Saphira und Dorn: Ein klares Verlangen

Beide drachen halten sich mit der vereinten armee der varden, zwerge, elfen und urgals im beor-gebirge auf um im schutz des tals zu überleben, saphira und dorn haben eine höhle oberhalb des lagers bezogen.** **noch das rechtliche: alle charactere und die

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A Terrible Truth

"eragon, the urgals are coming! get your shit and let's go now!" brom shouted at him. * * * end flashback meanwhile, 400 miles away, a dragon named thorn was thrashing about so much he nearly leveled a guard tower.


Children of Earth - Part 9

There were humans, elves, and dwarves, not to mention the urgals and any others who might be there. with a sigh, davis comes out of his ready room. "number one, call a briefing for all senior officers." he says.

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My Past, My sins CH 1.

It is up to us to find the conclusion to this war, whether we are a human, elf, dwarf, urgal or even a dragon. you can't just say it has nothing to do with you! you are involved in it as well, whether you want it or not!

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My Past, My Sins CH 2

"i convinced galbatorix... to hunt the urgals all those years ago. i was the one that got his dragon killed." brand placed his hands on either side of his face and began to cry. "i caused so much pain and grief because of that one mistake."

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Inheritance Fan Fiction. Crossing of Paths, Vergence of Destiny, the Force of Change. Chapters 1 & 2

My story inclusion picks up just before eragon, brom and saphira, had their encounters with the urgals when eragon broke his wrist, used his magic and scattered them, and before they reach dras-leona.

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Kapitel 11: Die finale Lösung?

Er war quer durch alagaesia gezogen, hatte die zwergen und elfen besucht, hatte mit urgals gesprochen und den tyrannischen könig gestürzt.

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