Best Friends.

Story by Nero_Fox on SoFurry

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Its my first time sharing a story so any helpful criticism would be greatly appreciated. i left it open at the end so if you like it and want to hear more of the story let me know.


I looked out the window and saw the gleaming, see through reflection staring back at me. My perky pointy black tipped ears, my bored sleepy face with my eyes half lidded; only allowing part of my golden pupils to shine. My burnt red color fur shone as my black gloved arms baked, my tight fitting maroon v neck shirt letting my white fur show. My head bobbed up and down as I fought to keep consciousness. I brought my arm up â€"Nero- and rested my head on my hand. I let my mind drift abo â€"Nero- I really should wake up from day dream and figure out who's calling me, but with summer only a few weeks awa "NERO! Wake the fuck up!"

I sprang my head to the front of the room to see a red faced ferret looking directly at me.

"Sorry Mr. Remal" I plaster a half sincere frown on my muzzle and awaited his eminent explosion.

"How can you say you're sorry?"

Here we go again

"You sleep everyday and act as thought it nothing. I could level with you if it was first period but its fifth there no reason for you take a nap in the middle of my lecture"

You act like I don't always ace your test and show you up every single day

"And it especially important that you pay attention. I'm not up here teaching you urchins for my pleasure."

Haha if you say so Remal

"Now if you think your smart enough to sleep while I'm trying to pound a brand new concept in you feeble minds then how about you answer the question on the bo..."

"Forty-three" I added a yawn at the end just to smite him "now if you don't mind. I'm going to continue sleeping"

His mouth hung open as if waiting for a dick... so not being able to resist the opportunity to be said dick, I once again open my maw

"You know sir. If you keep your mouth open like that some horrible bug is destined to fly right in"

The class around me gave a small giggle as the bell signaling the end of class rung. I walked out of the class room and into the crowded halls of Littell Jr. High, I turned the corner into a tightly packed corridor that housed the lockers. I walked up to mine and undid the lock; putting the algebra book back in and pulling out my English one. I closed the locker and turned around coming nose to nose with smiling but slightly shocked black wolf.

"NERO!!" the wolf shouted and pulled me into a friendly hug "were still hanging out tonight, right?"

"Of course Coda. You can stay the night still, right?"

"You bet man!"

"That's good cause I really need to tell you something."

"Okay dokey. I gotta go to class but I'll meet you at the sign after school, k?"

"KK, see ya then" I waved my paw towards him as he walked away. I walked towards my English class with a smile on my muzzle and my mind a drift a sea of wonder and fun.

I walked through a door way on my left and smiled to the elderly calico cat that was teaching my class. She had written the assignment on the board ‘ read Romeo and Juliet, act 3 scene 4'. I sighed inwardly and opened my book. The period went by quickly and before I knew it I was walking next to my best friend down the small road leading towards my house.

"Hey Coda. I'll race you to your house."

"You're on wulf!"

We raced down the street, neck and neck, laughing all the way towards my house. When we were nearly there I took the lead for a few seconds till I was talked from behind and pinned to the pokey green lawn that grew in front of my home.

"So just cause your getting beat you have to talk me?" he replied with enthusiastic nod and smile.

"I see how it.. The wolf always has to keep the fox down, huh?" I shook my head in mock shame as he rolled across the lawn in a fit of laughter. I jumped up and told to come inside. I went to the fridge and grabbed two sodas out of the fridge while he plopped down onto the couch and turned on the television. He leaned back into the comfort of the couch with a sigh.

"I can never get tired of this couch."

"I know... We've spent pretty much all of our summers here."

" Yeah.. Your right Nero, and to think, in a few weeks we'll get to share another one."

"Yup yup. To think we've been best friend's sense first grade." He gave me soft smile as he nodded his head.

" And hell were just about to finish up 7th grade." He nodded again as the conversation got taken over by the TV.

"Oh!" he looked towards me "what was it you were going to tell me?"

I had almost forgotten the whole reason as to my I invited him to spend the night in the first place. I looked him square in the face. My pulse quickened as my hands grew clam-y, I opened my mouth to speak, but the words I was looking for wouldn't form, they all just jumbled up into one big lump stuck in my wind pipe. The only sound I could make was this weird, pathetic choking sound.

"Look. Nero you're my best friend. You can tell me anything."

His words reassured me and I opened my mouth again. Happily something other than stuttering came out.

"Coda, you're my best friend, and have been sense we were kids we grew up together and played together. We've told each other our secrets and kept them from other, but there's no easy way to actually tell you this besides just doing it... C-Coda, I-I'm... I'm gay"

I waited for a scream of some sort, but when nothing came I looked up from the ground and towards him. He had a confused look on his face.

"Rea- really? You're gay?"

simply nodded and looked back at the ground. I felt his weight shift off the couch and back onto, but this time closer to me. My face busted into smile that hurt my face. I looked up and his face held a small smile. I looked into his and saw the friendship and love he held for me. I closed my eyes in bliss. I opened them and his face had changed. He was mad. No, worse than that, he was disgusted. I looked into his eyes. And then something happened I didn't think was possible. His lips twisted into a crocked smile as his claws raked down the side of muzzle, spewing blood onto the couch we were sitting on. Spewing blood onto the couch we had once sat on forming a bond once stronger then brothers. Spewing blood onto the couch we had plans to waste the coming summers away on.

I fell to the floor grasping at my muzzle and watching my best friend leave through the door way. He stopped and turned my way.

"I fucking hate you."

The pain from my bleeding muzzle was now completely over shadowed by the pain in my heart.


like i said.. if you want to hear more, just let me know.