Deep inside the magic forest

Story by otterzake on SoFurry

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This story is one of my favorites. I imagined the forest so vividly...

Deep inside the magic forest

The afternoon sun painted the treetops and some long stretched clouds were visible in the distance. From the forest came the soft noise of leaves in the breeze and if you looked closely you could see a golden haze when the wind lifted pollen and dust in the air. A songbird rose and flew over the foliage, his trajectory unsteady, just like his altitude. He sank down and sped closely over the trees. Here you could hear the chirping of insects and the humming of bees reaching for the highest levels where blossoms could still be found. Suddenly the treetops gave way and a small clearing with a little stream lay beneath. Here you could hear the water, the crickets in the dry grass - and chatter.

"I'm still wet all over! We can not go now, it's cold in the shade!" "Oh Akasch, please, we've been here long enough. Besides, it was not me who fell in the stream first..." "Now it's my fault.. You made me turn around!"

There were indeed two small fennec foxes quarreling on the meadow. They lay there in the sun on the rocks just next to the stream. Their fur appeared to be wet and they had no clothes on. In fact, clothes were not to be seen anywhere near them. Just two backpacks. When they were done with their little fight they both stood up and looked around. The light was getting red and orange and evening was coming.

"My dear Ambriel, you may be of noble descent, but on an adventure like this you're a bitch!" "Dear Akasch, let me return the compliment and point out that your behavior is not noble either, which is no wonder considering your distant origin, my princess! Now where did you put our clothes?" "Uhm...they were on that tree over there." "Fantastic. Simply amazing. Do you want to tell me I have to continue this journey naked???" "No really, look at the wet spots below. Someone must have stolen them! Or something... " "Shut up Akasch, you scare me!" "So what now then? We should continue to reach the next village before it gets dark. But I wanna have my pants back at least!"

Ambriel looked really uncomfortable all of a sudden. He stood there, shivering a little and staring into the darkening forest. Akasch, who had been travelling before and was richer in experience, stepped up to him and took the blue fennec in his arms to comfort him.

"Let's just have a quick look into this direction. Maybe we find your pants so that you can cover that blue fluffy butt of yours."

Ambriel swallowed and nodded. They took their belongings and went into the shade of the high trees. Solitary sunrays pierced through the canopy and spent some last warm light on their path. And so they went on, one blue tailed and one brown tailed fennec with nothing on but their backpacks.

The forest was magical, of course. Everybody knew that. During daytime it was just beautiful and calm, fairies were hiding beneath the roots and colorful dust glittered in the sun. But with the light fading, it became more mysterious, enchanted and elusive. And our two foxes knew nothing of its wonders - yet. After a while of walking they stopped because the path was getting hard to see.

"You have no idea where we are, am I right?" "Ambriel, I... " "Just admit it. We're lost. And there's another of these blue flame things!" "It's a will-o'-the-wisp and they don't do... " "Whatever, I have enough, it's really dark now, I go back!"

Ambriel turned around on the spot and trudged back through the bushes, his tail up in the air. Akasch was baffled for a few moments, but followed him quickly. The forest was quiet now, as if the darkness was a soft cloth that swallowed every sound. The rustling of leaves and footsteps of the foxes were muted and the silence grew stronger. Akasch hurried after Ambriel who had disappeared behind a bend. But he could not see him. Blue will-o'-the-wisps were floating everywhere now and a strange green glitter filled the air. Panic was building up inside of our poor little fennec.

"Ambriel! Where are you?!"

His voice seemed to be sucked into the darkness just after leaving his muzzle. And then he was stopped in his run by something big and warm. Instinctively he clutched the obstacle before realizing what had happened.

"Don't be afraid. I am called Shifty. Come. We have your friend." said a voice and Akasch recognized that he stood hugged with an otter. A green crystal was glowing on a cord around his neck. Akasch felt how the otter took his paw and started walking - and he followed! His heart was racing and every muscle in his body was weak and trembling. He did not understand why he just gave in so quickly and why his legs were moving all on their own. But somehow he knew that this was right and he would see Ambriel again.

Time passed, but it felt like a second. They came to a creek and the otter lifted him up and carried him over on his arms. The water was glittering and of a light green color. Everything was contorted here, even the trees. He could not think clearly but he hold on tight to the big blue otter because he just felt it was right.

After they crossed the stream he saw Ambriel again. He was just being bound and lifted up into the air by a brown otter with an evil smirk on his face.

"I have brought the other one, Zake. Let the magic begin." "You poor little souls" said the brown otter who was called Zake. "Don't you know? You are under the spell of the Moonshadow Forest, and it will not release you until the morning light comes...."

Akasch swallowed and looked at the large cock that Zake was pushing into a slightly dazed looking Ambriel - who smiled! That slut fox! In the next moment Akasch felt how Shifty began to bind him as well. He would not resist. This magic could not be overcome.