The Other Side of the Stars

I threw up that morning. I had never been so nervous in my life. I ate breakfast with my mother and her smiling face betrayed a look of worry. She was probably twice as nerve-racked as I was. There was an solemn silence exchanged as our silverware...

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Graduation Day

Tobias stood before the mirror filled with an odd mixture of anxiety and excitement. Today was the day... he was graduating from the university with high marks, and the blue lining on his black robes marked him as a soon-to-be official water scholar....

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Tobias: A Vignette From Long Ago

_"...Thus became she First Lady, Mother Wenya. The Wisdom of the Spirits she held in her bodies Wenya and Wild, thus also was First Lady the First Shaman. So traversed First Lady, with the blessings of Earth Mother, across the lands of our primal...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 8

"Take me...." he moaned. Florien heard the creaking of the barn floor boards as the heavier male slowly approached him. His own breath was ragged, and the pounding of his heart throbbed in his ears. He was finally going to act on the desires that...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 7

"I think you'll find it does." If the previous silence had been awkward, this one could have won awards. The two bucks, each so different from one another, stared each other down like gunslingers from the Wild West. Dirk, the head groom at Twin Oaks...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 5

_Before either of them could move they heard a loud creak as the door to Dirk's room began to open._ Dirk quickly flipped the blankets over Therese and lunged for his breeches. The door swung all the way open revealing the two lovers to the...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 6

The two bucks stared at each other as long silent minutes dragged past. Finally Dirk spoke in a soft, growling voice, "Give me **one** good reason not to remove you from this property." Florien, who had been studying with great intent a spider...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 4

"Shall I stop?" "No, never" Therese whispered as she looked into Dirk's grey eyes, spellbound by the passion she saw there. He groaned in victory and renewed the kissing that had worn down her defences in the first place. His hand left the silken...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 3

_"I know, I'll follow him to the city, that way we can still be together!"_ _ _ As soon as Dirk, the head groom at Twin Oaks, heard those words he knew that it was his responsibility to convince Therese of the folly of her plan. He knew that if he...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 1

The petite doe nibbled on her lower lip as she studied her reflection in the looking glass in front of her and, after much deliberation, announced, "One more should do it, nanny." Behind her the aging badger groaned and retorted, "One more of...

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 2

"I'm leaving Tenderton" Therese's mind whirled and she struggled to breathe as her throat constricted with the shock of the unexpected announcement. She barely heard as Florien explained that, although his father was a judge, the law held no...

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Brad's Interesting Afternoon

"You find yourself in a dark cavern with glowing stalactites hanging from the ceiling, and as you proceed into the darkness, you hear your footsteps echo off the walls and into the distance. All of a sudden a large dark form drops down on you from...

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