
Story by Sendokidu on SoFurry

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Figured I should try uploading on here a bit, getting tired of just one place. Also, been forever since I've been here, so might as well upload something good.

Sleeping dreams wisp away, a

Cavern's secret trove beckoning.

Legends old enkindle weary

Hearts, and adventure's sought over.

Taverns' glistening jewels

Spin the golden spiel further,

Reaching high above onto

Perilous peaks of fire.

Wakes of the past soon seethe through

Youthful bellies, one such

Churned towards the merciless gambit

Drenched in kingdoms' treasure.

Sword held out, the Hero

Walks the trodden path through

Glades unkempt of man, a

Lush undisturbed with beauty.

Hoary mountains quivering,

Snow pelts down upon the

Wanderer's back as the welkin

Sighs, the journey nearing its close.

Flames spewing forth from out the

Earthly chimney, he enters,

Staggering through darkened

Halls of unknown terrors.

Quaking bellows surge through the

Ground, the room alight in a

Warm glow as a serpent

Large and bold from sleep stirred.

Blade and fang glare down the

Rivals' joust, a wiry

Smile the last remorse as the

Two lay 'way their weapons.

Passing years lead back to those

Humble pubs again, the

Youth of then no longer

Fancied with tales of the elders.

Reminiscing of days long

Gone, a man of age takes

Hold a quelling boy so

Fit to live without his dreaming.

Wrinkled lips locked in a grin, he

Turns the child around, his

Grey eyes shining with a

Light thought lost a world ago.

Pulling out a scale of blue,

Words of desire seep into

Venturous ears while the dragon

Strings along his thread fermenting.