Athrocon 2023, Tease Redux

Something i've been working on for 5 years is coming to a con space near you... ...if you're near pittsburgh. more soon ;) "celeste walked the streets of the south side alone, every fibre tingling with the life racing through her. the night spoke.

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Hottest in Summer Challenge (Come On, participate!)

Burrows: located two counties south of summer, this small college town has mild temperatures (having a pittsburgh feel to it). it is surrounded by many rocky hills and water filled valleys.


Hidden Desires: Adventures in Kennywood - Remastered

Hashigo was an arctic fox in nature though he preferred it in pittsburgh. though not typically white he had a lot of icy blue fur covering his head except for his muzzle and his tail which were pure white.

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Lilavasi Biography

She entered college at the same year, deciding on the university of pittsburgh with a degree in journalism.

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Storm Clouds Brewing

Back in a modest little house in the city of pittsburgh, a young girl sat on the edge of a bed, feeling elated. it was premature, but for the moment she was willing to take half a loaf.

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Setting the Stage

I need maria and her brother when i go to pittsburgh." "pittsburgh? why in the hell would you go there?" "i'm going for maggie. there's someone there she needs to meet." "another of the kind?" "yes.

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The Demon Badger of Philadelphia

Now, the stories go that he tried to gain employment in the steel city, pittsburgh--the original gateway to the west; but that holy city denied him.? frank spit again. ?

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Blue and Gray - Chapter 7: Panta Rhei

But i'll tell you the same as i told you in pittsburgh: the high price you paid me wasn't for passage. that toll was for me not to see things. not to say things. i intend to honor my word. we can leave it there if you like."

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Bus Ride (A Practice in Perspective)

It's going to be roughly five hours to get up to pittsburgh, its early in the morning and it's hard to sleep on the bus. you get a smile on your mouth as the lights go out, whispering that you know something that will help me get back to sleep.

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TCN interview: Dietrich Orr

If you have questions that were not asked here, please feel free to leave them below and we will add them to the list of viewer asked questio what is your name: dietrich orr where were you born: pittsburgh, pa do you have any family: yeah
