Growing Up Wolf

Story by Tarantulady on SoFurry

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Robert sat on the circular rug in the center of his bedroom. The blinds were pulled, but the mild September breeze gently lifted aside the material every minute or so, allowing a brief ray of light to escape into the room. As the air breathed gently in and out of the room and the sun intermittently warmed his back, Robert examined himself with his paws. He did this inexpertly, allowing his fingers to feel their way around his cock shaft and balls in hapazard fashion. A delicious shiver of pleasure passed through him and down his outstretched legs as he gently squeezed the base of his penis. His white-tipped tail straightened momentarily and then curled back down on the rug as the intense feeling receded to a tickle and he continued to explore his private parts.

Robert was twelve - not exactly a puppy anymore, but far from being a man. He'd played with himself before, when he was falling asleep, but never with such interest. He marveled at how much his genitals had changed in the past few months. The weight of his balls on his paws was impressive. The length of his penis had finally grown to compliment its width and it was more proud looking, not the chubby little protrusion he had barely ever noticed in the mirror. He marveled, also, at the intensity of the pleasure this was causing him. His own paws on his penis... his balls. It felt so good. He leaned back slightly and dropped his muzzle, issuing forth a low moan as he held his member loosely and stroked up and down it with the smooth, short furred surface of his hand and the slightly textured paw pads between the fur. After a few dozen strokes, he applied slightly more pressure, tugging the slightly looser skin around the shaft up and down. His thumb began pushing the skin over the rim of his penis, stimulating the area just below the head. He opened his eyes and stared at his penis as thought it weren't his own, a look of awe on his slack lips and pleasure-confused features. He noted how much deeper and darker the pink head of his cock looked when it was fully engorged before leaning his head back and closing his eyes again. Robert's tongue lolled out from the side of his jaw almost comically.

Gradually, his pace quickened further, his free hand creeping down to caress his sensitive testicles as he stroked himself, gratefully drinking the feelings spreading throughout his genitals and into his body. He laid back all the way on the floor, his tail moving out of the way as he stretched his legs out further. His ears swivelled back and forth and he unconsciously furrowed his brow and frowned in concentration as the feelings began to build up to an unimaginably powerful pleasure like he had never experienced. His testicles began to draw up into his body and his cock first stiffened against his hand and then began to pulsate as he experienced his first orgasm. Robert opened his mouth as if to scream as a respectable amount of warm jizz shot out of his pulsing cock and landed on his abdomen and chest fur, but only a muffled groan came out. His penis continued to tingle and send slow, sleepy waves of pleasure through his belly. His breath, which he didn't realize he had been holding, came out in gasps at first and then began to even out. It had been mere seconds since his first orgasm and he was already beginning to think about his next one.

That was when the pain kicked in.


Myra was making a late lunch for herself and Robert when she heard his scream. It was a high pitched series of yips, followed by a longer scream that seemed to last an eternity as she dropped the knife full of peanut butter she had been holding and bolted through the kitchen door. Her heart pounded in her ears as she rushed toward Robbie's room, not thinking about what to expect, only knowing that there was pain in those cries. She threw open his door and beheld her puppy curled up nude on the rug, whimpering in pain and confusion.

But he wasn't really her puppy anymore. Her boy Robert was growing up and the thought registered in her mind even as she was crossing the room and gathering him into her arms, careful not to disturb his lower torso where he was still cradling his aching privates. She sat with his head in her lap as the tears ran down his furry cheeks, whispering quietly to him that it would be alright. He wasn't injured, he was going to be fine. He opened his eyes and she could see the abject terror in them as he gratefully accepted her comfort, the tremors of fear and pain dying down to a quiet shiver. She met his gaze and smiled reassuringly, being careful to appear oblivious to the fact that her son was naked and covered in his own semen. She rocked him carefully back and forth and calmly reassured him as she stroked his head fur and gathered her thoughts into words to explain to her boy what was happening to him.


Gary finished rinsing his head fur and shook his head furiously, sending a spray of water up to the ceiling of the shower, droplets flinging over the glass door and onto the bathroom rug. He grabbed the bottle of liquid soap and pumped too much out. The amber goo overflowed from his palm and plopped onto his foot before rinsing down the drain. He adjusted the water a bit cooler and grimaced as it became overly chilly for a second. The water warmed up again and he proceeded to lather his body fur, running his paws over his lean, slightly muscular teenage body in a brisk circular motion. His thoughts turned to his "sitter", Cheri. While Gary abhorred the fact that his parents still employed a sitter - He was already 14 for crap's sake - he didn't complain nearly as much as he would if it were anybody but Cheri. She was only a few years older than him, had been a kid herself when they had first started having her over to watch him when they went out for a weekend. So she was like his friend, too, but she still had authority over him which irked him, even though she never used it except occasionally when he wanted to do something completely brainless and destructive... guy stuff.

Still, she never lorded it over him, merely became concerned and told him why she thought it may not be such a good idea to, say, burn a pile of leaves and paper in the backyard. She talked him out of things sometimes, but he didn't much mind. She was always friendly about it. She was pretty, too. Her fur was golden, brown and white instead of shades of grey like his. She used to be taller than him, but that had changed during the past year. Lots of things had changed. He used to view Cheri as his older buddy (although he would never admit that to any of his friends, except maybe Robert), which he still sort of did, but...

But what? Well, he wasn't sure. He noticed things about Cheri more, lately. Like how she smelled. She smelled different from the guys he hung out with all the time. Something undefinable yet pleasant. She was still familiar to him, but also seemed somewhat exotic. His parents, no doubt, would say he had a crush on her if they knew but it wasn't that... Was it? She could just imagine her mom, "Our little Gary's growing up" and he grimaced in embarassment and disgust.

His thoughts turned back to Cheri. She was out in the living room now, watching tv while he took his shower for the night. His parents wouldn't be back until late but when he thought about it he still didn't understand why she had to be there. She was only a few years older and he was pretty sure she didn't have a sitter. Come to think of it, it seemed like only his guy friends ever had a sitter. Well, girls were supposed to mature faster or some stupid junk. Also, girls probably never thought to set things on fire. They probably just sat around and played with makeup. Cheri didn't wear any makeup, though. She probably didn't need any because she was so pretty.

Gary looked down as he realized he had been "washing" his penis for a little longer than necessary. His eyes were fixated on his fingers as they carefully traced up and down its length. A shivering tingle ran up his spine as he teased and gently massaged his stiff dick. He'd messed with it before, but this felt a little more... serious. He spread his legs a little and braced his other hand against the shower doorframe. He could feel his pulse in his cock as he gently kneaded the flesh, his mind wandering and then stopping on the image of his babysitter's face. He imagined her coming in the door and finding him there, stroking his member as the water flattened his fur. His eyes wandered nervously to the door but he knew she would never bust in on him in the shower. Still, he thought about what might happen. She probably wouldn't laugh. Cheri wasn't like that. Maybe she would be impressed by how big it was. Maybe she would even come and help.

His fingers spread against the shower door, his knuckles tensing beneath the fur, as he fantasized about Cheri touching him. He could see her kneeling in front of his dick, looking right at it up close. She would take her fingers and stroke him up and down the sensitive shaft while he watched. She would run her paw carefully over the even more sensitive head. Maybe she would even lick it a little.

At that thought, the young wolf made a fist around his penis, stroking up and down it a bit more quickly. He twisted his wrist from side to side a bit and moaned at the new sensation. His slender hips leaned forward and he mouthed the word, "Cheri", silently again and again as the stroking became more insistent. He was gradually building towards climax and his knees nearly buckled from the pleasure, but he kept his hand braced against the sliding door. He thought about his agonizingly horny dick resting on the length of her long pink tongue and suddenly he was spurting cum all the way to the shower wall. He moaned deliciously as he pumped his seed again and again through the coarsing water. He'd never felt anything so great in his life and it was all he could do to keep somewhat quiet as his penis finished twitching through the powerful orgasm.

He relaxed and looked down at his slightly aching penis. It stayed stiff and ready as the water rinsed the rest of his mess, and the soap off of him. Some of his cum was still on the shower wall where the water didn't hit. He reached up and flipped some water onto it with his hand, rinsing it down the drain. He'd seen a porno once where this guy had jerked off and shot sperm everywhere. The video had honestly disturbed him a bit for some reason. It looked sort of nasty, but this was great. Well, except for the aching in his penis which was now spreading into his balls. He began to feel slightly concerned as the ache rose toward pain. Had he done it wrong? Had he hurt himself?

Panic began to take over as the ache actually did become a pain. It started in the head and the base of his penis and then seemed to meet somewhere in the middle over and over again. His balls were drawn up tight against his body and he realized they were hurting a bit too. His penis hurt more than a bit at this point, and he looked around confusedly, as if the answer to his discomfort could be found somewhere in the blue-trimmed white tiles or the slightly distorting glass of the door. He slid the door open a little too roughly and banged it against the wall noisily. Whimpering a little more loudly, he stepped out of the shower onto the rug and stared dumbly down at his aching parts. What the hell was happening? Would it pass? What should he do?

He started across the large bathroom for his towel and his paw pad slipped outward on the rug. He stomped his foot down and caught his balance in time, but the sudden jerking movement made his still-engorged penis bop up and down. The pain was horrible, and before he knew it he had let out a screaming yowl and slapped his cupped paws over his genitals. This caused another flare of pain and he cried out miserably and fell down on the tile, crying. He knew he should be quiet or Cheri was going to hear over the tv but the pain was excrutiating and unexpected and he realized he was also experiencing a desperate and deep sort of emotional vulnerability that had appeared out of the blue - just like this pain. What was this??

He tried desperately to just lie still until it subsided, but tears were streaming from his eyes and he was aware he was still whimpering. Suddenly, he heard the bathroom door open and realized that Cheri had heard him flailing around and whimpering like a baby after all. His cheeks and ears reddened as he looked up from where he lie naked on his side, covering himself, and saw Cheri standing there looking concerned. He expected her to say something like, "Did you fall?" or "Are you okay?" but he was completely shocked when she knelt down next to him and touched his cheek and smiled at him sadly. "Does it hurt badly?" she asked. He nodded and then began to whimper and sob loudly and shamefully. "Shh. It's ok.", she soothed, as she stroked his warm cheek and forehead. And that made him cry even more for some reason.


Robert glanced at the muted television nervously as he chewed his lip and held the phone receiver to his head. The phone rang five times and he was beginning to feel relieved nobody was going to pick up, when someone did. "Hello?", his best friend's voice came through the receiver. "Gary? Hey what's up?", he tried to sound nonchalant but his voice sounded loud and forced in his own ears. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Uhh.. you know how we have school tomorrow?", he asked lamely. "Yeah" Gary answered after a pause. Robert cleared his throat again, nervously, "Uh... I don't need a ride. I'm not gonna be going there." He was expecting a slew of questions or something, but instead Gary answered, "Me neither." There was a long uncomfortable silence and then Robert realized that Gary was also unusually quiet and reserved tonight.

"I uh... I found out that I'm going to start high school tomorrow instead.", he said. "What?", replied Gary with a bit more enthusiasm, "Me too!" "Really?" "Yeah, seriously dude! We can ride the bus together!" "Oh... great!" The silence resumed when they both realized what they were admitting to eachother. "So... who uh was, um, there?" asked Gary. "My Mom" said Robert. "Oh. Yeah. Ok. Yeah." Gary stupidly repeated. After another embarassed silence, Robert asked the same question. "It... was Cheri", Gary mumbled. "Your sitter?" "Yeah." Robert was about to say something about how lucky he was that it wasn't his Mom, but then he thought better of it. Having his hot sitter walk in on him after THAT was probably just as bad if not even worse than having it be his own mother. He realized then that was the only reason boys probably had sitters by their age and his face felt hot. That was the whole point? Holy crap, how humiliating. It was like everyone was in on it!

"Dude, this sucks. I mean it's so unfair." Robert complained. "Yeah, tell me about it", Gary snorted. "Well at least we both uh... at least you know uhhh...." "Yeah, man. See you tomorrow morning." "Yeah. See ya." Robert put the phone back on it's cradle and unmuted the tv but he wasn't really paying any attention to whatever was on.


Gary couldn't go to high school tomorrow. He just didn't have enough time to get used to the idea. This whole thing had been dropped on him so freaking suddenly. He thought again of what had happened Friday night. How humiliating it had been, to lie on his bathroom floor bawling like a puppy and letting Cheri discover him, butt naked, with his dick in his paws.

He covered his eyes with his palm and winced with shame. Cheri had held him until the pain had mostly subsided and then she had stood there with him while he had dried off and followed him as he slunk into his bedroom to get dressed. He didn't know why she had to follow him and it was weird to get dressed with her there, but he was also grateful to have her there for some reason. His emotions were all fucked up and he couldn't seem to think right.

They had both sat on the edge of his bed after he was dressed, and he had felt deflated and traumatized as she sat next to him and kept one arm around his shoulders, as if he were just a puppy. He had FELT like a puppy, too! He didn't say anything. He didn't even know what to say or do.

Cheri had pulled out her cell phone and called his Mom while he stared at his hands in his lap and sagged against her arm. "Mrs. Jonathan? Hey, it's Cheri. Oh, yeah everything's fine. Gary just... he ended up needing some comforting tonight. Yes, he was pretty upset but he's calmed down. No, no. I have it totally under control. You don't have to come home early. I just wanted to know if I should explain things to him. Ok... Alright. Alright. Great. Yeah. I'll tell him. Thanks!", she had finished brightly. She flipped the phone closed as she took her arm away and turned to face him.

"Gary? How ya feelin'?", Cheri asked him. Gary shrugged and didn't look up. "Does it still hurt a lot?", she asked attentively. "No.", he muttered. "Does it still hurt at all?" He moved his head in a barely perceptible nod and tried not to let the tears that were still forming spill over and humiliate him further. "Feeling kind of... emotional, too?" A rogue tear slipped past his defenses and spilled on his lap as he stared straight ahead and swallowed repeatedly. "That's okay, Gary. That's part of it, and it happens to all males. It's not just you and there's no shame in it." She was barely older than him and here she was, explaining some sort of weird birds and bees thing to him that everyone apparently had left out in previous discussions. He felt sick. He also felt emotional, just like she'd said. Part of him wanted to storm out of the room and slam the door, but that was only the rational part of him trying to save face. Besides, the best he could probably do is wuss out and start bawling again, so he just sat there and let her talk to him in her calm, soothing tones.

"Would you like me to explain what's going on to you? If you don't feel like listening right now, I understand. We can just sit here quietly if you like and I won't say anything. It's up to you." He looked down at his paws and flexed and unflexed his fingers to avoid meeting her gaze as she put her hand on his leg and waited for his answer. "How about if I just talk and you tell me to shut up if you get sick of hearing my voice. Sound good?" The young wolf nodded, relieved that he didn't have to speak.

"Okay. Well, you know all of that stuff that they taught you in sex ed?" Gary nodded and sighed. He was still in some physical discomfort and vaguely anxious as well. "All of that stuff is true, but there's a part that they don't teach the boys until, well, now..." The young wolf's ears unflattened a bit as he listened intently, trying to understand what she was getting at. "You see, the reason the girls and boys are taught that stuff separately, aside from the obvious one, is that girls are taught how to handle these... situations. This happens to every male when he first starts having orgasms. The emotional part has to do with hormones and the physical pain is, well... I'll explain why that happens in a minute."

Cheri paused. "Do you need anything? Are you comfortable?" Gary shrugged, "I'm fine" he practically whispered. "Okay, Sweetie. Just let me know if you need anything. Where was I? Oh yeah. Orgasms." Gary shied at the word.

"When a male wolf gets further into puberty and things start really developing, they start to get urges. There's nothing wrong with having them, and there's nothing wrong with doing what you did, either. In fact, it's completely necessary and unavoidable. The pain can be very difficult to handle alone, as can the feelings of fear and vulnerability. That's where us females come in. While you guys are taking your version of sex ed, we're learning about how to recognize... signs that this is going to happen. The signs can be pretty tricky but the easiest one to recognize is by far the scent. I was pretty sure it would happen to you this month, as were your parents, but I knew for sure it was tonight when I first came over."

"It's also explained to us exactly what you're going through so that we can sympathize with you and try to comfort you when it does happen. What you're going through is obviously not easy, and your parents understand completely what you are coping with, as do I. Well, basically all the females are here for you whenever that happens."

"It's going to happen again?!", Gary whined incredulously. Cheri patted his leg and nodded understandingly. "It will... but it's not forever and it gets easier as you grow up. Like I said, everyone understands and you don't have to go through it all by yourself. Gary shivered at the thought that all those others knew about this, the girls were preparing for this since at least a couple of years ago... "I just won't do it.", he said angrily. "Gary, you have to. Every male goes through it-" "No!", he interrupted, "I mean I just won't... touch it again. If I'd known I wouldn't have done it in the first place!", he glared at her accusingly. "If you know this is gonna happen, why the hell do you let us... do that? Why don't you frigging warn us! That hurts like hell!"

"I know it does, Gare. I really do. But even if you did know it was going to happen, you would do what you did anyway. And you'll do it again. It's, well, your nature. It's what males do. You'll probably need to do it pretty often at first, actually. There's no point in torturing yourself by trying to force yourself not to do it." Gary looked at her like she was insane. "Torture myself? What do you call what just happened? I just tortured my own freaking dick and I didn't even know what I was doing!" He felt himself shaking a little from the anger and the downright bewilderment of it all. "All I mean is that it's better if you just do it when you need to do it and accept it so you can live with as little stress as possible. There's no point worrying about something you can't avoid. That's why nobody warns you guys. If you knew, you'd be freaking out about it all the time. It's just too disruptive for young boys to be watching older boys in school, suffering like that." Gary looked at her, clearly frightened. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put it that way. Well, I guess you get what I mean, though, right? Also, there's the smell. When a lot of males get together who are at this age, the hormones and the scent can set off much younger males earlier. They don't notice the scent... it seems to only register with females, but it still affects them. It wouldn't be fair to make them go through this earlier when they're very young and can't handle it."

Gary sat in silence, partially because he was so angry about this whole... betrayal! But partially because he was shocked... and nervous about when it would happen again. "Isn't there anything I can do?", he pleaded. "I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. But I'll help you as much as I can. Your mother will, too." His mother?! He shuddered involuntarily just thinking about it. 'I'll just do it alone', he thought. 'If I have to do it, I'll do it when nobody is around to see me freak out.' As if reading his mind, Cheri spoke up. "You'll probably try and do it alone, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's a difficult time for you, physically and emotionally, and you should really try to take any comfort you can. It won't kill you to do it alone, but..." She shook her head. "I just don't think it would make it any easier for you to do that."

Cheri looked at her watch, "It's been nearly two hours. How do you feel?" Gary shrugged, "Fine I guess." She nodded, "Good, that seems about right." He looked at her, biting his lip. "Ask me anything you want, Gare. We're friends, right? I'm here for you." "Is it always going to last that long?", he asked. "It'll vary, but not usually. At least, it can take longer at first, but then it generally gets shorter. I would say about twenty minutes or so on average, but it depends on the individual. Anything else?"

"Why does it hurt?" Cheri looked at him for a moment, as if trying to find the right words. "Well, what most people believe is that it's a sort of evolutionary thing. Back in the Stone Age, it would have made plenty of sense for that to happen. Survival of the fittest, and all that." She looked at the younger wolf and saw that he didn't follow. "Let me put it this way. Before all the civilized species became truly... civilized, it was very important that the strongest males were the ones to pass down their dna. A male that could deal with that sort of pain in order to spread his seed would also probably be better at hunting and everything. He would be a better protector for his pack and his offspring would be more likely to be strong as well. At least, that's what people believe to be the case. It's also very likely that the fact that the males had to depend so heavily on the females on an emotional level when they were feeling so confused and unstable probably helped to keep the packs closely knit. It also caused the males to be very protective of the females. Males seeking out females just to mate is how many of the feral animals keep their numbers up, but more evolved animals like wolves survived by banding together and learning things from eachother. What better way could nature have come up with to prevent the hormonal males from wandering?"

"I could think of about a million different ways. It's not freaking fair." Gary complained. "No. It's not. I know this is hard for you to find out like this, but I'm glad you didn't have to be alone and I hope I've helped you out at least a little bit?" He nodded without looking at her. "Oh, also, you get to go to the high school on Monday." Gary flattened his ears against his skull again. "Well, it'll be much easier than going back to middle school would be. You'll be in an environment where everyone knows what you are going through and you don't have to worry about explaining yourself to anyone. You'll be able to get help when you need it. I'll be there, too! I mean, we won't have the same classes since you'll be a freshman, but I'll give you my schedule and if you need me you'll know where to find me."

Cheri rubbed his thigh and smiled at him gently as he took it all in. Everyone would know? Was that supposed to be a good thing? What if he had to do it more often than the other guys? What if he couldn't do it and his hormones built up and drove him insane? He felt horrible but he was grateful for Cheri. If she hadn't explained this to him, he'd already be insane. At least the pain was gone. His mind was whirling with conflicting emotions and rapidly switching trains of thought. What the hell was he going to tell his friend Robert about switching schools in the middle of the first marking period? It was Friday night... that wasn't much time before he had to go suffer the humiliations of being in a school where everyone knew. Of course, he wouldn't be the only one. Would it be humiliating then? Would he be miserable? Would he get used to the pain? Why did this have to happen now? Why couldn't it have happened over the summer when he'd have time to deal with it? Would the out of control emotionally exposed feelings make him cry in class like a wuss?

He looked at Cheri as she continued to sit patiently while he tried to sort it all out. Cheri was so kind to him. So understanding. She was so pretty. His mind went back to the fantasy he'd been having in the shower, about Cheri's hands and tongue. He felt ashamed and... Oh, no. A high whine issued from his throat, which he quickly cut off when he realized he was making the sound. Cheri raised an eyebrow at first, but then she seemed to have understood. She didn't make any move to leave or say anything to him. She probably didn't know what to say.

Neither did he. What was there to say? What if she knew what he'd been thinking? He tried to push it out of his mind. He tried to think about something gross. Something completely foul and utterly repugnant. Then he glanced at her and he felt his penis swelling up, tenting his pajama pants. Oh, no no no. Not this soon. Not again. He was exhausted. He'd gone through nearly two hours of that hell and he wasn't going to do it again. He realized his teeth were clenched tightly and his lip was curling back and he was staring at Cheri. She didn't seem perturbed, only sympathetic. She probably didn't even know she had caused it. Had she? She hadn't put the perverted thoughts into his mind, after all. It wasn't her fault that she was beautiful and friendly. Her tongue would feel so nice lapping at him. NO! God, what the hell was he doing? She was sitting right here, trying to be a friend to him, and he was being a total perv. Her delicate silky paws stroking his balls. GAH!

Gary looked down at the raging hard on that poked conspicuously up under his pajama pants and the tears came back. He felt frustrated now, not vulnerable and weak. That part would come later... And that thought did make him feel weak. And scared. The tears began to fall.

Cheri wanted to comfort him, to let him know it was okay and guide him as best she could. She could see that he was clearly confused and frightened. He was torturing himself with questions. It was awful that it had to happen again so quickly, but not shocking. She wondered if her presence had had anything to do with that fact, but it didn't make a difference now. She was here to explain things to him and make sure Gary wasn't alone, and he had clearly needed it. Besides, if the handsome young wolf found her attractive, she was flattered. Watching him flounder like this was sad, but she wasn't about to order him around and tell him what to do. She'd already put her own two cents in about forcing himself to hold back. She hoped he wouldn't ask her to leave, but if he did she would wait outside the door in case he called for her when it became unbearable. The poor guy. He was already a couple of inches taller than her, but right now he seemed so little.

The young wolf's fists were clenched into balls at his sides, and his lip was curling in a silent snarl of frustration. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut as he sat silently next to her, willing it to go away. She knew it would not. He stood up and looked down at the floor, as if trying to decide where to go. He was facing away from her and his tail hung limply. He was absolutely miserable.

"Gary?", Cheri's voice was mellow and amiable. "Y-yeah?" he nearly sobbed. "Do you want me to leave the room or turn away? Whatever you want me to do is fine. He wanted her to lick him. Oh NO! His member pulsed against the restraining fabric. He wasn't in control of his thoughts. He felt stupid and childish and also aroused, despite himself. He didn't know what the hell to say. He didn't want this to be happening. He tried to force it not to but the need was so strong. He felt like if he didn't make himself orgasm, he would probably just keep having sexual thoughts until he went in his freaking pants anyway. It was hard to even move without having the urge to thrust his hips. He'd gotten up but now he couldn't even really walk away. Not without looking even more like a moron.

He turned around awkwardly and faced the bed, but kept his gaze averted. He didn't want her to leave. He was afraid of doing this and he was afraid of the pain. It was so much worse knowing it was going to happen instead of having it sprung on him. He understood why it was kept a secret. Still, he felt deceived.

He wanted her to stay. He didn't want her watching him playing with himself. He was afraid he would cry while he was doing it and wouldn't that be creepy. He wanted to put his head in her lap and let her comfort him through it, but he felt too dumb to ask. "Whatever makes you comfortable. If you want, I'll hold your hand." His cock leapt at the mention of it, and he whined against his teeth. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to decide how to do this, because he knew then that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from doing it soon. "I...I want to put my... my head... in your luh-lap", he croaked. His ears blushed as the words were forced from his throat, but when he looked up she was still smiling kindly. "I think that's a good idea. Of course you can." He stood still a moment longer, as she moved toward the head of the bed to make room for him.

Taking a deep breath, Gary slowly trudged back to the bed, where Cheri smiled at him expectantly. He'd stopped crying but that probably wasn't going to last long. He tried not to look too embarassed as he removed his pajama pants again. She had already seen him naked, after all. Of course, he hadn't had a huge erection by the time he'd stood up to towel off. After a moment's hesitation, he took off his shirt, too. He didn't know where he was going to shoot when he did. His breathing was quick and harsh as he timidly climbed onto the bed and lay on his back, his head on Cheri's lap. He looked up at her and was grateful to see she wasn't staring at his penis. She stroked his hair and hummed a soft song as she looked out the window. He knew she was going out of her way not to embarrass him and he appreciated it. He continued to look at her shining golden fur as it sparkled, backlit by the moonlight that streamed in through the cracks in the venetian blinds.

Trembling with nervousness and anticipation, he reached down for his member. His toes curled involuntarily at the first contact with his paw. He grasped the base of it, trying to ignore the fact that he couldn't freaking believe he was lying in his bed doing this with his head in his babysitter- his friend's lap. Gulping against the rising lump of fear in his throat, he began to tentatively stroke himself. It felt different doing it dry. More sensitive than it had sitting in the shower. Was it because he knew what was going to happen, or because he had already done it only a couple of hours ago?

Cheri hummed quietly as she waited for Gary to begin. She watched his reflection in the bottom of the window. She had mixed emotions. Pity, exhilaration, and maternal feelings of protection as well. After a few minutes' pause, he grabbed his penis and began slowly pulling the skin up and down the shaft, stopping well below the head. If he had asked her to stroke him with her own paw, she would have easily obliged. In fact, she believed he wanted to ask, but was too afraid. She considered offering but she didn't want to make it any more upsetting for him than it had to be.

She watched his darkened reflection as he stroked himself slowly. She could see the top of the back of his head, his head fur still ruffled from showering, his ears flattened back. She could feel him trembling as he worked and she felt another pang of pity. This was so difficult for him. He was sniffling a bit now and she knew he was weeping. His pace picked up slightly and the sniffles were quickly replaced by low groans. His free hand wandered down to cup his testicles as he jerked himself off. She chanced a peek at his face and saw the extreme concentration there, and was glad to know that at least he could get pleasure out of this part of it. He seemed to forget about the inevitable pain for a few moments as his stroking became more insistent.

She watched him unguardedly now. She knew he wasn't worried about that anymore. Still, she was more than a little surprised when he said her name. "Cheri", he murmured, his paw sliding up and finally touching the lower portion of the head of his cock. She knew better than to answer, and just continued gently petting his head fur. He probably didn't know he had even said it aloud. He certainly hadn't meant to. "Cheri", he gasped again, as his legs pointed out rigid and straight and his hips pushed up to meet his paw on the final stroke. He mouthed her name again, silently, as the semen exploded from his cock, straight up into the air, and then landed in splashes on his belly.

This time, Gary didn't even have a moment to catch his breath before the pain set in. It hit him instantly and massively in his penis, testicles, and groin. He rolled onto his side and buried his face against Cheri's stomach, crying loudly as he pulled his legs up into a fetal position. He reached one paw around her back and gripped her desperately as she rocked him and petted him and talked him through the pain. He felt the same all-consuming emotional rawness. The same helplessness as he had before. There was no way he could handle this on his own. Never. He was grateful even as he screamed and cried against her shirt. The humilation wasn't anything compared to the physical pain and the agonizing exposed anxiety his hormones were subjecting him to. He wept bitterly and thought about nothing else but the waves of pain radiating from his most sensitive area.


It had lasted only a tiny bit more than an hour this time, but it was still pure hell.

When it was over, he lie still in Cheri's lap, weakened by the ordeal. The tremors gradually abated when he began to realize the pain had stopped and wasn't returning. His fur, which had been standing on end down his spine, began to flatten naturally back into shape. His tail still hung limply, though. He thought about getting up, dressing himself. He was still pondering that when he fell asleep.

Cheri stopped stroking Gary's hair and gently lifted his head, sliding his pillow beneath it. He was knocked out cold. She thought about attempting to put his pants on him, but thought better of it. Let him rest. She sat back down next to him on the bed; stroked his smooth back fur gently as he sighed and twitched his paws in his slumber, his fingers and toes flexing and unflexing. She felt such affection toward the young wolf. He was such a sweet guy and he'd been through so much. Her natural instinct was to protect him through this anguish, and she felt satisfied that she had done a decent job. She wouldn't have to hang out and watch tv at his family's house anymore. She could just give him her cell number and make sure she was available when his mother was going to be away for a bit. She only lived down the block.

Still, she enjoyed the time they spent together and she knew she'd be around anyway, although she would no longer be his sitter. They were friends, after all.

He obviously felt a little awkward about it, particularly after what had just taken place, but she knew that he enjoyed her company as well. Cheri felt pleased that she could be here for the "event". His mother would no doubt be concerned and disappointed that she couldn't comfort her son his first time, yet she trusted Cheri and knew that she could handle it. She would never, of course, tell Gary that she was happy that she got to be the one there. It would totally humiliate him. He embarrassed very easily even before this had happened. She felt sorry for him, because she could tell it would be especially difficult because of his nature. He wasn't shy or introverted, but his entire, "I don't care" attitude was just a front for the sensitive, slightly self-conscious wolf that he actually was.

Her reverie was interrupted by the sound of a car rolling up the gravel driveway, followed by the slam of two car doors and then the key in the lock. Gary's folks were home. Cheri carefully extracted herself from the bed, creeping quietly out the door and closing it gently behind her. She met Gary's parents in the living room. "Hi Cheri.", Mrs. Jonathan greeted her. "Hey, Patty. Hey Ralph. Did you guys have fun?", Cheri asked as she flopped down on a reclining chair. Gary's father took a seat on the couch across from her as his mother went into the kitchen. A moment later, Patty stuck her head back out of the room, "Would you guys like anything from the kitchen?" "A bottle of water would be good, thanks.", said Cheri. Ralph smiled up at his wife and shook his head. She retreated back into the kitchen and Ralph turned to Cheri.

"How is he?", he asked. "Well, he's pretty worn out. The first one lasted about two hours." Gary's dad raised his eyebrows in surprise, "He did it twice?" She nodded, and then he was beaming, obviously proud of his son. He leaned forward again, the smile being replaced by a look of concern, "How bad was the second one?" She shook her head at him, "Really awful. It lasted only one hour or so but he was just so miserable. He was very quiet for most of the second time, but you could really tell he was suffering. He's asleep now, in his room." He nodded seriously and sat quietly for a moment as his wife returned with a couple bottles of water and a bowl of plain tortillas. Patty sat down next to her husband on the couch.

"He did it twice.", Ralph announced. "Seriously?", she asked, glancing up at Cheri with a bemused look on her face. Cheri nodded again, and she was smiling a bit herself. There was no malice in it. They all felt sympathy for him, but it was pretty impressive for the first time. Of course, after that it would probably happen at least once or twice a day, possibly more some days. "How long did it last?" "Two hours, and then one hour." "Sheesh, the poor kid." They nodded unanimously.

Cheri went over the details with Gary's parents and then they made some small talk for a while. Ralph retired to bed and the two ladies chatted for another half hour. It was getting late, so Cheri stood up to say her goodbyes. "Oh, did you hear? His friend Robert just had his this morning.", she added. "Oh, thank goodness. It'll make going to school so much easier for him. Does Gary know?" Cheri shook her head. "No, I didn't think we should tell him. It would just make him more upset that everyone is talking about it." Patty nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right on that one. I'll make sure to remind him to call Robert at some point to let him know that he will be switching schools. Let the boys find out for themselves, in private. I'm sure they both already feel like it's being broadcast across town. Well, I'll let you go, sweetheart. Thank you so much for being there for him, Cheri. You're such a good friend to Gary." They hugged briefly and Cheri took her leave.

Patty closed the door and watched Cheri walk down the street to her own home. She was so grateful that Cheri could be there for Gary. She thought he would probably be more comfortable with Cheri there, anyway, and although she'd been there to help many males - her own husband included, she didn't know if she could be calm and reassuring enough to explain everything to Gary when it first happened to him. He was, after all, her only puppy. She couldn't stand to see him afraid and in pain. She would just have to get used to it now, though. Patty sighed and hugged herself as she turned from the door and walked lightly down the carpeted hall to her son's room.

She peeked into the bedroom. The lights were still on and the young wolf was still nude and sleeping, as Cheri had left him. She went into the room to shut off his desk lamp. His pajama pants were balled up on the floor next to his t-shirt. She draped the pants over the back of the computer chair and folded the shirt and placed it on his desk, so he would have them handy when he woke up. He shuddered and rolled partially over on the bed, flinging his arm over his eyes. "Gary?", she asked quietly. "Mph... hmm wha?" he muttered sleepily. "Honey, it's Mommy. How do you feel?" There was a long silence, and she was sure he had fallen back asleep but then he rolled so that he was facing her on the bed and moved his arm to uncover one eye. He peered up at her uncertainly, and she was struck by how young and helpless he sometimes seemed. She couldn't believe how much he had grown. "Hi, Gary. How are you feeling?", she repeated. His one uncovered eye looked down at the bed for a moment and then back up at her. He shrugged a little and then blinked rapidly before squeezing his eyes tightly shut and she realized he was trying not to cry.

"Oh, Gary." she said, walking over to the bed and sitting down next to him. She stroked his back and waited patiently while he tried to get himself under control. "It's not fair", he finally whined. "I know it's not.", she answered. "Your Dad went through it too. I helped him when he needed it and now he's fine. You're going to be ok. We're here for you, and Cheri is here for you, too." Gary shook his partially hidden head adamantly, "Everyone is acting like it's not a big deal. It is a big deal. I can't stop myself and it hu- hurts." he whined again and the let out a brief, hiccuping sob. "Of course it's a big deal, Gary. And I know. I know it hurts, sweetie and it's not forever, I swear. It's just that everyone is trying to be calm about it because it will make it easier for you if you're calm. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I guess. But... I'm going crazy. This screws up everything. It's like some kind of nightmare. And everybody knows about it. I don't... I don't know what to do!", the last word was another sob and Patty's heart broke for her son. She had known this was coming, but it didn't make it any easier for her to witness his pain and confusion. "All you have to do is try to remain as calm as you can. Keep doing the things you enjoy doing, keep up with your schoolwork, and don't obsess over when it's going to happen again. And when it does happen, let someone know. There's nothing to be ashamed of. I know that's hard to hear, but all of the females at your school, your teachers and I... We understand and we're here to help. You're gonna get through this in one piece."

Gary continued to weep for a while. When his tears were spent again, he looked up at his mother. "What am I going to tell Robert?" She smiled gently at her son. "Don't worry about that right now. Don't forget to call him sometime between now and Sunday night to let him know that you won't be riding with him to school on Monday, ok?" Gary covered his face with his pillow and groaned, "I hate this. I can't believe it. I hate my life." He started crying again.

Patty grabbed a blanket off the foot of the bed and gently unfolded it and draped it on him, carefully avoiding brushing against his genitals and starting it all over again. "Do you have any questions about any of this?", she asked. "No, Cheri already-", he stopped talking, obviously embarrassed. "It's okay, Gary. Do you want me to stay?" He shook his head no. "Alright. I'm right down the hall if you need me. Dad and I love you, Honey. You're gonna be fine." She patted him on one of the paws that was still clutching the pillow over his face and then turned to leave. She hit the light switch on the way out, but left the door cracked open and the bathroom light on in case it happened to him in his sleep. She didn't want him to wake up that way in the dark.


Monday morning was slightly breezy for a September day, but that wasn't why Robert was trembling. He was incredibly nervous about starting at the high school. It wasn't the kind of exhilarating butterflies that he normally experienced on his first day of school. This was bordering on panic. The thought of walking in and being the new kid, and everyone knowing the reason he was switching schools... what had happened to him... what was happening... He couldn't bear the thought of it anymore. On one hand, he was glad that Gary was going to be there with him. He'd been totally shocked when he had talked to his friend last night. Shocked and embarrassed, both for himself and Gary. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if he wanted Gary to see him struggle with himself like that.

He'd had one other "incident" on Sunday morning. He'd woken up with the mother of all hardons. Peeing had been a total bitch. He'd tried so hard not to give in. He'd spent two hours sitting in his bed, paws clamped together on his lap, staring at the tv and feeling frustrated and sick, telling himself that it wasn't a problem, he didn't have to do it, and knowing that he was only drawing out his own suffering. In the end he'd actually gone and sought out his mother. He was totally humiliated but he was afraid of going through the out of control fear that accompanied the other symptoms alone and he didn't want to end up screaming for her to come running after he'd already done it.

She'd been in the living room, reading a magazine when he had come shuffling out of his room, a massive erection threatening to rip through his shorts. He was shaking so hard from the need to relieve himself that his voice was quivering as he tried to calmly alert her of the situation. "Mom?" She had looked up from her article on the new fall fashions and understanding had immediately come to her features. He could tell she was trying to sound as calm as possible, so that he wouldn't panic. "Hey, Rob. How are you today?", she asked in a quietly cheerful tone. "Oh, uh, good..." He tried to stare down at his feet, but quickly turned his gaze away from the conspicuous bulge in his pants. Damn, this was so messed up. He didn't even know what to say and he was going crazy with the need to take care of the problem. He began to stammer. "Mom, listen I'm gonna uh go and um do uh..." He'd shifted uncomfortably as his throbbing bulge caused the material in his shorts to be pulled too far forward, making the hole where his tail came out to pull to one side.

"Sure, Robert. Where are you going to do that?", she rescued him from having to finish his sentence and he glanced at her with gratitude in his misty eyes. "Well, I thought uh maybe my um room?" She stood up and walked over, placing her hand on his shoulder. He was still shaking all over, and he twitched nervously at her touch. She pretended not to notice. His mom was being completely cool about this, which really was helping, even though he was still dying from humiliation, fear, and the most intense need he'd ever experienced in his young teenage life. He felt like if this went on for one more minute, he was going to just whip it out and start yanking it right in the middle of the house like some kind of out-of-control creep. The thought scared him and made him hang his head in shame.

"Should I come in there with you or do you need me to wait outside the door? I don't mind coming in there with you, Rob. I know this is completely new to you and it's very difficult at first. Whatever seems like a good idea to you.", she said. "I - I don't know. I ohh...", he groaned as a cramp of need radiated through his entire pelvic area. This couldn't get more embarrassing. "Rob, should I come in with you?" He nodded and whined as he felt cool air on the front of his thin shorts. He looked down and saw that a wet spot had formed where the head of his penis pressed against the fabric and he hoped his mom didn't notice it. If she did, she didn't let it show. "Okay, Hon. Let's go to your room." They climbed the short stairs to the landing his bedroom was on and it was agony for him to even walk at all by that point. He'd gone into the room and crawled on top of the bed. He sat, shaking, not moving and his mother sat down next to him. "It's okay. This is completely natural and I know you're uncomfortable about it. I figure maybe I can sit over on the chair and face the wall. Would that be good?" He nodded vigorously, trying hard not to move around until she wasn't looking anymore.

He watched as his mother sat down and folded her paws in her lap. This whole thing felt so surreal, and he was scared out of his mind. At least his mother was here for him but he was so ashamed of himself as he began to undress. He couldn't suppress a gasping moan as he removed his shorts and his engorged member brushed the smooth fabric. The head of it was slick with precum and he couldn't help but glance over at the back of his mother's head, hoping that she couldn't smell it. He was tense with urgency as he lay back on the bed, placing his paws on his genitals, one on his balls and the other at the base of his penis. He thought of how bad it was going to hurt and he didn't want to do it, but then he was rubbing himself anyway. He couldn't control himself any longer. Tears welled in his grey eyes as he gripped himself lightly and tried not to make too much noise while he gently pumped himself toward climax. It didn't take long at all, as he had held it in for much too long. Before he knew it, he was moaning under his breath and his unfocused stare was directed at the ceiling as he unwittingly humped up into his own paw. The sensations were overwhelmingly pleasant and he was able to lose himself in the feelings just before he groaned loudly and his cock spurted several times, each arcing shot landing closer and closer to his muzzle. He continued to hold his throbbing penis in his paw after the orgasm died down and there was only a pleasurable, low, wavy sensation left over.

Pain suddenly shot through his penis and he let out a sharp yelp and pulled his paw away as thought it had been shocked or burned. He yelped again as another sharp pain traveled simultaneously out through his penis and testicles. His mom was already coming across the room with a towel, quickly wiping at his chest and then pulling her chair up to the bed so she could be near him. He yelped a third time, very loudly and the sound of his own screeching voice frightened him badly. He realized his mother was holding one of his paws and he was squeezing it tightly as he frantically yipped, babbled and cried. He couldn't even feel embarrassed right now. The pain and the nervousness were too much to handle, and he just wanted his mom there. And she was there but it didn't even feel like enough. He wanted to run. He wanted to escape but it was all he could do to just lie there, squeeze his mother's hand, and listen to his own frightening sounds as the pain washed over him in waves and then hit him like lightening, causing him to cry out in shock and dismay.

His mother was licking his face, just like when he was a puppy and he wouldn't calm down, and he didn't mind one bit. He needed all of the reassurance that he could get. It hurt too bad and the anxiety was far too much to bear, but he tried to stay focused on the feeling of his mother's tongue. Her familiar breath and the faint smell of her perfume...

"Hey, man.", Gary slapped a paw on his back and he jumped, startled from his vivid flashback. They both chuckled nervously and stood lamely, wagging their tails as if everything was okay when they knew it definitely wasn't. Neither could meet the other's gaze. Robert realized he could smell the faintest scent of semen on his friend and his heart went out to him when he realized that he must have had to go through one of those things this morning and then probably rushed his ass out the door to get to the bus stop on time. "You nervous?", Robert asked. "No.", Gary answered. "Oh", said Robert. "Of course I'm nervous, dork. I'm freaking shitting a brick!", Gary responded. They both shared a forced laugh at that. The bus pulled up and both boys climbed slowly up the stairs and walked down the aisle like condemned prisoners.




Hi Yiffstar! Just wanted to let everyone know that I do plan to continue this story. I have it all planned out, but just don't feel like typing any more of it for a while. If I force it, it just pisses me off (Everything pisses me off - I'm a cat). Anyway thanks for reading, and I hope your penis is afraid!