The UAA Chapter Five: Under New Management

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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The UAA Chapter Five: Under New Management

Story and Characters © Michael .B ( Max The Wolf [YS] LT_Max_W_Charger [FA] )

Disclaimer: Whoo boy....its been some time since I had done this...thanks to my Cobra Converter buying the electronic farm few months ago. But I am doing this on what little battery I have and maybe hoping to get some fuel to run the Generator and charge this thing up....but anyways.

This story may contain some mature content and shouldn't be read by those under 17, 18, and 21 depending on where you live. Now on to the story.


Story Theme: Politically Correct - SR-71 ( I do enjoy singing this song. ^_~ )

Wolfs Theme: Absolute - Thousand Foot Krutch

Gina's Theme: In Your Eyes - SR 71

Miami Transport Theme: Bring The Noise - Public Enemy and Anthrax

Ending Theme: One Fine Day - The Offspring

Story Started: 9-1-2009 Finished: 9-3-2009


Slowly I walked down the halls of the base, aiming my way for the cafeteria, dressed in baggy blue jeans and a black and white tank top. I was feeling much better after the little run in with Devon and just barely making it out with my life, and just a few days ago I got a letter from the main leaders of the UAA base in Miami Florida that he wanted to retire and asked me to come take over. I had to agree that it was a good idea, because we was growing quickly here and this base could hold only so many and with the idea spread around the base it wasn't much for a debate when I placed all the able leaders in charge of this place.

Stepping into the cafeteria I saw Blaze and Reno standing by one of the soda machines talking among themselves so I took this chance to sneak up on them. Carefully I chose my target and lunged, landing upon Reno's back, clinging to him.


Reno yelped in surprise as he fell to the floor, while Blaze laughed softly causing Reno to look up slowly. "Well don't just stand there...GET HIM OFF ME!!!"

"Calm down brother...I doubt master would do such a thing...less it was benefit-full for both sides." Blaze replied softly as he watched me get up off of Reno as I patted his back.

"Blaze...yer such a dick." I retorted slightly while punching him in the arm slightly. "So are you all ready?"

"Yeah. Everyone that's going are waiting down at the runway." Reno spoke while getting up and dusting off his pants. As I slowly looked to him.

"Then why are you two still here?"

"To walk beside you of coarse." Blaze grinned slowly.

"Such pups." I snickered, patting them both on the shoulder. "Lets not keep everyone waiting eh?" I then walked back out of the room and down the long halls, with the two bothers following beside me as we all moved to the runway out near the wood line. Upon exiting the base I saw a large C130 cargo plane sitting there, loaded with some gear and other odds and ends while everyone who was going with us stood outside the plane watching and waiting. I smiled as Gina walked over before stopping in front of me, and reaching up to run her claws through my hair slightly.

"You know love...I've seen you with short hair and I kind of liked it..."

"What? Are you going to cut it?" I asked.

"Yes, while on the flight to the states." she murred softly before walking back to the plane. I slowly looked at Blaze, then Reno before giving a soft laugh and walking toward the crowd. Once we was onboard, the plane started its run down the path, soon lifting off into the air. I walked slowly to the front of the cargo hold and laid down on a bench, closing my eyes slowly. "Might as well get some shut eye. We got a few hours to kill."

At about half an hour out from the airport, Gina woke me up to let me know how far out we was. She then pulled me up from the bench and took me around one of the walled areas of the plane and sat me down in a chair she had found, before she started to work on cutting my hair like she said she wanted to do. When she was done I stood up slowly, running my hand over my head, feeling the short cut hair with a smirk.

"Not bad hun. Least now I don't have to pay much for a cut eh?"

"Only a kiss." she snickered softly.

I turned around looking at her as she picked up the hair that laid upon the floor and delicately placed it all in a ivory box. "Mementos?"

"Umhm. I like to remember every single second and day I have with you Wolf." Gina smiled softly as she turned to look at me. "Now for the payment." she murred while stepping up close to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and placing a soft kiss to my lips. My arms moved around her back slowly, pulling her softly against me as I deepened the kiss.

"Miami Airport...ETA three minutes."

Slowly I broke the kiss, looking deep into her eyes before snickering softly. "Looks like we have to put this on hold hmm?"

"Sadly." Gina replied while licking along my neck before stepping back and placing the ivory box in one of her duffle bags. I then walked into the cargo area looking at every one with a slight nod.

"You heard them everyone...we're three minuets out, so lets get ready."

When we landed, I stood at the front of the group, with Gina and the Alfred brothers as the loading ramp slowly lowered down, and the sounds of reporters shouting over one another was heard. I then looked at Gina, then the brothers. "Well...lets be on our best behavior." I sighed inwardly as I lit up a Swisher Sweet Cherry cigar before blowing the smoke from my nose as I walked off the plane and into the assault of flashing lights before I looked back to Blaze with a shrug. "Wow...seams we got a lot of publicity...can't disappoint them eh?"

"I don't think it would be right to not answer at lest a few questions Captain." Blaze replied softly.

I then stepped up slowly toward the crowd of reporters and news cameras before looking to one reporter who started off the first set of questions.

"Wolf...As leader of the world known freedom group and the son of Allis Bella, the founder of the Anti-Animal Rights Movement. What is your goal." spoke a young woman in a richly made suit.

"My goals for the UAA is to bring balance and freedom to all of the animals and look at the division humans and animals are at each others throats. We all know the history and the start of the Civil was family against family...friends against friends... I was born in the south, and I am a rebel by heart but I never agreed with the fact of why the south fought. I think everyone should be free and have equal rights."

"Did you build the UAA and UFA for a reason to kill those who oppose freedom for both sides?" Spoke another woman off to the side.

"No. We are a political and war time unit. When this all started, the idea of political and judicial ways wouldn't calm the effects that have grown over the years. A underground war was called for, a home grown task group is what answered the call because there would have been too much red tape to clear before anything would have gotten done...what took only a year would have been done in ten if taken through government office...and even then there would have been a small chance it would have changed anything. Now that the hate has subsided somewhat...we have now turned to a political area, and if politics don't work...then we will fight like we did the first time." I replied.

"Is it true that when you started the UFA that it was a personal hate toward the death of your family.?" spoke a young man in the back.

I then looked to where the voice was from and blinked. "No...not at first. The HRF had a rouge member who caused all of the problems. They broke into my home and murdered a pup who was no older than a few months. At the start it was a war against all of the HRF...but when the leader, Nathan Brigs cleared it all up and the real problem showed its was quite simple to go from a war to a personal vendetta. But all in all I fight for the freedom of both sides."

"When you found this Rouge member of the HRF...what did you do?" the young man asked.

"He was placed upon trial. We are a military group...we hold rights of law. He was found guilty and put to death." I replied while not faltering in my stance or look.

"As leader of the Miami UAA base...will you hold true to all your plans?" a young panther called out from the very back row.

"Yes, I plan to hold true to all of the plans that are on the drawing board now...and also for the plans that are in effect now." I smiled softly while looking around. "I'm sorry but we are late for a meeting with the leader..." I then walked off to the waiting armored limos that waited for us nearby, and soon we was all on our way to the base.

It was a surprisingly short ride to the base and once we was inside I was met by a balding middle aged man.

"Ah...Wolf. Its so good to see you."

I laughed, patting the older man on the shoulder with a grin. "Yeah yeah still got the good stuff?"

"Of coarse. I went out and bought a new box just for you when I heard you accepted my offer." he replied while pulling a long Cuban cigar from his shirt pocket and handed it over.

Slowly I took the cigar and lit it before sighing deeply, blowing the smoke from my nose.

"Bob...this is Gina my mate and religious consoling, and these two muscle heads..." I heard Blaze and Reno snicker softly. "Are the Alfred brothers...hand picked and heavy trained." I then placed my arm around Gina, holding her close. "I'm not in a hurry if you aren't Sir."

"I can spend a few more days preparing for my leave. That should give you all the time you need to settle in and get everything ready." Bob replied with a smile.

"Sure...oh...also you said you had some new weapons in the lab you wanted to show me right?" I asked while looking to him slowly.

"Yes...right this way."

I looked back slightly with a smile. "Everyone...take a walk around the base." I then looked to Bob. "Lead the way."

Bob laughed softly, turning around and walking off down the halls and to one of the weapons labs, with us following close behind him. I then looked around the room with a grin. "Woah...what a line up."

"Thank you...we hold the next line of weapons and even upgraded old models." Bob replied with a grin as he stepped up to a medium sized Chain gun with six barrels on a revolving front. "This here is a GP-VG MK2...nicknamed "Reaper"..."

"Why so?"

"Because it fires 7.92mm Saboted light armor piercing rounds and holds a five hundred round side ammo box." he replied while walking around the weapon slowly. "It'll fire approximately one hundred and fifty-eight rounds before overheating and requiring to cool down before it can fire again. The Cyclic rate is two thousand RPM."

I gave a slight nod, looking at the weapon before me with a grin. "I see...has it been feld tested.?"

"Yes...this weapon is a improved version of the older model and we put it through three separate 100,000 round tests and it out did any conventional weapon on the market."

"Well at-least we are prepared for any war eh?" I replied while looking at Gina who stood beside me. I smiled softly and looked back to Bob. "Good work my friend...its good to see such dedication to the cause. Lets go see how the rest are doing." I then turned around and walked out of the room slowly, with Gina and the two bothers following close behind me. This was going to go smother than I ever thought possible....I hope.

(To Be Continued.)


A short chapter once more...but at least it wasn't like my last two I did in a way...this has more of a relaxed feel to it along with a slow building up to the main parts...something to hold you all over until I can get more done...thank you for all the time you have put into reading my crappy work. ^_~

Remember, comments, Faves, and helpful insight is welcome. If you want to point out a spelling or grammar can, but just keep it kind and constructive. Thank you once more.