Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.6 - The Search Begins

Sanjin Obakimura hated going to headquarters. Every time he had to travel, he felt it was specifically designed to irritate all of his homespun islander sensibilities. Not that he minded the city, there was a local flavour to it he enjoyed...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.5 - The Host

By the time Kiryu called Sano, the police had arrived to take the gift basket and its victim away, and after questioning everyone they took him aside for questioning, which in turn led him to walk them back to Varan's office. Kiryu was first at...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.4 - A Prayer for the Fallen

Seven years ago, there was a great flood in Kaijurocho. The heavens burst open and the streets became rivers where creatures dodged between the rain. Some were very comfortable in the water, with kappas trudging through and their heads...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.7 - The Road From Hell

The first thing Murata saw upon awakening was an old boiler room. Pipes filled the walls and a dark rumbling filled his ears from the fuming depths of the heating. With his arms and legs bound to the pipe behind him, he was forced to hang...

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Extinction 2 - The Five Hearts

On the outer rim of this strange hollow dimension, beyond the reach of the mist and the demon's eye, a spirit came creeping. A room designed like a small laboratory, with spheres crackling light held within claws of stone that communicated to...

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Extinction 1 - Of Fathers and Sons

**_THE SCRIPTURES OF ODDCLAW_** **Eighteen-and-Two: Extinction** _"It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was."_ _Anne Sexton_ _They are here at last._ **_So I...

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Extinction 3 - We Stand Together

In the gentle silence of an old study, five people slept in the safety of old chairs as the sounds of tender breaths filled the room with soft snorting sounds and little twitches from their dreams. The smell of old books was strangely soothing to...

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The Promise 4 - To Her Love

In the depths of the abyss, a roaring howl swept across the darkness as two shadows stepped before a colossal pillar of swirling flames. One was Martin, thin and grey with his staff; the other Lucas, tall and looming with his muscular...

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The Promise 3 - To Her Friend

The shadow fled from the mountains, hurtling down the cliffside at a violent pace with a whispering shade. The vile blizzard ripped through his cloak of silver, his feet never touching the ground as he skimmed over the ice and soon touched upon...

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The Promise 2 - To Herself

Standing at the edge of the forest, Mary wept on her knees. The howling call of banshees swept the realm as she stared upon the lake beneath, a grand ocean of black water where she caught her reflection briefly. Herself as a child smiled...

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The Promise 1 - To Her Family

"Robert?" A child's voice rang through the woods. "Roooobeeeeert?" Nothing called back, not even the sound of birds strangely absent from this forest. "Robert where...

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The Idol of Phnako'ktis

A storm was coming from the east, the first drops of rain spitting on the windows of the cabin. "Thulsson was right," said the helm at the wheel. "Of course he is," the captain snorted,...

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