Fur on Feathers

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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Fur on Feathers

The smell of coffee mixed with the multitude of species wafted through the air of the small establishment. The amount of furs within the coffee shop was nothing compared to the rave the previous night, yet bodies of numerous types crammed together, all with an entirely different atmosphere and attitude. While all furs seemed to be content with one another, there appeared to be a false sense of unity here. Faces and emotions were facades, covering the true feelings of anticipation and eagerness that hung heavy in the air. Nothing like this ever penetrated the overhyped scene of raves were everyone was friendly with everyone regardless of appearance.

It was almost alien; eyes stared back without the glaze of drugs or booze. The only substance consumed here was the caffeine from the java, cappuccinos and tea. Despite the pretense of calmness the place as a whole seemed warm and welcoming. Even as the first band set up, furs chatted amongst themselves; topics ranging from music to movies, weekend plans or even school work, not what drugs they were on or how they wanted to fondle the person next to them.

There was however a small group of girls ogling the band as they set up. The foursome whispered together with quick flicks of their heads as they shyly took turns visually molesting the members. Two foxes, orange and one white stood tuning their guitars while a bat in a v-neck popped out jazzy rifts on his bass as the eager crowd stood in anticipation.

"Check, Check, one two." A lean cougar stood in a white undershirt and tights black pants as he spoke into the mic, deep voiced and calm as his eyes flittered over the crowed, taking in his audience. A few bass drum thumps thundered out rapidly in multiples of three before the silence and chitter-chatter sprung back up. Someone in the crowd lifted a paw and 'woo'ed. The large badger behind the drums just grinned and let rip another complex round of double bass pedal magic. "Show off." The cougar drawled glancing back at the badger with just as big a grin.

The anticipation grew as the band neared the end of their set up. Furs moved forward leaving a small semi-circle in front of the tiny stage.

"Their starting," It took a moment before the looming red-brown hawk realized those words were for him and looked to his left as they met his ears. The silver wolf beside him grinned, raising a brow, ears pointing to the ceiling. He wore a red plaid button down shirt and black cargo shorts while a pair of narrow black rimmed glasses sat upon his nose. They made him look geeky, but sexy at the same time, like a big wolf who liked science and nice long books but could rip off his shirt any moment to reveal a huge 'S' for superwolf, though quite unlikely.

Delsin was still taking in the atmosphere of the place, head spinning, but at least it wasn't from a headache caused by constant thumping music and the wolf wasn't making things easier on him, with his cute grin and... "Should we move closer?"

They were some of the tallest ones there and moving forward through the tight crowd wouldn't be too hard but given their size and the lack of space they opted to move halfway up against the far right wall taking up a perfect spot to simply enjoy the first band from the sidelines.

"Hey all you furs out there." The cougar said, microphone pressed to his lips with a large feline paw raised to his forehead as if gazing out over an ocean. The foxes gazed up from their guitars, faces blank, while the bat tapped his foot as if reciting bass licks in his head. "We are 'The Heart Attack' and this is only our second show so show us some love and tell us we suck!" The cougar grinned as someone yelled 'You Suck' back at them. "Thank you. This first song is called 'Broken Bat'"

The cougar nodded to the bat behind the bass, the exchange of unspoken words signaling a quick jazzy bass line imbedded with hi-hat and snare from the drummer. The lead red fox began a dreamy tone that flowed along with the pop and ping of the bass. Soon they were off on a bouncy jazz tune clumped together with screechy rhythms from the white fox all while the cougar grinned toothily out over the heads of furs as he slapped his thigh in perfect sync.

Delsin only had enough time to wonder why they were called 'The Heart Attack' when the distortion kicked in. Loud thunderous 'dummmms' crashed from the guitar amps before the badger behind his kit sped off, hands a blur as sticks rapidly stuck snare and ride and hi-hit symbols respectively. The cougar's high pitched screams matching his antics as he dashed back and forth from one end of the stage to another, arms flinging in an attempt to make a point that he knew his incomprehensible vocals couldn't.

Delsin's beak hung open not knowing what to think, he knew hardcore, he knew metal, but this was more different than anything he had ever heard. Ear piercing screams with deafening drums spasms under squealing guitar changes and catchy bass lines. The hawk almost thought he found a new music to give him a headache but as he was thinking that the song flawlessly shifted into a down-tempo romp as the singer sang, 'sang'! Quite melodically in fact, he would have assumed the cougar shifted spots with an alter ego with more talent but it was the very same. The Lyrics were even clear.

"Brace yourself darling

this world isn't big enough

for the both of us."

"They would just throw their sticks

and their rocks

beak our hopes

all our dreams

let's not be like them, let's not run away."

The last part "Let's not run away" was screamed in total silence before the guitars crashed into a distorted breakdown as the vocalist growled "You broke the bat." along with the thumps of double bass pedals. The bat on stage strumming his instrument with one hand as the other made a fist in the air, the crowd ebbing and waving like a violent sea of storms, fists in the air and chanting along with the cougar. Delsin noticed that Buzz's fist was also raised while wailing "You broke the bat." The red-tail couldn't help but smile.

While rough their music was at times it never stayed the same for too long, thus never bringing about the headache Delsin though he might receive. Every song brimming with something different hidden behind the wails of guitar and vocals; a beautiful melody or a jaunty tune or a jazzy melody, all usually ending in a stomach churning crunch of doom-ish, palm muted breakdowns. They didn't suck, they were great musicians, all acing together as one; they only played their instruments in different ways. On one song the white fox even pulled out a bow string and played his guitar like a cello-guitar hybrid.

Eyes wide and beak open in amusement, Delsin watched as the band played, on occasion he could feel the silver wolf's tail brush up against his tail feathers. It made him think about the night before, however hazy it was to him. He vaguely remembered everything they did in that dark secluded corner. Truth be told, he would have never done something like that in public, the alcohol had fueled that on a bit. It was an excuse of course; Delsin hadn't been with anyone in a while and he figured the kid had been an easy pick. Buzz had been at a largely gay and lesbian rave and Delsin thought he had just put two and two together. Then again he had been mistaken of the wolf's musical tastes.

Buzz had latter told him that he had never given what they had done a single thought before then. It made Delsin feel guilty after he had sobered up, he almost admitted rape but Buzz insisted that it was all alright, apparently it had been an eye opener to him. Delsin didn't know what to think then, the kid was alright, a little unsure of himself, but alright. The red-tail almost blushed when he had asked him to come to the show with him. He hadn't been on a date in two years; this wasn't very formal of course, besides compared to the rave they had no secluded spot to slip away too.

He spent the entire set in thought; though the music made it to his ears his brain was too busy shifting through thoughts to ponder what words the erratic cougar screamed.

The last song finished off with a bang of symbols and guitar licks, the cougar bowed triumphantly as the rest of the band began going about the process of packing up their gear. They had a short set; then again they were the first act. Delsin figured the next band would have played for longer.

Furs began to disperse for a quick break between sets, either for a coffee for smoke break. Buzz tugged on the hawk's borrowed shirt, signaling him to follow. He had gotten the black and green polo shirt from Buzz's father's drawer. It was a little tight and made him smell like wolf, but he figured he liked that. The time they spent at Buzz's house was just as blurry until the hawk had awoken at twelve earlier this afternoon in a strange bed next to a naked wolf. Delsin grinned to himself as he made his way through the crowd keeping is wings as close to his person as possible, receiving hesitant stares from smaller furs; one or twice he bumped into someone who turned in frustration but thought twice before starting a fight with the large bird.

The sun was setting below the nearby mountains, casting the world outside the shop into twilight. Cars rolled by, taking in the quaint sights of downtown as shadows danced below bottom paws as furs walked in front of the brightly lit windows pasted with stickers, flyers and neon signs. Older patrons sat about in padded chairs or couches, sucking on hookah hoses; the lush smells of peach, passion fruit, mint, and strawberries wafting throughout the cool autumn air. The music from within must not have pierced far into the evening as the outsiders mumbled on with polite conversation, lazily taking drags of cigarettes or sips of warm coffee concoctions.

Delsin saw a pair of otters huddled on a couch, each lost in the others embrace as their mouths explored each others, their affection barely noticeable. The hawk knew very well that if it was he and Buzz on that couch all the eyes within the vicinity would be on them. It only briefly got his sprits down before Buzz took him by the claws and pulled him around the small rod iron fence that enclosed the tables, chairs and couches. His heart began to race as they walked a short ways to a darker, more secluded place among the long row of empty, two story buildings; victims of poor economic times.

As soon as they were shrouded in shadows the hawk had no warning before the wolf's lips were on his, tongues intertwining and mingling from muzzle to beak. He wasn't surprised when a furry paw came up the inside of the hawk's shirt, padded fingers exploring Delsin's soft belly feathers. He felt himself grow hard against the seams of his pants and couldn't do anything but sigh heavily into the wolf's mouth. Buzz replied by grabbing Delsin's swollen bulge with his free paw, squeezing it tightly enough to permit a fair amount of pre to flood the confines of Buzz's father's underwear, also borrowed. He normally didn't where them but the thought of going to a hardcore show with moshers where anything could happen made him decide to borrow a pair.

Buzz finally and vary slowly pulled his muzzle from the red-tail's beak, a string of saliva connecting them until buzz grinned.

"I've been wanting to do that since we left my house." Buzz admitted with a guilty puppy look in his blue eyes.

Delsin chuckled a little too loudly and stifled it by covering his bill with a leathery claw as he couldn't bite his own lips. He had backed against a wall and they were well hidden unless someone was to purposely come round the corner with the same intent they had.

"Listen." Delsin said on a more serious note, he looked into the wolf's eyes; they seemed to sparkle like sapphires in the dimming light. He gazed back at the hawk with a similar stare that Delsin had just given him; something in those eyes saying something that sounded ominously close to love. It made Delsin's stomach churn but with more excitement than fear. He hadn't been in a heartfelt relationship in years and he knew this was the wolf's first with another male so they were both wet behind the ears. "Last night was..."

"Probably the best thing that ever happened to me." Buzz said pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose; they had gone askew from their kiss. This simple action made the butterflies in the hawk's stomach flutter. "I've been the most uptight furson I know for as long as I can remember, since before junior high. I've done a lot of thinking over the last twenty-four hours and I'm sure it had to do with not knowing who I really was in here."

Buzz placed a hand over his heart and patted with the paw that had momentarily fondled the bird's trapped hawk-hood. Delsin nearly smiled but tried his hardest to keep his thoughts on track, he still felt guilty about the night before, He normally didn't get that drunk but the occasion had called for it. He made a mental note to look for a better job other than doing security at raves.

"Buzz, last night I probably shouldn't have..." Delsin spoke quickly before the wolf could interrupt. "I'm five years older than you; five years ago you were fourteen..."

"Ralph is seventeen and last night he went home with two cats that looked twenty-five." Buzz interrupted like Delsin knew he would. The hawk thought back to the fox he had seen briefly the night before, the one who had made Delsin decide that the wolf was gay. "Besides, I'm of legal age." Buzz paused again, he didn't look flustered, and on the contrary, he looked calm and clear headed. "Today is the first day since as long as I can remember where I'm not looking over my shoulder for no reason, sweating about what people think or uptight about whatever it is I'm doing. I don't even care if people see us kiss right now."

And again he pulled the hawk into a kiss but this time dragged him, with strong wolf paws behind feathery neck, out into and against the opposite wall exposing them to the world. Delsin kissed back eyes wide as he felt his beak sear red hot with embarrassment and panic. He couldn't look behind him to see if someone was staring or not but as the wolf's paws fell from his neck down around his chest and to his back the red-tail gave in, kissing back with as much vigor as the wolf. The warmth of their bodies blocking out the cold as darkness descended around them, the first stars poking out behind long wisps if clouds over head. It was an intoxicating feeling in and of itself. He thought back to the otters outside the coffee shop, holding each other, kissing as other furs shuffled past without so much as a passing glance. Though they weren't on a couch in the middle of a crowded hookah lounge they were kissing as furs passed by without noticing the two bulky forms sharing such and intimate moment in the dim light of dusk.

This time Delsin slowly pulled away from the wolf with his mischievous grin, it wasn't until the two heard the faint 'dun duunnnnn' of distorted guitars that they noticed the cougar from the last band standing just under ten feet from them, snare drum in paw, mouth slightly agape at what he had just witnessed. Delsin instantly kicked into overdrive and stood straight, sticking out his chest in intimidation. He had had to defend himself from homophobes before; it was an automatic defensive stance, as if he dared the cougar to say something.

"Hey you're the cougar from 'The Heart Attack'." Buzz chimed in taking up a place next to Delsin's large forearms, only he was in a much friendlier stance. "You guys were great, awesome vocals man." The wolf finished with a thumbs up.

The cougar just stared and nodded absentmindedly, clearly too afraid to say anything in front of the hawk incase he did decide to attack him for interrupting. Buzz just grinned; his niceness threw Delsin off as he stared at the slightly shorter wolf. He almost thought to say something 'nice' as well but Buzz beat him to it.

"Well sounds like the next band is starting," Buzz said clapping his paws together and rubbing them as if getting ready to dive into some lavish meal. "I guess we'll see you in there, I don't want to miss the mosh pit."

Buzz signaled Delsin to follow and without another glance they left the cougar standing there, maw still open, claws scratching his head as if having seen something quite astonishing without knowing how to react.

Buzz and Delsin giggled guiltily as they made their way back to the coffee shop, trying their best to hide the erections they now sported.

Once inside the warmth enveloped them along with that rich aroma of coffee and with the smell attributed to the gathering of multiple kinds of furs inside closed doors. The scene had changed, more people inhabited the front half of the shop, some tables being converted into chairs as a large circle had opened up in the middle of the back portion of the shop where the stage resided. A few furs were stretching and jumping about in the open ring, three foxes stood wearing plain white shirts and gym shorts, two from the previous band, along with the bat bass player and badger drummer and finally the male otter from outside along with his girlfriend who looked just as ready to take on anyone. They gathered on one side while a group of larger furs stood stock still, arms crossed staring at the more eager group next to them. A bear stood his ground dead in the center of the circle, arms folded, blank face staring at the members on stage. He didn't look mean but didn't seem like a nice guy either.

Buzz and Delsin made their way to the outskirts of the pit, people easily making way for them. Buzz immediately removed his glasses and gazed about. Delsin was almost sad to see him lose his intelligent appearance, now he just looked like a wolf ready to 'dance'.

"Excuse me." The wolf tapped the shoulder of a pretty looking lynx with a frilly teased mane. She looked up, just short of a grimace but when she saw Buzz a smile crept across her face. "Would you mind holding these for me?"

The lynx looked a little disappointed but gladly accepted the plastic glasses gingerly. "Only because you're cute." She said and slipped them into her large purse. Delsin rolled his eyes; whether the wolf wanted to accept it Buzz was a real ladies man.

Another 'dun duunnnnn' shot out from the amps set up on the stage accompanied with a spray of symbols crashing. The vocalist, a large tiger in a black shirt that read "And Hell Followed With" picked up his mic, wrapping the cord around his wrists multiple times.

"We are 'Deface the Gods' and I want to see each and every one of you moving your fucking feet to the music." The tiger nearly growled the words. Delsin figured large felines made good lead vocalist for hardcore bands, it was in their nature to growl and hiss.

"Uurrrrr goooooooo." The tiger bellowed like a boar as a catchy breakdown came crashing down. A wall of fur seamed to rush up in front of Delsin eyes, arms and legs kicked and swung along with the rhythmatic crunching of the guitars. Two of the foxes did a few flips in the air like ninjas. Everything seemed rehearsed; the dancers were so in sync with the music it was hard to believe it wasn't choreographed.

When a rush of silver swept by, Delsin realized Buzz was out there among the swarm of arms and legs and no longer at his side. It was a wonder no one got hit, or if they did they brushed it off as their endorphins rushed them onwards to dance.

Delsin still felt inadequate enough to try it himself; his feet wouldn't be able to keep up with the mathematical rhythm of the hammer falls of bass pedals or the complex crunches of guitar. An hour of practice before the show had deemed him efficient enough in Buzz's eyes but the Hawk was having second thoughts now.

Finally the song switched from breakdown to 2-step, an upbeat tempo consisting of a snare hit after every two or four bass pedal hits. This Delsin figured he was good enough to try.

The big red-tail jumped in as the flailing limbs ceased and everyone started their own variation of crossing one bottom paw with the other repeatedly. Bringing his right foot up and leaving the left on down. he crossed his right with the left only to finally bring the left one around. It truly was a fun little dance and it went so perfectly with the beat of the 2-step.

The hawk danced, being careful not to hit one of the smaller furs with a black and white wing as they danced precariously close to his spot. A few times he felt a fist find its way into his arm or chest but both times he brushed it off and decided against starting a pointless fight against the bear that seemed to be trying to rule the pit. It was pointless to get mad, why would you get upset over being hit when participating in an activity that entitled getting hit in the first place. The bear didn't seem to share the same philosophy. A few times between 2-step and circle pit he noticed the bear receive a fist from the white fox guitar player from 'The Heart Attack', purely on accident

The bear retaliated by purposely thrusting a leg out behind him, bringing the fox to the ground. Buzz helped him up and dusted off his back. The fox gave the bear a glare as he laughed with his friend on the other side of the circle, obviously musing over what he had done.

As a song ended Buzz came up to Delsin, panting, tongue hanging out of his mouth. The lynx from before who seemed to have taken a liking to Buzz had bought a bottled water, she handed it over to him as if parting with a diamond ring even though Delsin could tell it was for Buzz. The wolf thanked her and returned to the hawk, who was equally trying to catch his breath as the band retuned their guitars.

"Do you see that guy out there?" Buzz gasped after taking a deep swig of water, half of which fell down his front bringing dark spots to his flannel shirt. "He's trying to smash on everyone smaller than him out there."

"I know," Delsin said holding a claw to his shoulder the large bear had swung his fist into his arm while 2-steping. "He even got me a few times."

Buzz's eyes widened as if the hawk had just told him he was terminally ill.

"It's no big deal, really." The red-tail said rotating his shoulder to prove he wasn't down for the count. But Buzz wasn't convinced, unbuttoning his shirt before removing it to reveal a white undershirt he turned to once again plead to the lynx to watch over something of his. She grinned and clutched his sweat damp shirt to her chest and Buzz grinned, the sensual endowindow soaring right over his head.

"Hey big bad wolf, don't do anything you'll regret," The lynx said twirling a few strands of cheek fur with a padded finger. She had obviously been watching the conflict on the dance floor.

"Aww don't worry," Buzz said scratching his head with a sharp nail as he grinned, oblivious to being hit on. "I've got my big birdie friend to back me up." He finished by throwing a thumb back to the hawk who looked disgruntled at having been called a birdie. It still made him smile slightly when buzz let out a laugh that was suddenly cut short as the amps on the stage let out a deafening burst of noise. The tiger onstage took a drink of bottled water and spit up into the air as the next song came rolling out quite fast.

The hawk stared as the wolf darted out into the circle pit without warning, as ne noticed, Delsin felt a sharp twinge come from his behind. Nearly squawking he cupped his hands over his rear. Buzz held up the black tipped cream colored tail feather up in the air as he ran; a prize for a victory lap.

Delsin looked around, eyes stared at him, he felt exposed but at the same time eager, eager for the show to be over and safe in come secluded corner with the wolf.

The lynx stared at the hawk for a moment then shifted to Buzz, circling the bear holding the feather tightly to his chest. She seemed to make some kind of connection between the two. She frowned for a moment before another smile crossed her muzzle. She shook her head as if she disapproved but understood; the two had something she couldn't get back from the silver wolf.

Delsin just grinned and watched the crowd, still too depleted to partake. Furs ran round and round as the large bear stood stock still in the middle; arms crossed again while wearing a scowl to announce his hatred of the spectacle. A few of the bear's buddies stood on the sidelines trying to trip some of the more unsuspecting moshers. The foxes all leapt effortlessly over the limbs as did the silver wolf, entire face a grin of excitement.

Delsin noticed suddenly that the cougar from a while ago was in the pit as well, casting glances at the wolf whenever he sped past. He appeared concerned about something; whether it was from the kiss he witnessed or his friends being abused by the larger crowd of moshers. While the rest of the younger moshers tried their best to ignore the older one the cougar was having a much more difficult time of it. It was then when the large bear stuck out his foot paw as the cougar came rushing by unaware and stumbled. Delsin watched as the cougars feline reflexes kicked in, he was able to stay a foot, semi hopping in a scramble before gravity overpowered him and brought him down in front of the hawk.

Delsin's first response was to mad dog the bear but his back was turned, his cronies laughing it up at the fallen cougar. The red-tail shook his head and bet over the cougar to lend a hand. He helped him to his feet slowly in case he had sprained something, or worse. The cougar grimaced as he put weight on his foot.

"Hey, it might be sprained," The hawk yelled loudly over the amps, holding the cougar up by his torso, arm around his back for support. "Try and hop over to a chair, here I'll help you."

The cougar nodded and hobbled on one foot though the crowed as he grimaced in pain, Delsin acting as his second foot. He almost didn't want to leave Buzz behind and hoped that one of the cougar's friends would come up and take him off his hands.

"Damn those fucks." The cougar growled as he lowered himself into a chair in a quieter part of the shop, it was still noisy but they didn't have to scream for the other to hear. "Every time they're here they're always trying to start something, trying to pick a fight, trying to rule the roost."

It took Delsin a moment to realize what the cat was talking about. "Oh yeah, the bear and his gang." Delsin said taking a seat across from the cougar as he rubbed his ankle. "I was wondering what their problem was."

"They think so highly of themselves." The cougar said as he worked his paw tenderly into the pained spots on his foot, Delsin could see that it was staring to swell.

"CJ, you alright?" Delsin looked up and noticed the badger standing above them, a worried look in his eyes and a grimace on his muzzle. He was sweaty and breathed just as heavily as Delsin had moments ago. "Sorry I couldn't get away sooner, Koss got hit in the nose, blood's everywhere."

"Is he alright?" the Cougar asked as his ears fell flat.

"Look for yourself." The badger said gesturing back to the pit. Delsin saw the White fox on top the shoulders of the bat as they ran around in circles as the other tougher moshers tried to 2-step and stomp, a white bandana was wrapped around his muzzle and tied behind the ears, crimson blood soaking the front. Besides the injury the fox held up a fist, apparently shouting out lyrics he knew.

"He's lucky then." The cougar cringed as he touched his bottom paw again.

"I'll get you some ice for that before it gets worse." The badger said and went to wait in line for some ice.

"That fox sure has a lot of fight in him for such a little guy." Delsin said briefly glancing towards the fox that could still be seen doing flips as he threwdown.

"I'm sorry."

Delsin looked up and around before realizing it was the cougar who said that.

"What do you mean sorry?" Delsin asked feathers prickling for some reason or another. "It wasn't a bother to help you out."

"Not that," The cougar almost yelled as he gripped his foot in his paws. He seemed flustered about something and Delsin had a good idea what. "It's just, I wanted to apologize for stumbling across you two."

"Oh, yeah," Delsin said rubbing the back of his feathery head, the prickling was still their but it was soothed over quite thoroughly with the apology. "It's alright, we... We were being reckless."

The cougar shook his head. "I should have just shook if off and walked away, it didn't really bother me, well it did, but not for that reason."

The cougar was looking for the right words; Delsin could tell he was trying not to offend the large hawk. Delsin mused slightly over this.

"You see, Koss and Kory our guitarists both came out to us recently." The cougar said looking over to the mosh pit with a weak attempt at a smile. Delsin could still see the fox as he moshed; arms flying, elbows jabbing, legs kicking in large round house style swings, before getting another fist to the face, only this time by his otter friend who looked wide eyed, worried he had truly hurt him, before they both started laughing. "The whole band accepted them with open arms, open minds, and closed eyes. I didn't have a problem with it really, but it still bothered me. They're my friends and I'll never stop being so because of something like that, it was just a shock, you know."

Delsin could sympathize with the cougar, he had known friends in the past, some who accepted him, some who rejected him. In the end what mattered was whether or not those friends held true to that acceptance.

"I was just stressed out, for lack of a better word." The cougar said looking back at the red-tail. "I shouldn't have stared at you two with such a god awful look."

"It wasn't god awful." Delsin laughed, "You just couldn't process two guys kissing in public, like I said, we were being reckless. Just be lucky you weren't at the North End rave last night." Delsin thought back and had to fight off the hard-on awakening in his pants. He wanted to steel Buzz away from this place, take him home, anywhere where they could be alone long enough to mate.

Delsin snapped back to reality when he heard an electric violin being played over an amp, slicing through the silence of a stunned crowed with an oriental tune. The lynx playing the instrument on stage was the same one who had agreed to hold Buzz's things. His shirt was still draped over her shoulder as she nestled the violin to her chin.

Drums slowly kicked in along with progressively harder guitar 'dums' until the band was off on one final breakdown. The ocean of furs pulsed, sending arms and legs flailing into the air as everyone in the pit scrambled to throwdown one final time. Delsin and the cougar just grinned at each other and watched as familiar limbs flung up above the heads of furs.

When the song was over the front man thanked the audience for being such a great crowd and took his girlfriend, the lynx, into his arms and kissed her as he lifted her off the ground. Delsin just smiled.

Buzz finally came bursting through the crowd with the white fox on his shoulder, both were wearing bandanas, both blood soaked. Delsin got to his feet instantly, worry flooding every ounce of his being.

"It's alright, it's not broken." Buzz chimed as he brought the fox up and over his head before setting him down on the ground. Slowly he pulled the bandana down to his neck. "Only a nice little battle scar, see the bleeding's stopped."

"We paid the fucker back though." The white fox said triumphantly lowering his own bandana, his voice hoarse from screaming along with the band.

"The bear tripped Brandon's girlfriend," Delsin just assumed it was the otter that Buzz was talking about.

Buzz helped her up and the fat ass didn't like it much."

"Hey," The badger said returning with the ice for the cougar's foot. "I resent that." But he smiled at the fox.

"You're the cute kind of fat Chris." The white fox said rubbing the badger's belly. "Anyways, so the bear thought he'd try his luck with Buzz here but was in way over his head. This wolf is made of pure muscle."

"Not pure muscle." Buzz grinned patting his own belly with a paw, firm but void of a six pack. "It was really Koss here who saved the day, came up right behind the bear and got him with a side kick while his friends weren't watching. Big guy didn't have a clue as to who it was and couldn't take us on all at once, could he?"

Koss grinned up at Buzz and shook his head.

Delsin felt warm, and horny, but mostly warm from that strange feeling the wolf was giving him, the word bubbled up in his throat and the only thing that prevented him from saying it out loud was Buzz's bearish arm on him. The heat doubled, threatening to sear him and all his feathers like a thanksgiving turkey. The rest of the coffee shop was lost to vision and only he and Buzz remained, floating in a void created by that one unspoken word he did want to finally come up out of his throat, but instead of one word, several came.

"Buzz, I-I love you." The hawk whispered into the wolf's ears. Buzz just tightened his hold on the hawk as they held on to their moment a little longer. Oddly, it didn't feel strange any longer. The notion of love was wonderful, not terrifying. Delsin never remembered feeling this way with any other male before the wolf, everything had seemed rushed or forced; now it flowed smoothly like a river that had all the time in the world to carve out a canyon grander than that of the Grand Canyon. Delsin made a mental note to try and come up with a less cheesy example, but for now it would have to do.

Strangely enough when they pulled apart only the cougar was staring at them. The two otters were kissing near the door and Kory and Koss were rubbing noses together which caused more stares than Delsin and Buzz had. The Cougar narrowed his eyes, only this time he smiled and shook his head.

"I never got your name." Delsin asked the cougar who arranged the ice on is foot into a better position.

"Connor." The cougar said holding out his paw. Delsin and Buzz both shook it respectively before the white fox wrapped his arms around the cougar's neck. "You can call me CJ for short."

"Yeah, and this guy is probably the best friend a fox can get." Koss said rubbing a knuckle into Connor's left ear. "Next to Kory that is. Oh shit is that what that fat ass did to you CJ?"

"Yep, I'll be okay though." The cougar assured as he sifted the ice again, "It already doesn't hurt anymore."


Delsin and Buzz both turned to the throat clearing to see the Lynx and her boyfriend standing close together in a sideways embrace, despite her passes at Buzz she looked really happy to be with the tiger.

"I have your shirt and glasses here." She said holding out a paw. Buzz humbly took them and thanked her for taking such good care of them. The tiger just looked on in indifference.

"Well I'll see you two around then," and at that she let her boyfriend lead her out the front door.

When Delsin turned to Buzz he was glad he had returned his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"Shall we?" Buzz said nodding towards the door with his arm up as if asking him to dance.

"We shall." Delsin agreed. They said their goodbyes and the cougar thanked Delsin again for helping him with his injury and for forgiving him.

The world outside had changed, things were slower, fewer cars drove by and less furs littered the sidewalks. A few shops had already closed and the lights seemed dimmer. The hawk and wolf strolled about with fingers intertwined, clearly unafraid to display their affection. Besides, there was hardly anyone about, and the ones that were didn't notice or could care less that two males were so tightly love locked.

Halfway to Buzz's car Delsin had to kiss him, the urge had been building and he couldn't suppress it any longer; he pulled him behind a tree and dug into his mouth, tongue raping the inside of his muzzle. Buzz was surprised enough to almost push the hawk away but on second thought decided to join in on the short release. When they did pull apart finally the look in Buzzes eyes had changed, he looked hungry but not for a burger at the Ruby's across the street, Delsin could tell he wanted something else.

"There is a secluded staircase near where I parked." Buzz grinned, just the other night he had been nervous to even be seen kissing; now he wanted to mate on top of a building where pedestrians could stumble across them. Delsin was hesitant, being sober as a bone, but Buzz took him by the claw and dragged him down the streets with an eager puppy look in his eyes.

The stair case was secluded and as they climbed, Delsin noticed that there really wasn't anything up there but a few air conditioning units; it was truly an ideal place for an exhibition. They meandered over to the edge and looked down at the downtown strip below, paws and claws on the waist high concrete ledge. Delsin marveled a bit at the town he had grown up in and didn't notice Buzz sneak behind him until he was working with the button of his pants. Instead of fight the hawk let the wolf pull his pants down but when the canine ran his clawed paws through his tail-feathers it made him worry.

"Hey, you're not gonna..." Delsin started but was cut off when a wet, clawless finger was pressed against his hole.

"Last night you got to be the dominant one," Buzz whispered, chin resting on the hawk's shoulder as he massaged around the hole. "And this morning, all five times we fucked, I was your lap dog, it felt amazing. But now, I'm curious just to see how much you can take of me, ever been with a wolf before?"

Delsin shook his head and his body trembled, he knew the wolf had a knot but surly he didn't think he would actually use it.

"You know what happens when a wolf ties with its mate?" Delsin's knees felt week, his stomach had dropped out of him the moment the finger pressed against his ass, but the anticipation and eagerness of the situation had made him hard. No doubt he wanted this, the erection sticking up through the darkness didn't lie, but at the same time he didn't want loose the one piece of innocence the big hawk still had, no one had ever fucked him before and the thought of being tied to the wolf terrified him. "When that knot gets stuck, it won't be able to come out for awhile."

Buzz was taunting him; the kid had definitely changed since the night before. Delsin was unsure how he could have changed the kid so much but he had clearly done the boy a great service by doing what they had done the night before.

"But don't worry, I'll be gentle." With that buzz lowered himself to his knees and without warning Delsin felt his warm tongue on his ass, licking and lapping at the area before plunging in to probe the insides. Delsin chomped his beak shut to keep from squawking, if he couldn't bare such a small thing as a tongue, then how in the world was he going to take buzz's knot.

"Oh my gawd." Delsin slurred as the slippery wolf tongue worked his insides. It was the greatest thing he had ever felt, a blow job barely compared to this. "Oh my god..." was all he could say as the wolf continued to work on him.

The hawk could feel the cold air around his huge dripping cock; it made him shiver but each time Buzz would work his tongue farther in, waves of heat coursing through him, negating the cold.

When Buzz switched from his tongue to a finger, Delsin's tail-feathers shot up as he winced at the pleasurable pain that was shot through his body.

"If I didn't know any better I would think this was your first time." Buzz laughed, but when Delsin remained quiet, his entire weight hugging the large ledge for support, Buzz just stood there, finger halfway from being pulled out as Delsin quivered beneath him. "Are you serious? After everything you said to me last night about being a virgin, you're going to tell me you're a virgin too?"

"Shut up," Delsin growled in embarrassment. "Just hurry up and fuck me already."

Buzz was silent for a moment but when he finally pulled his finger out he straightened up and grunted a laugh. Delsin felt chills as the tip of Buzz's hard cock pressed up against the soft wet hole beneath his twitching tail-feathers.

"Don't worry, I'll go slow" Buzz whispered through the darkness, the trembling bird beneath him just swallowed hard and held his breath. "At least I will at first."

With that the tip breached, feeling just like the finger at first but as the wolf slowly rocked it into him he could feel himself stretching around the member in an attempt to accommodate for its massive size.

Delsin gripped the ledge, talons scratching the concrete in deep gashes as spots of light began to dance in front of him. As Buzz got about half way when the hawk felt him start to back out, relief flooding him momentarily until it was thrust back inside, going much farther than before. Delsin grunted out loudly as the air was swept from his lungs; tears beginning to blur his vision as they bubbled up in the corners of his eyes. Buzz quickly wrapped a paw around his large beak to stifle the noise. "Jezz, you really are a virgin; I said I'd go slowly but only at first."

Again Buzz pulled out slowly before reentering him with a rough pump. Delsin almost told the wolf to stop, that he couldn't take it anymore when he finally hit that spot. The spot that Delsin knew made sex worth every minute. He moaned through his closed beak, something he never did, having never been fucked before, but now the pain, no, the pleasure, was too much to handle. His cock was leaking a steady stream of pre like the wolf had the night before but he dared not touch it in fear of exploding prematurely.

Buzz started to move faster, nice easy thrusts with a quick jab every so often just so he could. Delsin knew, heard him grunt again as the flood of pleasure washed over him. Each time the knotty base of the cock would touch up against the red-tails already absurdly stretched hole. Delsin feared the thing while longing for it at the same time. He began pushing back once the pain had died away considerably, trying every other thrust to push back a bit on the knot as if to prepare for the inevitable.

"You want it don't you birdie." Buzz said slyly realizing what the hawk was doing.

"Uh-huhhh," was all Delsin could say. He could feel Buzz chuckling behind him. Delsin couldn't do anything but wait for it, sending a frenzy of worried quakes through him. Not knowing when it was going to happen was worse than taking those first few inches. He thought he would be able to tell when it would, a few times Buzz plunged into him and for a moment Delsin would think, this is it, only to have it slip back out.

"God damn it," Delsin grunted, losing patience with the silver wolf. "Just fucking tie me already and get it over..."

Again those lights danced in front of his eyes, only this time they swarmed until the lights from the town below faded away, bringing a new meaning to having been fucked blind. Buzz continued to thrust only he didn't have much room to pull back, the base of the knot trying to pull back out but succeeding only in sending painful shocks though to Delsin's feather tips. Every thrust was like that, pain before pleasure as Buzz would pull back before smashing forward into the walls of his prostate.

His vision was starting to return when he felt that rushing feeling in his groin that told him climax was quickly approaching.

"I'm gonna..." Delsin said before a thrust, his words ending in a gasp. Again he tried to announce his orgasm before a thrust would steal the air from his lungs. "I'm gonna..."

"Me too." Buzz groaned as he leaned into the hawk biting his neck, paws clawing into his feathery hips as Delsin felt him cum, spurt after spurt inflating his insides like a hot water balloon with nowhere to go.

The wolf wasn't alone, Delsin squeezed his eyes shut as he exploded, ropes of cum splashing against the wall of the ledge, the musk of his own cum hitting his nostrils, sending him farther over the edge resulting in a few extra shots before his cock fell dripping between his legs.

Delsin lay their leaning over the edge of the building which was large enough to stretch his arms out across as he held the wolf up while he continued to nibble on the feathers on his shoulder. He could hear soft 'arf' sounds coming from his throat as he rocked back and forth. Delsin noticed it was a different rocking then the one used to stuff him, it was side to side and every gentle. When Delsin felt air around his sex soaked sack he realized the wolf's tail was wagging like a puppy. Either way, Delsin thought, Buzz was his puppy, no matter who fucked who.

Delsin felt warm despite the cold, warm enough where he knew he could fall asleep like this.

"It's gonna be awhile before this bad boy goes down," Buzz said and Delsin laughed softly, every move he made he could feel that huge piece of meat inside of him, still hard, still pulsing with every beat of the wolf's heart. "So I guess were stuck like this for a while."

"Well," Delsin said trying to reach for his pants with one arm in search of a little extra warmth. "I can stay like this for a while." Delsin turned his head sideways, neck being much more flexible than the wolf's, and kissed him.

"I love you." Buzz said and smiled when they pulled apart.

"Yeah," Delsin said staring at those blue eyes. "I love you too."

So it was final, they had said it, I love you. Delsin just leaned forward and sighed as Buzz rested his head on the birds back, between his wings. The wolf breathed heavily and Delsin realized just how quiet it was up here. The moon had come out behind a particularly fast moving cloud, bathing the rooftop with light, casting the stars above into the shadows. They must have made quite a bit of noise, but the stragglers on the sidewalks below looked as if they didn't have the slightest clue as to what had just happened upon the very roof they now walked under.

"You think anybody heard us?" Delsin whispered not wanting to break the silence. He waited a moment but when Buzz didn't reply he asked again. "Hey, Buzz."

When the soft snore vibration rumbled through both their bodies Delsin felt his insides turn to ice. The wolf had fallen asleep, not just on top of him, but inside of him. "Hey, Buzz." He said deeply and pushed his hips back, regretting it instantly. Buzz slipped an inch but didn't stop. Delsin panicked, still being tied, as the large wolf slipped off his back and fell. Delsin's only option was to fall with him, knot dragging him along.

Buzz hitting the ground awoke him but the pain Delsin thought he would avoid by falling along with him still bolted through his body as the knot was ripped from his hole with a nasty sloshing sound. Delsin thought he would scream until his eyes popped but instead clamped his beak down over his feathered arm and bit.

"What the?" Buzz said sitting up in a daze, staring from his deflating cock to the hawk rolling around on the ground, wings twitching, ass clenched in pain. The only reason Delsin wasn't stomping his feet into the rooftop was thanks to his pants still around his ankles.

"Del, what the fuck happened?" Buzz asked still bewildered.

"You fell asleep while inside me." Delsin growled taking his beak from his arm; luckily he hadn't drawn any blood.

"Jezz, I'm," Buzz said chuckling as he got to his knees to comfort his friend. "I'm sorry about that, just the show and the dancing, then the sex... I'm beat."

"It's not funny." Delsin scowled as he rolled onto his back to stare up at the wolf, he was real bright in the moon light, except for that dark patch of black fur over his eye, only a glitter of blue shone from there. The look Buzz gave Delsin shone with true honesty; of course he didn't mean to, the lummox just fell asleep. Delsin slowly smiled and upon seeing this buzz's tail began to bob back and forth, a good sign.

"I could give you and a real apology." Buzz said rubbing a paw over Delsin's feathery sheath.

"Maybe when we get to my place," Delsin grinned, as the wolf's tongue hung out to the side of his smile, black glasses slightly askew. Delsin truly loved him in those. "It might be a crapy shit hole but it has heating and warm running water."

"A shower does sound nice." Buzz agreed, helping the hawk to his feet.

"Then a shower we shall have." Delsin said pushing those glasses up the bridge of the wolf's nose, he really did love him, he really did.

The End