Dragon's kitty meat

Story by HELLCat Cudo on SoFurry

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Lygger: So, here we are. The first chapter of our story... What should they know?

Maria: That the dragon is very well endowed....

Maria: and that he got that from his daddy

Lygger: LMAO! Good point. I forgot that they wouldn't know. I guess that having personal experience is making me forgetful...

Maria: Really! How shameless!! Well, introduce our "underdog" erm...cat in our story!

Lygger: I am not an "underdog"! Just because he... Oops.... Almost gave away a part of the story...

Maria: Yeah!! Tell it like it is!! WHO YOUR DADDY?!?!

Lygger: Shut up!!! He isn't going to be happy if we tell about the story.... You don't have to deal with him tonight.

Maria: Hahaha! As if! Who's the one wearing a collar? Last time I checked, it wasn't the spiffy nudist dragon!

Lygger: Exactly. I have to go home to him and deal with his attitude. He can get a little mean, remember.

Maria: Well, no one told you to get captured, now did they?

Lygger: How the hell was I supposed to know that he was a hornball. It's not like I had a choice!

Maria: So, you prefer to have gotten your head bit off over umm.... *censor-a-censor*

Lygger: Well, I'm not saying that. I had my fair share of fun, but it was still against my will. Then again, I did try to kill him, so I guess he had a right.

Maria: So.... you basically like it. (Ya can't rape the willing, can ya?)

Lygger: Well, I guess not... And it was one hell of a lay... We are telling to much of the story! We should get to it anyway. Would you like to have the honor?

Maria: Ohh, I feel like a virgin again!

Maria: *ahem* Furries and Furrettes!

Lygger: Prepare for a special treat!

Maria: We present you with exotic!

Lygger: Don't forget erotic!

Maria: As well as scandalous!

Lygger: Prepare your mind and your box of tissues for....

Maria: Hot male furry smuttation!!

Lygger: We present to you...

Maria: Dragon's Kitty Meat!!

Maria: *Applause Applause*

Disclamer: If it is ilegal where you are to read this due to age or law, then don't. If you can't feast your eyes on some hot yiff between an underage cat and a dragon, then turn back now and feel sory for yourself! Just kidding. If you can read this however, then enjoy. Remember, I own both charecters outright, and maria only helped me (Alot) to edit it for a better read. I am looking for an ilistrator though, so feel free to draw and submit them. I really want to see what people will make me and Draco look like, and I really need pics for my album. PLEASE, if you can draw, then feel free!

Lygger entered the cave with a strong unnerved feeling that told him to be cautious of everything. Lygger was not the first from his tribe to enter this cave, but he intended to be the first to emerge again. Over the past four years, many of the tribe's greatest warriors have entered the cave in hopes of slaying the dragon to bring power to the tribe, but all have met death within its walls. What made Lygger think that he could survive where so many others have failed, you ask? Well, he didn't.

Lygger was not trained as a fighter, much less a champion of the tribe capable of defeating a great monster. His normal tattered and draping tan shirt and slightly baggy brown shorts were all the armor he had against injury. Lygger couldn't help but nervously work the dark blue collar he wore around his neck as a sign of his low status in the tribe. His light gold feline eyes flashed with the last of the light as he entered the cave, ears twitching at the slightest noise. Lygger's black stripes would help to camouflage him if needed, but were useless in light because of his soft white fur they crossed through in there slashing pattern. He was forced to enter this cave in hopes of regaining a place of honor in the tribe.

Humans had killed both of Lygger's parents in a raid when he was only 10, and he was left to fend for himself from then on. Although his mother was a powerful member in the cat tribe's hierarchy, his father was a human. His mother had rescued him from slave traders and fell in love with him. When he was brought back to the tribe, he was nearly killed. His mother alone was the only reason he was allowed to live. They were mostly unaccepted in the village, even more so when his mother gave birth to him. That simple fact made Lyger an outcast to everyone that knew of his past. When the raid was over and the village returned to peace, Lygger was shunned by most of the tribe and left to fend for himself. He was forced to steal his meals from others to live, and was caught one too many times for the elders to let him get away with it anymore.

"You have soiled not only your family's name, but the whole cat tribe because of your actions, child. You cannot stay among this tribe unless you regain that honor. You must decide how you wish to do this..."

Lygger could have chosen to join a war campaign against the humans with his tribe's allies, the Orks, but that was practically out of the question. Lygger had never fought more than the occasional bully in his time, and knew that he would stand no chance on the battlefield. His only choice besides exile was to kill an enemy of the tribe, and the dragon was the only one that Lygger thought that he had a sliver of a chance at defeating. He was going with only his sword that he had crafted himself and his wits, nothing more to aid him. "I'm so screwed... Big time..." Lygger thought as he continued through the long tunnel. Little did he know how right those thoughts were. Lygger crept through the darkness, letting his eyes adjust to the low light while moving deeper inside. When they finally had, he increased his pace. It took almost half an hour to get to the first main chamber of the cave, where he realized that this was no ordinary cave at all; it was a volcano vent. The noxious gasses that slowly seeped from the hole in the floor at the center of this room weren't enough to kill him, but his nose was burning.

"Sometimes it sucks to be part animal..." Lygger muttered to himself as he passed through the room, taking note of the piles of bones that probably belonged to his predecessors. Lygger pressed on further into the cave trying not to make much noise, but failing miserably. He fell and cut himself on many rocks, even loosing his sword into a crevasse during one such fall. Instead of making a feudal attempt to retrieve it, Lygger guessed that some of the weapons of the warriors before him would still be useful, as soon as he reached them of course. By the time that he emerged from the tunnel into the second chamber, he was covered in scratches, cuts, and blood. It took Lygger a second to realize that the dragon was there, but as soon as he did, he froze. What he initially thought was a pile of rocks was actually the dragon, seemingly asleep on the floor. Lygger held his breath, but released it when he realized the futility. If the dragon was awake, he would have heard the sounds of Lygger cursing at each new fall and wound. The dragon would at least be able to smell the blood that now soaked his clothing. Lygger scanned the floor in hopes of finding a weapon with which to slay this beast, and nearly cheered when he found a sword not ten feet from where he stood. Lygger slowly began to creep out to the sword, intent on grabbing it and plunging it through the dragon's sleeping forehead.

While Lygger was daydreaming about emerging from the cave victorious, he failed to notice that the floor was not quite even, and tripped over a small outcropping or rock. He landed on his chest with a loud thump, closing his eyes and willing the dragon to stay asleep. When he noticed that the dragon's breathing hadn't changed, he began to crawl toward the sword again. Once he finally had his hands wrapped around the handle, he breathed a sigh of relief. Lygger was actually going to be able to do what so many others had failed to do, and he was going to be a hero in his tribe's eyes. Lygger reveled in his thoughts for too long it seems, because he didn't notice the dragon's tail that had wrapped around his waist until it had tightened beyond escape. The sword slipped from Lygger's hand as he was yanked back towards the dragon, as a small whimper of surprise passed through his lips. Lygger thought he had snuck through the cave seemingly unnoticed by anything, and now he was in the clutches of the one he was trying to kill. Lygger shuddered with fear as he was brought before the dark red piercing eyes of the beast.

"So, they have sent another to take my life, have they? Well, I was wondering when it would be so," The Dragon spoke. For some reason, his voice calmed Lygger slightly, his nerves relaxing enough to stop their shaking. That didn't last long though, as the dragon's tongue snaked out and cleaned the blood from a wound on Lygger's cheek.

"Well, at least you taste better than most of the others that I have captured..." He continued speaking. It took Lygger a few seconds to realize what he meant. Lygger wasn't the first to loose his weapon while fighting this creature, or at least not the first he had captured in battle.

"S-so, what is it you intend to do with me dragon? Are you going to eat me, or just kill me?" Lygger's shaky voice betrayed the calm he was trying to show to the dragon as a front of bravery. The dragon laughed a deep chuckle that had Lygger shaking again.

"Your fate will not be so noble, boy. Your arrogance in your attempt to slay me deserves punishment, and I have not bed with another in a great while," Lygger's jaw would have hit the floor had he been standing on it. That is what it felt like anyway.

"B-bed? What the hell do you mean 'bed'?" The dragon's laugh only unnerved Lygger further.

"You know exactly what I mean, boy. Your mind is far stronger than most of those who have entered this cave. I have no doubt that you have figured out what use you will be to me in my bed," He accentuated his point by rubbing the tip of his tail against Lygger's crotch. A shudder of fear shot through Lygger's body at the touch when he realized just what the dragon intended to do to him. Lygger tried his best not to show the fear that had his fur standing on end, but the dragon's wide grin told Lygger that he wasn't stupid enough to miss it.

The dragon finally stood, his muscles rippling under his skin at the effort as he straitened. He stood about seven feet tall, towering over Lygger's five foot ten inch frame. Lygger couldn't help but notice that the dragon was seemingly wingless, contrary to his tribe's myths. The tail that held him was pointed on the end, and elegantly tapered to it's based at the dragons backside, about five feet in length, not counting the foot and a half around his waist.. The dragon carried Lygger with his tail to a smaller alcove off the main chamber adorned with lamps and fine linens. In the center of the chamber was a large bed, which was bare of blankets and pillows, only adorned with a long chain attached to the corner. He dropped Lygger atop the bed and attached the chain to Lygger's collar before turning and using his flame breath to light the lamps. Lygger saw this as a chance to escape, but quickly decided against it when the dragon spoke as he lit another lamp,

"That chain is not to be removed by anyone but me. There is no spell on it, but you are going to learn to submit to me, and this is part of your training. As long as you leave it attached, I will not kill you. If you do remove it however, I will not hesitate to tear you limb from limb." The dragon warned Lygger sternly. Lygger let his hand drop from the latch quickly, his fear as strong as ever. The dragon's calmness was the worst part of his attitude. He had yet to yell in an attempt to scare Lygger, but he didn't need to. Lygger could tell by the tone of his voice that he was serious. When he was finished lighting the lamps, Lygger had a chance to examine the dragon further. His scales were a beautiful dark jade, reflecting the light of the lamps as it hit them. The dragon was also nude, his well toned body showing the years of battle through scars and well-defined muscles. His sheath was of a fair size, not obscenely large, but nowhere near small, and his balls where equally large and smooth, looking like almost perfect orbs in the sack of flesh hanging between his legs. He was as close to perfectly endowed as anyone could be in Lygger's eyes. Lygger finally found his voice again and asked the first question that came to mind,

"Who are you?" A simple enough question for anyone, but Lygger was still regretting asking such a stupid question as soon as he realized he had. The dragon paused for a second, then shook his head slightly and continued with the lamps.

"My name is Draco, but you will call me master. I will unlatch the chain long enough for you to remove your shirt, but if you attempt to run, I will shred your clothing and tear your fur out until you beg me for mercy." Lygger knew there was no way out of this now, but he wasn't sure if he was willing to allow Draco to rape him, as his intentions seemed to show. It was a difficult decision to make considering the circumstances. It was in Draco's favor that Lygger would prefer to bed with another male to a female, and that he despised the idea of suffering through the pain of being torn apart. Lygger wasn't about to give up without a fight though. Draco walked around the bed to where Lygger was sitting and unhooked the chain. Lygger hesitated, and then slowly began to pull off his shirt. When he had freed himself of it, Lygger took his chance. He threw the shirt onto Draco's face and lunged off the bed. He thought that if he could out-run Draco and if he could elude his grasp until he had escaped the bedchamber, that he might just escape his intended fate. Lygger didn't get more than a foot from the bed before Draco's hand shot out and caught Lygger's tail. It would have been bad enough that he had been caught, but Draco was about to discover a secret about Lygger.

As Draco yanked the shirt from his face, Lygger collapsed. He walked over to Lygger and knelt in curiosity, then almost fell over laughing when he saw his face, never letting go of his tail. Lygger's eyes were clamped shut and his mouth was hanging open, but not in pain. Lygger was shaking in pleasure, tears forming at the corners of his eyes because he held them closed so tight. When he had regained his composure, Draco picked Lygger up and threw him back on the bed. Lygger was still too stunned to move as Draco slowly walked over and re-latched the chain. When it was attached, Draco crawled on top of the bed and straddled Lygger's waist. Lygger could practically taste the musk pouring off the dragon sheath that was now practically pointing at his mouth.

"Why did you collapse when I grabbed your tail?" Draco had a good idea what happened, but he wanted to know for sure. Lygger had finally recovered his composure enough to speak, but he didn't give the answer Draco was looking for.

"Fuck off, dog shit..." Lygger muttered through his shivers. Draco gently grabbed Lygger's tail again and began stroking, nearly getting bucked off as Lygger arched in incredible pleasure and nearly biting his bottom lip off.

"Are you going to answer me now?" Draco asked as he released Lygger's tail again. Lygger seriously considered trying to fight him off instead of answering, but chose against it when Draco reached for his tail again.

"Wait... Please... My ears and tail are incredibly sensitive. I don't know why. Stroking them will give me pleasure, but too much pressure will paralyze me for a while," Draco seemed to consider this for a few moments, then leaned down and gently stroked the leading edge of Lygger's ear.

"Well, then it won't be that hard to have you begging for release, will it?" He whispered over Lygger's gasps. Lygger realized that Draco was going to rape him no matter what he did, so he decided now was the time to fight back. Lygger lashed out with a left hook that would have undoubtedly knocked Draco off. It would have, if he didn't block it. Draco caught Lygger's fist and pulled it above his head, pinning it with his other hand that he had grabbed before the attack. Draco held them there with one of his much larger hands as he reached down between them and began rubbing Lygger's sheath.

Lygger couldn't help but cry out in pleasure and pant as his body came alive with sensation. Lygger was in a state of near bliss from the pleasure, but he was able to keep his penis from emerging. Draco teased Lygger's groin for a short time before he hooked his fingers into the waistband of Lygger's shorts and began to pull them down, lifting off Lygger slightly to get them past his hips. When Lygger realized that he had, he bucked his hips again to try to throw him off, but it didn't work. Draco used the time Lygger was off the bed to pull his shorts down his thighs, leaving Lygger's privates exposed to his desires.

When Lygger relaxed back onto the bed, Draco pushed Lygger's shorts the rest of the way off with his tail, then threw them out of sight. Lygger was now fully exposed to whatever the dragon had in mind for him. He wasted no time in flipping Lygger over onto his stomach to get better access at his goal. Lygger tried to struggle again, but Draco decided it was time to punish him. He reached under Lygger and grabbed his balls, giving them a rough squeeze. Lygger could barely breathe as the pain shot through his body.

"Now don't make me do that again. I will not hesitate to be violent if you resist me." He released Lygger's balls and began to stroke Lygger's sheath again. Lygger moaned in pleasure and his face flushed under his fur as Draco finally began to coax his cock out of its sheath. When he was sure Lygger was distracted, he released his hands and used his free arm to lift Lygger's hips so he was in a kneeling position in front of him. When Draco saw that Lygger would stay in that position, he began to stroke Lygger's tail again while he gently worked his hand back and forth along his sheath and the part of his cock that was exposed. No matter how hard Lygger tried, he couldn't resist Draco any more. The combination of the strong musk and the pleasure his cock was getting was more than Lygger could fight against. It wasn't long before Lygger reached his full length. Draco took notice of this and pressed himself against Lygger's back.

"I have been nice to you so far, and I just might let you enjoy this if you submit." He didn't even wait for an answer as he straitened again and began to rub his sheath between Lygger's buttocks. Lygger shivered as he felt Draco harden in his sheath, then emerge from it. Draco's cock felt larger than Lygger had guessed, and he knew that it would hurt. Lygger couldn't help but beg in fear because of it.

"P-please, be careful. I have never bed with anyone before," Draco seemed amused by this as he continued his humping. When he was fully hard, Draco stopped rubbing himself on Lygger and leaned over him again and whispered,

"I will prepare you, and I will lubricate myself, but you WILL submit to whatever I want to do to you." Lygger nodded his understanding as the dragon's hand worked his throbbing member. Draco reached over Lygger to a bottle that he hadn't noticed before, a clear liquid inside reminding him of the sex oils sold in the village. He grabbed it and brought it behind Lygger, then removed his hand from his cock shortly before Lygger heard him pull the stopper out of the bottle. Lygger tensed as he felt Draco's fingers against his tail hole, his first instinct to lower his tail, but he caught himself and raised it straight up. Draco rubbed the slick fluid around Lygger's hole, then gently worked his finger inside. Lygger could tell Draco was surprised when he was able to relax quickly to allow him access. Lygger's blush deepened as he gave Draco an explanation.

"I AM a male teen... I have used my finger to give myself pleasure as I masturbated before."

Draco chuckled slightly at this, then inserted a second finger and began to scissor them apart. When he was sure that Lygger could accept it, he inserted a third. When Draco felt Lygger tense in pain he began to work Lygger's cock again to get him to relax. It didn't take long, and before Lygger knew it Draco had worked a forth finger into him. "You should be ready to take me now." Lygger nodded as he tried to force himself to relax further. Lygger felt Draco's cock head touch his hole and couldn't help but tense at the size. He knew that no amount of stretching by Draco could prepare him for the enormous member about to be shoved inside his virgin hole. Draco stopped when he felt Lygger tense, and then began to increase his pressure.

When Draco's cock head finally popped in, Lygger almost screamed in pain as his eyes bulged and his claws dug into the bed. He felt like he was being stretched to his limit, almost tearing in half. Draco held himself still almost as if he could read Lygger's mind and knew that he was in pain. When he had finally relaxed enough that he could take more of Draco's length, Lygger pushed back, taking more of the dragon's thick cock into himself. Draco took that as an invitation and slowly pushed the rest of himself inside Lygger. He wondered that with his thickness he would be to long for Lygger to take him all, but shuddered with pleasure as his hips met the half-breed's backside. He waited a few seconds, and then began to slowly pull out of Lygger until just the head was inside. When he was ready, Draco began to stroke Lygger's tail with one hand as he used his other to steady Lygger's hips as he pushed back inside.

Lygger arched until he was nearly straight up against the dragon's chest with a moan of pleasure as he pushed back to meet Draco's effort, the pleasure almost making him orgasm right then. Draco wrapped his arms around Lygger's sweaty chest and began to rub and pinch his nipples, awakening them while he licked and nibbled at Lygger's ears. Lygger worked his muscles to increase the dragon's pleasure as he began to slam himself against Draco's hips, his balls slapping into Lygger's ass as he met his thrusts with equal force. Draco's hand dropped down and began to work Lygger's erection again, making him squeeze Draco's cock harder as his whole body tensed as his tail fur stood on end and his ears flattened against his head. Lygger could feel his orgasm build, then explode, causing his vision to white out as he jerked in Draco's hand, spraying the bed in cum with a loud scream of release. His muscles clenched tight as he rode the dragon's cock, making Draco fire his seed inside of Lygger. Lygger was having the greatest orgasm of his life, but it was nothing compared to Draco.

Draco continued to thrust as shot after shot of searing cum fired deep within Lygger's gut. When he was finally coming down from his orgasm, Lygger collapsed down onto his arms. Draco steadied his hips and continued to thrust vigorously into the tightening hole. Draco continued to fuck him with the same vigor until he was milked dry by Lygger's muscle spasms and pulled out, feeling as if he had pumped a gallon of cum into the young body. As the cock head finally left Lygger, he could feel some of Draco's cum running out of him down his balls and thighs. Lygger collapsed onto his side panting, completely drained from his orgasm. Draco lay down behind him and wrapped his arms around Lygger's waist.

"Sleep boy. I will allow you to clean when you awake. If you attempt to escape, remember that I can track your sent. You belong to me now, and I am not going to let you get away." With that, Draco settled his head on Lygger's shoulder and drifted off to sleep. As soon as Lygger was sure that Draco was asleep, he started to formulate a plan to escape. For now though, he decided that a good night's sleep would be best. He looked over at the sleeping dragon on his shoulder once more, and then closed his eyes to sleep.

Lygger: Well, that's it....

Maria: Yep...

Lygger and Maria both: Please rate and review!