The War

Story by Azet Doodsengel on SoFurry

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#2 of Story

Destruction never seemed so fun

Born from the ashes of a strong fallen nation, by a group seeking vengeance of their demise. Using their knowledge they conjured a beast with demon wings so big they blocked out the sun, claws sharp enough to tear through a foot of steel like butter, horns long enough to spear straight through a twelve inch wall, skin so tough it can't be penetrated by any type of weapon, tail spiked like a flail, fangs so pointed they can rip a body in two with one bite, feet are bulls, the head of a King Cobra, and the body of a king with a thirst for blood. They named the creature Teufel 18. As Teufel 18 rose from the ashes its anger grew greater and more aggressive as it killed the sacrifice offered. When it was out of the ashes the group had it start its reign of terror and destruction.

Teufel 18 sought the people and organizations that had brought the fall of the nation. It started with those that neighbored it. With Teufel 18 as angry as it was it set out to destroy those it was born to kill. The first place that it attacked was not even defended for this kind of attack and was burned to the ground with all the citizens being ripped to pieces as they screamed from the jaws of Teufel 18. After devouring all of the citizens it wanted more blood and went in search for the next target of vengeance. When it saw the next place it started running through half of the buildings as it skewered the civilians on its horns. As the buildings fell while people screamed and ran in fear Teufel 18 growled as it kept causing mass destruction. With body pieces and a flood of blood on the ground Teufel 18 left as it kept up its need for vengeance. Every time Teufel 18 destroyed a place it grew stronger and created copies of itself that went to other places to keep up the mass mayhem. In some of the decimated areas they put up a fight that bought time to warn others. As the chaos spread some places started to put up defenses that made Teufel 18 angrier as it went through them with as they exploded.

One nation was told of the chaos and started increasing its defenses and armament for when he arrived. When Teufel 18 appeared through the fiery remains of the carnage the people on the defenses started launching cannons of all sizes, artillery of various calibers, rockets of different uses, missiles with different size explosions, and other various guns. As the rounds and missiles hit around Teufel 18 it stopped and let out a loud roar. When the rounds stopped and the smoke was rising, the military forces thought they destroyed it and cheered until a shadow came from the smoke and charged at them as they started firing again in fear of death and anger of their fallen comrades. Teufel 18 let out a roar of searing flame in front of him, burning those who were caught in it to a crisp, as he ran through the weapons fire. As Teufel 18 hit the scorched bodies they fell into piles of ashes that blew with the wind that followed him. One soldier that was running for his life was caught by Teufel 18 and ripped apart by the sharp teeth in the mouth. With blood flowing from his fangs and mouth Teufel 18 kept up his rampage of destruction and carnage. Those who tried to run were eaten and those who fought back were burned and shredded into small pieces.

While eating the runners, a small group of armored vehicles started firing upon him. As the rounds hit him in the chest, he blew out a chemical cloud that covered the armor. The cloud entered the armor and turned those controlling it into slaves that fought for Teufel 18. The armor went ahead to the next place and acted like allies and turned the infantrymen, armor crewmen, artillery crews, and scouts into slaves by releasing some of the chemical. With all the defenses corrupted by the time Teufel 18 started approaching the town, the original slaves had brought the others into formation outside of the town. When Teufel got to the formation all of the soldiers saluted him and shouted a military phrase.

Teufel pointed southward toward the coast and growled "move" as his forces moved in that direction. All that was heard was the pounding of feet, the roaring of engines, the crashing of treads, and the earth screaming as all the feet and metal hit it. As Teufel 18 and his forces approached the coast one of the scouts saw a naval facility, surrounded by a big village, which was making ships for war. The infantry approached faster than the others and was fired upon by some tanks and machine gun nests. They started to run at them as their artillery bombarded the area around the nests. When the infantry that fell hit the ground a gas cloud flooded the village and corrupted all that breathed it. As the tanks and machine guns ceased fire Teufel 18 reached the facility and released some forces from hell into it and captured the ships and workers. The small and medium sized ships were loaded with the hell spawn and the infantrymen and scouts while the bigger ones had the armor and artillery then were launched from the facility.

The ships sailed south as a squadron of fighters and bombers flew overhead. Teufel let out a cloud into the sky as it engulfed the planes and seized control of their bodies. With the air forces in his control he sent some north to help the others and the rest with the fleet as support. With fortified land in sight the fleet launched a barrage of rounds that destroyed the some fortifications as the fighters took care of any nuisances in the air.