David and Cerulean

"You're kidding me. You're 21 and you've never been with anyone?" The young lizard blushed a deep red, shaking his head meekly. His friends were too busy rolling their eyes to notice his utter embarrassment over even bringing the subject up. ...

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Greco-Roman Revenge

College is a strange and frustrating place, at last it has been for me. I just got here a few months ago and had settled in quickly. I was glad to be away from the endless hassling I got from high school as well as the boredom of living in a small...

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Working On Working Out

I firmly believe that there is a moment in everyone's life, no matter how comfortable or complacent, when you find yourself in a situation and realize just how in over your head you are. I mention this because my moment was standing in the middle of a...

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Sex, Lies and DVD Sales

Well that didn't take long. Not more than a week after my encounter with a novice to bondage and there's been no sign of him again. Should've know better, honestly. I mean, it's not like people are coming in here to hook up for dinner and a movie...

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The Customer is Occasionally Right

I work in a sex shop. There, I said it. Just make sure you get it all out of your system. Working in the adult industry, if we can use a more delicate term, as I do isn't all orgies with famous porn stars and drinking absinthe out of eight...

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_Shift! Change your life and your lifestyle!_ It wasn't as if this was something new to find on a long, thin soft drink can. The addition of various 'herbs' and 'vitamins' to the ingredients list in bizarre quantities also had no effect. No, it...

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The lab itself loomed rather massively over him as he stood outside the main doors. The loose clothes and ratty shoes he wore only made him feel more uncomfortable. The appointment had been for noon and it was now 11:50. He still couldn't get up the...

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Gaudy neon lights streamed through the smog-laden streets, the light green haze visible even through the thick goggles he wore. The re-breather hummed softly, ionizing the surrounding particles and shunting them to the scrubbers on either side. It did...

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Sweet Revenge

"Have you seen my mesh shirt?" "No." "C'mon, I know you did the laundry today!" The young lizardman sighed and picked himself up out of the chair. Grumbling, he dug through the laundry basket, fishing around until he extracted it. The...

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Happy Birthday, Mister Salesman

Today started even before I got into work. It's not a common occurrence for me to do anything before, say, noon, unless pressured by outside forces or very determined internal ones. In this case, it was a phone call. Again, I would normally...

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Standing at the starting line, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. It's not like I hadn't prepared for all this; two months previous working on my endurance, stint as a lifeguard at the community pool for the better part of a...

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In Bondage, Scaled

The world was hazy at first; diving in and out of focus. Everything from tip to tail felt tingly and numb at the same time. A few thoughts fluttered about in his head; the wine, the bar, the smiles exchanged. Slowly, as things began to settle, he...

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