
Story by Zephyrae on SoFurry

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#2 of Hive

Keeping it shorter this time around: Under 18? No Yiff! Thanks to Von Krieger and Steelcox for the heavy inspiration. If it seems like I'm stealing there stuff word for word, that's because I probably am. I can't help it, I'm sorry. Seriously go read there stuff (Not all of Von Kriegers, unless you're hard core, I mean, there's a lot of it). I hope you enjoy, part two of Hive. I read through and edited this one too, changed somethings where I had some holes in the plot, such as magically size-changing breasts.

  • * * Revelation She floated in the ocean of subconsciousness, breathing in deep the subdued dreams that fluttered by on silent wings. Slowly, memories came back to her, and realizing that she should be at home, and wasn't, she struggled to regain control over her mind. As she broke through the surface, into awareness, she found herself in her mini-van, the back of it. The otter figured that she had just dozed off in the back, tired after a day of hiking. Then she remembered, she had never even left the car, never even gotten around to unlocking the doors. But, why? It's why I came out here... She racked her mind trying to think what had caused her to fall asleep in the back of her car. And what the fuck is so sticky? She examined her bare fur, most of which was matted down to her skin in a combination of bodily fluids, all of which were pooled around her, in a semi-congealed mess. Then another realization dawned on her tired mind. Oh fucking shit, why am I naked? Was I raped in my own damn car? Had she been thinking clearly, she would have seen that a possible rapist would have had no way into her car. No windows were broken, and all the doors were locked. But she wasn't thinking clearly, and instead started to panic, breaking out in tears. She huddled her legs up to her chest and curled her tail around herself. She rocked back and forth on her bottom, clicking against the driver's seat every time she came in contact with it. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click? Why the hell am I clicking? Squishing, maybe, or the scratching of my fur... but clicking? She mentally debated what it could be that was making the clicking sound every time she tapped against the hard, gray plastic of the driver's seat. She didn't worry about it much, and just kept clicking on. Her tears slowed down, and eventually stopped altogether, and she drew in a large breath, trying to get more oxygen fed into her brain. Ok, who am I? I know who I am, I'm Kaede. That's good. Now where am I? That's easy too. I'm in my mini-van, at the state park. What's happened? I don't know that... I'm in my car, covered in sweat and this musky, sticky stuff- Oh. She did know what the pool of musky liquid surrounding her was. She was no stranger to touching herself, and knew too well the chore of cleaning up afterwards. Ok, now why am I covered in my sex juices, and why can't I remember... I probably wasn't raped, I mean, this is a bigger mess then I've ever made, and I've never gotten off on the idea of being raped... So... Then, all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, her memory of the encounter replaying instantly in her mind. From feeling horny on the drive up, to masturbating in the back of the van, and then- Oh god, that bug, where the hell did it go? The last piece slid into place evenly, the bug had grabbed on to her back, and it had never let go. Her hands flew up to her back and felt at the smooth chitinous plates that she knew felt just like the Dragonfly's carapace. She then drew her eyes to her own chest, now adorned with three pairs of lines that wrapped around her side. Two beneath her breasts, two right above her navel, and two pointing in towards her vulva. They were each about an inch wide, and the chitin was smooth, slightly cooler than her skin, as she traced a padded finger across one. The top two almost looked like the very bottom of a bra, sitting there, holding her breasts up, the two tapered points only three inches from each other. The next two wrapped around her stomach, and were slightly wider, but they stopped five inches from each other. The last pair wrapped from right above her tail, over her hips, and came within three inches, resembling the waist band of lingerie. She noted her new additions with a slight sense of amusement, as she related them to underwear, and then she realized that they were stuck to her, and she freaked. She raked her nails against the transition between the chitin and her fur, but it went right into her skin, and she couldn't pry them off. She then fought with the plates on her back, marveling at how smooth they were, but still aggressively tried to rip them off of her own flesh. Her struggles did her no good and only caused to exhaust her. Lacking the will to fight with her own body, she just lazily traced her paws across them, back and forth, considering more drastic measures, like scissors or knives, anything she could easily find in her house to fix herself. My house! Dammit, I've been out here for hours, I need to call my mom! Through some miracle, the thought of being reprimanded banished her new body from her mind, and she searched around her car for the previously discarded clothes. Finding a bra, she pulled it around her breasts, but found it didn't fit her, and her once overly heavy breast had spare room in the large cup. She was confused, but just tossed the article to the side, grabbing the panties she had just found. She pulled those on, and found them to not fit the same either. She didn't care, and just continued dressing until she looked normal. She hopped into the drivers seat and grabbed her cellphone from the dashboard, and started dialing her home number. After a few rings, her mother picked up and said hello. "Hi mom, I found my cellphone!" Kaede had already thought out a lie that would explain everything well enough. "What do you mean found? And where are you? You should have been back a while ago!" Her mother sounded worried and slightly out of breath, but relieved all the same. "Oh, I accidentally dropped it in the park and I was looking for it, I just found it." "Well, that explains why you didn't answer when we tried calling you, we were getting worried!" Her mother then slightly muffled the receiver, but Kaede could still hear telling her father that she was safe, and had just lost her cellphone. "Well mum, I'll be home in about an hour and a half, I'm just leaving now, bye." Her mother told her it was ok, and to be safe on the drive home, and they both hung up. In the car, Kaede let out a sigh of relief. As she started up the car, she reached into the picnic basket, and took her extra clothes out, and quickly traded shirts and pants for ones that had been slightly shielded from the stench of sex. She also turned the fan up to max, and opened all the windows. She was still pointedly ignoring the fact that her body had completely changed on this trip, and tried not to think about it as she drove her mini-van home. On the open highways most of the scent faded away, and the mess in the carpet dried up as well, but it left a slightly discolored spot. Trying to be as nonchalant as she could, she just snacked on her picnic the trip back, everything was car-temperature by then, but before she knew it the contents were gone. She drove on in silence, avoiding all thoughts about the strange bug, and the new parts of her skin. As she made it close to her house, she slowed down and pulled to the side of the road, and did a quick once-over of the car, making sure nothing was out of the ordinary. She could see the patch that was now slightly darker than the rest of the carpet, but that could be explained away as one of the drinks she had packed spilling. It still slightly smelled of sex, but it was only enough to pick up if she was looking for it, and hoped that her parents wouldn't notice. She was satisfied with every-thing's condition, and with another jolt of panic as she thought about the changes in her own body. They won't find out about that, I can't tell them, they'd freak out, she reassured and warned herself. After that, she pulled back onto the road and continued driving. A quick glance at the clock told her it was just after 5:30, she had almost missed the entire day. She kept driving until she got to her driveway, and pulling into it, she cut the engine, and just sat in her chair, not even unbuckling her belt yet. She took a few deep breaths, and just cleared her mind, pushing troublesome thoughts away. She took off her seat belt, and after another deep breath, she opened the door, and swung her legs out onto the driveway. Her bare foot-paws were silent as she made the quick trip to the front door. She opened it, stepping in to the sound of the television in the living room, and a running sink in the kitchen. She called out to the house, announcing her return. "Hey Kay, how was the hike? I'm just finishing up dinner, you hungry?" Her mom called from the kitchen, the running water was stopped, and Kaede watched as her mother walked into the entryway. "The hike was good, and yeah, I'm starving, thanks." Kaede was already nervous from the light questioning, and was eager to get up to her room. "It's just gonna be a salad, that gonna be okay, honey?" "Yeah mom, that's fine, I'll be in my room, ok?" Her mother nodded her ascent and walked back into the kitchen, but Kaede had already started hopping up the stairs two at a time. At the top, she took the immediate right through her door, and jumped onto her bed, landing on her side. She got back up, and went back to her door, closing it and locking it, and then immediately stripping down to her fur. She walked to her mirror, the full-to-the-floor kind. and gawked at how beautiful she was. When she was in the car, her brain was too muddled to notice the less drastic changes to her body, but now that she was standing upright, and thinking clearly, she was amazed at how different she really was from the day before. Where she had previously had a fleshy layer of fat covering most of her body, giving her a bulky appearance, but now she resembled a goddess in otter form. She openly gawked at herself, and looked herself over from top to bottom. Above her shoulders nothing had changed, her soft, gentle face looked back at herself. Her dark eyes stared into themselves, and then lowered until she was looking at her own chest. She had previously had quite large breasts that sagged a little, due to her problems with being a bit overweight. Now, however, her breasts were a bit smaller, and seemed to be holding themselves up, defying gravity's attempts to pull them down. Her arms were slimmer, and now showed off some of the taut muscles underneath her light brown fur. Her stomach had probably changed the most. Where it had bulged a good inch or two yesterday, it was now slim and tight, only barely drawing in at the waste to hint at an hourglass figure. Her hips, then, flared out marking her ability to healthily bare children. Her legs, like the rest of her were much more lean, and the muscles underneath her fur were taut and strong. Turning around, she saw the new additions clearly for the first time. The long black plates seemed to have grown out of her fur, starting at her neck, and then thickening as they covered a large portion of her back, before the tapered above her tail, and came to a stop. The plates all had several separations between them, all allowing her to twist and turn, maneuvering just as well as she had before her transformation. Then her eyes were drawn away from the chitinous plating by something that she found even more shocking, her ass. She had always detested the groups of muscles and fats in her rear, but now the fat had mostly melted away, giving her an ass that most horny teenagers would gladly lust over. She never expected to be able to be called sexy, but now she was. It wasn't a matter of opinion, or debate, there was just no other word for it, whatever had changed her, had changed her into the perfect example of sexual appeal. It's also made me a freak. With that morbid analysis she backed up, slowly breaking down into tears, and flopped onto her bed. It shook slightly, as she sobbed into her stomach, each choking gasp only causing herself to remember why she was crying, and throwing her deeper into her depression. She shivered as she felt a crawling sensation up her spine, and she gasped as she felt it reach into her mind. Her tears dried and stopped falling, as she climbed under the blankets in her bed, wrapping them around herself. She pulled the blankets around her even tighter as she felt another shiver crawl up her spine, feeling chilled despite the comfortable warmth of her room. Kaede winced as she heard a sharp chitter fill her head, temporarily overpowering her other thoughts. She panicked, and dug herself even deeper into her sheets, remembering the cold inquisitive eyes of the Dragonfly. Fuck, is another one of those things here to rape me? How the fuck'd it get in here? -I am conversion drone AT-317, I apologize for that manner in which we must be introduced- The sounds once again were broadcast over her other thoughts. They reminded Kaethe of a character from a book she had read recently, but more than that they seemed alien, and she knew that the words were from the bug she had 'meet' at the State Park. "W-Who the fuck are you?" It came out as barely a whimper, uttered into the folds of her bedding. "What the fuck are you?" -I am conversion drone AT-317- The alien voice repeated in her mind, -A servant of the- *Chitters* -race. What you wish to know is that; yes, I am the 'bug', as you call me, that you encountered yesterday in your enclosed transportation.- As she heard the alien voice inside her own mind, she felt the knowledge that it was inside her own mind. That knowledge scared her, and she clenched the sheets in her hands tighter. Then what the fuck did you do to me? And why are you in my head? -I did my job, I am of a race that must survive by taking willing hosts, and joining with them for a better lifestyle, each of us benefiting from the other's shared abilities.- The thoughts reverberated inside Kaede's head with a sense of morbid formality to them. Then what about me? I'm sure as fuck unwilling! Kaede's thoughts were blatantly hostile, and she felt the alien presence in her mind wincing, temporarily fearing harm before instincts wore off, and it calmed. -Yes, but survival comes first. Our race is, 'endangered', as your kind would say. Drastic measures must be taken for dangerous times.- It's not fucking dangerous here, just undo whatever the fuck you did to me, and live peacefully, far away. Maybe then I won't kill you myself. Kaede knew it was a lost cause, but her desperation drove her to ask anyways, even if unkindly. -You know it yourself, we are one now, merged. Separation would mean death. For you, and I. For us. I am sorry, but you no longer have a choice in this, we must survive together, as one.- "No!" The otter shouted aloud, then realizing it's futility, returned to speaking in her mind, I'll find a way, I'll get you out of my mind if it's the last fucking thing I do. The Drone had no reply, other than a vague sadness in the depths of her mind, but more then that, a pity.