Young Lover's Gift

Story by taladrian on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Story Commissions

This was a request written for

This story came out to 13 pages long (3740 words) and under normal commission pricing would have been $36. I asked a few friends if they could help me get some practice with showing what I can do on a commission basis, and Mistalis was one that jumped on it. So thanks Mistalis for helping me out!

And as with all of my stories, comments and constructive criticism are always welcome!

Jake and Luke are Mistalis'. Story and additional characters are mine. Please do not repost without proper credits and a link to the original work. Thanks!

For commissions details, go here:

Young Lover's Gift

Commission for Mistalis

The school bell rang for the last time that day. Jake was slow to get his things stuffed into his backpack, and he was the last one out by the time he managed it. He slung the bag over one shoulder and rushed out the door.

"Just a couple more weeks," Jake said as he caught up to his friend. The arctic fox hoisted his backpack further up onto his shoulders as he matched pace with the dusty-brown haired Clydesdale beside him. Jake was shorter than the massive horse, barely reaching the bottom of the equine's chest when standing up straight. "Any idea yet what you're gonna do after graduation?"

The Clydesdale shrugged. "Hadn't thought about it," he replied between goodbyes from other students.

Jake's black tipped ears folded backward as he began to rub his arm. "Well, I was thinking."

"See ya' Monday!" the horse waved to another student.

"Luke, are you listening to me?"

Luke gave an elaborate handshake to another student before finally turning toward the white fox. "Sorry. What did you wanna tell me?"

Jake turned his gaze to the ground, still rubbing his arm. "Well, I was thinking that maybe...we could have a graduation party. I mean, you have all these friends, and I only have...well, you."

Luke nodded his head to the side and raised an eyebrow briefly. "Could be fun. Anything you had in mind?"

The pair made it to the campus gate and onto the sidewalk. The late spring sun was warm and the wind carried the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass with it. Jake shrugged as they walked along the front of the school. "I dunno. My mom's gone a lot, maybe we could have the party there? Get a bunch of balloons and stuff, food and drinks. I saved up enough money to cover most of it."

"Sounds fun!" the horse said as the wind picked up and caused his long mane to blow in Jake's face. Jake moved to his other side as Luke continued. "Maybe I can get my sister to help decorate or something."

"That's be great."

"Just hope your mom says yes."

"What...?" Jake stopped walking as his ears flattened against his head.

Turning around, the large horse looked down at the small fox with a sneer. "Don't tell me you weren't going to ask."

"W-well, I--"

"Dude, you gotta ask her," Luke sighed, his hand slapping against his thigh as he dropped it. "What's gonna happen if you throw a party and she comes home in the middle of it? She'd kill you."

Jake gulped and once again began rubbing one arm. "Yeah, you're right..." he said at last, looking away from his friend.

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right," Luke laughed. "C'mon. I got a new game I wanna try out."

Jake made it home later that evening, just in time for dinner. His mother gave him a wave as he walked passed the kitchen on the way to his room. He returned and sat down at the table after dropping off his backpack. "What's for dinner?"

"Hamburger Steak and mashed potatoes," she replied as she set a plate down in front of him. Like him, her fur was a bright, milk white with black ear tips and black spots on her nose. Her tail swished idly behind her as she moved about the kitchen, the black tail tip lightly tracing a line in the dust on the floor. When she finally sat down, she took her fork and knife into her paws and was about to begin eating when she noticed Jake staring at his plate. She huffed and set her silverware down. "Yours is made of soy, I'm not going to force meat down your throat when I know you don't want it."

Jake shook his head, his ears twitching. He didn't look up. "It's not that."

"Well, what is it?" his mother asked as she began to eat.

Jake let his paws fall into his lap as he looked at anywhere in the room except her. "I wanna have a party."

His mother paused and then slowly set her fork and knife down once more. "All right?"

"Well, graduation is in a couple weeks, and...Luke said he could get people to come and he could introduce me to some of them, and-"

"How many people?" his mother interrupted. "Five, six? That sounds fun," she added with a smile.

Jake shrugged, his mouth opening as his voice cracked. "I was actually thinking more in the fifty or sixty range."

"Out of the question."

"But mom, I-"

"No!" his mother barked.

"You wouldn't have to do anything! I can pay for it all!"

His mother stood up and slapped her paws on the table. "I said no! That's way too many people, and I'm going to be out of town. No."

"You're ALWAYS out of town!"

His mother sat back down in her chair hard. "You know how hard it's been to take care of you since your father died?"

"Tch, please," Jake grumbled. "I've been buying my own stuff for two years now. I get to see you maybe once a week if I'm lucky, you cook something you call food, and then we fight the whole time. And now you decide two weeks before I graduate high school to tell me you're not even going to be here for that?" He stood up and started down the hall toward his room.

His mother followed him. "There's plenty to do with this house that you don't pay for, and god forbid you cleaned once in a while to show some appreciation. Have you seen the dust in this house?"

"Hard to clean when I don't even live here."

His mother went silent for a moment. "What are you talking about?" she asked finally. "Of course you live here."

He grabbed his backpack and a clean shirt and then walked toward the front door of the house.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. I live with Luke more than I do with you anyway." He snatched his jacket from the hook and then slammed the door shut behind him.

His mother glared at the door for a moment, then stomped back into the dining room and threw herself into her chair. She poked at her food with her fork, occasionally glancing up toward the door. After a few moments of sitting in silence, she again she set her fork down, then sighed.

Luke sat down across the booth from Jake. The Denny's restaurant was empty except for the two of them and the two employees chatting behind the counter. "I take it she said no?"

Jake nodded. "Yeah, she said no." After telling his friend what happened, Jake slumped further into his seat and folded his arms. "It's like she has no idea who I am or what I need."

"Well," Luke said, "there's good news. I talked to my mom just in case, and she's all for a graduation party at our place. If you want, you can help me with the invitations?"

Jake sucked in a breath, but eventually sat up. "Yeah, that sounds good. I can do that."

The two stood up, Jake left cash on the table, and they left for Luke's house.

It was dark outside the restaurant. The clock on the bank sign across the street flashed 8:30. They walked for a short while, until Jake looked up at the stars blinking in the night sky and started chuckling. "Do you remember in middle school, that stupid camping trip they sent us on?"

Luke laughed. "Wow. Haven't thought about that in a long time. Camp Barkleaf, right?" The Clydesdale shrugged. What about it?"

"It was the first time you and I got to spend time together without any parents around."

"Ha! That's right. A bunch of kids in the cabin started a huge pillow fight." Luke put a finger to his lip, his nostrils flaring as he recalled the week at camp. "You took a pillowcase to the nose that had a rock in it, right?"

Jake nodded. "Yeah. You beat the crap outta the kid that did it." Jake rubbed his nose. "And then there was the time some senior started picking on me in our freshman year." When Luke nodded, Jake continued. "Then someone kept stealing my lunch when his friend distracted me."

"What're you getting at, Jake?" the large equine asked finally as they got to his house and stood on the doorstep.

Jake blinked rapidly and looked down at the concrete beneath his feet. "I dunno, I're always looking out for me,'re really the only friend I have." He shrugged as his ears folded backward halfway. His tail curled up between his legs. "Luke, I..." His lips tightened before he finally looked up at is friend. "You're more than just a friend to me. I...I really...REALLY like, LIKE-like you. I...I want to be more than just friends."

Luke froze in place, his breath catching his throat. He didn't move, he didn't even blink. As Jake stared at him, unmoving and silent, the fur of the fox's cheeks puffed out as the underside of his ears flushed red.

Straightening himself up, Jake turned to leave. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sai-"

He was interrupted as Luke grabbed his shoulder, spun him around, and planted a kiss to his lips that sent a chill down the fox's spine and caused his fur to stand up on end. His tail puffed out to three times larger than normal as Jake shivered into the kiss.

Finally, Jake wrapped his arms around the horse who then lifted him up and carried him into the house. They shut the door behind them and then Jake was set down before anyone saw them. "Hey ma? Jake is gonna be here starting tonight instead of tomorrow."

"All right. If you're hungry, there's leftovers in the fridge," she replied without looking at them from over the couch.

"Thanks, ma!" Without another word, the two scurried to Luke's room, the horse leading the way. Once they were safely inside, Luke shut the door. "So when did you realize you liked me like...this?"

Jake plopped onto the edge of the bed and shrugged as he let his backpack slip to the floor. "I dunno, I just...I guess I kinda always knew. Just didn't realize it 'til we were talking on the way here."

"Cause," Luke sat down beside him, "I felt the same way for a long time. I just never thought you were interested."

Jake looked down at the floor and clasped his paws together. "I guess I just didn't make the connection till now."

"Well, here we are."

The fox nodded. "Yeah..."

Silence took over the room until finally Luke cleared his throat. "So, uhh...You wanna-"


The two stared into each other's eyes, the fox looking away first as his cheeks again puffed out in a blush. Luke placed a finger beneath the fox's chin and drew him back toward him, then pressed their lips together. Jake slid his paws under the equine's shirt, kneading softly at the firm muscles of the horse's back. Luke followed suit, but simply lifted the fox's shirt up and off instead, forcing them to separate from the kiss.

In the center of the fox's bare chest was a single black diamond the size of Luke's palm. Luke traced his finger along the diamond's edge as he lowered himself to his knees in front of him, putting them at eye level with each other. The fox's slender form stood a stark contrast to the large horse who had been weight training for years.

Jake didn't know how to respond. He could only stand there as his friend continued to trace the diamond pattern a while longer before eventually moving on to circling his chest. The horse's nostril's flared, and Jake could feel the heat of his breath washing over him. He shivered again and let out a soft whimper. Luke gave a short chuckle and then leaned back and removed his own shirt.

As Jake had seen multiple times before during their summers together, Luke's upper body was perfectly sculpted. The muscles were precisely shaped, not too big or small for his size, and the short hair only served to highlight the equine's features. Jake gulped as the Clydesdale's fingers returned to his body and then expertly manipulated his belt and zipper. He quivered when the horse began giving gentle kisses to his neck and chest.

Once the button was opened, Luke pulled the fox's pants down to his ankles to reveal a pair of plain red boxer-briefs. They were already tight from the fox's growing arousal. Luke slipped his fingers into the waist band of the underwear and gently tugged on them, drawing them slowly down to meet with the other fabric and then helped the fox step out of them.

Luke leaned back to admire his work. The fox stood before him rubbing his forearms with a half-smile and his ears folded backward. Just above where the fox's sheath met his abdomen was another small, slightly misshapen diamond of black. The fox's sheath, already partially swollen, had a single black spot on one side while the sac hanging beneath it was half-way covered in black on the opposite side.

Before Jake could say anything, Luke cupped the fox's dangling fruits in his palm and resumed his kissing, slowly lowering himself toward the fox's sheath. His other hand reached around to caress the plump backside of the slender fox as he pressed his lips to the sheath's opening. Jake gasped as his member was forced out of hiding directly into the horse's mouth. Luke took a firm grip on Jake's rump while beginning to roll the fruits in his other palm with his fingers.

Slowly but surely, Jake's member grew and became fully erect, the sheath opening reaching halfway up its length as Luke pulled away. Luke stood up and removed his own pants and boxers. Swallowing hard, Jake's eyes wandered their way down to the horse's groin where a pair of jewels, each almost as large as Jake's palm, dangled beneath a shaft head equally as large. Jake could only assume there was more to come, and he swallowed again.

"Have you ever...?" Luke asked, breaking the silence between them as he kicked his pants across the room.

Jake could only shake his head, unable to take his eyes off of the horse in front of him. "Only...only a couple toys," he gulped.

Nodding, Luke lifted the fox's head with a finger to his chin. "That should be fine."

Luke eased the fox to face away from him and then bent him over the edge of the bed. He then reached into the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a small pump bottle, and knelt down behind the fox. Jake watched him from over his shoulder as the large horse squirted some of the bottle's contents onto his fingers, then lifted the fox's tail. Before he applied it, Luke pressed his nose just beneath the fox's pink pucker hidden within the field of white and let his breath wash over the opening. Jake quivered again, his tail stiffening before flagging to the side.

It was only then that the horse smothered the lubricant against and around the fox's opening, occasionally slipping a finger inside. Jake's tail stiffened again as he moaned and buried his face in to the blankets. When his tail relaxed, it fell onto Luke's head between his ears, making the horse laugh. Luke then had to hold Jake's tail up high enough to continue applying the lube.

When he stood up again, Jake looked at him over his shoulder once more. The horse's member had come out of hiding, and Luke set to applying more lube to it as well, his hand only barely able to wrap completely around its girth.

"Are you ready?" Luke asked at last as he lifted the fox's tail again. Once he received a nod, Luke pressed the head of his member against the fox's backside and rubbed firmly. He smeared the lube about before finally pushing inward.

Jake squeaked as the pressure forced him open, and the head of Luke's member popped itself inside. Luke paused, the fox's ring pulsing as he adjusted to the size and serving to massage Luke's shaft into growing to its full length.

Jake's eyes widened when he saw that his friend's member was almost as long as his arm from fingertip to elbow. He had always known that horses were well endowed because of their species, but he'd never considered it was anything as large as Luke proved to be.

Before Luke did anything else, Jake pressed himself into the bed, away from Luke. "Let's try something else." He guided the horse to pull away by pressing his paw to Luke's stomach and, once the head popped out of him, he turned and laid back on the bed. "Okay," he said with a huff.

Nodding, Luke made his entrance once more. It went easier that time, and Jake gave the okay to start thrusting. Luke began the motions, short and slow at first, but slowly increased in speed and depth. Jake reached beneath him to hold the horse's member as it forced its way in and out of him, and he gasped and whimpered with every thrust. Luke soon took one of the fox's legs and set it up on his shoulder while the other remained on the bed, bent at the knee.

As the pace and depth increased, Luke hit Jake's inner gland in a way that made the fox throw his head back in a yelp, followed by a laugh and a grin. Jake's tongue lolled out between his lower canine teeth when he finally lifted his head again and reached out to grip the horse's chest.

"M-more...!" Jake whimpered, and the equine obeyed, pressing himself into the fox beyond the medial ring of his shaft and eventually working his way to the base.

Jake's stomach rose and fell slightly with every thrust, the sheer depth causing his organs to shift. But he didn't care. With every thrust came a new wave of pleasure like he'd never experienced before. He'd taken some large toys in the past, dreaming, hoping that what was happening would happen, but his fantasies couldn't measure up to the real thing. With Jake's direction, Luke pulled out passed the medial ring before hilting himself again and again.

As he held onto Jake's leg with one hand, Luke used his other to begin stroking the fox's member once he forced the sheath back behind the base of the knot. The fox's sac rolled up and down against his form with every thrust. With the stroking hand upon him, the fox's baser instincts took over and he began humping wildly into the horse's grasp.

With the new stimulation from the arctic vulpine's actions, Luke could feel the familiar tingle welling up inside him. "J-jake... I...I'm..."

Jake responded by gripping at the horse's shoulder, pulling him downward for a quick kiss before he again threw his head backward against the bed. He moaned deeply, the squeaking bed only barely heard over the repeated whimpers coming from the small fox and snorts from the large horse.

Then, it happened. Deep inside the fox's moistened caverns, the head of the horse's shaft flared wide, and its entire length pulsed as a bomb seemed to go off within him. The warmth swelled inside him and spread over his whole body causing Jake to arch his back forward.

"GUHHAA!!" he yelped as his knot engorged itself in Luke's palm, ropes of seed erupting from the tip of his meat and spattering against the wall behind him just as he was being filled by his lover. The pulsing staff inside him added even more pressure against his gland and sent him into a fit of whimpering shivers as his paws gripped hard into the bedding and he bit into his lip.

Luke gave another short series of hard thrusts as his climax waned. He was finally able to relax enough to breath, the air in his lungs coming out in a snort through his flaring nostrils as he let the fox's leg fall from his shoulder. He leaned over top of the fox onto his elbows.

Jake panted heavily as his orgasm passed, and he stole a short kiss from Luke before he flopped backward onto the bed again. His knotted member continued to bob up and down, giving another small spurt of arctic seed with each one in typical vulpine fashion.

Grinning wide as he watched the fox's pulsing member, Luke began to slowly pull out of his mate. Jake clenched his teeth as the medial ring slipped out, followed by the still slightly flared head soon after. Luke then collapsed on the bed beside the fox, both of them still trying to catch their breath.

"You know what...?" Jake said at last.


"I don't need a party. You're all the party I need," the fox replied and then rolled over to curl up into Luke's chest.

Luke pulled the fox's arm up to rest on his side and nodded.

"I'll apologize to my mom tomorrow."

"Sounds good."

Then, the door opened sending Luke and Jake both into a frenzy in trying to cover themselves up.

The door stopped halfway. "Your mom called, Jake," Luke's mother said, not looking into the room. "She wanted you to know she changed her mind. You can have your party."

Jake and Luke looked at each other, holding the blanket up in front of them, then looked back at the door.

"And don't worry," she added, "My lips are sealed. You can tell your mom about you two when you're ready."

Luke's and Jake's ears both flushed red as the door closed.

"Have fun, boys!" was the last the future high school graduates heard from Luke's mother for the rest of the night.

With her blessing, the fox and horse made love through the night, falling asleep in each other's arms only after the sun rose upon the morning of their joining. As far as Jake was concerned, he'd already been given the best graduation present ever.