The Lost One: Acquisition

Sam started to panic. Not only was there a large ship openly firing on the one she was occupying but she was stranded here with no knowledge of how to operate it. Alarm klaxons were going off everywhere she looked and every blast from the ship made the...

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The Lost One: Vey'Ral

Sam was expecting a large office with people of all sorts of flavors bustling about. Not the empty hall with a single person sitting in the middle. She noticed an elevator on the back wall behind the single being. Everything had the feel of the MIB...

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The Lost One: Loss of Self

So that first rewrite was a huge success compared to my original. one can only hope that the trend continues with this one. So i give you the next chapter of the story! oh and please, please, please leave comments, critique, constructive criticism!...

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A New Companion, Ch4

After their meal, Claire and Dylia headed out for their walk. Jim seemed worried though so they said they'd be back in about an hour but he smiled once Claire whispered something in his ear. Dylia couldn't hear what she said but apparently it worked....

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A New Companion, Ch3

Claire seemed annoyed by his fear of capture, "oh for heaven's sake Jim, you can't be caught by a ball! I've had plenty thrown at me and never once did it suck me in. It just doesn't work that way for us." A smile saying "sure, whatever you say"...

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A New Companion, Ch2

She was horrified, here she was caught sneaking into Jim's private stuff and even pleasuring herself to them. "So, where did you find my password?" Jim asked in a calm voice though he did sound a little irritated. Eevee leaped as fast as she could to...

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The Lost One: The Fall

Terry watched the chase from his binoculars, silently hoping Sam would make it in time. As soon as he saw the second dart hit Sam he jumped into action, "Mike, Larry, Ananda! Come with me. We need to intercept! Sam is going down and fast." Mike and...

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The Lost One: New World

It was time to go. Sam had as much fun as she could with her friends but she promised she would do this. She promised Terry, Ananda, and even herself she would find others like her, believing that if there was one there would be more. Judging by the...

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A New Companion

\*bzzzt\* "Another beautiful day out here in..." \*BAAAM\*. _Six O'clock, I've always hated waking up this early. Why I decided to wake up early today is beyond me though, I'm supposed to be on vacation. So that would make today Wednesday... what...

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The Lost One: Fun Times

The day was a blur to Sam. She had lots of fun with Kyle and Anna, even meeting a few people she recognized from her last trip to the con. She was sad to not see Lacy there but found a mutual friend who said she had been doing good and was currently...

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The Lost One: Changes

Okay so i am rewriting my story. i'm going to leave up the original chapters for now and i would love to get any input as to which seems better: plot, style or anything else. any comments are appreciated as always and i hope you enjoy the read! ...

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The Lost One: Return

Sam looked out over the city from the peak of a mountain. It's been five years since seeing this town. Five years of traveling, learning, hiding. Much had changed for Sam's views in religion, politics and even her own sexuality. She came to grips...

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