
And, what with earnings deadlines coming in, and all..." "hey, i'm handling it as well as i can. it's not like this is the first time i've had to deal with deadlines." "nobody says you can't.

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Poker Face

Approaching deadlines often result in mistakes. a few days before the deadline for "oklacon 2014: the good, the bad, and the furry," i misread their website and believed their story limit was one thousand words.

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Your fancy space suit (Commission for anonymous).edited

The deadline to deliver such a project was the end of the week. an incredible short deadline, especially if considering the whole team was composed of nothing but two members.

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Chasing the Horizon: Chapter Four

"very well diego, you may leave" irina said "i have spoken to the client and i shall extend your deadline by two hours. if you fail to deliver the case before then..."

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The deadline for her paper was on the horizon, but all she wanted was to explore the horizon. she wanted to be swept off her feet on a grand adventure.

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A poem for Telroth

I can't keep my deadlines, or give you my time. i don't give you the attention that i feel you deserve, or am too tired to serve, and for that the fault is all mine. nonetheless, know that i love you.



It was just all he could do to keep himself alive since he couldn't go to a hospital, and the eldritch complained about deadlines!

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The Last day of summer; a Gray Muzzle story

Luckily, two seemingly unrelated events pulled everything together; i got an assignment from a magazine with which i work; they had a deadline, and they would pay well.

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Furst Strike- Ch. 2: The Pentagon

We thought nothing of the deal until your whole entire team missed the fallback deadline. we commissioned a probe into the deal and..." he paused and looked around the room for approval.

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Soi Brothas: Part 5 and 6 - A Plan for Obese People

"alright, let's get this done tonight then," todd told his computer, the approaching deadline fixed in his head.

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