
Story by Toumal on SoFurry

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(c)2003 Toumal

Redistribution is ALLOWED for non-commercial purposes, as long as this

disclaimer and copyright information is also redistributed unaltered

along with the story.

This story should not be read by readers under the age of 18 years.

You have been warned.

NOTICE : Blackbirds (Turdus merula), like other avians, usually don't have "regular" genitals. In my story however, the characters are quite antropomorphised in that regard. This is not inaccuracy, but just my preference ;)

Early spring. Mating season. These words themselves meant little to the abundance of little feathered beings populating the big garden. The sun, the green of the trees, the flowers and the rich supplies of food were much stronger than those words. They meant life, pulsating and strong. And those strong cues meant that everyone took part in the great game, the game where everything was allowed: Love.

As they speeded through bushes and around treetrunks, past fences corners at breakneck speed, the little birds always felt protected. They knew that a great spirit lived amongst them, a guardian who took care of them. Though this guardian was immensely powerful, no bird knew exactly who or where he was. He only appeared in times of great need, or when provoked. What they did not know, however, was that he indeed lived among them, as one of them.

The garden was of the old, well-kept kind; the grass looked healthy and still glittering with small drops of water from the past night. The morning sun promised a warm day, one of the first dozen this year. The old trees were full of green leaves, their age apparently not yet having lessened their health. It was also a huge garden, with many secluded spots and silent alcoves formed by dense vegetation that made up barriers of privacy throughout the vast grassy areal. Colorful flowers blossomed in isles here and there, adding vibrant colors to the lovely scene of this quiet paradise.

Between two thick bushes, two blackbirds pranced around each other. The black one was magnificently built, apparently in the prime of his life, trying to seduce a lovely-looking brown female. She was more than willing to stay with him, just prolonging the ritual for modesty's sake. She was his, and they both knew it. They pranced and danced around each other, teasing and tainting, oblivious to their surroundings. Finally, she stood silently, waiting for his move. He spread his wings, approached her, crouched to jump and -- was blown away by a surge of air that struck them both from the side. She shrieked and scrambled, darting away and into the sky with a dash, immediately followed by 3 other males. Short stubs of grass rained down on the unlucky blackbird in the bush as he looked after the big lawnmower that had just interrupted his mating. It was one of those four-wheeled machines, with a human sitting on it as it blasted cut grass out on the right side of it's cutting mechanism. A normal bird would just have shouted his protest and escaped. But this one was different. He wasn't just angry, he was in fact able to express his anger - and he was also planning to do so.

With a whoosh he took off and sped after the machine. Turning in a daring maneuver he came to a quick halt a few meters away from the lawnmower - exactly in it's path. He was going to have his revenge now, he thought as his eyes started glow in an unnatural yellow.

The human driving the lawnmower was actually just 18 years old, and gasped as the engine grinded to a sudden halt, the machine stopping as if he had just hit a wall, his own inertia throwing him against the steering wheel. Dizzy and confused, he thought that he might've hit a large half-buried stone or something.

Just as he lifted his face from the steering wheel again a taloned hand suddenly gripped his neck, pulled him out of the seat and threw him onto the grass. Eyes wide open in shock, the young man looked at the creature standing in front of him - and gasped. Powerful bird-like taloned feet led to muscular legs of a almost human stature. Strong wings were folded at the back of the black avian that was peering down at the human with angry, yellow eyes, a set of arms crossed over it's chest in a very human-like gesture.

A silence formed like a wall between them - but was scattered moments later by the monstrous blackbird.

"You just did something very rude."

Just as the bird thought that eyes couldn't open any wider, the boy's did - much to the guardian's amusement.

"Oh yes, I can talk. I can talk like a human, walk like a human, think like a human, and..." he added, closing the distance by a single step and peering down intensively at the scared boy, "... be angry like a human"

"Who.. wha..." the lad stuttered, looking around frantically as if searching for help.

"We're all alone out here. This garden is very big... and noone's around to disturb me from teaching you a lesson, my boy."

"Y- you... a.. lesson?"

"Do you have any idea how long I was looking for a mate? She's gone now. You scared her away with your.. machine.."

That said, the tall blackbird shot an angry stare at the lawnmower, which immediately turned completely to gray before dissolving in fine ash-like dust. The human swallowed hard.

"Please.. please let me go! I didn't-"

"Oh I will let you go..."

A fearful glimmer of hope lit up in the human's eyes.

"...though not as you are now."

Another swallow. The bird spirit chuckled at the reaction. He didn't actually hate the humans, just some of their manners.

The boy suddenly turned and tried to get on his feet, which did get him as far as two meters before the avian was upon him. Taloned fingers ripped his clothes, shredding the fabric open in a flash. Hands and wings wrapped around him as he tripped and landed on the grass the second time today. The heavy feathered body rubbed against the smooth skin of the youth's back where the t-shirt was torn to shreds. A pointed beak scratched on his neck, drawing blood. The lad started to sob.

"Don't kill me... please.. i beg you.."

"I won't kill you, you silly thing. But - your old life will end, and your new one will begin."

The spirit held the human securely in his arms and watched as the change happened.

Feathers sprouted from the white skin, hands and feet turning yellow and growing claws. A mouth opened to a scream that was never heard, as the human face stretched and twisted. His neck was becoming thicker, feathers coming out of every pore of his skin, covering all of his body. A crack and a gasp later, wings began to push their way out of his back, forcing the bird spirit to release his grip on the once-human to allow them to spread. Carefully, the guardian of the birds ripped away the last shreds of cloth where it threatened to hinder the transformation. The next breath the boy took was inhaled though a yellow beak, a shudder running through his now-unhuman body as soft feathers appeared at his crotch and on his balls, his human boyhood swelling one last time in it's original form before growing even larger, parts of it turning to a sheath-like hide.

He lay there on his stomach and panting, eyes closed, still hoping that this was all just a mad dream.

"Turn around"

The words shocked him out of that hope. A hand grabbed his shoulder and he slowly turned around, keeping his wings instinctively pressed against his back. The first blackbird lay down on his stomach, forcing air out of his lungs as he was unprepared for his weight, blunt talons running through the newly-formed feathers. That monstrous bird was looming over him, he could smell his breath mixed with the intense aroma of newly cut grass...

"Mmmm... you look lovely.." it said.

"I.. WHAT?"

The smile was not just a friendly one. It was... a lustful smile.

"Oh yes, my boy... look for yourself"

Suddenly, he noticed the yellow beak in his vision, his beak. Looking down on his own body, twitching his wings tentatively, he slowly realized what had happened to him.

"Oh no... no no no no... Don't tell me-"

"-that you're part bird now? Yes."

He shook his avian head in disbelief, making the spirit chuckle again.

"Oh shit... oh SHIT! What.. what if my parents see me like this? What if..."

Realisation struck him.

"I'm naked! What if someone comes by and.."


A talon on his beak silenced him for the moment.

"Nobody will come here. We're all alone, and I promise nobody will disturb us while I.. teach you your lesson..."

"What the fuck are you, and what did I ever do to be.. humiliated like this??"

"Oh..." the powerful spirit chuckled, "'re a feisty one! Well, I'm a guardian for the birds. I watch over them like children, care for their needs and keep them safe. And I live among them most of the time."

"I.. oh shit... oh shit, that's just too weird."

"Why? Because you don't believe what you don't see with your eyes?"

Anger welled up in the human's chest as he slowly got to realize the radical change that had been forced upon him. His taloned hands clenched to fists, beating against the spirit repeatedly with increasing force.

"Why didn't you attack the others mowing the lawn here? WHY ME?? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!?"

The Spirit sat up on his knees, keeping the former human trapped securely as he stretched his wings.

A thunder stopped the anger of the boy in a single moment. Deep black clouds suddenly hung in the sky, and the sunlight was gone. The black outline of the spirit that hung over him like a shadow lit up with a flash, fierce white flames lapping from his skin as incredibly bright rays of light emanated from his whole body. His feathers glowed in intense white in what was in fact just a small display of his true powers. And during all of this, he was still sitting on his captive, staring directly into his eyes.

A deep voice thundered from all around them:

"I could have killed you on the spot, if I had desired so. I do what I see fit. Your life is at my mercy."

In an eyeblink, the light was gone from the spirit's form, and the sun shone it's golden rays through the trees as if nothing had happened.

He looked at him, and realized that he had probably scared him to death. There he was, lying on the grass with eyes clenched shut, clawed hands crossed over his face in the typical protective gesture common to so many mortal beings.

The spirit actually felt sorry for him, which surprised himself. Did he react to harsh? Maybe he'd let his lust control his actions too much. Maybe he should not have intruded this one's life...

But then again, he was a guardian, and he could not show weakness or indecisiveness - though he felt a pang of guilt that urged him to at least try to ease the pain he had no doubt caused.

The hands he pushed aside were weak, the eyes still clenched shut as he combed his somewhat-blunt talons through this one's head-feathers reassuringly.

"You wanted to know why I had no quarrel with the old man who usually works here?"

One eye blinked open, but the left decided to stay shut, just in case. The powerful spirit could not help but smile at how cute this looked to him.

"He used to circle bushes in the opposite direction. And he was probably just more fortunate - or unfortunate - than you."

This took some time to settle. He could see the question forming in this one's mind, and chuckled as it finally burst out of his beak.

"U- Unfortunate?"

As if to emphasize his point, the spirit's taloned right hand inched it's way between both bodies, rubbing over the newly formed sheath, ecliting a sharp gasp from the poor boy.

"Whhhhaaa... what are.. you doing?"

With a wry smile, the spirit replied, "You disturbed my mating, remember? Therefore, you'll have to... substitute."

He shuddered as a long, slim tongue darted out and flicked over his beak.

"N..... - NO!! I'm male! You can't.."

"Ohh, but I can. And you will let me, sweet boy."

"Never! Get off of me, you... can't.."

A talon thrusted into the sheath, rubbing over a sensitive cockhead and making the young male squirm. At the same time, a threatening sheath was rubbed against his legs and crotch.

"B..but i'm not that kind of guy.. I'm not..."

"Gay?" the spirit asked. "No, you're probably not. But I am going to mate you. And maybe, we will even stay together.."


"Hmmmmm?" he teased, smiling as he watched the pleasure wash through the new body. It didn't take much time for the young, virile cock to swell, slowly sliding out of it's hide for the first time. The guardian spirit smiled widely as he discovered that he might have gotten a little carried away at this one's transformation, as it's size and length were both quite extraordinary.

"Oh what a lovely maleness you have.. so long and big - and it's a beautiful shape too!" he cooed, "Look down boy, see for yourself!"

Morbid curiosity was what made the smaller blackbird raise his head weakly, eyes half-closed and only slowly opening.


Suddenly, realisation struck the spirit, and he understood why this one was so easy to arouse. Curiously he asked "Are you still a virgin?"

"I.. I- Um..."

A sob wrecked the boy's avian body as a thought crossed his mind.

"Will I ever see my family again?"

"In time, you will be able to. But I think you will like your new life."

"B-but how will I live? How could I live like.. like this?"

The larger blackbird decided to let actions answer this. He could not help but smile at the helplessness of the younger bird who was now sobbing between ragged breaths of pleasure. Slowly, he pulled the boy's yellow-skinned feet apart, who didn't even have the strength to resist this humiliating move. A taloned hand wrapped around the boy's erection and started to gently move up and down on the remarkably sized pole, making him gasp sharply. The spirit's erection that was sliding from it's hide and rubbing against luxurious feathers of his young brethren soon left trails of precum in the black coat. A beak slid sensually over the other, slim tongue playing there.. sliding into it and curling around a tongue that had been human just minutes before. Hips bucked suggestively against the virgin blackbird's rear, a firm erection formed wich now poked against the soft buttocks, around them, then between them - ever so gently...

"Please... please..."

Please no, or please yes? It did not matter that much to the powerful spirit as he aimed his throbbing maleness at the puckered anus that was now exposed to him, though he did want to be easy with him. Slowly stroking the impressive shaft of the young bird, he husked:

"Tell me, do you like the pleasure?"

"I... ohhh.. mmm..."

"Or.. should I stop?"

"Nnnn... No..."

"Should I continue?"

It was the first hand other than his own touching his cock. The hand of a total stranger. The hand of a bird-being, a powerful guardian of the animals. The hand of another male. All this was so alien, so... forbidden.

Unfortunately, the boy's mind was too fogged with lust to realize just what the spirit meant with his question. And so he replied:


A strong arm grasped his head and pulled him into a powerful kiss, the beaks feeling soft as they locked together. The boy's attention was centered on the pleasure in his loins as he looked into the eyes of his captor, eyes that looked.. caring.. now? He was totally unprepared for what came next.

He cried a muffled shriek into the other's beak! He gasped! He tried to push back but found himself helplessly at the spirit's mercy, who held him securely fastened while pushing his slick, erect bird-hood into the hot opening that was his virgin ass.

How it burned, oh how it burned inside him! And yet it didn't stop, the beast kept pushing onward slowly, relentlessly driving itself deeper into him.

Gasping for air after finding his beak free from the kiss, he cried and sobbed. Tears streamed down his black feathered birdface.

"Oooohh... so hot.. so thight.. my sweet boy.. my lovely birdy..." the spirit cooed into the lad's neck as he took him, impaling him, all the way. He realized that he was being raped the second time this day, the first one having taken his humanity, the second one now taking his virginity.

"It.. it hurts! Pull it out! P-please!!"

"Shhhh... it will stop in just a moment... be brave, my boy."

Whispering a few inhuman syllabes, the spirit used his powers to ease the pain for the smaller bird.

"There... is that better?"

Sobs continued to rock the body he was impaled in. The hot orifice that was gripping his erection was fueling his lust, the virginity he had just taken only adding to the sweetness of the moment. Oh how lovely that bird looked, indeed he was a worthy substitute - no, he was better. He was much more sexy, and didn't even know it yet.

Smiling, the larger blackbird renewed his jerking movements, the stress and arousal having engorged the boy's shaft to a deep-red pole of pent-up need. His own cock jumped and throbbed as he heard the lad gasp in pleasure again.

"Oh.. good boy.. you took me into you, all the way! Oh if only you knew how lovely you look like this. You're one of the sexiest birds I've ever seen.. and I'm so happy that I'm your first lover.."

The poor being didn't know whether he should smile, cry, feel happy, angry or ashamed at that. He heard every word of it, understood it, but yet could not take in all the powerful emotions he felt at the same time. The pain was gone, there was only pleasure at his cock, a strange and strong level of lust forming that he had never felt while masturbating alone. Even more strange was the now-painless intruder that was embedded deep in his anal passage - it felt so.. filling.. the tip nudging against something inside him that sent shudders down his spine and through his wings...

His wings? Yes, he was a bird now, he remembered - at least most parts of him.. And he was being fucked, taken by another male, another male bird at that...

"Oh.." he said, simply.

A warm chuckle came from the other bird. "Oh? Hmmm... Does my cock feel that good?"

As if to emphasize what he meant, he allowed his hips to pull back and thrust in again gently, making the lad's bird-like legs to dangle as they lay idly stretched apart like this.


Powerful shudders washed over the boy, arms wrapping around his rapist's back and hugging him thight.

It was now the guardian's turn to gasp. This was indeed better than pure animal mating. He savoured every moment of the tight, muscular passage gripping him. Again he pulled out, more this time, before thrusting back in. The swollen cocktip pressed against the prostate as he hilted himself, stimulating it in ways the boy had never felt before.

"Mmmm... mm.. more!"

He grunted, the tight rear finally giving into the lubrication of the spirit's pre. Faster and faster their mating went, tiny white spurts coming from the bottom bird's musky maleness, landing on the guardian's talons and lubricating them to incredible slipperlyness. The spirit's eyes lit up in an unnatural yellow glow again, the pleasure he received from the mortal being rising above most of what he had felt before in his long, long life. And as the pace of his fucking finally reached it's peak he had come to the final decision to keep the boy. He smiled at the bird who lay on it's back in the grass, the bird he was now mating passionately like he would a female.

"Oh I will give you more..", he replied between thrusts, "...I will make you my mate, my lovely bird... and take you... every day..."

The cock in his hands throbbed rythmically, the boy obviously being close to his climax. And the spirit, too, was feeling the flame of lust burning throughout his body. Soon now.. soon..

"Do you want... to stay with me? my mate?"

"Yesss... yesss..." the poor lad replied, oblivious to what was going to be the most intense climax he'd ever experienced.

Wings spread above the smaller bird, blunt talons digging painfully into his shoulders as the two came at exactly the same time, their minds seeming to mingle with each other as the pleasure extended their conscousness, their spirits touching..

With a shrieking noise the powerful guardian of the birds came, planting his seed deep into the former human. The latter was huffing loudly, thick spurts of white fluid jetting from his bird-cock and causing a mess on both their feathers, their beaks, their faces. Still, he was being thrusted into, as his hot rectum spasmed around the ejaculating shaft, the immortal's semen filling his bowels. The spirit pressed it's beak against his, he felt his body burn as if on fire, the world around him glowing in incredible light - just before he passed out.

When he woke up, he found himself in a strange unknown place. A garden of sorts, but there were no houses to be seen. In fact he could not spot any signs of civilisation. He sat up slowly, and found himself sitting in the grass. He looked at his legs, and immediately knew that it had not been a dream. His rear was sore, his soft belly feathers stained in his cum. It even clung to his beak.


"I'm here."

A reassuring hand touched his right shoulder, just above the folded wings.

"Where.. am I?"

The spirit sat down behind him, making him lean backwards into his lap.

"You are in my personal little garden, my sweet bird."

"Y.. you live here?"

Shy eyes looked up at him, a questioning look.

"Yes, I live here, whenever my services aren't needed and I don't feel like living among my children. Noone else has been here before, you're the first. Now, you live here too."

"I... wha... where?"

"Oh, just over there."

A talon pointed to a massive tree, it's trunk many meters in diameter. A doorway had been cut into it, the entrance being at least twenty meters above the ground. There were many windows in the trunk, apparently the whole tree was a giant home of sorts.

"How..?" The younger bird pointed at the door that was high up, there were no ladders, no ropes to be seen.

"Oh my silly boy, we just fly up th...", the spirit paused, "..oh, you don't know how to fly yet, do you? Well.. that's no problem."

Arms wrapped around his waist and under his feet, before lifting him up in an unexpected, swift motion that threatened to make him nauseus. With a rustle, the guardian spread his wings and jumped. The lad's stomach turned, he buried his beak into the other bird's chest and closed his eyes while he was being carried by powerful wings. He did not open his eyes even after they landed with a thud at a platform in front of the entrance.

"I'll show you your room. And you'll probably be hungry, no?"

There was no answer, other than two arms wrapping tightly around his neck, which resulted in yet another chuckle. The spirit looked at the poor bird he was holding in his arms.

"Do you know of that human ritual, in which men carry their mate through the doorway after wedding? Hmm... we do look like a lovely couple, no?"

No answer.

"May I carry my lover, my... mate through the door now?"

There was a long pause. Then, with a weak voice, the bird in his arms said:
