Their Special Night

Tonight was their night. Sam and Julia's night. Sam and his wife Julia did this at least once a week: Go out for a nice dinner and come back home for sex. Nothing has changed. Sam stood a good 6'1" with the trademark fuzzy antlers Reindeer...

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Dwayne Pays Up

Previously... Dwayne, after a night of fun, agrees to a contest of 'size' and lost. His punishment: wear his sister's clothing for the rest of the weekend. After he got all girly and stuff, his friends decided that there was more to be done. They...

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Dwayne Loses a Bet

"Ah, screw you guys!" Dwayne muttered as he entered his sister's room. With the door shut behind his back, he walked over and flopped over her bed with a disappointed sigh. 'I had him, too!' he thought, rubbing his paw over his forehead under his...

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Choose your own Yiff (Rave)

(Part Two of Choose Your Own Yiff. In this one, our hero has a choice between a male and female. Again, use CTRL+F to find your option.) Intro: It's that time of the month again! Our hero wants to go out to find some action. Our...

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Choose your own Yiff (The bar)

(‘Our hero' is a bisexual male, that's about all you need to know. You can fill in the details about him. Simply press CTRL+F to go to the ‘find' menu. Type in the key, and it will take you to the next option. You might have to hit ‘find next'...

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Her Daughter's Jeans

Danielle came home to an empty house. Her husband had some work related lunch, and her kids were out with friends. All the better for her. Her oldest daughter had just bought a pair of form fitting jeans. The kind with sparkles on the back pockets that...

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Lady of the Forests

Where I come from, the nymphs are regarded as goddesses. Catari, wolf people, lizard men, even the godless gnolls and the skeptical minotaur revere them for preserving and protecting the energy of the lands. Legends tell of their striking beauty that...

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Hermaphrodiary: Entry Three

Week 5: Dear diary, I told Karen to not wait up for me, that I was going out. She offered no more resistance then a slight nod and an "M'kay, see ya Laurie." I laughed at her and said, "You know I hate it when you call me ‘Laurie.'...

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Night Shift

A lot of prostitutes do what they do because they can't do anything else. Others are simply victims of circumstance. Others seem to get a rush out of it. Me though? The way I see it, why not? I am smarter than most others, and the fact that I am a male...

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Shadowrun: Once you go Troll

A troll and a human walked down the alleyways of the Redmond Barrens. The human wore a business suit and the troll a long trench coat. The suitcase the troll carried was filled with plastic explosives they planned on selling to the gang they were...

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Lady of the Manor

It's good to be the lady of the castle. Whatever I ask for I receive, and this time I see something I want. It's a male Catari, or cat person. He looked like a cat that grew to human size and learned to walk on his hind legs. His fur was long and...

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Best. Girlfriend. Ever.

My name is Max, and I like cubs. Before you close this page out of disgust, this isn't a story of me convincing my little sister to suck my cock or anything like that. No, this is much better than that. It's about how my girlfriend found out....

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