The Price

Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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#5 of Grant and Grace

What would you do to live as your fursona in real life? Would you allow your new mind and body to be controlled by an evil, reality-warping dog? Neither would Noah, but that's what happens to him...

The greatest weekend of Noah Torrence's life is nearly at an end. His first furry convention could not have been more enjoyable. Before the convention began he was lucky enough to find three friendly and personable furs to room with for the weekend. Noah had arranged to meet with his internet friend and favorite artist Tim "NachtFelis" Duggin. The pair got along extremely well in person and they spent the weekend visiting panels and dining together. However the most exciting aspect of the convention for Noah has been the opportunity to wear his fursuit in public. Amongst like-minded furries Noah was finally able to wear the costume of his rat fursona: Russel. He had spent many long months compiling the materials and crafting the fursuit on his own. Between attending classes, working part-time, and crafting the fur suit it has been an arduous year for Noah. The Russel suit is his pride and joy and he has relished the chance to show it off.

However, the conventions is nearly over. Presently Noah, in his Russel suit, walks with Tim, in street clothes, toward the hotel elevators. It is mid-morning. Noah and Tim joined Noah's roommates for a game of Cards Against Humanity the night before. Noah would be the first in his room to depart and he wanted to spend the final night with all of the roommates present. Noah awoke early in order to walk around in his suit as much as possible before having to leave for his flight. He and Tim spent the morning meeting other furs and admiring artwork. It was a rush for Noah to meet in person many of the characters he had only previously known online. Though unfortunately the number of convention goers decreases by the hour, much to Noah's dismay.

"Man, I do not want to have to go to work tomorrow." Noah mentions in a muffled voice from behind Russel's grinning face.

"I know, I know." Tim replies "Too bad you can't call in like: "Hey boss, can't come in today. I've been at a furry convention all weekend and I'm exhausted. Sorry." Tim replies

"Haha. That would do wonders for my reputation, I'm sure." Noah says grinning.

The pair stroll through the posh mall adjoining the hotel which is hosting the convention. Children tug on the arms of parents and point at the dozens of anthropomorphic animals that prowl the halls. Noah waves and makes a show.

"Alright man. This is where we part ways." Tim announces. They stand at an intersection with one path leading into the hotel and the other leading deeper into the mall. Noah uses his Russel paws to lift the fursuit mask from his head and say goodbye face to face. His black hair is a tangled mess.

"Alright Tim. Hey it was great to meet you in person. I had a lot of fun." Noah says earnestly.

"Yeah! Me too! We'll have to try to get together sometime. It'll be tough to plan, but we'll figure something out." Tim says.

"We'll figure something out." Noah mimics. He extends his arm and shakes hands with Tim while meeting his gaze. "Bye Tim. See you online."

"See ya. Have a safe flight!" Tim shouts as Noah begins to walk away.

"Thanks!" Noah replies, waving a hand above his head.

Sorry to leave his new friend and sorry to leave the convention in general Noah saunters into the hotel lobby. He carries the Russel head under his arm. The lobby is less saturated with furries than the mall had been. Noah receives no shortage of questioning stares from the non-convention affiliated hotel patrons. He has learned to ignore them.

Noah arrives in the elevator hallway. After pressing the 'Up' button on the nearest console he sighs deeply. The melancholy of the convention's conclusion combined with the fact that Noah will have to return to school and work the next day form a crushing blow. There are a smattering of other furries in the hallway. An elderly couple who were waiting for the elevator in front of which Noah now stands shuffle off angrily. Noah scoffs. He takes his carefully designed and meticulously crafted costume head in his hands. The face is handsomely proportioned. The fur flows just right, Noah thinks, and the details are perfect. The teeth are sturdy and the eyes expressive. Another longing sigh shortly follows.

"Man." Noah mumbles quietly to himself "I wish I could be you all the time."

Frowning Noah shoves the head back under his arm. He glances casually down the hallways as he waits for the elevator to arrive when suddenly his gaze is arrested. He has trouble comprehending what he presently sees. At the end of the hallways is a certain furry. That he is a furry is unremarkable in the present setting, however the way it moves is impossible. Fursuits are necessarily bulky because they must fit over a person and are naturally covered in fur. The dog Noah is currently ogling however is about the size of a person. As it passes beneath the fluorescent lights Noah can see what appears to be muscle moving beneath its outer covering. Noah completely ignores the dinging of the open elevator beside him. The doors shut leaving Noah in stunned silence. The dog, a white bull terrier, wears only purple slacks and a sash around its waist. The way he walks! It is digitigrade and walks accordingly. Noah strains to imagine how one might fit human feet inside such realistic paws. He unsettled when he decides that there is no possible way one could. The dog walks directly toward Noah with a grin on its maw. Light reflects off of its wholly black eyes. Noah recoils in shock as the person stops before him.

"Woah! Ho-hooly crap man that is an amazing costume." Noah breathlessly exclaims.

"Thanks. I... made it myself." The dog says using its mouth, teeth, and moving tongue. He winks. Noah, shocked beyond belief, falls back against the elevator doors. The dog, using its four-fingered hands, clicks the elevator button.

"Wait! How. How are you doing that?!" Noah shouts pointing at the bull terrier's face. He makes a toothy grin in response. The elevator doors open yet again and the dog walks inside. Its claws clacking on the floor.

"Follow me." He says in his velvety voice.

Noah freezes. He looks frantically around the elevator lobby to see if anyone else noticed the surpassingly realistic anthropomorphic dog who just walked by. He turns to the elevator in which the dog stands with his arms crossed.

"Come on, it's going to leave." He says.

Noah's face contorts as he attempts to wrap his mind around this character. He is simultaneously frightening and intriguing. Ultimately Noah's intrigue trumps his fear and he gingerly steps inside the elevator beside the bull terrier. As shocking as the canine thing is Noah desperately wants to confirm his rapidly forming suspicions. Noah stands with his back to the wall as he continues to stare at the dog. The elevator doors shut and they begin to rise.

"Noah it's impolite to stare." The dog states simply, closing its eyes.

Noah fails to countenance the fact that the dog knows his name. He is still marveling at the way its mouth moves when it talks. Its chest rises and falls as it breathes.

"Yyyyou're real aren't you?" Noah asks. "This is real?" He maintains a white-knuckle grip on the railing against the wall.

"Am I really an anthropomorphic dog? Yes. Is this real? Yes." The dog bluntly explains. "My name is Grant. I heard your wish."

Noah's heart skips a beat. He does not understand how or why his current situation is possible, but he can't bring himself to question it. A surge of excitement and energy flows throughout his body.

"You're? Haha." Noah begins to laugh. Softly at first, but with mounting enthusiasm. "HAHAA! Oh my god! NO WAY!" He shouts now, causing Grant to wince. "You are real. Ohhh god."

Grant who tries to remain stoic lets slip a chuckle. "I am the real deal."

Noah leans against the elevator wall panting. His heart races along with the thoughts in his head. Grant should not exist, but Noah is overjoyed that he does. A real anthro, standing directly in front of him. Living and breathing.

"Wait you heard my... wish?" Noah asks. The elevator arrives at Noah's floor. Grant had pushed the correct button and is presently leaving the elevator. Noah hurriedly follows him.

"That's right." Grant says, looking Noah in the eyes. Noah averts his eyes momentarily from the two soulless black spheres. "It's your lucky day my friend. I happen to grant wishes. Like a genie."

Noah shakes his head and follows Grant who has begun walking in the direction of his room.

"Oh, oh really?" Noah asks. "Well hell, if you exist in the first place then why not?"

"Haha, exactly." Grant laughs. "So did you mean that wish you made? Do you want to be Russel all the time?" Grant walks directly toward Noah's room and stands beside the door. Noah's eyes widen in excitement.

"Noooooo way. You can do that?" Noah asks, freezing in place.

"Noah I can do anything." Grant says while lifting his hand. With his index finger pointing a sudden snap is heard. Noah's door, now unlocked, slowly swings open. Grant raises his eyebrows before motioning for Noah to come inside the room.

Noah in his incredulousness and excitement bolts inside the room followed by Grant. Noah tosses the Russel head on his bed and faces his visitor. In spite of Grant's generally spooky demeanor Russel has no desire to let the first and only anthropomorphic animal in existence out of his sight. He watches Grant to see what will happen next.

Grant sashays into the large hotel room; looking about with vague disinterest. He finds the comfy one person seat in the corner of the room and plops into it. He sits with legs crossed and steepled fingers.

"So. Did you mean it?" He asks.

"Do I want to be Russel for real?" Noah asks.

"Yes." Grant replies.

"Oh god umm." Noah pauses for thought, but finds he is far too excited to thinks things through carefully. He tries to consider his job, his social life, and the implications of being an anthropomorphic animal in general. But the thought that repeatedly flutters through his mind is 'When will I ever get this chance again?' His eyes wander to the grinning mask of his fursona sitting on the bed. The exhilaration of being in the same room as an actual anthro strikes Noah once again and he has decided. "Yes. I do."

A toothless grin steals its way across Grant's maw slowly before disappearing altogether.

"Ok, lets do it. Take your clothes off." Grant says quickly while rising to his paws.

"Wow, uh ok." Noah says awkwardly. With Grant eyeing him from the corner of the room Noah carefully removes the Russel suit and piles it in the closet he had claimed. He stands in the undershirt and gym shorts he had been wearing under the suit. Rubbing is elbow Noah awaits his next instruction.

"Noah, don't be shy. Underwear too." Grant adds.

Noah grimaces and slowly removes his undershirt, shorts, and finally underwear. He attempts to cover his privates while looking expectantly at Grant.

"Cute..." The dog says, continuing to stare and grin in a most unsettling way. "Ok here we go. Ready?!"

"Yeah, lets do it." Noah says. Wanting to assume his new form as soon as possible.

"Bam!" Grant says sharply. He begins to float above the floor. A swirling halo of translucent blackness swirls behind his back. The dog points a black claw at Noah who begins to feel the changes almost at once.

A strange numbness pervades his body. The first parts of his body to transform are his feet. The change is not great. He remains plantigrade though his toenails shift and form claws. The skin of his feet tightens and grows calloused. Noah watches the changes and is amazed that he isn't in pain. The numbness protects him so that he only feels a shifting pressure. He is free to enjoy the transformation.

Halfway up his calves Noah begins to grow brown fur which then spreads up his legs. He gains a bit of weight around his thighs and butt, but this is in keeping with the rat's body shape. He runs a hand over the fur and is electrified by the sensation. The very real fur is his own. There is a loud cracking as Noah's waist adjusts. He is thankful he removed his clothes when a bare tail extends from the bottom of his spine. This part of the transformation feels particularly strange. The new appendage grows and grows until the tip of it reaches the carpet.

"I love this part." Grant whispers.

Noah's hands which had been covering his privates, are pushed outward. He blushes furiously as he learns that his penis is changing as well. It assumes a more pointed shape, a redder color, and a significantly larger size. His general excitement at the transformation inadvertently causes the cock to stand stiff and erect. Grant sucks the claw of his thumb as he plainly enjoys Noah's attempts to cover his enlarging cock.

At his stomach Noah gains another bit of girth giving him a thick, barreled chest. He hunches over as his vertebrae lengthen and change shape. He imagines this would be extremely painful if he could feel it fully. His chest changes simultaneously with the tide of brown fur now covering his skin. He runs his still-human hands over his fuzzy chest, barely able to withhold his excitement. 'I can't believe this is really happening!' he thinks.

With a rattle of snaps and cracks Noah's shoulder's and collarbones rearrange. He rolls his shoulders a few times as they too are coated in fur. The transformation enhances Noah's musculature slightly; his arms and legs now show visible striations and cleavage. He watches as the fur travels down his arm stopping finally at his wrists. His hands, like his feet, do not change radically. He sprouts hand claws and the hands themselves grow tough and attain curvatures subtly unhuman. Noah beams. He flexes his rat-like fingers and looks down on his furry lower half. He looks up at Grant who, still floating, smiles down on Noah.

Finally Noah's head transforms. His neck first extends a bit, roughly altering his point of view. Then his mandible cracks and falls loose before his upper jaw and head itself follow suit. A substantial pressure is felt as Noah's head narrows. With a *fwip-fwip* his human ears are replaced by the cute, rounded ears of a rat. His face creaks and groans as his muzzle is formed. Seen, but not felt, it extends and is covered with fur. Naoh is soon looking down a broad muzzle at his soft pink nose. His teeth take the dentition of a rat. With two big incisors which nearly peak out from under his lip and with molars and premolars in the rear for chewing. He couldn't know what happens to his eyes, but his eyesight momentarily stutters before focusing again and feeling to Noah sharper than it had been previously. His muscles throb into their final sizes and finish the transformation off. Grant lowers himself to the ground.

As his numbness subsides Noah brings his clawed hands to his muzzle and feels it. He gently prods and pinches to affirm that what he is seeing is not imaginary. As his newly enhanced senses reappear Noah is increasingly certain that he is not hallucinating. He can hear the soft padding of Grant's paws on the carpet. He can smell traces of the popcorn that had been eaten in the room two days prior. A balmy breeze from the window rustles Noah's fur and his eyes well. 'There's no way.' He thinks. His heart aflutter. He runs to Grant and throws his arms around him.

"Oh my god Grant this is amazing!" He shouts. Grant looks down and runs his fingers through Noah's unchanged black hair.

"You like it?" Grant asks.

"Y-yes! I can't believe this is happening. It's like I'm really him, you know. I--I don't know what to say. Thank you." Noah gushes. The sight of his muzzle a constant treat. He holds Grant close.

"-DOMINUS-" Grant says in a voice seemingly disjointed from his mouth. The sound radiates from Grant and hits Noah like a wave. He stands up and releases Grant. The word rings in his ears. Dominus.

"Dom--minus. What does? Huh..." Noah asks. He suddenly has trouble putting words together. He looks at Grant confusedly with the word only now departing his awareness. "Whyyyyy do I..?"

"Nothing is free Noah." Grant begins. "I gave you what you wanted. Now you have to give me what I want. That's how this works." The dog licks his chops and rubs his hands together as he eyes Noah.

Noah struggles to form a response. "But I can't thinkkk." He sways in place.

"No you can't. I just uttered your control word. And until I say the release word you will do anything I ask." Grant explains. And with a gleaming in his horrible black eyes he adds "Anything."

"Hnn? Nooo! Not fffaiir." Noah manages to say with extreme difficulty. His mind is nearly blank. It requires all of his effort to remain standing.

"No. I guess it's not, rat." Grant says feigning introspection. "I guess when one transcend the laws of physics like I do one tends to transcend the rules of fairness as well. Haha. How are you feeling?"

Noah is completely detached from everything around him. His new rat body acts on its own. "Good." He says flatly.

"Very good Russel!" Grant says in a babying tone. "Come to Grant. I want to test my control."

Noah, wanting only to follow Grant's every word shambles toward him. "Yes, Master." Noah reaches Grant's side and immediately leans into him. Caressing his torso and clinging to his shoulders. "What can I do for you?" He adds. Speaking always in a monotone voice. Grant lifts an arm over his head exposing his armpit.

"Sniff it, rat." He says flatly while pointing into the smelly crevice beneath his arm.

'No!' Noah thinks 'No way!' He manages to ignore Grant's influence and cause his body to freeze in place.

"I said sniff it..." Grant says sternly.

"Yyyes master." Noah says before burrowing his delicate nose into Grant's armpit. He sniffs frantically and wildly. The sweat sticks to his nose and the odor seems to invade his brain. Rank and heady. His rational side is disgusted, but his controlled side is ecstatic.

"How does it smell?" Grant asks.

"Mmph. So good master." Noah responds.

"That's right." Grant replies, shoving the clammy pit onto Noah's nose. "You are a filthy rat Russel."

"Yes master. Filthy." Naoh responds between deep sniffs.

"Mmm. Alright, that's enough. Stand up straight I have a present for you." Grant orders. Noah removes his face from the dog's armpit and stands straight. He is angry, and excited to find that due to his sweat the smell of Grant's body odor follows his sensitive nose. It's all he can smell. His face maintains a dumb and blank expression.

Grant puts one arm behind his back and when it comes back into view he is holding a collar. It is gaudy and spiked. It bears the name 'Russel.'

"Here you go rat. Whether I am controlling you or not you'll always remember that you are my property." Grant intones.

Noah grins and happily snatches the collar from the dog's hands. When he slides it over his head the leather band magically tightens to the appropriate size. His nametag jangles. He pounces onto Grant, hugging him again. Though this time not of his own will.

"Thank you master!" He cries as he nuzzles his face into Grant's shoulder.

"You're welcome Russel." Grant says sweetly. "Anything for my rat bitch. Man, you are excited huh?" Grant says referencing Noah's dick which is wholly erect and smearing pre cum on his pants.

"You smell so good master. I can't help it." Noah replies.

"That what I like to see." Grant grinds his thigh against the rat's engorged cock causing the latter to shudder with obscene delight. "Go lean against the bed."

"Yes sir." Noah exclaims. He releases Grant and hurries to the side of the bed and crouches beside it with his segmented tail waving in the air. He looks around the room without focus. He can hear cloth falling to the floor.

"You like taking it in the ass right Russel?" Grant asks as he fusses with his sash.

"Yes! The bigger the better." Noah replies, internally dreading what is to come.

"Good. I'll make it a little bigger for you then." Grant says. When the dog is unclothed he stands behind Noah and leans over his back. Noah feels the tickling of Grant's dick against the fur on his butt. Grant bites Noah's ear gently, but firmly, and growls. "Nrrrg, your fur is so soft." He runs his claws yearningly down Noah's torso. Noah's back arches in pleasure and anticipation. "Alright, here it comes."

Grant plants a hand on Noah's back as he slowly presses his cock into the rat's anus. Though well lubricated, his dick is huge, and must be slowly inserted. Roughly the girth of a cucumber and about as long Grant's dick slowly disappears into Noah's ass. The rat squirms underneath the dog and gently shoves onto Grant's dick. He yearns it, in spite of himself. Feeling the tightness of his servant's hole Grant digs his claws into the small of Noah's back.

"Mmmn, master soo big." Noah inarticulately groans. The rat's tail twitches with every throb of Grant's rod.

"You haven't felt anything yet." Grant answers. Having passed its widest point Grant shoves into Noah faster. Finally Noah accepts the final inches of Grant's cock. Feeling impossibly full and thoroughly pleased to be serving his 'master' he groans. Grant remains inert for a moment, allowing Noah to relish the sensation of being invaded and tightly packed.

Grant begins to hump. Slowly at first. He pulls out a few inches and then presses deeply back into Noah. As the rat's hole grows accustomed to the strain Grant picks up his pace. With his claws dug into Noah's thighs he removes nearly the full length of his enlarged dick before plowing into his partner's well lubricated hole.

"Ngg. Fug me master." Noah groans with his claws tearing into the bedsheets. His long tongue hangs out the side of his muzzle. With every hump the pair strain the bedframe.

Putting his impossible endurance to task Grant plows Noah for nearly an hour continuously. The rat drools onto the bed and revels in the ceaseless pleasurable fullness of Grant's rod.

"You still smell that BO bitch?" Grant asks between bestial growls.

"Mhm! Soo sexy." Noah responds. Indeed the clammy and rank smell of Grant's armpit overpowers all competing smells. The rat can barely take any more pleasure. He worries he might collapse. Though his subdued rational side begs for a release.

"I'm glad." Grand replies. His golf-ball sized testicles begin to twitch. At length he finally approaches climax. With renewed vigor he adjusts his stance to penetrate Noah more deeply. He pulls Noah into his thrusts roughly. Grunting and groping. The rat allows himself to be pulled. He squeals with perfect timing in order to tease Grant along. When Grant is ready he holds firmly onto Noah's ass cheeks. The rat wanting to be a good servant pushes into Grant's groin as the dog blows his load.

"Grrraaahh. Hahhh." Grant moans. His cum rapidly fills Noah's rectum and begins to overflow onto the carpet.

"Too much Master. Nooo" Noah moans playfully.

"Oh yeah. Take it all you dirty rat slut." Grant growls, biting down on Noah's ear again.

After nearly a minute of nonstop climax Grant collapses onto Noah's furry back. Noah smiles. Proud to be of service, and happy to be close to his master.

"That was incredible Russel. This is the beginning of a great relationship." Grant whispers. He begins sliding his slick dick from the rat's ass.

"I agree sir." Noah says into the bed's comforter. He squirms along to help Grant free. The dog, once able, stands above Noah. He admires the rat's chunky trunk and furless hands and feet. He had never had a rat before, but he could begin to see the appeal. Noah stands and awaits instruction.

"-LIBERTAS-" Grant says In the same dislocated voice as before. Another ripple of unseen potency phases through Noah. The rat achingly slowly resumes control of his faculties. He waves his hands to ensure he has control over them again. He becomes truly aware of how sore his butt is. When his mind is fully returned to normal functioning his wheels around and glares at Grant who has magicked himself clean and his clothes back on.

"You are a monster." Noah says solemnly, pointing at the grinning dog. A venomous grimace plastered on his face. Grant shrugs in reply. "Oh, oh god." Noah rushes to the bathroom with his hands over his nostrils. The smell of Grant's BO wafts. He locks the door, realizing that the act is futile, and starts the shower.

"You get freshened up Russel. Listen I have to take off. Always more wishes to grant." Grant yells from the bedroom.

"My name's not... damnit. Good, get the hell out of here." Noah yells over the sound of the water.

"Yikes. Wash that mouth out while you're in there. I'll pop in on you from time to time to have fun with you again OK?" Grant asks rhetorically. Noah, who is panicking and furiously cleaning himself understands firsthand that Grant will do whatever he wants regardless of his wishes. "Have you thought about what you'll tell you parents, or your friends, or the police about your new look? And, oh, isn't your flight in--" Grant asks.

"Fuck! Would you just get out? Please?!" Noah shouts. He hasn't considered the gravity of his situation and is in no condition to do so with his tormentor waiting directly outside the door.

"Alright babe... Until next time." Grant whispers. His voice stealing silently into Noah's brain from everywhere at once. The rat lays spent and exhausted against the wall of the hotel shower wishing his shame and fear could escape down the drain as well. When he is suitably clean he steps from the shower and towels himself off. His black hair hangs over one eye. When he sees his rat reflection in the mirror his heart leaps. The impossible fact that he has attained this form does delight him, in spite of its implications. Hope begins to appear where there was none moments before. 'Maybe I can beat him.' He thinks. 'Bastard.' He grins with his two big teeth jutting at the front of his muzzle. Feeling a minimum of confidence in his new goal Noah shuts off the bathroom light before emerging in the bedroom proper.

"I have to get out of here."