August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Second Part

Story by KanedaGoro on SoFurry

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#22 of Morenatsu: My Summer Days in Minasato

I thought the beach scenario would just be as long as the homecoming party. I WAS WRONG

Anyway, here we have a combination of four beach scenarios: Juu, Tora, Kouya, and Kyou/Sou. The rest will be done in part 3 but for now, enjoy the beach shenanigans XD

The rest of them fiddled with their bags while I walked closer to the water, wanting to admire the scenery a little more. Sure, it was another hot sunny day, but somehow looking at the glimmering water made me feel a bit cooler. A talk show on TV once said something about the healing effects of water. Maybe this was one of them. On the sand, there were seashells scattered about, some cone-shaped, some fan-shaped. Good thing I brought an empty bottle for collecting there later. The waves were somewhat calm, though there were big ones forming at the deeper areas of the water. If anyone wanted to surf, today would be perfect.

When I got back to our spot, I saw that only a pile of bags were left there along with Juuichi-san. Everyone else had already gone to change into their swimsuits and the bear was left to look after the stuff. I myself understood their sentiments on wanting to get in the water already, but they could've at least waited until we have set our things. With no other choice, I helped Juuichi-san set everything up.

"There's no use in relying on those who aren't here," Juuichi-san said, unfolding one of the umbrellas.

"Honestly." I scratched my head. "No helping it either. What can I do?"

"Get the beach mat over there."

I unrolled the beach mat onto the shore as he set up the umbrellas for shade. Next on the list was putting air into the swim rings and the rubber boat. No one brought an air pump so we had to do it the old-fashioned lung-killing way: blowing air into them. I left Juuichi-san to the rubber boat as we was more capable of handling that while I turned my attention to the rings.

After minutes of blowing nearly the life out of me, everything was done. Our spot was set up, and I could finally change to my bathing suit. Man, even before I got to swim, I got myself drenched in sweat! Good thing I brought extra clothes. Well, I wasn't the only one drenched in sweat. Juuichi-san's shirt was already turning translucent and clinging onto his chest.

Just then Kouya, wearing a white speedo, called out to us. "Oh, you're already done."

Feeling a little bitter, I glared at the husky, causing him to avert his eyes.

Shun-kun came running towards our spot. "Wow, the floats are already filled up!" he said, picking a yellow one up and putting himself in the hole.

"Well now that you're done, hurry up and get changed The changing room's over there," Shin-kun said as he arrived, pointing to our right. "I won't be swimming anyway so I'll watch over the stuff here."

"You won't even go to the shallow part of the water?" I asked.

"Do you want me to have a panic attack on a good day?"

Juuichi-san interrupted us. "Anyway, Kuroi's right. We should get changed. Let's go."

Grabbing our clothes, we headed to the changing room Shin-kun pointed out. Well, only a changing room in name. It looked more like a dilapidated hut with a worn-out wooden door. On the bright side, the windows were high enough to provide sunlight inside and give us some privacy.

The bear took a step inside. "It's better than nothing."

"Yeah, guess so."

Looking inside, I saw some shelves where we can put our stuff on. And also a screen that was so torn up it might as well not be there. Setting out stuff, we got ready to change. Though I did seize the moment and took a glance to Juuichi-san's side. My curiosity got the better of me; I wanted to see how much he had changed in the past few years, aside from what I already saw. He seemed to not notice me, so I kept observing for a while.

After taking off his jacket and shirt, his bare upper body was there for me to behold. His shoulders and arms had large and firm muscles, and his chest and back were no slouch in that department. And those muscles were'nt just for show either, him throwing Tora with ease being evidence. He had a generous amount of fat on his stomach, but it was of no concern. Some fat on muscular men looked better than the skinny six-pack look in my opinion. Though if he and Kenji were to be put shirtless side by side, Kenji would be the fatter of the two.

"Is something wrong, Nishimura?" he asked, catching me off-guard.

"I-It's nothing!" I said. "I was just thinking something."

To clear any suspicion, I started taking off my shirt. When that was done I took a look again just as he was taking his pants off. What I saw surprised me: he was wearing a fundoshi!

I called for his attention, looking downwards a bit. "Juuichi-san, is that..."

"What? Is this unusual?" he asked.

"I knew Tatsu-nii wore one, but I didn't know you did too." At that point my attention was on his thick bulge that seemed to be packed tight in it.

"I started wearing one when I entered high school. It's nice and comfortable around my tail."

He turned his back to me to show his tail. That moment, I screamed in my head "Critical Hit!" with what I saw. The string of the fundoshi drew a T-shape on his plump butt and the middle wrapped around the base of his tail. That and his thick legs would be enough to send me into a nosebleed-induced coma, but I had to restrain myself. Counting prime numbers were a method, but I was so distracted by his ass, I failed to realize I was counting even numbers. There was only one way to save myself from further embarrassment at this point.

I grabbed all my stuff from the shelf. "I'll change somewhere else! Please excuse me!"


Not stopping for whatever he had to say, I ran out. When I was at a safe enough distance from the changing room, I felt remorse for leaving him alone there, but it was the only way I could think of to keep things from going horribly wrong. Perhaps I should apologize later. The occasional perving out didn't hurt much, but even I had a point where to stop.

Alone outside, I decided to look for Torahiko. Knowing him, he would most likely be in the water already. But to my surprise he was there standing on the shore, wearing goggles and a speedo. Of course, he was a swimmer so an attire like that wasn't surprising. Plus we already saw each other almost naked back at the inn's bath, so I had less problems looking at him in that attire. I would be lying though if I said looking at his physique even now wasn't pleasing to me. Spotting me he came near, me seeing that his speedo had an X-shaped mark in the center.

"Tora, you could've chosen better swimwear you know," I thought.

"Oh, Hiroyuki. You haven't changed yet?" Tora asked. "What, did all that excitement you had back at the bus fizzle out? Or is it, were you scouting for girls in swimsuits, you little perv?"

"S-Shut up!" I said. "We had to set up the stuff you all left there that's why!"

He grinned. "I know. You're not that shameless. Hurry up and change already! Go behind that tall rock. I'll keep guard."


"Just quit yapping! Not like we haven't seen each other already."

He had a point. To be fair the place we were at had no people around, and it was better than going back to the changing room and explaining myself to Juuichi-san. So, I went to the back of the tall rock while Tora was on the lookout for anyone. I had to admit, getting naked outside with the fresh breeze blowing felt kinda good. I just hope this doesn't end up with me developing exhibitionistic tendencies.

Done with changing into my swimsuit, we roamed around the shore and saw Kyouji-san and Soutarou-kun doing some stretching. And as if they were brothers, they wore shorts with matching patterns, though Soutarou-kun's was blue and Kyouji-san's was red. True to the nature of their sport, the two had slender yet athletic builds. I could imagine hordes of ladies screaming at them when they go shirtless during practice.

"Do you really need to stretch?" I asked. "It's not like we're having a competition or something."

"Now now, Hiroyuki," Kyouji-san said. "Isn't being prepared for anything important? You're opponent is the sea. It's different from the pool and the river. Without any preparation, you could even drown."

"I get the need to stretch before swimming, Kyouji-san," Tora said. "But drowning when you haven't stretched seems kinda off."

From behind me and Tora, Juuichi-san appeared and joined our conversation, surprising the two of us. In a stark contrast from the fundoshi I saw earlier, his swimwear was an orange Hawaiian-patterned pair of boardshorts.

"There's a reason for Takahara's instructions." he said.

"Oh? What is it?" I asked.

The bear cleared his throat. "There's no such thing as being 100% prepared. However, thanks to the act of preparation, you can recognize your own inexperience. Understand?"

Me and Tora nodded. Juuichi-san asked to join us, but before we could start he went back to our spot and dragged Kenji as he returned. Surprisingly, Kenji wore plain green shorts as his swimsuit, which was what I would expect the older one would wear.

"You're joining," Juuichi-san said.

"Do I really have to?" Kenji asked.

"Who was it again that I saved in the pool after getting a cramp because he didn't stretch for swimming?"

"Fine," Kenji said under his breath.

And so we started our stretching session. Kyouji-san took the lead and set the pace for us. After the basic stretches came the light workouts like jumping jacks and belly twists. It was as if coaching was a natural thing for him. No wonder Soutarou-kun listened to his every word. In the middle of our session, Kouya passed by and saw us.

"What's wrong, Hiroyuki?" he said. "It's only a warmup, but you're pulling your back all weird."

"Can it!" I said, still doing the exercises. "Why don't you join us too? It's the least you could do after leaving us to fix your stuff."

The husky winked. "Nah, I'm good. Good luck there!"

Just like that, he ran to the water. Obviously I was envious, but I let it slide. Later when the moment presented itself, I would get my revenge. After our warmup was done Soutarou-kun grabbed and pulled on Kyouji-san's arm, the lion eager to get into the water.

When the two were already in, Kyouji swiped the water's surface and splashed Soutarou-kun's face.

"Waah, senpai!" the lion said, shielding his face. "Please stop!"

"No can do, Tarou." Kyouji-san kept splashing, to which Soutarou-kun retaliated.

Seeing the two frolic in the water, it created a somewhat romantic atmosphere around them. If anything, I thought that there might be something more between these two, but I shook that indecent thought off me. That aside, Juuichi-san sat on the wet part of the sand, letting the coming waves wet his legs. Kenji on the other hand tried to make a sand angel, only for it to be washed away and him carried by the water.

As for me, I was about to get in when Tora told me to wait while he went to get something. He returned with two surfboards, both rented from one of the shops here. It should be obvious at this point but in any case let it be known: I, Hiroyuki Nishimura, do not know how to surf. But Tora was stubborn and offered to teach me. Since I came here looking for new experiences, I agreed, though worrying about my personal safety.

"You'll be fine! Just let nature take it's course," he said, laughing and patting my shoulders.

"Okay then. Just let me recite the nenbutsu first and then-"

He handed over the other surfboard. "Just get in the water!"

We set the boards on the edge of the water, lying face down on them. Seeing the huge wave forming, Tora swam towards it and stopped after a few meters, him facing me after. When the wave was nearly approaching, Tora stood up on his board and rode it, forming an S-shaped curve as he moved, splashes of water flying into the air. Getting back to the beach, Tora lowered his foot into the water and returned with a splash.

I applauded him, "So cool! Never thought you were good at it!"

The tiger smiled. "That was nothing. Well, now it's your turn. Here, follow me."

First thing he told me was to not open my legs when swimming on the board. Next was to look straight ahead and relax. It was a long while since I went to a beach, so naturally I fell off the board several times. Even so, I managed to get to the open water, which was an accomplishment in itself. It was because Torahiko was there that I was able to be calm during all this.

"So what do I do now?" I asked.

"Paddle around, wait for a wave, and when you feel one coming about, try to stand up quick."

Did I hear that right?

"Then yell or something."

"Can you explain that a little further?" I asked. "You know I'm a beginner here."

"Just watch me!" Tora said with a smile. "If I can catch a wave, you can too."

Tora then rode one of the passing waves, it carrying him back to shore while I was left alone on open water. Now was a good time as any to say my prayers, but I didn't want to let him down. When I felt the board slightly rise up, I reimagined how Tora stood up and tried to do it myself. Somehow, I was able to do it, but then the wave got higher and before I knew it, I returned to the beach lying face up on the water.

"Surfing is impossible for me," I said, getting up. "I just don't have the talent."

Tora frowned. "Oh come on! Didn't you think it was cool getting carried by a wave like that?"

I wanted to get angry at him, but that look of his had a cute boyish appeal to it that I couldn't bring it in me to do so. Then on the water, both of us saw another person riding a wave with a surfboard heading our way. The guy had a silvery gray glow and from there, we guessed that it was Kouya. He made no unnecessary movements while surfing, and when he got to shore, He did a U-shaped curve, splashing Torahiko with seawater.

I gave a thumbs-up. "Nice one, Kouya. You're also a great surfer too.."

Kouya smirked. "Also? Sorry, but me and Tora aren't on the same level."

Tora glared at him. "Hey Kouya! You did that on purpose didn't you?"

"Yeah I did. You know better than to leave a beginner in open water. Hiroyuki didn't know a thing about surfing, so you should've stayed by his side. If he drowned, what would you do?"

And with that solid argument, Tora was left speechless. Normally, when they argued it would escalate to a point where someone had to separate these two apart. But this time, Tora was at a disadvantage. Kouya waited for a comeback, but none came from the tiger.

The husky chuckled. "Maybe I should coach Hiroyuki instead."

"Break it up you two," I said. "Yes, I was scared when that was happening, but what's done is done. We're here for a good time so let's try to get along alright? Well, I'm going back in."

Placing my board on the water, I got on it and swam back to where I was before. It wasn't because I wanted to surf and more of I wanted to experience the feeling of floating on open water. A moment later, Kouya and Torahiko appeared by my side, the tiger promising to be a better teacher. Kouya told me to practice with the white caps near the shore first, then slowly move my way up when I felt like it. The two of them became my teachers, and though my progress wasn't quick, I was able to stand on the board after a few tries and managed to ride a small wave. All three of us were pleased with the results and the two faced each other with a triumphant cross-armed pose, only for them to turn away in embarrassment and laughing it off after. Done with the lessons, we returned to shore around noon.

"That was fun," Kouya said.

"I wanted to ride the higher waves, but it's alright." Tora patted my shoulders. "Hiroyuki, you did a good job out there."

I smiled. "Thanks! When I get the chance, I'll get better at this."

"Can't wait to see it!" the tiger said, hugging me by the neck.

The husky tried to pull on Tora's arm. "Hey Torahiko! You're choking him!"

Nearing our spot, the three of us saw Shun-kun along with Juuichi-san, the little wolf waving at our direction. The bear held a long wooden sword in his hand and stood next to a watermelon placed atop a sheet of cloth on the sand. It only had one meaning: a watermelon splitting contest! It was a perfect treat for us after a long day in the water. So all of us got into place as the bear discussed the rules. The order was determined by a game of rock-paper-scissors. Shun-kun was to go first, followed by Kouya, me, Tora, and finally Juuichi-san.

Kouya handed over a towel to the wolf. "Here's the blindfold."

"Thank you," Shun-kun said, tying it over his eyes.

"Take this." Juuichi-san had him hold the wooden sword. The way the wolf swayed left and right while carrying it kinda worried me.

"Come on, let's spin!" Tora said, spinning him around for about twenty times. A little overkill, to be honest.

Shun-kun started staggering towards the fruit. All of us shouted directions where he should go, and he tried his best to follow. We thought that he would be the first one to hit it, but he lost balance as soon as he was about to strike. The sword ended up flying somewhere and had to be retrieved. With the blindfold undone, he returned to us with a pouting face.

"You almost had it," the bear said.

Kouya pet the wolf's head. "You'll get it a second time, alright?"

And like that, Shun-kun's face perked up again upon hearing Kouya's words.

Next up was Kouya. Shun-kun handed over the blindfold and when it was tied, Juuichi-san gave the sword. Like what he did with Shun-kun, Tora spun him many times to the point the husky couldn't walk straight. If I knew any better, I would say Tora was doing this on purpose just so he could win. But Kouya tried his best to maintain balance. Sadly, it ended with him swinging the other way.

Tora grinned "I knew it was going to end this way."

Kouya shot a glare at him before handing over the blindfold and sword.

"Win this one," Kouya whispered to me.

With that, I put on the blindfold and held the sword. Tora placed his hands on my shoulders and spun me around. With the blindfold on it seemed faster than I imagined. As expected, I felt dizzy and asked for the tiger to stop. Feeling the unsteady ground under my feet, I made my way to the watermelon as I listened to the directions they shouted. Tora tried to mislead me, but Kouya and Shun-kun managed to save me. When I thought I was in front of the fruit, I swung with all my might only to find out in disappointment that the sword hit the sand.

"Eh, Don't worry about it." Tora tied the blindfold I gave to himself. "Cause I'm gonna slice that watermelon open."

"Have you prepared yourself?" Juuichi-san asked the tiger, sporting a slight grin as he placed his hands on him.

Tora winced. "Please be gentle..."

And thus Juuichi-san, with the help-of Shun-kun, spun Torahiko around. Kouya then proposed a plan to get revenge by telling him the opposite directions. I objected at first, but knowing of what Tora did to both of us, I agreed. The tiger walked with confidence as he headed to the fruit, but his feet were wobbling nonetheless. Me and Kouya carried out our little plan and Tora fell for it, him going the opposite way. Shun-kun looked at us with obliviousness, while Juuichi-san could only sigh in understanding. I told Tora that he was already there and the tiger swung with all his might, only to hurt his hands upon hitting driftwood. Finding our little plan successful, me and Kouya gave each other a brofist.

Tora snapped at us. "You jerks!"

"Don't forget why they did that," Juuichi-san said.

And the last one to attempt was the contest master himself. Juuichi-san got the blindfold and the sword and Tora was the one to spin him around, me warning him on overdoing it unless he wanted to get thrown again. With preparations done, Juuichi-san started to move, the bear moving in little steps. All of us were shouting directions at him, but I noticed one thing: he was only going to the directions I said. I tested it out by telling him to go left, and the bear did just that. With that I guided him towards the fruit and, him finally in front of the fruit, shouted "Now!"

Readying his sword, Juuichi-san delivered the final blow with a shout. And what was once a spherical watermelon had become two domes of red and green. All of us were impressed by how equal the cut was. He took off the blindfold and seemed surprised by what he saw.

"That's a pretty clean cut," he said. "I wonder if it was because of those precise instructions?" I looked at the bear and just as our eyes met, he turned away quickly after.

Juuichi-san turned to Shin-kun's direction, the black cat reading a book. "Hey, Kuroi. Go get the knife under my bag."

Shin-kun then put a bookmark on what he was reading then pulled out a knife from Juuichi-san's backpack. I said it once and I would say it again: I'm amazed at how prepared Juuichi-san was for this.

"Here," the cat said, handing over the knife.

The bear pointed to Torahiko. "Tora would be more suited for something like this."

After getting the knife, Tora cut each half of the watermelon into even slices. All of us ate our slices with satisfaction on our faces. Even Shin-kun joined in on our fun, him forgetting the book he was reading a while ago.