Golden Age: chapter 8: The City on the Hill

Story by Kaminari Kitsune on SoFurry

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#9 of Golden Age

Olympus: The city on the hill. Capital of Olympia. The highest point in the Olympic range is the Temple of Optimus Maximus, Zeus's palace, found in the city. Home of the Greek Pantheon and the Roman add-ons like Janus and Bellona.


"These wanderers are becoming very interesting, Father," Hermes, God of Travelers said.

"The rabbit especially," Hecate, Goddess of Magic added.

"Hare," Athene, The Grey Eyed One corrected. "I was in her mind back in Coggsworth. She's a hare."

"How?" Zeus, Lord of the Greek Pantheon asked. "We have no domain there."

"It's true, my powers were weakened. I couldn't channel through her. But she has an orderly mind, and that let me in. I advised her to go after Unchainable as the High One commanded."

"The high one himself commanded you? It must be very important, indeed." Ares said smugly. What he was smug about didn't concern the rest of the assembly. Ares was always smug about something, as someone, somewhere, is always fighting. "Are you certain that no one noticed your eyes?"

You will see, upon reflection, that a Divine, that is, a God, Goddess, or Spirit of Nature, cannot disguise the nature of their eyes. Jessica's natural color is chocolate brown. Athena's color is grey. Ostara's color is blue. If anyone is channeling a Divine, it can be determined by their eyes.

"Let us see what they are up to," Zeus commanded. "Iris! Show us the wanderers."

"Yes, my lord." A rainbow appeared and morphed into a screen, showing a human, a hare, a fox, and a hound, three listening politely and one chattering away.

"Janus! Bring them to me."

"Yes, my lord." A god with two faces, one on either side of his head so the ears faced the front and were double large, inserted a key into the air and walked through a suddenly open door..

"Are you sure, Father? My daughter, the fox, is some trouble," Dionysus was saying, reclining on his throne woven of grapevines. He was twirling a grapevine in his left hand and holding a wineglass in his right.

"Of course, my son! We must feast with them! Make sure that they make it to Constellation safely. This quest is important! And for more reasons than they realize. Probably more than I realize. Athena, have you heard from the Water Women yet?" "Yes, my lord. The elder Fates predict that will pass through his territory soon after they leave ours. The four pantheons must unite against Unchainable."

Zeus gave a hearty laugh. "I could have guessed as much! Anything else?"

Athene hesitated. I was not, after all, the wisest choice to share this information. It was one phrase of very few that could casue panic among the gods. Yet she could not deny her father his wish. So she approached him and whispered it into his ear. The gathered Divines leaned in to hear as the Grey Eyed One whispered into her king's ear two words that spell doom for all. "Ragnarok approaches."



"So, I heard that Cyrus is out of the hospital. He was teleported to Alfheim for further healing. Or so I've been told. Do you think that we can g- oh!" My idle chatter was interrupted by an odd discovery. Somehow, we had walked up a mountain without noticing, although I suspected that we were teleported there. The others, in dutiful silence before, were gasping with astonishment and awe, except for Lealaps, who was only gasping in awe. "I knew that we... but I didn't think that..." he was muttering. That didn't strike me as odd at the time, but looking back on it, it was weird, if not out of character. He was constantly muttering. This time, it was different. "Lord Hephaestus. It has been a long time," he said, spotting the stout goat Divine and sinking to one knee.

"Dionysus! Father!" Skia shouted, running to the simultaneously bored and excited looking Divine. He was a red fox like Skia in an expensive-looking but ugly purple and red suit. He's perpetually drinking but he's never drunk. I've noticed that.

"Do you know what that's about? " Jessica asked, nudging me. "You're the Olympic History expert."

"Greek myth enthusiast, " I corrected. "On earth, the Cadmean Vixen was sent by a god, probably the Lord of Wine, Dionysus, to punish a town called Thebes. A king sent his best hunting dog, Laelaps, to stop it. The vixen was fated to never be caught, and Laelaps was fated to catch all of her prey. Their fates couldn't co-exist, and as a consequence, Zeus placed them in the sky as Canis Major and Canis Minor. Skia was supposedly giant on earth- And a giant fox might be human sized. That doesn't explain how Laelaps got anthropomorphized, or how his gender switched."

"I'll tell you how," Lealaps slurred drunkenly, lumbering up to us. How was he already drunk? Is Dionysus God of Vodka as well? How many shots could be have had while I was explaining his story to Jessica? "We all change when we enter this world, righ'? I changed genders, you changed languages, Jessica changed species, Skia got a name, Skia and I had our powers tweaked."

I raised an eyebrow. It didn't seem smart to hold a conversation with a drunk person, but hey. "Tweaked?"

"Yeah, tweaked. I'm a master marksman instead of a master hunter. Skia can't be hit with projectile weapons or spells. They jus' go around and around and around and around." He started trifling and fell to the floor, giggling drunkenly. "Go home, Lae-lae. You're drunk," he said into a cup.

"Daddy, can you sober my idiot up?" Skia asked, rolling her eyes. Supposedly, they were a couple, but I didn't believe it by the way she talked to him. Maybe they were different alone, but with us, they're x mean to each other. Suddenly, Skia's "idiot" stood up. "Thanks, big D. Uhh, Dionysus." Dionysus doesn't have the power to make people sober, so I suspected foul play, but I put that qualm aside when I saw the feast.


I'm so glad that I played the drunk card. I didn't need any questions about how I know that stuff. The High One and Athena don't like spoilers, so I won't give any until the time is right. Until then, the feast.


Author's note

Some of the gods don't belong to any Pantheon. This chapter is the first to mention one. The High One is the leader of the Divines. Zeus, Odin, and Horus answer directly to him. He is the God of Fate and Writing, the Author of Destiny. His name? It's simply The Author