Vacation in Quinn.

Story by Conri_Whelan on SoFurry

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_Another story staring Steven, as he takes a not so great vacation.

This story is intended for mature audiences, view at your own risk_

"Excuse me, sir, can you help me?" I tried to get the attention of the fox walking past me, but just like everyone else the past 3 hours, he ignored me. I've been lost in this damn city, and it was the wrong one to get lost in. This was supposed to be a great vacation, but it turned into a gigantic nightmare extremely fast.

First, my bags get lost during the flight, so all I had on me when I landed was my passport, my wallet, and the clothes on my back. Then, when I finally found a hotel, and tried to check in, I couldn't find my damn wallet, so I decided to walk the streets and try to get a kind stranger to help me.

"Does anyone speak English!" I yelled, the light was fading, I was getting frustrated, and I refuse the spend the night, outside, in a foreign city.

"Calm yourself, kitty." My ears perked at the voice behind me, and he was about to get a telling off. I'm a clouded leopard, damn it, not some common feline.

I turned around to the source of the voice, he was some species of lizard, red scales, slightly shorter than my 6'1".

"I'll let the kitty remark slide," I growled out, crossing my arms in front of my chest, "if you can be of any help to me."

"Of course I could, depending on what I can help with." He said with a sly grin on his face. Was something strange going on? Probably, but at this point, I couldn't care less.

"Well, I'm supposed to be here on vacation, but my bags got lost on the flight, and I can't find my wallet, so at this point, anything would be helpful."

"I know just the way to help, kitty. Why don't you come to my place, you can call the airlines from there, and I'll let you stay for a little bit until you get everything situated."

If I had any other choice, I would have already punched this guy, and walked away, but alas, I had no other options.

"The name is Steven, by the way, and thanks for the offer." I stuck my paw towards him to shake, and he readily did the same.

"It's nice to meet you, Steven, my name is Quinn." He said, as we grasped paws in a firm handshake.

15 minutes of walking later, we reached, what I assumed to be, an apartment complex. Quinn, ahead of me, opened the main door, which lead to a lobby, and ushered me in.

Something was bothering me about this man helping me. The lizard seemed to have a permanent sly grin on his face, and a slight bounce in his step. His mannerisms were slightly awkward, and he kept eying me up when he thought I wasn't looking or paying attention. But, he was helping me when I needed it most, so I looked past it.

He lead me to the elevator, and hit his floor button once we were both inside. The ride up ended quickly, and we exited. Reaching door number 302, he pulled a set of keys out of his jeans pocket, and unlocked it.

"You must be exhausted and famished." Quinn said, in which I replied in a nod. "Why don't you take a nap on the couch, and I'll fix you a quick bite to eat. Feel free to make yourself at home."

"Thank you for helping me, today. I won't impede for too long, I'll make a call home in the morning."

"It's no problem, trust me." Quinn said, as he walked me into his living room and down to the couch. It was an average place, I observed, just a typical bachelor's pad. I laid down and tried to take even a short nap, but I just couldn't. So I laid there, with my eyes closed, my mind racing over the events of the day, and what I was going to do about it come morning time.

"Steven." I heard the lizard say, so I opened my eyes and sat up. Quinn set down a bowl on the coffee table, filled with some sort of soup. "It's a family recipe, fills ya up and helps calm the mind. I thought you could use it."

"You have no idea, thanks." I said with a smile, and dug into the bowl. I had to admit, it was pretty damn good. I could almost feel the tension leaving my body, it was great.

Once I had finished off the bowl of soup, I just wanted to lay back down on the couch, but I was too tired to move. That soup must have had some hidden muscle relaxant in it, not that I care, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

"You're pretty tired, aren't you, kitty?" I heard Quinn ask me, I just nodded my head. "Let's get you comfortable, then." He laid me back down on the couch, "Let's get you out of those stuffy clothes, eh?" The lizard asked. It sounded like a great idea, who likes sleeping in clothes, anyways?

He helped me out of my shirt and pants, I usually go commando, and today was no different. "Time to get tucked in" Quinn said, he was sitting at my feet, still smiling, he never stops.

Quinn started massaging my feet, "You see, kitty, I'm glad I found you today. Do you want to know why?" I looked at him with half closed eyes and tilted my head in curiosity. "You see," he continued, "I'm not normal, I don't eat the same way everyone else does. My favorite meal, are furs, just like yourself. It's been a week since I last ate, I'm starving, and what better than a lost tourist?"

My eyes widened in shock for just a moment, it was too taxing to keep them open. "It's time, Steven."

He brought my feet up to his mouth, licking my paw pads, until he decided he played around enough. Shoving both my foot paws into his mouth, I heard a faint pop, must have been his jaw dislocating. I could feel the warmth surrounding my ankles, and I tried to move in the slightest, but my body wasn't responding to commands.

He was on all fours in a short times, my knees at his lips, I could see the bulge I was making in his throat as my feet went down. He kept gulping, halfway up my thighs by now. He grabbed my tail and wrapped it around my waist.

I wanted to cry, what a shit way to go. I could only hope, that by some act of god, I would make it through this, but my hope slowly dwindled as I felt his throat constricting around my entire lower body, his mouth was creeping up my stomach. He grabbed both my arms and pinned them to my sides as he continued to swallow me down.

Up to my chest and biceps, now, and all I could do was mentally say all my goodbyes, hoped I wouldn't be missed too much. I looked into his eyes one more time as he reached my neck, encasing my entire body within him, my lower body already starting to curl up into his stomach. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate as I felt the lizards warm breath move across my face.

The wet warmth finally worked it way completely around my head, and I heard another popping as Quinn closed his mouth. My upper body was squeezed down the throat, it felt like a great massage, and I might as well enjoy it. I was finally deposited fully into his stomach, forced into the fetal position, and passed out due to lack of air. The lizards gut was huge, my body bulging his stomach immensely, as he laid back, his stomach slowly breaking down his meal. "Good kitty." He licked his lips and fell asleep.

I liked some parts, and I'm not happy with others, but overall, it works. Hope you enjoyed reading!