meters high, with an artificial sky and sun projected from the rooftop. They were all synched to the same time as the surface above, and in perfect sync with the other similar chambers on different levels of the facility, be they mock gardens, parks, or simply large meeting spaces like the plaza of the Sharao'Par.

"Tomorrow will be better. It's the weekend soon at least. Did you have plans?" Garrett tried to pick his friends mood up from the ground where it had dropped. Jordan just shook his head.

"Probably just hanging around at home. No reason to go anywhere really..."

"Want to maybe go hiking the trails at 5B?" Garrett suggested with a half shrug.

Recreation Environment 5B, as it was designated on the holomaps of the facility, was one of the larger underground enclosures, a 2 by 3 kilometer 'wildlands' park modeled after the rolling California hills in North America. Dirt paths and small lakes were main features, as well as fishing and trails for riding and hiking up and down the gradually sloping artificial hillside to the summit, where one could stand and admire what a fine job the simulation artists had done at making the 'horizon' look as realistic as possible.

They had even gone as far as to have species native to the region imported just for that authentic touch, and created an entire micro-ecosystem within the confines of a chamber a thousand feet under the surface. It was too dry and humid for much of Jordan's liking though, unless the park's own weather system had decided it was time to rain again...

"Maybe... You know how I am with being in public though." That much was a true and reasonable fear. It wasn't just the teenagers who shunned him after all.

"Oh, you'll be fine. Besides, I found a really neat little hideaway by a lake we can hang out at. Nobody else ever goes there. Besides... I wanted to try something with you, and this will probably be the only chance we get for a while."

Jordan arched one of his brows, looking at the panther curiously. "Like what exactly?"

"Trust me, you'll love it..."


True to his word, when Jordan passed through the security checkpoint and scanners at the main gate to Recreation Area 5B, it was quiet, and the artificial weather was agreeable to his more reptilian sensibilities. It was still early morning, so most of the people using the area would be either on the trails, or on the grassy field in the center of the park doing morning exercises before the holographic sun on the ceiling got to high up in the virtual sky.

Garrett was waiting for him, the panther wearing a simple set of track clothes. By his side, A fera Kyruku paced back and forth, shifting slightly in the harness around her chest. No leash was attached to it of course; Fera's weren't just dumb animals like the dogs and cats one found in homes on the surface.

Jordan was a little taken aback. Most of the time, the only Fera's he saw were working at the checkpoints or the main transit hub, but for the most part, they tended to keep to themselves, partly due to the language barrier between themselves at their anthropomorphic cousins who ran the whole show.

She had a coat of fine silver, separated to black socks on her paws, snout and tails by a thin red divider of fur. Easily up to Jordan's knees, and as smart as any adult in the facility was, The fera's blue eyes glinted with a sly sort of knowing as she watched him approach, barking once to alert her 'handler' to his approach.

"Ahhh! There you are! I was wondering if you had got lost. This is Mercia. She's part of my dad's security detail. Hope you don't mind, she wanted to get out for a while as well."

Jason watched as the quadruped vulpine almost pranced her way towards him, and raised one of her forepaws, as if to shake his hand. Entirely unsure of what to do in this sort of scenario, and having never personally been introduced to any of the Fera kind before, he went with his gut, and shook the female's paw. Evidently, this was the correct course of action, as her tails flickered, and her tongue lolled from her muzzle in a pleased expression before she trotted back over to Garrett.

It was still strange to think of them as sentient, but he knew full well from all the lessons and holotapes he'd seen on the subject that they were just as smart as he was, if not more... When one paid attention to the particulars of the way they behaved, it quickly became clear they were much smarter than they were letting on to anyone, even their designated 'handlers'. Just being so close to her sent strange feelings through him, like a certain sense of apprehension and unfamiliarity.

She sat obediently by Garrett's side and watched Jason intently, as if waiting for the boy to give some sort of indication that he was actually planning on coming with them.

"Well? You okay? If you're not up for a hike, we can always just swing by the metroplex hub and grab lunch." Garrett suggested, offering his friend an out if he wanted it. Jordan saw the offer for exactly what it was though, and shook his head, clearing it of whatever reservation he might have had.

"No, I'm good. Come on, let's go! I want to see this little hide you found..."

They set a brisk pace, Garrett's backpack laden with their packed lunches and water bottles. Mercia occasionally darted ahead, before she would race back to them at a dead sprint, practically running circles around the pair of teenagers.

"Hey, no need to show off now." Garrett childed the Fera, who simply barked back in response. When they stopped for a water break, he tossed her a bottle grinning as she tapped the end of the metal canteen with one paw.. The look that she gave him insulted his intelligence, character, and well being all at once, and screamed at him to open it before she opened him with her claws.

The secluded little spot that Garrett led Jason too was hidden away through a thicket of blackberry bushes about 5 minutes hike off the beaten, dusty paths. A small, grassy clearing sat between a covering of pine trees and buckbrush that obscured the view from outside. It would have been impossible to find without going out of your way to locate it. Above them in the canopy, there was just enough of an opening to allow the artificial sunlight to shine down into the secluded hideaway during the midday hours.

A small creek flowed between the trees and beneath the bushes, neatly bisecting the small clearing in two and filling it with the calming sound of running water. They emerged from the tangling and snagging bushes, and Jason let out a breathy sigh as he took it all in.

"Oh wow, you really weren't kidding. It's gorgeous here." He smiled, kneeling beside the stream and letting the almost icy cold water run between his scaled fingers. Turning, he flicked a stream of droplets at Garrett playfully, making the Panther-mix let out a mewl of utter distaste. "Psssh, and they say You're a Kyruku. That's the most feline reaction I've ever heard to water."

"I don't dislike water, okay, but that is cold, and I don't particularly want to get myself drenched in it." He frowned. Jason flicked him again, before darting out of the way of the Panther's lunge as Garrett grabbed for the collar of his shirt.

The pair went down in a tumbling pile of fur and tails beside the stream, laughing and batting at each other as Garrett went for the pin, pressing his lips hungrily against Jordans. "I win." Jordan just blushed, the scaly male looking back and forth for a few moments.

"Hey, where did Mercia get too?"

"She's not silly, she's a grown Fera. She can take care of herself without us. She probably just went to finish the trail." Garrett shrugged the thought off, tugging insistently at the scaled vulpine's trousers. He pulled them off in a haste, and promptly set himself to work lapping his tongue across the younger male's already erect length, peeking from a gap in his scales where a normal Kyruku's sheath would have been.

He nuzzled his soft, black fur around the tip of the bobbing, pink fleshly length before him, one paw freely stroking up and down the impressive girth of his friend; Perhaps one of the perks of Jordan's otherwise disgraceful dragon heritage. His taste filled the mixed breed panther's muzzle, a heady, rich male musk that filled his senses with the reptilian teen's arousal. Garrett's long, black tails flickered almost in sync with the bobbing of his head as he took more and more of his friend's length into his maw, trying to work quickly so as not to give anybody the chance to sneak up on them. Bad enough he was friendly with the Dragari at all, let alone savoring the feeling of having his prick hilted in his muzzle.

It was hard for Jordan to not just reach down and grab the multi-tailed panther's head and start thrusting like a feral animal. Already his growls and groans were starting to get noisy, and thick, syrupy precum was leaking from the broad tip of his length at an almost alarming rate. He knew he wouldn't last long- Couldn't last long against Garrett's textured and sinful tongue against his sensitive flesh.

Garrett knew how to spoil him though; Knew every little spot that would make the Dragari arch and moan and knead his claws into the ground underneath him... They'd done this before after all, just far too many times it never came to anything, either people almost stumbling upon them, or some other interruption stopping them just short of finishing. Garrett was determined to tast Jordan this time. He purred around the thick draconic length in his mouth, sending the vibrations rippling down to the base of his shaft.

He pulled his lips off of Jordan's prick with a satisfyingly wet 'smack', growling and panting for breath as he licked the male's precum from his lips, eyeing off the freely bobbing shaft with a glaze of lust across those golden feline eyes. "Mrrhmmm... Come on then, let's make this quick!"

Garrett moved with a purpose as he tugged his own trousers off, baring his black furred rump to the reptilian vulpine, who just looked on from his position on the grass, propping his head up on his paws. They'd never gone quite this far before, but-

"Are you sure? What if Mercia comes back?"

Garret just winked, turning so his back was to Jordan as he shuffled back until his rump was poised invitingly just above the Dragari's throbbing shaft. "So what if she does come back? Not like she can tell anybody... And besides, I've been wanting this from you all month..."

He groaned quietly when he felt the slick tip of Jordan's length press up beneath his tails base, rubbing and smearing the sticky preseed across his tight little sphincter teasingly.

"What about a condom? Lube, anyth-Ahhh~" Jordan gasped as Garrett grabbed his shaft and lowered his hips, pressing the first inch of his girth past the tight, virgin pucker that stretched to accommodate his well proportioned girth. Garrett grit his teeth, panting through his nose as he lowered himself down onto Jordan's shaft, impaling his rump. It stung, but at the same time, his own barbed feline length had jumped to attention in response, dribbling precum down his shaft. Bracing himself with one paw on his friend's chest, and the other wrapped around the base of his own prick, he began to ride.

Any protests about lack of protection or the risk of being discovered went out the window the moment Garrett started to rock himself upon Jordan's draconic shaft, preseed lubing the pseudo feline's insides up for the Dragari's upwards thrust that hilted the last of his ten inch shaft inside his best friend's no longer virgin rump. It was warm and tight, his body clenching and gripping him in ways he'd never experienced before.

Garret groaned as he felt his shapely rump pressed back against the scales of Jordan's chest, finally allowing him to let out the breath he had been holding, along with a quiet moan. " much... Ahh, you provide... plenty of lube though..." He grinned down over his shoulder, lifting and sinking his hips in a slow rhythm that Jordan matched with slow rolls of his hips, each hilting accompanied by a messy, wet smack of flesh on scales.

"Won't last long like this kitten..." Jordan warned, but it only seemed to encourage the panther more, his already virgin tight rump clenching around the base of the thick reptilian meat buried to the hilt in him.

"That was the whole point..." Garrett growled out, his tongue lolling from the corner of his lips as he panted, fucking himself silly on the Dragari's breeding spire. "You aren't supposed to last, that's... ahh... Why it's called a quickie... " He flexed his muscles around the thick shaft inside of his bowels, gyrating his hips down onto Jordan's teasingly. "Now be a good half breed mutt and fill me up you bastard!"

Normally, Jordan would have detested being called a half breed by anyone, but coming from the lips of his best friend as he rode himself to climax just made his chest tighten up, his internal testes churning with a thick, pent up load of seed... But so too did another, more specialized part of his unique anatomy, and it wanted its turn first...

Garreth could feel the knot swelling at the base of Jordan's shaft, the bulb of flesh quickly locking him to the impaling shaft, ensuring that he wasn't going anywhere until they were both well and truly spent. His own paw worked furiously on his shaft, stroking and sliding up his barbed feline prick.

His entire body tensed up as he stroked himself to a finish, his entire body tightening up as his bright red shaft sprayed generous ribbons of hybrid cum across Jordan's thighs and the grass between his leg, before he tilted it back and spent the last of his load across his chest, his body rhythmically clenching around that thick knot in his rear.

For Jordan though, it was all too much, but his climax didn't come like he had expected it to. His entire shaft felt like a rod of iron embedded in the furnace of the many-tailed felines rump, a quiet snarl of pleasure on his lips. Inside himself, he could feel his muscles rippling, a pressure deep in his core just wanting to be released. It felt... Odd, solid and...

He reached up, grabbing Garrets hips and holding him down as if on instinct, snapping his teeth together. "Garrett... I... Something's different..." He huffed out breathlessly as the pressure inside of him shifted, moving towards the base of his shaft. He couldn't have known before now after all. His body had never had a tight pressure around his knot, the warmth of another's insides to spur his relatively unused reproductive system into action. His body knew just what to do, even if Jason himself wasn't sure.

Still, the pressure brought with it a strong, almost primal desire for him to hold the pseudo-feline tied to him closer, the bite and snarl and to claim him, things the sexually inexperienced male hadn't felt before.

Garret gasped when Jason's teeth closed around his left shoulder, his tails flagging as his fur stood on end, but the way his partner was shifting made him groan as the thick shaft inside of him throbbed and pulsed, leaking copious amounts of thick, slimy precum into him. The knot in his rear made him ache in the most wonderful way, but at the same time... It felt... Odd, different to the other times he'd played with his scaled friend... Almost like it was moving?! "Ngghh... Jason what is tha..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence, as suddenly there was a firm pressure against his already tightly stretched sphincter, forcing the tight ring of the feline's rump to stretch as wide as the knot would allow, making him yowl out at the almost painful intrusion, as something firm and round attempted to force its way inside him.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Jason, stop! It's too much!"

"I.. Ngghh... I can't.... Just try and relax..." Jason panted breathlessly, as his body finally succeeded in pushing the soft-shelled egg past his partner's sphincter with an almost audible pop as it slipped inside, continuing up his shaft as a lewd bulge. Garrett squirmed and gasped as he felt the lump in his gut pushing into him, before it reached the tip of the Dragari's shaft, and slipped into him. It settled as a heavy weight below his stomach, making hism gasp as his tailstar was stretched taut again, another lump pressing up and forcing itself into him to join the first.

"Ahhh! Jordan, what are you... Oh god, are those eggs?!" He gasped, still shocked at what was happening to him. The second leathery orb settled into his bowels with the first egg. Slowly, Jordan propped himself up and pushed Garret forwards, until he was on his paws and knees, his face against the cool grass while the feline panted breathlessly, the unwitting recipient of the precious cargo, used like a breeding bitch properly... Not that it didn't send a perverse thrill through Garrett. His feline cock was still achingly hard.

When all five of the soft shelled eggs had been deposited within Garret's insides, a thick glob of cum flooded into him, quickly backing up against Jason's swollen knot and adding to the panther's slightly bloated gut and the entirely bloated feeling inside of him. His rump was firmly plugged, his bowels pumped full with the thick, creamy, gel like mess, to ensure nothing else escaped. Hi could feel the hard lumps in his gut when he ran his paw over the dark fur of his abs, groaning quietly as he did.

"Oh god... Jason, what did you do to me?... I ahh... I can't go anywhere like this..." He huffed exhaustedly, cum dripping out around the firm seal of the Dragari's knot lodged in his bowels, pooling between his legs as it dribbled down the fur of his thighs.

"I didn't... Didn't know.... That would... Are you okay?"

Garrett groaned, his paws rubbing over the visible bumps in his otherwise toned stomach, and he let out a quiet gasp as they shifted under his touch. "So full... I can feel them in me... Your eggs..." The feline seemed just a little out of it at the moment, his eyes shut as he rubbed his spent length idly, dripping the last of his own cum down onto the pool in the grass, adding his contribution to the puddle.

"Yeah...You can use a jacket and we'll work out what to do once we get back to your place..." Jason gasped, still feeling the aftershocks of his first breeding, a dominant growl working itself up in his chest.

A snapping branch nearby made both of the teenagers look up suddenly, watching as Mercia trotted into the clearly, the feral sitting herself down directly in front of them, her head tilted curiously, one eyebrow arched up almost quizzically as she gave a single bark, as if to tease the pair she had caught them in the act.

Garrett growled, pointing an accusing finger at Mercia, and the turned to jab it at Jason. "Not a word of this to anyone."
