humanity living in a not so furry world

Story by DingoDog45 on SoFurry

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a story of where i came to be me

Humanity living in a not so furry world:

In january 2016 i decided it was time for a change and to do some soul searching in my life my story begins in the town of seattle Wa after completing school and getting my cert in art of photography i was depressed and alone and thinking honestly about ending my life kinda rough to hear but it's true i decided i needed a change in a big way to be able to move forward with my life and hide and protect myself from the prying eyes of those who didn't understand or want to understand my lifes decisions see i have always been a creative type enjoy art shopping hanging out with friends and family but dealing with dark secrets that kinda get in the way of life and trying to express one's own creativity backfires in the most amazing way but also brings out the worst in people and with my disabilitys it brought the worst in me out and i did somethings i wasn't proud of and some things i found myself dealing with again in my life.

and it always comes back around even if your afraid to admit it.

This year i decided to come out as a furry (No Not as a Gay Furry) just a furry looking for a friend and looking for someone that truly could understand what i have been going through i decided to look for a suit and found one that fit me that was cheap and would work for a beginners suit we all got to start somewhere like the old expression you come in as a new fur and leave as a gray muzzle..

well in my case its more like come in as a gray muzzle and leave in a

So i purchased a bull dog costume not the greatest in the world but it will get the job done and done right...

Well that was untill my first walk sakuracon 2016 and furballs strike came into the mix then i made a total asshole out of myself and now alone again with nowhere to go i am aone and sad again let me explain my story.

Sakuracon 2016:

I decided to order a mascot costume to get started with being a animal and yes i know what you are all thinking why well i looked at common things with my costumes and i followed a list so i didnt get over my head.

1 it needed to breath so i didn't overheat while in it.

  1. i needed good vision without blind spots

  2. it needed to be easy to mod for mods and upgrades

My list was complete i went looking on a budget there isn't a lot of choices in fursuits which is kinda sad in general more people would join if they where more suits at cheaper prices

so i bought a bull dog costume.

and named it dingo dog

i had the most wonderful time in my costume people huging me girls grabbing my ass which went way to far sometimes and some helpful advice from a fellow furry who told me upgrade the paws they look like condom bags.

nice advice because the paws where baggy afterall.

Everything was going excellent but then life decides to throw shit at you in the worst way and your temper can get you in deep deep shit in the end.

See i had seen the racist comments and homophobic slears on youtube addressed to popufurs such as duke and mozzie and others and i thought man forget this this is not right i dont care if you are out of the closet gay straight or other it doesnt give someone the right to discriminate and treat people like garbage thats wrong and its sad youtube wont do anything about the comments there but thats google and the fact they dont care.

I decided this isn't right and this shouldn't be allowed and i felt like it was time to do something and thats when it all went to shit in the worst way possible.

Sitting at sakuracon i saw a family of furs a husband his wife there son and there sons girlfriend and thought awesome less then a foot away from me i hear oh fuck here comes the faggot parade i lost it i walked up to him pissed as hell and told him to his face dude shut the fuck up if you dont know anything about it about the community then you need to shut the hell up his response oh look they got a new fag to join them.

thats when i lost it i was so glad the sakuracon staff was there and two seattle police officers who heard the whole thing and arrested them both for a hate crime i was so happy because then i didnt have to beat the hell out of them for there racist comment.

Sad though the family left and didnt come back i didnt even get a chance for a photo.

So that was the last straw.

i decided it was time for a change so i started furry haven a page where artists and furs could come without being discriminated against or judged and upload videos art music links everything. (capitals by the way F.A.P.T )

and yes i know i couldnt help but notice the word fapt

and thats my story i am still waiting to go to more events i am going camping with some furs next month its going to be great and i cant wait
