Creating a character

kled is organized into semi-independent city states, zok was once a larger state in kled until it broke off, as was kura and kuth. names male; idi, samu, saund.

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Welcome to Golden Sun

The long subjugated peoples of the southern continent have began to shake kleds rusted chains from their shoulder and eat away at the dieing empire.

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Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 9

kled sure did." that elicited an eyeroll out of teemo; of course kled had to visit here while he was growing. "well it's obvious you loved his size." fizz could barely contain himself. "oh man.

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Brave new world

He loved to fantasize about exploring the perfumed jungles of kled, or to see the northern lights of the white sea.

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Geography part 1

Melotep subcontinent the melotep subcontinent connects to rashan and kled, making it the land bridge between the two continents. its have two long rivers running through it making them lush green lines that extend through the sand.
