
This was the time of year when most who could afford it left town for vacations. Those who stayed typically didn't work. The heat was oppressive, but the hot season would be ending soon. Everyone found ways to endure the weather until it broke,...

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Under the counter

It was an average day, perhaps slightly slower than average. This normally would have bored Sasha to tears, except for two things: snakes, including anthro snakes of her variety, had no tear ducts; and second, Sasha was very preoccupied by an event she...

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Mother or stud

Jake couldn't sleep. The German shepherd rolled back and forth in bed, trying to get comfortable. He was long past caring if his maneuvers were disturbing his sleeping companion. If Raffe was losing sleep too, tough luck for him! Most of Jake's current...

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Stalking Male Mothers

This was originally about someone specific; I changed his name, though. He says he liked it; he wouldn't mind a continuation. You may have seen this before, it was briefly on a yahoo group. Doc Hauke \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* It...

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Rasmus Brunk

I think it was probably just before midnight when I decided it was time to leave. It was Friday night, so of course there was a party, but I went to a bar instead with some friends from my old high school wrestling team. Two of us were going to the...

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Aurecht--surrogate host

Galliard the wolf rubbed his thigh, where a long wicked scratch across his leg brought back fuzzy, indistinct memories. The scratch hurt, his head hurt, his shoulder hurt. He reached around and felt along his shoulder blade, and along his neck....

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The professor meets Rasmus

At the beginning of every semester, I get prerequisite rosters. I rarely read them. I used to go through them carefully, looking at the names of students who had registered for my courses, and more importantly, how they did in the prerequisite classes....

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Got It for Myself

I Got It for Myself Doc Hauke Speaking to this youngster was a gamble. Maybe he didn't hear you in the loud, thumping musical background. "Hey," he says back to you. The large, young bull's forehead has a white patch in the middle, otherwise...

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Shower Poke

The water from the shower pelted against the ears and horns of the bull as he stood under the cascade. Small rivers through his black fur formed along his back, wandering randomly until reaching his tail, when they converged and circled it so long as...

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Stuffing Kelly

The rooster shut the door behind himself, turned his key in the lock, and strode forward as if he owned the place. For the next hour or so he did own it, as well as the services of its occupant: a scantily clad monitor lizard named Shoa. "I expected...

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Baited and Stoned

The trees concealed the small, shallow depression from all sides. Few knew it was there, as the area was lightly wooded and this particular sinkhole wasn't close to any hiking paths. One would have to be right on the edge of it to see inside because of...

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Ownership Mark

Jaeghi mashed some pellets together with water drawn from the deep dungeon well as the kobolds watched him. "It's almost complete," the wingless cliff dragon said to the small group he could hear breathing and rustling in the darkness to his side....

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