Paradise found

Paradise found The Renamon was tall, lithe... encompassing what a perfect Renamon would look like in all of her beauty. Standing at about 6 feet tall, with her sleek yellow fur, the creamy white fur running across her chest and down over her...

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Dedication of a slave

Dedication of a slave Gene trudged along one of the forest paths, intending to take care of some body's problem with a factory or something like that. He wasn't even to sure but he didn't care much, just as long as he got his money when he...

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welcome to Circa Zoo

Welcome to Circa zoo Rob looked at the entrance with obvious amazement and glee. He had been to Circa zoo once before as a child and that was before all of the amazing upgrades it had received and even then it was nothing short of incredible. ...

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A Loving Stray

A loving stray Miranda watched the street with indifference. Her magic studies had been doing well and her life was going very well... except when it came to finding someone she really liked. Everyone she had met just weren't satisfying, they...

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Tension Gene rarely slept any more, lying in the hospital bed staring at the ceiling, literally spitting distance from his enemy. Resh had yet to wake, and every night when no one was around Gene would stare intently at him. Krystal could not...

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Rivals on the Horizon!

With their time on the new planet FT, Fox, Gene, and Krystal all solemnly returned to their Arwings. It had been a phenomenal experience here and they vowed to return soon. There was still much to see, but the Great fox was to return today. They lifted...

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Back to Basics

FT, Fox, Krystal, and gene found themselves on a hillside, the three of them in a good mood, but Gene was quite grumpy. "Stupid bats... I want another round with em... this time with my knife!" Krystal shook her head smiling. "Gene, don't worry...

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FT and Fox waved good bye to Wolf, watching him leave, before they themselves finished packing and began heading for the rendezvous point, talking amiably along the way. Fox was happy with the chance meeting, and the opportunity to get feelings across...

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Explorations Krystal was enjoying herself on the great fox. She had found a home, some good friends, and someone who she could trust. FT had become very close with her and she had a huge amount of trust in him, along with a great deal of...

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Breaking him in

Breaking him in With the war finally taking a turn for the better, Gene seemed to begin to tense up. Even though, he was beginning to fit into the crew, especially with FT. Fox was happy about the way the war was moving at a favourable pace, he...

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CORE Appearance

C.O.R.E. appearance a side story of queen of dino planet Looking out into the darkness, the figure watched silently as he thought. They truly are beautiful, why was he always dragged into destroying this beauty? The fox turned and finished suiting...

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Reward After Rescue

Reward after rescue. Krystal had barely stepped through the hatch when a small green frog was talking animatedly "You're the one fox rescued right? I'm Slippy, I'll show you around the ship!" Before she could even introduce herself he was...

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