The Promise of Fire

Story by Diavora on SoFurry

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Bus sped past my stop that day and left me and four other people late without anything to do but take buses home and find other means of transportation or be late. I thought about how nice it would be to be able to set people on fire with my mind.

I think everyone has had thoughts like that.

I'm a bit of a pyro, though, so I have them a touch more frequently than I think is normal. Might throw into scraps later or edit, not fond of the last stanza overmuch.

Warmth running through my veins,

siren song of flame.

It seeks for me to give it the reigns,

as if it could be trusted to remain tame.

Anger, joy, and righteous pleasure,

wonder too, in equal measure.

Burning tracks into my brain,

the ever-present call of fire.

Harder than ever to restrain

the urge to submit to dark desire.