david's college days part thirteen

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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David knew there was lots of empty shop where he worked, so on one of his break's he went to go see the manger of the shopping centre to discuss his idea.

After a long hour of talking with the manger he said

"I like this shop it could be good business and bring in more customers, when can you set up this so call RETRO LAND shop?"

"Well don't I have to have a shop first?"

"Oh of course come with me".

After a long look around dead and closed up shops David chose a nice medium sized shop, now in the closed store David had a quick look around and said

"Yes I'll take it, how much for it?"

"Well its not rent free but you can have a year free of payments just to see how much money you make and if the business is going strong if not then we can work out how much money you spent".

After a long talk David got the shop and started to throw/lob any thing he didn't need like manikins and the wrong displays stands and any else he wouldn't need and after a quick look round other dead shops he found plenty of wall mounts for CD's, records, cassettes, and video's manly from the old dead ZAVVI shop.

So after a two day trip back and forth to the shops for stuff it was the day of the grand opening or it was but it was about 9:30 at night.

"A bit late to start opening" said Sarah.

So David rang the manger of the shopping centre and told him the good news, and in the morning it was time to open up RETRO LAND and it was a big hit they took on a lot of stuff and sold stuff by the millions and were quite happy raking in the money but after a year it all went down hill mainly because the shops around them were closing by the day but David somehow stayed above the water but only just.

Then disaster the pound store closed, only because it was the summer hols and Sarah was out of a job thankfully David was still going but was loosing profits by the second but this stopped when he installed CCTV and caught a lot of shoplifters and was now getting more people in the shop.

Seeing as there where near the collage as well they where getting a lot of students buying and selling there cd's and DVD's and sometimes there old videos witch they never got a lot for but in the summer when collage closed they lost a lot of business.

When they did get a whole load of video's or cd's they would have staff to listen to it or watch it but if they were no good they would get recycled and wiped if they where video's or DVD's.

This is how the shop looked first you bring in what ever stuff you have then it gets weighed and separated so if you bring in a box of video cassettes and CD's they will be weighed together or separated and what ever they weighed they will be told to you and you can accept the cash or donate them then it gets shorted in to groups and is also priced and then it go's on the shelf's.

The price of the records depended on the age, and oldness plus if it was in the record book it would be priced then.

CD's are price like so free ones are 1.00 pound each the singles are two pound to five pounds depending on what they are and the doubles and trebles are seven to ten pounds.

Cassettes are priced as they are by age so if it's pre 1970 then its two fifty the newer the less.

Tapes or VHS are all a pound unless they are a double or have a special back ground like rock or they have old shows that never where any good.

DVD's are all different singles are five pounds or less box sets are 20 pounds more or less depending on what there are free DVD's from the paper are one pound fifty or more if it is a complete set.

Other items where cassette players big or small, CD players big or small, video players depending on age and playing condition records decks or combos are all over 25 pounds or less the smaller ones are 15 or 10.

Any thing else like mini disc's where 50 pence seeing as no one had herd of them or knew where to get a player for them, they where sometimes free as a gift.

David also had a big glass cabinet behind the pay area where any thing rare or singed was put in there.

The store was layed out like so, in one corner you had records, the next side was video's the after that you had the CD's, by the door and till was the DVD's and then there the back room this is where they short the stuff out and see what there is like the records then they are moved on to the listen bit this is where they are watched, listen and see if there is any problems with the stuff, it is then priced and looked up in the book or on the net and then it gets put on the shelves.

David and Sarah both had a job of there own but then it all went tits up when the price went up to £1000 pounds a year instead of 750 pounds a year but some how David and Sarah managed to continue on but had to lay off a lot of staff then the day came when Sarah and David shut up shop due to rent going up and up so now they were job less and lost a fair bit of money on that store.

After all this David and Sarah needed the money they were in hot water the banks where asking David when he was going to pay the bills the car was out of fuel and David was now walking to the fuel station to get some fuel and then it happened.

David and Sarah were now in the poor house, how do you ask, well find out in the next story.