A taste of Hell

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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A human finds Firebrand in a...tight spot and decides to help him. He gets a very nice reward. A story I made for a good friend.



Disclaimer: Male and male sexual situations ahead, don't read if you're not into it, and all that shit.

Firebrand and Diablo are property of their respective creators, I make no money with this, don't sue me.

"Owww! Damn it! How the hell did I got talked into this?

Daniel grunted and got up, shaking the dust from his pants. It was the third time he tripped now.

He was in the yard of a huge abandoned convent.

He and some friends were visiting France and last night they heard a story about that place from some old drunk guys.

"If someone enters the convent alone at night and is still alive by the next morning, he will come out a rich man...strangely, it only works for males."

Of course, the story had been much larger, involving several pints of beer, the mention of a price to pay, and a few smiles between the old guys.

As it turned out, Daniel and his friends had gotten curious and the next night...here he was. Holding the short straw, with a flashlight, a small camping knife and a granola bar.

"it's fucking freezing!"

Daniel shuddered as a chill wind washed over the ruined garden. The human started checking the doors, trying to find one that was unlocked or broken so he could at least get some shield from the wind.

An old, wooden door finally gave in and it opened with an eerie creaking sound. It lead to some sort of basement

Daniel groaned, not really wanting to go down. But just then, the freezing wind started blowing harder, leaving him with no other choice. He closed the door and started walking down the extremely old stone stairs.

"It would be so cool if this leads to the wine cellar"

Daniel reached the end of the stairs, finding himself in a large corridor with doors on both sides. He felt a shiver run through his spine as he saw a faint glow under the furthest door to the left. It was a flickering glow, like there was a fire inside.

"Yeah...I don't think so" muttered Daniel, ready to turn around and go back to the hotel, and tell the guy to f..."

"hello? Is someone there?"

There was no doubt where the voice came from. Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, not daring to even breathe.

"Hello? I could use a little help over here"

English, he (it was definitely a masculine voice) was speaking English, not French. There was even something about the voice and the accent.

Daniel's curiosity got the best of him. Maybe this was another poor tourist lured here by those damn old guys. Maybe he was trapped, or even hurt.

"ummm...is everything ok in there?" asked Daniel as he started walking towards the closed door.

"Oh...thank you...I thought I was going to spend the entire night here...someone played aprank on me. I was having a drink, and the next thing I know...I'm naked and tied to a cross in some creepy ass room"

Naked? Well, now that was interesting.

Daniel smiled as he stopped behind the door.

"Heh, it's ok buddy, let me get you out of here and we'll go back to my hotel."

"wait!" said the voice as soon as Daniel turned the knob, ready to get in. "Before you open the door, promise me you won't freak out"

Daniel chuckled.

"Hey, I've been in a fraternity. I don't think there's a thing that could freak...me...out?"

Daniel said the last words after opening the door and seeing what was inside the room.

The guy inside the room was certainly naked and partially tied to a cross just like he said.

Except...it was not a freaking human!!

His body was entirely covered in leathery red skin. He had a pair of bat like wings tied together with some sort of rope. His forehead had a conic shape, it sort of reminded Daniel of a pteranodon. He had pointy ears and yellow, pupiless eyes.

It was absolutely, definitely a male, as a semi hard, veiny uncut penis rested over his left thigh.

Yup, this was a demon ladies and gentlemen. His arms were over his head and his wrists were tied to both sides of the cross that was standing in the middle of the room. Each rope wrapped around an ankle and forcing him to keep his legs spread. Displaying hi soles to anyone who entered the room.

That was exactly what was stealing Daniel's attention right now.

The demon had three meaty toes, plus a vestigial toe on the inside of each foot. The skin on the soles was of a darker shade of red, no doubt hardened after a lifetime of walking barefoot. The flickering light washed over the soles again and again, creating shapes and accentuating every wrinkle of the rough looking soles.

"So, are you going to cut me loose or are you going to stare at my feet al night?" asked the demon.

Daniel blinked and shook his head. Blushing lightly as his fetish had became apparently very obvious to the demon.

"I...no! there has to be a good reason why you were tied like that. You're a demon!"

"Now you're being racist. I'm tied like this because some minions thought it would be fun. They got me drunk, brought me to the human world and tied me to a cross with a rope soaked in holy water, so I couldn't break free.

For the first time, Daniel noticed the demon's lips weren't moving.

That's why he could understand him, and even feel an accent! Telepathy

He also noticed there wasn't a single light source in the room. The strange glow he had noticed before seemed to just fill the place.

"Yes, it's telepathy. Yes, it's not an ordinary room. Now set me free?"

The demon struggled a bit in his bonds, opening his mouth and letting out a grunt.

"Listen. There are rules. If you set me free...I'm bound to grant you something you desire. We're not allowed to harm humans, their souls are too valuable for our boss after all"

That...kind of made sense. Daniel remembered those old guys at the pub. Maybe this was what they meant. Maybe this demon could grant him anything he wished for.

"Just so you know...rope soaked in holy water burns like fuck" said the demon clenching his toes over and over again.

Daniel felt almost hypnotized by those meaty, red toes. What's the worst that could happen? He could keep the rope and use it if the demon tried to attack him.

He fished the knife from his pocket, kneeling next to the demon and cutting the ropes, Trying not to look at the demon's endowment.

Once he was free, the demon stood up, stretching his wings and limbs, letting out a roar.

Now that he was standing, Daniel could clearly see their height difference. The demon was a towering 9 feet over the human's 6.5.

"Just wait until I get those little shits"

He grinned and looked at the stunned human.

"My name is Firebrand. What's your name human?"

"my name is Daniel...ummm...about that whish..."

"Of course" said Firebrand.

His eyes started glowing and Daniel noticed the air getting warmer. He screamed and let go of the rope as it started burning, dropping his knife in the process.

"What the...? Hey!" he screamed again as his clothes started burning too.

The entire room was on fire now.

The last thing Daniel remembered was how the flames weren't actually burning his skin. Then everything was surrounded by a blinding light.

The first thing Daniel's mind registered was the fact that he was lying in something that felt like gravel...and that he was naked.

He slowly opened his eyes and groaned, getting up.

"good, you didn't vomited, most humans are not that strong."

The voice behind him startled him and Daniel turned to find himself face to stomach with Firebrand.

"What the hell?"

"Precisely, my friend. That's where we are. I figured if I was going to let you indulge in your whish, might as well do it in my home and not in some filthy convent room.

"My wish? I haven't even told you..."

Daniel's protest was cut off as he was roughly pushed back. Falling on his naked rumo and groaning at the feeling of the sharp gravel. His groan turned into a gasp, and then a moan as a rough and calloused sole came to res on his crotch. Firebrand smiled and drummed his toes over the human's penis.

You don't need to say anything Daniel. You could even deny it, and I would still know what's your deepest desire."

Firebrand's foot slowly moved up, stopping two inches in front of Daniel's face. The human could see every detail of the red ole, slightly dirty after walking barefoot all day. He swallowed nervously and was about to protest when Firebrand lifted him like a sack of potatoes, carrying him over his shoulder and walking away.

"it's just a small walk to my place, we'll be there in no time"

Daniel looked around. The lace looked like a desert, only with gravel instead of sand and the occasional lake of fire. Firebrand's walking was steady and rhythmic and caused Daniel to look down, past Firebrand's strong back and firm rump, to his big feet. The toes dragging pebbles back with each step.

Once again, the human found himself mesmerized by those feet. He didn't even noticed when they reached the huge palace and only blinked when the gravel gave way to a cold, white marble floor.

It was definitely not what you'd expect from a demon's house... except maybe for the statues of hunky demons indulging in all kinds of carnal pleasures. The main hallway was also decorated with huge pillars and a good portion of the cold marble was covered by a red rug.

Firebrand carried Daniel past the hallway, into one of the rooms.

"Your house is...amazing" said the human once Firebrand finally set him down.

"It's not exactly mine. Lots of demons live here. My master comes to visit rarely tough."

The demon walked to a large throne in the middle of the wide room and sat down, lifting a foot and resting it on his knee.

"Come on now Daniel, you came all the way here"

Or the first time, Daniel smiled, dropping all pretense and walking towards Firebrand. What the hell...there's no point in looking for logic. Might as well enjoy the ride.

The human kneeled in front of the demon and took the right foot with both hands, rubbing his thumbs against the hardened soles.

Daniel inhaled deeply and felt his member twitching as his senses flooded with the foot's intense scent. Firebrand chuckled and moved his other foot, placing his arch at the back of Daniel's neck. He used it to press the human against his sole. Laughing as Daniel groaned and struggled.

"Now that's the way you get a proper sniff, now let's see how that tongue of yours feels."

Daniel blushed. Somewhat glad that Firebrand couldn't see him. He let his tongue out and pressed it against the rough sole, his senses of smell and taste quickly overloading and making his entire body shudder. He grabbed the foot and pressed it harder against his face, feeling his saliva soaking the warm and rough surface and accentuating even more the incredible scent and taste.

"heh, eager little guy" Firebrand smiled, idly running a finger through the impressive length of his semi hard member, feeling it throb pleasantly and filling with blood. The demon moved his other foot from the back of Daniel's head, letting the human tend to both.

Daniel must have licked every inch at least a dozen times.

After what seemed like a blissful eternity to the human, the warm feet moved away, making him whimper.

Firebrand chuckled and rubbed his chin.

"It seems you really enjoyed that"

He pressed a foot against Daniel's groin and the human blushed heavily as he noticed for the first time he was rock hard.

"It's ok little guy, we're both enjoying this." Said Firebrand slowly stroking his own erection. "Lay on your back"

Daniel did as he was ordered and one of Firebrand's feet returned to his face. The other one pressing against his chest and stomach. The demon started moving his feet all over the human's body. Sometimes just pressing over a certain area, sometimes dragging the sole from head to toe. Like he was wiping his feet on the human. Daniel had his eyes closed and was moaning like crazy. The constant brushing and stepping against his erection had him on the edge of orgasm. He was sure it would only be a few more seconds before...

Suddenly, the wonderful feet stopped moving and a thundering voice filled the room.

"So, you decided to sneak out into the human world for some fun?"

Daniel opened his eyes, but Firebrand's huge sole was pressing against his face, so he couldn't see a thing.

"M...master! I wasn't expecting you so early"

"I can see that. Well, let's see what you got"

Firebrand lifted both feet and Daniel got his first glimpse of Firebrand's master.

It was a massive red demon, easily twice Firebrand's size. With curved horns protruding from both sides of his head and large spikes coming from his back and shoulders, his three toed feet were massive, and they seemed to be a mix between plantigrade and digitigrade, with huge talons coming from the toes. His humanoid cock matching the demon's size generously.

Hello little one. My name is...you can call me Diablo...or master. You seemed to be enjoying Firebrand's feet. And it happens mine could use some attention too."

Daniel gasped as one gigantic foot hovered over his body.

"Wait Dia...master. You're going to crush me. I don't think I can take your weight."

Diablo removed his foot and crouched next to the human. Blowing a white fire all over Daniel's body.

"There you go, now your bones and skin won't break no matter what we do.

Both Diablo and Firebrand saw the expression of disbelief in Daniel's face, the he demon grinned and took a couple of steps back.

"Let me demonstrate"


It seemed impossible for a creature of Diablo's size to be this agile, but the picture was right there, and forever burned in Daniel's mind.

Diablo jumped easily ten feet in the air, ready to land on the human.

Daniel almost screamed in fear, watching those huge feet coming closer and closer.

The world around the human trembled and he felt as if he was being hit by a train.

It was one of the strangest feeling for Daniel.

He felt his entire body flattening under Diablo's huge weight. But the sounds of cracking bones never came. There was an overwhelming pressure over every inch of his body, but strangely, he felt no pain at all. If anything, he felt even more aroused than before.

Daniel could feel every wrinkle and crevice of Diablo's gigantic feet. He could even feel the difference between the clean parts of the sole and those covered in dirt.

Diablo's feet also felt hotter than Firebrand's. the huge demon had obviously been walking for a long time and Daniel could already feel the sweat starting to cover his body.

"It really feels good. You have some interesting ideas, Firebrand." Said Diablo starting to drag his feet all over Daniel's body, filling the room with wet sounds.

"I was just responding to his desires. He's the one who wished for all this to happen." Said Firebrand licking his lips. "May I contribute to your relaxation, master?"

Diablo moved his feet, keeping both of them over most of Daniel's body. Leaving only his head and part of his chest exposed. Daniel caught a brief view of Diablo's front, gasping at the enormous erection throbbing between the mater demon's legs.

"Go ahead" ordered Diablo.

Firebrand grinned and got closer, placing both feet on Daniel's chest and face. The winged demon crouched, making Daniel feel all his weight, and held Diablo's erection with a hand, opening his mouth and letting the thick uncut head slide past his lips.

Firebrand started stroking his own member with his free hand, letting his precum dribble over Diablo's feet and mix with the sweat coating Daniel's body.

Daniel could feel his entire body stretching and flattening under the massive weight of both demons. He could feel the different textures. Both feet were rough and calloused, but Diablo's feet were much harder than Firebrand's. Daniel was sure the friction against Diablo's soles would have skinned him alive if it weren't because of the spell.

Firebrand started shifting his weight from foot to foot, clenching his toes in pleasure and feeling Daniel's skin get slippery and slightly sticky.

Daniel could feel the pressure on his cock and balls, making him moan around the sweaty red sole. He was completely at the mercy of both beasts, not able to move an inch. Not that he minded in the least. If he could, he'd move only to press himself harder against those heavenly...demonly? Feet.

The human felt wonderful under Diablo's feet. That, combined with Firebrand's expert sucking, quickly drove Diablo over the edge. He roared and dug his feet even deeper against Daniel's body as his massive orgasm overflowed Firebrand's mouth.

The smaller demon pulled the spurting rod from his mouth, coughing as the next wave covered his face and chest. Firebrand aimed Diablo's cock down and the next spurt coated his crotch. The winged demon used his master's deed to jerk his needy erection and a few strokes later, he shrieked and covered his master's feet with his own load.

Daniel felt the warm and sticky mix dribbling between Diablo's toes, making his body so sticky that as soon as Diablo started lifting his feet, it stuck to the mighty soles for a few seconds. Daniel fell to the floor panting heavily, not even realizing he had came too. Both demons grinned. Letting the tired human lick their feet clean while he basked in a pool of semen and sweat.

"you know the best part?" asked Firebrand to Daniel "time passes slower here, so by the time the sun rises in the human world, I'd say you will have spent...a week here."

Daniel smiled. Knowing it was going to be a long and pleasurable week.