New Clothes Same Story

Story by paula on SoFurry

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James woke up to find his mother standing over him with a smile, "Well good afternoon sleep head." She said to

him as he sat up, wincing as his sore ass rested against the floor. "Are you ok honey, you look a little pale."

"I'm fine, just a little tummy ache." James said holding his stomach, which have previously been occupied by a

large intruder. Sara walked off to make some lunch. He didn't know why but he was all sticky. While he'd slept his

muscles had relaxed and huge amounts of gooey cream had slid out from under his tail getting his soft fur all sticky.

He hopped in the shower to try and get it off. James took one of several girly shampoos his siblings had stocked in

the bathroom and proceeded to shower up. James stepped out of the shower naked to find his mother waiting for him.

"James I want to take your temperature, you still look under the weather and we don't want you getting sick"

"Ok", James said opening his mouth.

"No I don't trust those oral thermometers, come on honey bend over the sink real fast."

James reluctantly bent over exposing himself to his mother. She paused for a moment as she lifted her son's

tail and looked at his tush. His little hole was very red and puffy and show signs of having been stretched. "That'

strange", she thought to herself. She quickly shoved the thermometer into James' backside causing him to bite his lip

and whimper, he was still quite sensitive.

"You ok honey?", Sara inquired.

James looked at her with teary eyes, "It hurt a bit back there."

"Don't worry honey I'll fix that", his mother waited until his temperature read normal then she pulled a

soothing salve from the cabinet. She had spent several years studying to be a nurse but when her scholarships ran dry

she was forced to find other work, especially with her children to feed. She took a large handful and gently rubbed it

under Jame's tail sliding some just inside his entrance. "There, does that feel better honey?"

James blushed, "Yes, mom it does."

"Next time you ride your bike honey, don't ride in the gravel, I don't want your bike seat chafing your bottom

like this again."

"Yes mom", James said, assuming that was infact why he was so sore.

She watched him walk off with a slight limp, something was going on but she wasn't quite sure. She was still

quite curious where the money had come from.

The next morning James was once again awoken by one of his sisters stepping on him. Aside from that he felt

much better, his ass had seemed to heal completely from whatever his mother had put on him, he was pain free, as well

tight as he had been before. His mother told him to quickly get dressed, they were going to the store.

Sara hopped into the drivers seat of the beat up van. It had seen better days but she couldn't afford a better

one and it still ran. Jenna being the oldest had always claimed shot gun. James always managed to get stuck between

Mandi and Cindy who always fought about something stupid which left James stuck inbetween them. Sara had decided to

get some new clothes for the girls since their old ones were worn down, and they seemed to need larger bras every

month. Sara herself was a good looking feline, with DD breasts. Jenna, was already a D cup at 19 while Mandi at 17

and Cindy at 16 were both C cups. None of the girls bothered with pants, they just never seemed to fit right, so they

all stuck with dresses, unfortunately for James who had to bum clothes off of them.

"Mom do I get some boys clothes today?", James asked hopefully.

"Sorry honey but the only boys clothing store is on the other side of town and we don't have enough gas to get

there and back" Sara said reluctantly.

"It's ok mom, little James likes dresses, more don't you James" Jenna said from the front seat.

"Yes, he looks so cute too." Mandi added.

"Can we do your hair too." Cindy teased.

"Shut up", James said blushing. He didn't mind the dresses, they were more comfortable than jeans, but he felt

too girly wearing them. And with his small frame, he did infact look more like a cute young girl than a boy.

"Stop teasing your brother, girls." Sara said.

"Yes mother", the three girls said in practiced unison.

A short while later they had arrived at the strip mall near their apartments, which also were in the bad part of

town. "Stay together girls, I don't want anything happening to you", Sara said as they walked inside. The stores

mostly catered to women, but there were a few men, there aswell mostly with girl friends, all of which were now staring

at the 5 that had entered the mall. They were the 4 sexiest women there, along with what looked like a very cute young

girl. They're low cut shirts produced some amazing cleavage and their short skirts were an eye full. They walked down

the mall entering a small boutique that had a closeout sale going on. "Ok, girls try not to get anything too

expensive, and remember to get enough underwear to last you awhile, and James, sorry honey but you need to pick

something for yourself and don't get lot ok honey."

The girl's split up leaving James to himself to try and find something. He had no idea what to pick. He took

a few pairs of pants wanting to get rid of dresses and headed into the changing room. He tried on several sizes but

none of them fit. He was only 15 but he was still well hung for his age, his 7 inch dick was easy enough to tuck

under when he wore panties but the bulge made wearing girls jeans impossible, at least with a dress he could hide it.

And the jeans pinched him down there making it too uncomfortable. He was doomed, it seemed, to wear dresses. James had

just taken off his dress to try another on when the door opened and someone walked in. He turned to see a large tiger

looking down at him, his face hidden by the dim light in the boutique. The tiger unzipped his pants and pulled out a

very large cock roughly the size of one of James' arms. James' stared at it in fear. He quickly ran around the tiger

running into his mother. "James she said staring at him, you can't stand out here naked, here try these on", his

mother said handing him a large pile of clothes and shoving him back into the changing room walking into the the one

next to him. The tiger quickly grabbed James, this time locking the door. James struggled as the tiger grabbed his

panties and ripped them off.

James mother enjoyed trying on some a nice blue sweater she'd picked out, she hadn't bought anything for

herself in a very long time, she enjoyed being able to indulge for once. While she looked at herself in the mirror,

her son fought desperately on the other side of the wall against the tiger. James was quickly bent over by the tiger

and could feel his big warm pole pressing against his ass. "James I want you to try on those jeans I gave you, since

you wanted something other than dresses." Sara said. "Do any of them fit you honey?"

James could feel the firm cock pressing roughly against his ass, the tip was trying quite hard to get inside of

him. "Noo!", James cried out as it pressed harder.

"Well honey", Sara carried on. I still want you to try and see if you can make them fit.

James' ass tightened up in fear, "It won't fit" he cried out.

"Well just see if you can button them up at least", Sara said admiring how well the blue sweater showed the

outlines of her curves in the mirror.

With great effort the tiger managed to shove his cock into James' unwilling asshole, with great force the whole

thing slammed all the way into him. The tiger's balls rested against James' butt cheeks. James' squeeled like a

little girl much to the enjoyment of the tiger. He was mostly drone out by an message over the intercom that

advertised a discount on all sweaters that day. Sara smiled happily at the thought of getting a good save on her

sweater and looking good in it. Not taking much notice to James screams of pain. "Are you ok James" she said trying

on a green striped t-shirt. "Did you catch yourself down there in your zipper again?"

The tiger paused fully inside of James letting him have a moment to calm down. James tried frantically to pull

himself free. He grabbed the edges of the seat and pulled with all his might, slowly sliding off of the tiger's cock.

Exhausted he layed there, trying to catch his breath. Amused at this the tiger simply grabbed James' hips and once

again shoved himself all the way in. James made another scream, this one just as loud as the first. By now the small

boutique was filled with bargain hunters. They were all fully caught up in getting a good deal before they store sold

out, a few heads turned towards the back of the store when James screamed but no one seemed concerned and quickly

turned their attention to shopping again. The tiger quickly began to pound James from the inside, shoving himself in

fast and pulling out slow to maximize the his pleasure and James pain. After 20 minutes of a good raw pounding the

door to the room opened, the tiger quickly hopping up pulling James to his feet. An older Fox with gray hair was

standing in the door way.

"sir", she said. She paused looking at James and then at the pile of clothes on the floor. "I'm sorry sir

but only 4 sets of clothing per changing room", she said as took several clothing items with her on the way out.

Both the tiger and James blinked in surprise, but were quickly back to where they'd left off. James tried

crying for help again. "mommy, mom, oh god it hurts"

"Don't worry James I'll get some ice for your balls when we leave", she said now trying on a yellow dress with

black spots. "Damn I look good", she said to herself.

"No!, James cried. "My"

"Aww, honey, I'll put some cream on you cheeks again when we get home, try and hang in there baby."

James continued to receive the tigers hug meat for another 30 minutes before he finally felt a huge surge of

warm liquid rush into his body. The tiger had begun pumping so hard and fast that James head was slammed against the

wall knocking him unconscious. The tiger finished his orgasm and left James there on the dressing room floor, his

muscles tightening from the blow to the head trapping all of the tigers sticky cum in his small body.

Sara had walked into James dressing room shortly after the tiger had disappeared, he layed there adorably

"asleep." "I guess we were here awfully long", Sara said picking up James and walking to the counter with the clothes

she had picked out for herself and him. Jenna, Mandi and Cindy followed behind her each with a sizable stack of


"Oh, boy, I hope I have enough money", Sara said concerned.

"Mam." The cute falcon behind the desk said with a smile. "There was a large tiger just in here that said to

charge all of your expenses to his account."

"What?", sara said confused.

"He said he was having a great day and wanted to do something generous."

"Some people sure are thoughtful", sara said with a smile.

The girls took the clothes out to the van while Sara carried James buckling him into the back. "What a

wonderful day this was, we need to get out more often." She thought as she drove home, James sleeping peacefully in the

back, a small puddle of warm liquid slowly forming between his legs.