A Story Never Told - Part 3 - Old and Young Souls

Story by KiDra on SoFurry

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#3 of A Story Never Told (Discontinued)

Finally and without much ado besonik and I release Part 3 of A Story Never Told "Young and Old Souls". We are quite proud of how this part turned out and have a little surprise for you: We will be releasing Part 3 as proper ebook files as well for your reading pleasure on all your mobile devices. This will also be a test how well ebooks work for us. The links will be put up later here, the files need a few more tweaks.

Thanks go to FreedFenrir, cthorski and GammaLucario for beta reading. Special thanks to dynh for his continued support, beta reading, editing and proofreading.

Make sure you check out the cover Besonik drew for the story: https://www.sofurry.com/view/912195

EDIT: E-Book versions can be found here https://www.sofurry.com/view/920079

A gust of cold air reached out for Aldreda and she eyed the black beyond the door frame with suspicion. The cool breeze brushed over her fur like the touch of an invisible hand, and she shivered as her hands tightened into fists. As suddenly as it appeared, the chill vanished with the soft knock of the door clicking shut behind Lilita.

With a sigh the druid turned towards Chani.

Her eyes were fixed on Vayle as he held her tail and brushed his cheek against her soft fur. The smiles on their faces and the tender gesture bore witness to how close they were. They no longer showed any sign of pain or fear.

'Chani... you two are much closer than I thought, aren't you? I wish I could spare you this experience... Could I carry this burden for you, I...'Aldreda closed her eyes and swallowed. 'No...'

It was a caring, but nonetheless foolish thought. She did not have the power to spare her this pain. Even if she could, it would be wrong to do so. The events of today will be part of Chani; a part of the person she will become.

'Will you ever allow someone close to your heart again? I hope you do. Today will hurt, more than words can describe, but... I also know life won't be easier alone. We all have to bear the pain of loss sooner or later... and overcome it.'She looked at the girl with caring and calm eyes, realizing she had kept her waiting too long. She gave her a broad smile and stroked her arm.


Chani gave a quiet sigh before she turned towards the Eldest. Aldreda could see the weight in her eyes.

"Yes, Eldest?"

Aldreda stroked her cheek. "It will be fine. It's okay, dear."

Chani smiled up at her while the druid turned to get a bottle of clear tincture and a role of fresh bandage from her bag.

She noticed how Chani stepped closer and peered over her shoulder, obviously fascinated with the contents of her bag. Aldreda found her nosiness intriguing and amusing.

"You are a curious one, aren't you? Ready to help me out then, Chani?"

"Of course, Eldest!"

The druid cradled the bottle in her hand, showing it to Chani. "We will start by treating Vayle's wound with this liquid. It will cleanse the scent of the poison. Do you think you can wrap the bandage around him once I am done?"


"Vayle? May we tend your wound? I will remove the old bandage and clean it. You will get a fresh pad and Chani will wrap a new bandage around you."

The two young Venkat listened attentively. Vayle smiled and nodded. He seemed perfectly happy just holding Chani's tail while she assisted Aldreda.

"Chani, please hand me the small knife and the tweezers from my bag."

When Aldreda removed the old bandage and exposed the rotting flesh, she wondered how Chani would handle it. "The sight does not trouble you, Chani?"

"It's Vayle. Why would I be troubled?"

The druid opened her mouth to reply, but after a moment she just closed her lips again, smirking.'Yes, of course, it is Vayle. Who would have thought such a young girl could overlook the ugliness of a wound to see the whole being?'

She just continued her work of washing Vayle's wound and carefully placed a new pad on it without reply.

"There, this will do. Vayle, I need to lift your waist so Chani can apply a fresh bandage. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Eldest."

"Okay, Chani, now I lift him up and you wrap the bandage around."

She nodded. "Is it okay for me to wrap the bandage around your stomach, Vayle?" She asked, mimicking Aldreda's way.

He nodded and his expression eased as Chani wrapped him.

Seeing how well the girl understood made Aldreda smile.

Chani looked at him with a raised eyebrow, lips pursed and frowning. "Eldest? Vayle seems tired. Is that normal?"

"Yes, dear, and soon he will become wide awake. Vayle, can you hear me?"

"Of course, Eldest."

"Not too long and you will feel wide awake and good. It is the effect of the potion you took, but please be aware that afterwards, in some hours' time, you will begin to feel very heavy and sleepy. Once you notice this urge to fall asleep, you must bid farewell."

She stroked him slowly over the head. Vayle closed his eyes and smiled, leaning a little into the gentle gesture. He trusted her as if she was family.

"It will be your final sleep, dear." She added in a low voice.

Vayle just nodded again. Maybe it was assurance about what was to come that calmed him. Maybe he gave up worrying and let go. Uncertainty can be a much harder condition to bear. There was a question on his mind, though. "What does it feel like to die, Eldest?" He asked.

Aldreda reached for his blanket and made sure he was well covered. He looked at her, waiting for an answer. When she met his eyes, she gave him a very warm smile.

"Like waking up, dear."

Vayle's eyes widened. His gaze wandering through the room his jaw dropped a little. "Like waking up?"

"Yes, Vayle. Nothing you need to be afraid of." She caressed his ear while patiently answering his questions. "Life is like a dream. It can frighten you. It can delight you. It can take unforeseen turns, give you joy, disappoint and surprise you until... you wake up."

He smiled at the caring gesture, but also frowned at the answer. "But if life is like a dream, how come I cannot fly like a Kaha Dragon, or hold my breath underwater for hours, like the Rowai? Why am I not brave like a Firedrake hero fighting the Scarathea? I am just Vayle."

Aldreda kept on stroking his ear and pondered how to reply, but before she could say anything he continued.

"In my dreams I was never in pain and I never died... so why did my injury hurt earlier? Why am I going to die? I don't understand Eldest. I am not even brave. I'm afraid.. afraid of death."

In that moment ancient memories kindled within Aldreda, touching her deepest emotions and invoking a heavy wave of nostalgia. She trailed off and was carried away with the images floating in her mind, just long enough to lose her guard and become careless.

"Death... what an ugly name for the Guardian of Dreams." she mumbled quietly to herself.

Vayle sat up, eyes wide and shining with fascination. "The Guardian of Dreams, Eldest? What is that?" His ears perked up, pointing towards her.

Aldreda jerked back and the corners of her mouth dropped, waking in shock from her trance. Seldom had her netherdragons felt her anger aimed at them, but Finlo clearly sensed her displeasure.

'You just now woke these memories on purpose, didn't you? We will talk about this later, Finlo!'

Yet her anger faded as fast as it flared up and she took a deep breath. Aldreda never could be angry at Finlo for long. She shook herself, throwing off the nostalgia.'Forgive me, my friend. I know you have your reasons, although I do not understand them yet.'

Finlo sat on her shoulder and hugged her to the neck while she gently stroked his back.

Vayle shifted back and his ears dropped. "I... I am sorry Eldest. Should I not have asked that question?"

Aldreda found strength to smile. "No, no, dear. I am sorry, I guess I just trailed off for a moment." She got to her knees and hugged him around his neck, guiding his head to rest against her chest. "No harm done."

He closed his eyes and with a sigh of relief enjoyed the caring gesture, but soon his ears were pointing towards her again. He looked at her with big eyes.

Aldreda frowned. "Who taught you to make puppy eyes?"

His gaze wandered to Chani and then back to Aldreda.

"Ah, I see, you learned from the best." She shook her head chuckling.

She released him and sat comfortable, guiding Vayle back onto his pillow and adjusting his blankets.

"So you really want to know about the Guardian of Dreams?" Aldreda was not really comfortable with talking about the subject, but felt she could not deny him an answer.

Vayle nodded. "Yes, please."

"Well... okay then. The Guardian of Dreams. Most call him death, because they are afraid of him and do not know his real name."

"Death has a name?"

"Yes... His name is Misericordia. He is the only eternal being. He accepted the burden of immortality for us all to find sense in life."

Vayle turned towards her and messed up his blanket again. He was leaning on one arm and his mind was full of questions. "You say he accepted a burden, Eldest. Why's immortality a burden? If he is a guardian, what does he guard? Was he mortal before? How did he become immortal? It would be so great to live forever and never lose a loved one." With an excited expression, his mouth half open, he was ready to inhale all the answers she would give him.

So many questions. Aldreda had to swallow and think before answering, but she also felt a hint of joy from seeing so much curiosity and vitality in Vayle. She always loved teaching the young, but now she feared to lose control of the conversation. She considered very carefully what to say next.

"Vayle, your dreams are only about you. They can break with the rules life follows. In life you have to feel sorrow to know true happiness. You must experience hunger to appreciate being well fed, and there must be death for life to have meaning. All things we value find their worth, because they are temporary"

"Why does it have to be that way? Can't things last forever and still have value?"

Aldreda thought for a moment. She had an idea and could not help but to smile at him. "Tell me, do you have a special dream? One that you dearly long for?"

Vayle's eyes wandered away from her and when his ears turned a little red he nodded. "Yes. Dad told me of the Kaha Dragons and the Firedrakes I... always daydreamed of them, to meet a Kaha and be a brave Firedrake."

"Have you met them in your dreams?" She gave him a warm smile.

"Yes... once."

"Oh, that must have been a great one. The Kaha are a sight to behold."

"It was, Eldest. I wished it could happen again... or I could meet them for real."

"How did you feel after that dream?"

"I felt... great. I was... happy."

"So you were not sad that the dream ended?"

"...no, I was not." Vayle seemed a little surprised at this insight.

"Do you think the dream would still be special if you could have it every night?"

Vayle looked off into the distance. "I am not sure. I guess it would."

"We all have special dreams we yearn for, but they are only special, because they are rare."

Vayle nodded slowly, still appearing somewhat confused. "I guess... I trust your words. Thank you, Eldest."

Aldreda felt relieved. It was clear to her he did not fully understand, but she felt it went better than she could have hoped for.

"Still... is there nothing that lasts forever?"

She smiled "There is, Vayle. There is one thing that is eternal."

"Oh? What is it?"


Vayle scratched his head and frowned, his gaze wandering through the room. He shrugged and smiled at her. "Please forgive me for asking again, but how does he guard our dreams, Eldest?"

Aldreda chuckled at his persistence. He would not understand the answer, but she would not make him ask thrice. "Misericordia guards our dreams by guiding us through the afterlife. There is a dream in each of us to leave a story behind. Only because he accepted the eternal burden... we can have a story. Does that make sense to you?"

Vayle's ears turned a bit red. "Honestly, no, Eldest. I am sorry."

"It is fine, Vayle. I cannot explain it as you deserve."

He smiled at Aldreda. "But what does the Guardian of Dreams look like and if he is so important, how come I never heard of him before?"

She looked up and gently placed his hand back on his chest, resting hers upon his. She could see Chani was just as eager as he to hear her answer.

Aldreda's features softened to a very mild expression and her voice was warmer than usual. "He is the dragon who carries the weight of the world. The beauty of day and night are combined within his being and when you see him, you feel calm and at peace. All burdens fall from your shoulders. Beautiful horns in round and straight pairs. The pitch black of his feathers, pure like a clear night. His glow, the light of eternal life that shines from within, like a warm, sunny day. Three pairs of wings to break the chains of time. Three sets of eyes to see the flow of life; past, present and future. He sees all of life's hopes, joys, hardships and burdens. In our darkest hour, he stands beside us and helps us wake. He carries us forth to new dreams."

As she described Misericordia's appearance, Chani's and Vayle's eyes widened and their jaws dropped. "Why have we never heard of this before?" They both asked in hushed voices.

"Because the story of Misericordia is a story never told."

Chani and Vayle looked at each other and Aldreda slowly got up.

"Enough for now. I will open the window and let some fresh air in."

"Oh, but I can do that, Eldest!" Chani exclaimed.

"I think you are needed most where you are, dear." Her head tilted a bit sideways and forward, her eyes relaxed and lips curled up slightly at the ends. Chani's ears blushed as she remembered Vayle holding her tail. She nodded and sat down close to him, eyebrows rounded and high, eyes staring up, and her lips a slight hint of a smirk before she turned towards Vayle.

Aldreda walked over to the window. The wooden floor was old, soft and comfortable, bending silently beneath her feet. As she opened the window the rush of fresh air was a delight. She took a deep breath and looked outside. Allard and Corwin were lifting a bucket of water from the well and Carvel was carrying firewood toward the kitchen entrance. The leaves of a nearby cherry tree were in full blossom, swaying slightly in the wind. The sun shone warm in her face and allowed her a moment of rest. What a beautiful place it was. Minutes passed while she savored the scene.

Turning around Aldreda saw Chani kneeling besides the bed. She was leaning over Vayle and resting with him, touching her forehead to his. Both had their eyes closed. A stray beam of sunlight found its way into the room and tiny specs of dust danced in the light. She saw how perfectly happy they looked and pushed how the day would end from her thoughts. Such a peaceful and loving sight they were.

'It is easier with old Venkat. Someday, the awareness begins to linger that their time will end. It prepares us for the day, they have to bid farewell after a long life. But this? For you there was no time to brace yourselves. No time to get used to the thought of an end... I am sorry.' Aldreda inhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment.

Clearing her mind she looked out of the window and tried to enjoy the sun and fresh air, giving the two young ones time. It was now important for Chani and Vayle to make peace in their own way.


"Vayle?", Chani whispered.

"Hm?" He looked at her through half-lidded, rose colored eyes and smiled.

"Nothing. Just let me stay with you here a while longer". Chani was always fond of the colour of his eyes. To her it was the dye of a gentle heart behind a strong mind. She looked up at him with sad eyebrows and a slight smile.

Vayle carefully guided her head to rest on his neck, his cheek brushing against her forehead. She put an arm around his chest and closed her eyes. A few fond memories surfaced from below the black of troubled thoughts. She giggled. Vayle's eyes became alert and focused, brows raised.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Remember two days ago? When we were fishing with Allard and Corwin?"

Vayle grinned. "Yup. Think Allard's still grumpy?"

Chani shared a cheeky smirk with Vayle before they both giggled.

"Nah, Allard can take a joke."

"Still surprised he did not notice we were both putting his fish back in the river. They almost slipped my tail twice."

"Aye, they're hard to keep a hold of. You did a good job distracting him while I snatched it."

"Can't beat yours... 'Would'ya believe that?! Swear, I caught that damn fish before! Where t'hell did my fish go?!'" She mimicked Allard in a too deep voice and both almost burst out in laughter.

"Jeez, yeah. Still took it well when we told him. He's great." Vayle added in a more fond, but heavy hearted tone. "Both are. Allard and Corwin. Will miss 'em"

"Aye... summer was great. loved fishing with ya'll. Warm sun, out at the bank in high grass with you... I felt at home."

Vayle caressed Chani's neck, listening to her.

"You know, I loved having you over often. Think you will get on with your big sis?"

"Dunno... doubt it. She still thinks she's the most important Venkat in the world... so do mother and father."

Chani shook her head slowly. She was young, but though she always tried to find her place in her family, she never did. She raised her head to look into his eyes and Vayle saw how wet they were.

"Chani... they're your fam...".

Chani interrupted him. "You're my family, Vayle. Blood's not binding us, but you're my brother and... I love you."

Words they could never say were finally shared before it was too late. With the deep love of a sibling she kissed her heart's brother to the lips.

Vayle's eyes were wet, too, but he did not need to shed tears. He embraced her and cradled her gently.

"I will miss you, Vayle... so much." She managed to add before she felt the tears run down her cheeks.

She saw those beautiful eyes gather water. Deep behind the gates to his soul, there was the echo of her own feelings. She knew, he felt the same. There was nothing left unspoken and when he drew breath, he brushed the water away with a wide smile that lit up his features.

"Chani..." He hugged her close. "You're my sister. You'll manage. I know how strong ya are."

Vayle's netherdragon got up, reached out and kissed Chani on the nose. She smiled at the little creature and wondered. "What's his name?"

Vayle looked at his netherdragon. He has not thought about asking him for his name yet, but soon heard it clearly in his mind. "It's Ciril."

"What a nice name. Thanks, Ciril."

"Chani... maybe one day we can meet again. For sure you would recognise Ciril and you heard what the Eldest said."

Vayle thought back on what Aldreda said, about Misericordia and how dying feels like waking up. He felt this nagging curiosity well up from within. "You think it's true dying feels like waking up, and death's a guardian?"

"I wouldn't know, but the Eldest's always right. So... Aye, I am sure dying is like wakin' up."

He turned to his side and touched foreheads with Chani. He stroked her cheek and continued in the same quiet, almost whispering tone. "I would so love to hear the story of the Guardian of Dreams, but the Eldest seemed not too fond of the topic. Think she would tell us?"

"I suppose? Ask her. Got nothing to lose, right?"

Vayle thought for a moment, but indeed, he found no reason to not at least ask. Worst case, it would stay a story never told. He nodded, clearly happy about the thought of maybe having a chance to hear a new story. "Aye, sis. I'll ask her"

Chani felt a warm wave of joy wash through her when he referred to her as sister. She sighed as they rested a little longer, eyes closed, smiling together in mutual joy, until Vayle started giggling again.

"How many times did he catch the same fish? Five? Six? No, wait, seven times, before he threw his fishing rod into the high grass?"

Chani could not help it and had to force herself not to laugh out loud. "Yup."

Both were snorting with suppressed laughter.


Although Aldreda could not hear what they were talking about, she sensed the emotion the words carried and how they changed. Deep down, from the bottom or her heart, she was glad. She was happy for both of them. The loss would not hurt any less, but it would help Chani's heart heal in the days ahead.

When Allard and Corwin returned to the well for a second bucket of water, she quietly closed the window. When Aldreda went to fetch a few more things from her bag, Chani looked up.

Again the druid saw curiosity in her eyes and thought that it was best to keep her mind occupied for now. She opened a small flask and held it out to Chani so she could sample the scent. "Do you know what this is?"

She took a few sniffs and was quick to reply: "Black birch!".

Aldreda nodded delighted "Yes! Betula Lenta. Its properties are tied to cleansing, protection and rebirth. We will add it to the water we use to wash Vayle." she explained and gave her a small incense cone. Chani held it very carefully and looked at it from all sides.

Vayle opened his eyes and just watched what they were doing. He seemed pleased to see Chani happy.

Aldreda showing Chani herbs while Vayle holds her tail and watches them.

"Do you recognise some of the ingredients in this one?"

Again she took a smell at the cone and quickly said "Sandal wood!"

"Santalum Album, very good! Can you make out more?"

After a bit of pondering and trying to pick the scents apart in her mind she replied "Lavender and black mullein!"

"Close, dear. Lavender is right, Lavandula Angustifolia. But the other is Agrimonia Eupatoria. Agrimony." Aldreda tilted her head slightly. "I am surprised you know so much already. Have your parents taught you to recognise herbs?"

"No, Eldest. When I go with my mother into the forest to collect herbs I sometimes just know what they are and can do."

Suddenly fumes started to emerge from Chani's chest and for a faint second formed the outline of a netherdragon. Aldreda was positively surprised. Her body may not yet be capable of supporting a netherdragon's physical incarnation, but that it showed itself was a rare sight with such a young Venkat.

"Dear, do you know your netherdragon yet?"

"Yes!" a broad smile formed on her face. "His name is Ailill. We are best friends! Right, Ai'Ai?"

Aldreda could not help but to think that she saw the fumes wince at the nickname.

"Oh, then he showed himself unusually early to you!"

"Is that good, eldest?"

"Very good even!"

Chani closed her eyes, smiled smugly and raised her chin.

Aldreda was now certain there was something special about her, stirring her curiosity.

'You are not a young soul, are you, Chani? You and Vayle, you are soul mates, but he had no netherdragon to remember you... Do not make the same mistake I made so many lives ago. He will leave a void that no one can fill, but do not wait for him to return. Do not waste your life searching for him. You will only end up alone.'

Aldreda knew Chani stayed more often at Vayle's than at her family's place. Carvel and Lilita would still welcome her for sure, but they all would go through a difficult transition.

'Who will be there for you?'

Suddenly they heard a distant crashing sound from behind the door to the storage caves.

"Vanya! Please watch after them!" she said and made her way through the door. Vanya at once sat down on Vayle's shoulder beside his netherdragon.

Aldreda had an idea of what happened, and closed the door behind her so Vayle would not hear.