Two Boys, One Mate?

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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I don't really like bi/gay stuff but Amethystine's story of naga-cock transformation got my mind roiling and...I just had to do this.

His story:

I also got his approval during the roughdraft stages and some of his suggestions remain here within the story. Also tried alliterations...

It took me about three months to finally get this all written down, I kept losing my drive to write every time I sat down. That and other things have been going on.

This is likely the extent of my more kinky writing, I don't see myself going beyond all this. Anyway, enjoy.

Jeff, John and Jinny.

One would think the three were joined at the hip since birth, a thought that seemed to occupy every mind that looked upon them as they went through highschool and college together. Today was no exception as the trio visited the mall. The draconic duo, Jinny and Jeff, were getting ready to celebrate their birthday in a week, and their naga friend John was right there with them to help. Quite a few eyes turned to watch them, Jinny most notably. She was a beautiful young female with a naturally curvy body, which she kept in shape with a lot of daily exercise, her long blonde-brown hair sweeping down her back to her curvacious hips, the yellowish sheen complementing her peach-tone body scales visible on her legs under her skirt and her arms beyond her short sleeves. Her twin brother Jeff was rather handsome, dark brown hair and a small goatee almost blending into his gray scales. He wasn't overly buff but he did look quite strong beneath his baggy carpenter shorts and black T. John was a pretty slim python, hairless but colorful nonetheless with a pattern of green and blue diamonds sweeping from his snout over his head and down his back, leading into yellow scales which terminated at his gleaming white scutes beneath his red shirt and the blue tailsock which covered his intimate areas. The three of them walked pretty close, laughing and joking with each other as they traveled through the complex with no particular aim, more glad to be free from school finally than to be shopping for supplies. They had a week, anyway.

Jinny sighed after Jeff's last joke. "Hey guys, I'm gonna grab us some lunch and then we should really get to work on the stuff."

"Okay then," Jeff replied with a nod, smirking sidelong at John. "We have...something to do as well. We'll be at the game store."

"I've got lots of ideas already," John replied with a wide grin. Jinny knew that look.

"Okay you two, just don't draw any attention."

"Er, actually I was talking about the party, buuuut now that you mention it..."

She giggled and shook her head. She knew the boys were bisexual and greatly enjoyed each others' company on a whim. She too enjoyed a near-daily fling with either or even both of them. John was bi for a significant reason though; he'd been born without a penis, or rather the typical hemipenis configuration snakes were endowed with. He had a single fleshy bump much like a clitoris, shaped like the head of a human member, too small to penetrate anyone with. Because of that, the only real sexual activity he could indulge in aside from oral play was...up the rear. Though he did enjoy frottage with her too. The idea crossed her mind as something she'd have to do later today with him. She watched him slither off behind her brother, then turned her footsteps to the cafeteria.

Once she was out of sight, they turned down the east wing, away from the game store to the adult store. Jeff sighed as they stood outside the yawning doorway, listening to the thrumming of the store's overhead music amid the louder overpowering thrum of shoppers' voices. Many times they'd visited this place to pick up toys, but this time... "John...are you absolutely sure?"

John nodded rather enthusiastically. "After what we discussed the other night, I can't stop thinking about it. I do want this, Jeff. More than I've wanted anything else."

"You really want to please her?"

"Hey, she likes my fetishes and accepts our activities, and...I love her, I know you do"

"'s all for her." Jeff looked back up at the store, then rolled his shoulders and headed in, John following right behind. Shelves of new toys and accessories caught their eyes but their real intent was...the back door. It wasn't terribly out of the ordinary, except that under blacklight glow it was labeled just that, "the back door". With a quick check to make sure no one was watching, John quietly opened the door, the tip of his tail shaking with mixed embarrassment, anxiety and excitement. He slithered in, Jeff close behind, or as close as he could without trodding on his friend's body. The back room was...surprisingly empty, save for a desk, behind which a large brown dragon sat idly browsing on his computer. Given the warmth of the back room he was predictably topless. He smiled up at the boys immediately.

"So what can I do for you today my fine serpentine sir?" he asked, addressing John as the python slithered up to the desk.

John coughed nervously. " friend and I...want to... um... join. Together."

The old dragon glanced them over, a knowing light in his eyes. "I see. Any special reason?"

"Well...there's this girl we both such a thing...possible?"

"Sssssure isssss," came a different voice. The two boys looked up in alarm, but the dragon smiled and shook his head.

"Calm down, it's fine." He stood up and walked around the desk, the boys staring wide-eyed in shock. They had thought he'd at least be wearing shorts, but the dragon was completely naked! But, even more astounding was his crotch. Instead of a large set of testicles and an enormous cock, his balls were a completely different diamond pattern, continuing up his...shaft? No! There was a black snake with gold diamonds curling up from his crotch! A cobra naga! But unlike a normal naga he had a long bulge from the dragon's scrotum running up along his belly to just under his chest, very much like the urethral bulge of a penis. His belly, in fact most of his length, was curiously devoid of scales, instead being a naga-patterned soft flesh merging into the scales of his chest. And before their eyes the naga began to grow larger, although, not as an erection, but bigger, as if he were regaining his original form.

"You two are curiousssss about the Cocksssnake Merge, I assssssume?" the cobra hissed softly, wrapping around his dragon host and propping himself on the larger one's shoulder. The boys were dumbstruck, only able to nod slowly.

"This is my best friend," the dragon replied, his cobra cock nodding his head to them. "As you can see it's very possible, though we're rare among mergers. Cody here retains some of his tribe's latent magic, allowing him to return to his original size if need be. You two, though..." He strode closer, his male musk surrounding them as he leaned in to closely eye John in particular. "Do either of you possess any magical background? The python here doesn't have the bone structure associated with it."

"I...think I do," Jeff replied with a bit of a stutter, trying in vain to keep his erection down. John was silent, eyes glued to the cobra just a foot away from him. "I remember my mom saying something about it a while ago."

"Then it ssshould be feasssible on your own," Cody remarked, his tongue curled in his mouth to try to curb his hissing. "Although, your friend here sseemsss highly intrigued.." the serpentine sex trailed off, with an amused and sultry hiss, unraveling himself from his host friend to further show off his hybrid shape to the gawking John. He finished his sentence teasingly as he slid forward in the air, transitioning smoothly to the floor " my form." As the cobra-member gave the two young males an eyeful, both he and his large draconic host trembled visibly at the touch of Cody's bare-skin belly on the cold floor.. and perhaps due to some small pleasure at the naughty little demonstration they were putting on. "Curiousssss?"

John gulped but nodded, the corner of his mouth twitching. Jeff knew that twitch. Behind his nervous appearance, his python friend was highly aroused and interested. "H-How...does it work? What happens exactly?"

Cody glanced back at his dragon companion, who cleared his throat. "Are both of you aware of what exactly it is you're planning to do? What it all entails? Your python friend here won't be free to move on his own anymore, he'll be bound to you for life."

Jeff nodded. "We've talked about it for three years. John doesn't have any family, my family and I are really all he has."

John shivered and nodded. "I really want this. It's been on my mind for ages ever since reading about it online."

"Serpenitalia isn't just a fetish to indulge in, it's a lifelong commitment."

"I know. I've spent my whole life with Jeff and I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. But...I'm...kinda scared...I mean, what'll happen to me?"

Cody chuckled. "Your fearsss are undersstandable, but it'sss not really that bad. Your organsss are abssorbed by your friend'sss body, hisss body becomesss your sssource. Hisss lungsss, heart, digessstive sssystem, everything becomess yourss and takess care of you. You, however, ssstill retain your upper body, as you can ssee." He posed a few times, even twisting himself around to show them his entire body, both him and his dragon hissing in pleasure at the undulations. He gulped back another dose of pre and continued. "You will sstill be yoursself. After a year or sso though your linked nervouss ssystems will let you sshare consssciousnesss. Ssome mergersss even sshare visssion."

The dragon softly stroked the base of his friend's body, the two of them shivering, Cody drooling a bit of pre on the floor. "Most nagas or similar magical serpentine creatures, when fusion occurs, will shrink in size, as you saw Cody at first. The bodies try to stay proportionate while allowing the serpent sufficient body size, so he'll be somewhat larger than your penis is right now," he explained to Jeff. "If one or both of the partners have sufficient magical background, the serpent can resize himself, and for social purposes can even regain his upper body as it once was so he's not drooling cum everywhere. Most, however, are unable to achieve this, and the serpent remains the same size."

John gulped again. "Is it...uncomfortable for the serpent sometimes?"

Cody shook his head and smiled. "Not at all. If you're concccerned about being trapped in hisss pantsss all day, don't worry. After the merge, you don't mind. Do your penissesss complain about being sssheathed all day?" John's face fell but he didn't answer. "The point isss, you become your friend'sss genitalsss entirely. While you retain yourssself, you alssso take on the feelingsss of the penisss. It'sss actually rather niccce and warm and cozy inssside a sssheath or pantsss."

"Do you boys still want this?" the dragon asked, handing them each a card. They both glanced down at the cards, which read Malochim's Assistance. "I'm the manager of the Malochim chain, and we can help you if you choose to go through with this."

Jeff nudged John's shoulder, the python starting a bit and turning to him. "John...are you absolutely sure?"

John looked from him to the conjoined duo before them several times, Cody and Malo patiently awaiting their answer, Malochim softly stroking his friend's sides. Finally John looked Jeff in the eyes and smiled. "Yes. I'm very sure."

Cody and Malochim smiled and nodded, Cody wrapping himself around his dragon again, both of them shivering as his bare-skinned belly and the scales of his chest glided along Malochim's thicker scales. "Alright. If you boys need, we have a small room back here where you can finalize. Or, if you'd rather, we have a few ointments you can use to prepare yourselves."

"Um...well...we uh..." Jeff leaned up and whispered into Malochim's ear. John noticed the cobra perk up, his hood flaring a bit in interest. Apparently he'd heard the whisper somehow, probably through his connection. Malochim's eyebrows rose in amusement.

"You're both doing this for that?" he asked. The boys both nodded eagerly. "I see. Alright. The fusion process takes maybe a day at most for bodily completion, while it can take a year to finalize the nervous systems. See if you can do it on your own first; if not, come in and see us anytime, this store is open around the clock."

" much will it cost for help if we need it?"

"Forty ilchronsss per ssesssion, though we've rarely had to make more than one appointment for ssserpenitalia. Most of our counssseling isss for other sssexual isssuesss."

The boys thanked them several times over before leaving and heading down to the game store, hoping Jinny wasn't there already. "This is gonna take some planning...good thing your parents are fine with it," John whispered.

"Yeah. We can work something out. Just don't let her catch on." They made it to the game store and had just started browsing the racks of pre-owned games when Jinny wandered in looking for them.

"How can you boys stare at these all day like this?" she asked, rolling her eyes, though she had a humored grin on her face. "I've got the chalupas, let's get shopping already!"

The naga and dragon smiled at each other behind her back. Typical Jinny, focused more on shopping than the food in her hands.

Two hours later they were on their way home, John curled up in the back seat with Jinny while Jeff drove, the sound of plastic bags shifting and rubbing together hissing from the trunk at each bump or turn. Jinny yawned and wrapped her arms around her python friend, kissing him softly. John smiled and kissed her back, murring softly as her hands roamed over his coils. Jeff smirked and shook his head, his boner raging in his pants already as his sister made out with their best friend.

"Guess you two aren't gonna wait til we get home?" he asked hopefully. Jinny smirked back and shook her head.

"Nah...I can't wait that long. Since you're driving and I can't have your penis, I wanna feel John's tongue."

"Don't mind if I do," he murred, purposely rubbing his length against her as he slid down to her lap. She giggled and eagerly spread her legs, exposing her panties under her skirt. John's forked tongue darted out, taking in her wonderful scent, before he reached in and slowly eased her panties down her legs. She kicked them off, giving him full access to her. He wasted no time, nuzzling her scaled slit and easing his long tongue deep inside her velvet heat. She leaned back with a happy moan, her hands softly stroking his head as he feasted on her nectar. Jeff watched them in the mirror whenever he could, having to fight the ever-increasing urge to paw off while driving. When it came to his sister, he was very defensive, but he enjoyed watching John play with her. He knew the snake loved eating her out. True to that extent he could hear a low, soft hiss escape their friend's throat as his tongue wriggled inside her, a sound he made when content. It drove Jeff crazy with lust.

Jinny stared at the ceiling, shivering and slowly grinding her hips against John's broad muzzle, her mouth curled in a pleased grin. "Oh John...oh yes..." He pressed hard against her, nuzzling her slit and tickling her clit, eliciting a surprised moan and a honey-sweet giggle from her. "Are you trying to muzzlefuck me?" she asked, glancing down at him.

"You know I'd love to if I could," he replied, his brow and cheek clenching quickly in a lidless wink. She gasped softly and arched her back off the chair, the mental image of him easing himself into her passage taking over her mind. It was one of her longest-wished fantasies, and one of his too; ever since they'd discovered sex together Jinny had longed to have John's body inside her somehow, and John always found the idea of curling up in her womb to be extremely arousing. Jeff rolled his eyes and huffed. Unbeknownst to his sister, that was also one of John's most conversed topics when the two boys were alone. The gray dragon could still remember John's perturbation when he'd been plagued for three weeks straight with dreams of slithering into Jinny's vagina. A loud moan from his twin snapped him out of his memories so hard he felt his leg reflexively tense to slam the brake, barely stopping himself from bringing their car to an unnecessary halt in the middle of traffic. A quick glance at the mirror almost made him blow his load in his pants; John had moved up to recline on his coils and the two were kissing passionately, John's cloaca rubbing against Jinny's pussy rapidly. At his most aroused the python had maybe an inch of erected flesh, just barely enough to tease her tunnel as they pressed their privates together. Jinny loved frottage with the snake, it was better than masturbating and he was always up for it when she felt the urge to paw off. John eased both of his hands under her shirt, twining his tongue with hers as his fingers kneaded her pale scutes, trailing up and feeling them widen into her bust. She cooed softly, her peach tail wriggling against the red-fabric seat, the tip curling around her leg subconsciously and squeezing much like her hands on his shoulders. The python smirked as she moaned into his mouth, his fingers gently pinching and rolling her soft nipples. He gave her breasts a slowly growing squeeze, tenderly turning them a bit like valves. She shivered and shouted out, smoke of arousal escaping her nostrils. He flicked his tongue deeper in her mouth, enjoying the smoky flavor as he twisted her breasts back and forth slightly. One of her hands slid down to his tail, her palm pressing him against her pussy. Jeff growled to himself, leaking pre in his pants as his friend humped his sister more vigorously.

"Oh John...mmm...harder...cum inside me..." she begged, hugging him tightly. Jeff watched as the python's tail pressed itself against her pussy, stopping when his tiny erection was fully enveloped in her passage. The slick sounds of his rapidly pumping tail against her slit were quite loud in the car, joined by her ever-rising moans and pleas until all at once she tensed all over and groaned loudly, shivering repeatedly. John grunted at her tight contractions and shoved his tail against her even more, shivering repeatedly too as he ejaculated. Jinny murred softly and hugged him, feeling his cream ooze down her legs from her tight grip on his small cock.

"Mmmm.. I love you Jinny..." he whispered to her, his hands still in her shirt, kneading those wonderfully soft mounds on her chest.

She purred and kissed him, replying, "I love you too John.. so much..." Her tail curled up from her leg to wrap around his, tickling his shaft in passing. Her peach scales stood out against his green and blue patterns as she wrapped her legs around him and he laid a few coils over her lap. The two cuddled quietly in their afterglow, sharing a deep kiss, John still slowly grinding himself against her until Jeff pulled into the driveway. Jinny licked John's tail clean, then pulled his tailsock onto him again, watching him slither out of the van to help carry their purchases. She wanted to help to but her legs were now shiny with cum, not quite what she wanted to display for the neighbors. She slipped into the house to clean herself up. The boys unloaded the car, then, making sure Jinny was occupied sufficiently, snuck past the bathroom.

"Good thing your parents are fine with all this," John whispered quietly as they crept up the stairs.

"Yeah. I just hope- uh oh, she's out!" Jeff hissed, the sound of the downstairs toilet flushing reaching their ears. Sure enough they heard the door open and her footsteps come toward the stairs. The two hurried up to his parents' room, hesitating when they opened the door to find his mom with his dad on their bed, sharing a book while she slowly rode him. "Hey boys," she moaned softly, pausing her hips. Clearing her throat she smiled up at them. "How'd it go?"

John closed the door behind himself while Jeff stepped closer to the bed. "Well, they said we should be able to do it on our own, but we might need to go back in for assistance if we can't."

"How are we gonna keep her from noticing though? We have to disappear for a bit," John added. Jeff's dad chuckled, softly groping his wife's breasts.

"I saw this coming, so I scheduled a little getaway for you two. You'll be staying at the hotel right next to the mall. I only booked a room, though, nothing else. So the rest is up to you. However, don't tell her. Your science teacher called asking for your help on his retreat for the younger kids, but I told him you're getting ready for your birthday and the extenuating circumstances."

"You told him?!" Jeff's eyes almost bugged out of his head, which made John fall over laughing; the effect was absolutely comical coming from Jeff's tough-guy appearance.

"He'd find out anyway afterwards wouldn't he? But he promised to keep it quiet," his mom replied, easing herself off her husband's penis, both of them moaning softly. "He also agreed to cover for you should she call and ask. For all she knows, you boys, as of tomorrow, are helping at his retreat. I'll drive you to the hotel in the morning and pick you up on your birthday, that gives you six days to acclimatize. Fair deal?"

Jeff and John both nodded. "Thanks mom." He turned to his python friend. "I guess tonight we'll have to try ourselves."

John chuckled in agreement, already eager. Perhaps he really was meant to become John's penis, he already had a nearly insatiable sex drive and was always eager for it. "I'm gonna go downstairs first though and fix up some food, you go tell Jinny. I know she's waiting for you." He gave another lidless wink before opening the door and slithering out, Jeff shaking his head in amusement and following him. His mother waited for them to leave, then turned to her husband as he stood up by her.

"She's gonna take it hard, Jim..." she whispered with a hinting tone in her voice. He shot her a concerned look.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and smiled, giving him a little shove. "Let them break the news to her, then check on her tonight. Spend the night with her. She's going to feel alone without them."

He sighed, then leaned in and kissed her softly. "Alright."

Jeff peeled his shirt off, leaving just his shorts as he entered his room. True enough, his sister was already there waiting for him, seated at his window and looking out over the neighborhood, completely naked as she always was when she waited for him. He murred softly at the sight...she was drop-dead gorgeous, and in the orange late-afternoon sunlight streaming through the window onto her, she seemed to glow like treasure. His eyes roamed over her body, taking in her toned curves, her perfect breasts, her shimmering hair... His heart melted when she smiled up at him and stood up, revealing her full glory to him. She was a goddess. She had to be. They met in the middle of the room, Jinny snuggling against him with a happy giggle.

"This week is gonna be so awesome...we're gonna be 22!"

"Heh, yeah. Can't wait," he replied with a grin, kissing her cheek. "About this week though..."


"Sorry Jin... I'm afraid we're not gonna be here until the party. Mom just told us we're needed to help at a retreat." Her face fell and she looked at the floor. Jeff rubbed her shoulders, then wrapped his arms around her. " We'll be back on our birthday. Just think of us as a big birthday present to you," he teased, kissing her nose.

"Well, when you put it that way..." she murmured, smiling a little. "I just..."

He turned her around and hugged her to his chest, feeling her bury her face against him. Stroking her silky hair he nuzzled her forehead. "I know. I don't want to leave you either. But...we'll be back. We'll see if we can get a surprise for you too." Softly rubbing her back, he leaned his head against hers, gently rocking her, their bare bodies meshed. He sighed, just barely feeling her heartbeat against his chest through those cute breasts. "I love you," he whispered, rubbing her back.

"I love you too... so much..." she replied. Stepping back carefully, he eased her down atop himself as he laid back on his and John's bed. Still rubbing her back softly he leaned in and kissed her, purring to her. He smiled to himself as she relaxed on him and kissed him back. His penis throbbed in his shorts, still rock-hard from the activity in the car, but right now all he wanted was to hold this beautiful girl in his arms and love her. She, however, was still raring to go, eager to feel her brother's generous shaft inside her. Her hand slipped between them and undid his shorts. He chuckled and nipped her nose playfully.

"You just can't wait can you?"

"Nope," she said simply, smirking as she wrapped her soft fingers around his shaft, a soft groan escaping him. "I've been wanting to feel this inside me all day."

"John didn't fulfill?"

"He did. I just can't get enough of either of you, and I didn't get to have you yesterday with that double shift at work."

He murred and they sat up, he slipping out of his shorts and underwear while she slowly eased two fingers into her slit, watching his member throb in the air once freed of its cloth confinement. Leaning over she purred happily and nuzzled his nine inches of dragon flesh, dragging her tongue slowly along its length, then easing the tip into his slit-like sheath just above his scrotum to tease the very base of that wonderful shaft. Smiling up at him, she pulled herself away and crawled onto the bed behind him, rolling onto her back, her tail curling around her leg as she posed just behind him, giving him a seductive pleading look. He growled softly with a wide grin and crawled over her, locking his lips to hers and grinding his shaft between her nethers a few times before plunging in up to his hilt. She cried out and wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him closer, her vivid peach scales a stark contrast to the slate-gray of her twin. His balls rubbed against her tail, churning eagerly and more than ready after watching John's turn with her. As they kissed and purred to each other he could feel John's semen still inside her, squishing slightly around his member as her pussy walls grasped him snugly.

"Oh Jinny..." he whispered, breaking free of the kiss only to nibble along her jaw to her neck. She shuddered and cooed, humping softly against him, her breasts rubbing against his chest with each little motion, her perky nipples brushing along his lighter-gray scutes.

"Jeff...please...don't tease me...just fuck me, I need you so badly..." she moaned, smoke rising from her nose again.

John slithered up the stairs again carrying a few heated pizza rolls, having discarded his shirt and tailsock. Once in the upstairs hallway though the smell of Jinny's smoke greeted his tongue, making him smirk and shake his head. Quietly approaching the door to the room he and Jeff shared, he peeked in to find the two wildly fucking on the bed, Jeff pistoning his hips into Jinny, the young girl's cries of bliss muffled against his mouth as they made out. The bed and floor creaked and groaned in protest, even moreso when the two prehensile tails grabbed the footboard and held on tight, stressing the bed's structure even more with each pull when he thrust into her. The snake set the plate of food down and sat back on his coils, snacking on one while he watched in amusement. Jinny was absolutely insatiable. Not that he or Jeff were about to complain, as they were always raring to go too, but Jinny was far less reserved about it. He remembered way back to when she had discovered sex with him when they were eight years old. He had been her first lover, but it was Jeff who claimed her virginity. There had been some feud between them in secret until one night in their teens when, horny out of their minds while Jinny was at a friend's house, they'd experimented with each other and came back several hours later to find Jinny in the throes of orgasm as she rode her father. His long sinuous tongue flicked out of his mouth to lick his lips at the sight of Jeff's enormous penis, tasting their smoke and the scent of their sexes, the sight reminding him of his first time with Jeff and the sight of the twins' father's large member disappearing repeatedly into the young girl's passage. Finishing the last bite of his snack he slithered over to the bed, sneaking his head under John's arm to kiss at Jinny's exposed nipple. She gasped and churred happily, turning her lust-glazed eyes to look him over.

"Hello beautiful..." he whispered, palming her breast.

"Get up here," she churred, licking her lips. Jeff pulled back and held her hips as he sat back on his legs, Jinny moaning cutely as his penis shifted around inside her. As he sat on his ankles she wrapped her legs around his waist, then looked up with a lustful grin as John slithered onto the bed, rolling his tail to give her access to his slit. Already his diminutive member was fully erect, eager for her attention. She stroked his tail with her hands, then pulled it closer and began kissing his penis. Jeff smiled and held her hips more firmly, securing her as he started thrusting again. "You guys are so awesome..." she murred before wrapping her tongue around the python's sensitive erection.

Her dark-gray brother groaned as he rocked his hips into her, loving the feeling of her tight silky passage gripping his rather large dragonhood. As he gazed down at his blissful twin he couldn't help smiling, his heart melting a bit at seeing her so satisfied, so happy. To him, her happiness was one of the most important things. And being intimate with him and John definitely made her happy, she enjoyed the closeness. According to her, that was what really fueled her insatiable lust. Even more than the wonderful pleasure and doting they gave her, she loved being so close and intimate with them. Jeff grabbed her knees and pulled her into his thrusts, her sweet moaning spurring him on. John curled himself around to her side and took her breasts in his hands, leaning over her to suckle on her nipples. The smoke from her mouth doubled in volume at his attentions to her chest, spurring her to close her mouth over his vent and suck on his small erection. The python hissed loudly against her mammary scales, his bright red tongue exploring her yellow scutes. Her brother curled his tail tightly around hers and gave her a particularly sharp thrust, making her squeal and shudder and start bucking off the bed against him. She moaned loudly before him, hips matching his thrusts as her tongue explored John's small shaft, lapping up his pre. Jeff grunted and leaned down, planting his hands on the sheets beside her as he loomed above her, ramming himself into her now raised hips as she rested against his thighs, smoke wafting from his open mouth. The ceiling swam with the rising cloud of arousal at the three reptilian lovers pleasured each other. Leaning even lower he wrapped his lips around her unoccupied nipple. John's lips gave a soft pop and hiss as he pulled off her teat, his tongue giving the exposed flesh a parting flick before he moved up a bit to nibble and kiss her shoulder and neck, his blue-diamond crusted green hands exploring her peach scales and giving her a thorough rubdown where they could reach.

The poor girl was completely overcome with pleasure, rendered inarticulate as she gasped and moaned adorably between them. The fire in her belly continued to rise ever faster until it completely engulfed her, a sharp cry of ecstasy piercing the air, her body shuddering hard as she finally climaxed. As her body clenched and rippled in orgasmic bliss she furiously suckled on John's penis, causing him to groan loudly as he unloaded again, his tail bucking against her mouth with every wave of semen. Her tight pussy milking his shaft and the sight of her fellating the python finally sent Jeff over the edge, slamming his hips into hers and holding there with his back arched in a loud yelp as he erupted. Thick ropes of hot cream splashed again and again upon her cervix, causing her pussy to spasm around him with each impact. John fell over her chest, panting heavily, followed by Jeff, the three forming a sort of triangle with John's upper belly across her chest and Jeff's head on the python's pecs. Jinny murred happily, panting in her afterglow, her hands softly petting her two wonderful lovers. Eventually Jeff recovered enough to prop himself back up over her, smiling softly and resting his nose against hers as he stroked her cheek.

"Love you Jin..." he whispered. She giggled quietly and tilted her head a bit to kiss him, the two purring faintly.

"I love you too much..."

John whispered a faint "Excuse me" as he pulled himself between them, Jeff pushing up to give him room. Once the snake was free from between them the gray dragon laid down on his sister again, John lying down beside her and resting his head on her shoulder, kissing her cheek with a smile as she kissed her brother on the lips once more. As if sharing the same thought, the two boys' hands sought out hers and meshed fingers with her, to which she purred a little louder and held their hands. They laid there for a while in their waning afterglow, Jinny switching kisses between them and purring contently. Inevitably though, her stomach grumbled, causing her to sigh.

"I suppose we should get some dinner, those chalupas didn't last long enough."

"True that," Jeff replied. Kissing her cheek before rolling to the side, the two moaning as his softening length slid free of her cunny. John scooted down, Jinny murring softly as he licked her clean, his content hiss escaping his lips as he caught the slow mess escaping her nethers. Once she was cleaned he slithered over her to Jeff, the dragon groaning softly as his friend serviced his flaccid shaft. John smiled and took the whole length into his mouth, tongue swirling around his friend's penis, savoring the combined flavor of the twins' juices. He bobbed his head slowly as Jeff's member began to stiffen again at the contact, suckling tenderly on the masculine flesh. Jinny giggled at the sight.

"Getting your dinner now, John?"

"Mmmm..." he mumbled around Jeff's shaft. Gradually he pulled himself free, Jeff uttering a soft groan as his serpent friend gave his cock one last, long lick. "I brought pizza rolls up for us to snack on, but it's almost dinnertime now with how long we were having sex."

"Let's get going then and get something," Jeff grunted as he stretched his arms. Jinny slid off the bed and stretched, yawning wide, giving the two boys a breathtaking view of her body as she stretched her arms over her head. The twins grabbed the remaining two pockets and they all headed downstairs to fix up something, not bothering to get dressed again.

They found their parents already getting dinner underway, but Jinny and Jeff offered to help anyway. John wasn't comfortable in the kitchen so he busied himself with setting the table. When all that was left was the stuff in the oven, which still had another five minutes, Jinny leaned over the counter and hiked her tail, hoping her father or brother would take the subtle hint. Jeff came up behind her and stroked her tail, peppering it with kisses as he eased his erection deep into her eager folds. Their parents chuckled in amusement as she moaned and leaned back to wrap her arms behind his head, her tail curling around his waist for added support.

"Take it to the table you two," their mother said, giving Jeff's rear a light swat. "The food's almost ready."

Jeff leaned down a bit and grabbed his sister's thighs, hoisting her up while keeping her impaled on his shaft. She squealed happily and murred as he carried her to the table, then sat down with her on his lap. John smirked and shook his head; he wanted to join in, but he knew he had to save himself for tonight. Mom and dad brought the food to the table and the meal began, Jinny slowly riding her brother's thick penis and softly moaning as she ate. Seeing their mother getting quite aroused from the sight, John casually slipped his tail under the table and eased the tip into the older dragoness's folds. Her husband smirked as he ate; he too wanted to join in, but like John, was saving himself for the night, knowing he'd probably have to console Jinny. True to his guess, as dinner ended Jinny sighed and leaned back against her brother, twisting sideways and hugging him. "I don't want you guys to go..."

"I don't wanna go either but...he needs help, so...we gotta go." He grabbed her hips and the two moaned softly as he bucked several times hard into her, filling her again with rope after rope of his thick seed. John felt their mother tighten on his tail, so he quickly pistoned into her, making her groan as he brought her to climax. Panting a bit, she mouthed "Thanks" to him. Shortly after that they all got up to clear the table, Jinny cooing as she slowly slid off her brother's penis. She didn't bother cleaning up, letting his cum slowly trickle down her thighs and tail while she did the dishes.

Tired from all the playing they decided to head to bed early. Jinny followed the boys to their room and they spent a while just cuddling together quietly, Jinny laying on her back on Jeff's chest wrapped in his arms with John atop her wrapped in her arms, the two dragons purring softly while the python uttered his content hissing sound with each breath. Eventually though Jinny yawned and moved to get up, the boys unraveling themselves from her. "I'm gonna head to bed," she mumbled, yawning and stretching, giving them another display of her body. Jeff's member quickly erected again, John grinning and positioning himself with his tail over the throbbing dragon length.

"We're gonna be up a little later...get in some fun before the big haul this week," he replied.

She nodded, watching John's tail descend, his anal ring slowly spreading over Jeff's member, a look of utter bliss on his face. "I'll leave you two to your fun then. Night," she whispered, leaning in and getting a passionate kiss from both.

"Night Jinny, sleep well," John moaned as Jeff thrust into him.

As she closed the door to their room though, she sighed to herself, leaning against the door jamb. She was nearing 22, and the closer she got to her birthday the more she dreamed of being married. Walking down the hallway, taking a shower, everything she did was hazy, her mind focused solely on her dream of getting married. Polygamy was typical among reptiles, especially snakes, but monogamy was favored among dragons such as herself. Walking nude to her room from her shower, she stood before her mirror, running her paws along her peach-colored body, eyeing her D-cup breasts, her exemplary curves and her well-tended scales... many guys had clamored for her all throughout school and her job as a waitress at the family diner, but she only had eyes for two guys, both of whom were having sex right next door to her. She sighed heavily again and plopped on her bed, staring at her ceiling. Dragons, by nature, bonded to only one mate for life and felt no inclination for more partners, despite their teenage and early-adult attraction to multiple partners. However, she desperately wanted her brother and John...they were both so loving, so caring, so amazing...

Her door quietly opened, her father striding in to check on her. "Jinny? You okay?"

"Yeah, dad...just...confused..."

"May I ask about what?"

She got up off her bed and hugged him, taking him by surprise momentarily. "Oh dad...I wanna have a mate but...I love them both..."

He chuckled and rubbed her back, sitting down on her bed with her on his lap. "I know, Jinny...I know. I was madly in love with several girls when I found your mother. The answer will come with time. Just be patient. I know the urge to marry is overwhelming, but don't jump into it too quickly or let it take over. You've still got time. Especially since we have long life spans."

"I know...but...I can't stop thinking about them dad!"

He chuckled again and kissed her softly on the lips. "I know, sweety...I know. Your mother and I were the same way. But, the best thing to do right now is probably to take a break. The boys both have a retreat starting tomorrow, which I think will be good for all three of you."

"I know...they're coming back on our birthday... but...I can't go that long without sex."

He kissed her again, rubbing her shoulders. "I didn't say you need to abstain completely." As if hinting, his penis quickly erected from the slit in his groin, rubbing her thigh. She smiled up at him.

"Can we...?"

He nodded, lying down on her bed with her atop him. "Of course, my beautiful birthday girl." He smiled lovingly and stroked her hair as she lined herself up and slowly impaled herself on his throbbing shaft, tilting her head back with a low moan of contentment.

"Oh daddy..." she moaned happily as she slowly rode him.

In the other room, Jeff was sitting upright, letting the python loosely coil around him before they continued. "Maybe we have to fall asleep with your penis in me?" John whispered when he threaded himself under his coils and came to a stop beside his friend, the two laying back against the pillows.

"We've done that lots of times...I don't think it's gonna work now if it hasn't before," Jeff replied quietly, taking the snake's tailend and easing it back onto his shaft, the two arching back and moaning loudly.

" big and long..." John hissed happily, letting the gray dragon grab his tail and move it himself. "I've said it before but...mmmph...I can see why Jinny loves it..."

"Tonight's your last night of do you want it?" Jeff grunted, hips grinding off the bed with shallow strokes.

The python hissed quietly in thought, shivering all over with each motion in his tail. "Let's just take it slow...I wanna enjoy this...and after watching you fill Jinny at dinner, I want you to fill me too." He shifted himself beneath his coils so his back was against his friend's chest. Jeff murred softly and hugged him.

"Just make sure you don't squeeze me to death," he joked.

"Oh shut up, you know I don't do that anymore." He pointed at his long belly under his own coils. "S'why I do that, y'know."

"You're terrible with sarcasm when you're tired."

Rather than replying, the python started thrusting against his friend's gyrations, the two moaning loudly as Jeff's member spasmed and let loose a good dose of pre, making it easier for the two to move against each other.

The two pairs made love deep into the night, Jinny riding her father and Jeff pumping into his best friend, finally passing out in sexual bliss.

" feels so weird..." John said, running his hands along his belly, watching his scutes very slowly fuse and soften while his body, equally slowly, eased back into Jeff's slit. He looked down his length and saw that his white color was creeping down the middle of Jeff's scrotum, along with his green and blue diamond pattern along the sides. Cody nodded and rubbed his shoulder, bringing his attention back.

"Jussst go with it, what you're feeling isss natural and there sshould be no pain."

Malochim chuckled as he sat next to Jeff, who was moaning softly with each breath. "We'll give you two a discount, since this is the first time we've seen two compatible bodies magically resist rather than attract. The bodily attraction was present but somehow the magic in your veins was trying so hard to initiate the fusion it was overpowering the action." A bottle of Amyth's Alchemy Arrester salve lay empty on his desk nearby, a bit of it still smeared on the dragon boy's sheath and groin.

Jeff couldn't stop moaning as he felt the changes in himself and his friend. His penis had initially given a pleasurable fizz and then slowly he could feel more and more as it seemed to melt into John's rear, more nerves making themselves known to his mind as the merge crept up the snake's body. John could feel himself gradually shrinking, more and more aware of more than just his body as his system linked with Jeff's. The python watched in fascinated excitement as a long bulge began to creep up his long belly, he could almost feel his body shifting and making way. The rest of his tail was long gone, having been somewhat sucked into the dragon's slit. Jeff groaned and shifted his hips as his balls suddenly flared up, John's internal testicles merging with his, their seed mixing.

"Nifty thing about these fusions, the combination of testicles creates new genes," Malo remarked.

Jeff gasped when he felt a sudden shift inside his growing snake-shaft friend, the long bulge reaching John's chest and the snake's throat opening up to it. John groaned softly, tasting something salty in his mouth. He smiled a bit at the familiar flavor of Jeff's pre. In the same moment their bodies completed the internal vital sync, Jeff's blood absorbing his friend's and flowing through his new, much longer shaft, his lungs and heart now taking over. He felt a bit light-headed though, his lungs working a bit harder now that he had to maintain two bodies. John could feel the weakness too. "Whoa...I don't feel so good..."

Malo was on it immediately, pressing the dragon boy back on the bed. "Lie down and just stay still," he said, picking up a bottle of juice and handing it to him, pulling an oxygen mask out from under the bed. "Drink this completely and then breathe from the mask, this will help your body keep up." Jeff nodded and gratefully drank the juice, tasting some carrot and grapefruit among the many flavors, then laid back and closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply. "You boys will have to go through some conditioning when the fusion is complete, your combined body will have to adapt to the new workload. Especially since your magic allows John to regain his size freely."

Jeff nodded, moaning into the mask as his python friend's body continued to make itself more known to him. The feeling of John's hands moving of their accord while linked to both their minds was incredibly euphoric. John could feel a stir in himself, his base stiffening slightly. " I...erecting?" he asked, both nervous and giddy with excitement.

"Do you feel tenssse down there?"

"Yeah and it's creeping up."

"You're erecting."

Sure enough John could feel their blood pumping more forcefully into him, his body throbbing and feeling more full. Only now did he notice his smaller size in comparison to his surroundings, but the sensations flowing through him drowned out any awkwardness about it. He just felt so GOOD all over! Reaching down to feel his new bare flesh, the two suddenly jerked and moaned. That small contact felt utterly amazing! John immediately set to feeling himself, his hissing turning to a gurgling as their pre bubbled up his throat, his body hardening much more quickly as pleasure coursed through his entire frame and into his host with every stroke of his sensitive hands over his equally sensitive body. Jeff moaned loudly, his hand automatically reaching down and grasping John's body. The pressure felt wonderful to the penile python, even more so when Jeff's hand started pumping along his length. Not knowing what else to do with his hands the snake felt his new muzzle, the two of them crying out at the hypersensitive contact. As Jeff jerked them off, John's hands were all over his own muzzle, pleasure like never before flooding their bodies rapidly. All at once John's whole body went stiff, similar to how he used to tense when cumming with Jinny. Jeff's back arched and he yelled out, smoke pouring from his nose and mouth as their balls pulled up close. All at once John's entire being was overwhelmed with pure ecstasy, vastly outstripping anything he'd ever felt before, his whole body throbbing as their cum gushed up his body and erupted from his toothless maw.

Malo and Cody just watched with knowing grins as the boys rode out their first merged climax, the two finally flopping on the bed panting heavily in their afterglow. Or at least, Jeff was panting. John was going through the motions, but more in reverse as he continued to drool semen. As the haze lifted from them, the serpenis found the idea of drooling cum a tad gross, but at the same time he'd never felt so fulfilled as when he'd been ejaculating his and Jeff's cum like that. If simply being jerked off like that felt that incredible, he couldn't wait for the real deal now!

"How wasss it?" Cody asked, leaning over and addressing the python.

"Amathing..." John slurred through the mess of cream still in his mouth. "I'd be gross's like...going thirsty for a long time and then quenching that thirst...but in reverse I think... it's like finally getting a drink when you're really really thirsty..." He struggled to get up from between Jeff's legs, slowly crawling up the dragon's dark-gray thigh along his hip and then flopping on his lower belly.

"That" Jeff hoarsely groaned, staring at the ceiling. "Unique, to say the least..." He turned to look hazily at Malochim. "Were we supposed to do that? I mean, so early?"

The older dragon nodded. "The fact he was erecting meant that the fusion was finished. The act of masturbation helped finalize the bodily combination." He chuckled and smirked. "With that, I now pronounce you male and penis." They laughed at the joke, the two boys fading off to stare at the ceiling as they recovered.

"What do we do about jobs though?" John asked suddenly, glancing up at his dragon. Jeff froze, they'd completely forgotten the subject!

Malochim chuckled again. "Relax boys. I can set up an appointment with you two later to discuss the workworld aspects of serpenitalia. Unless you'd like to discuss it now? Cody and I also assist with sexual legal issues."

"I guess we could talk about it now since we're kinda stuck here," Jeff replied, his hand softly stroking his serpentine cockfriend. The two shivered in delight, John rolling around to relax on the dragon's belly while Jeff stroked the long bulge in the serpent's belly.

"Well, you're in luck, really, once John masters his growth ability. Serpenitalia mergers are still quite able to hold jobs, it's just rare to see the size-change mergers because...well, it's a rare condition to begin with. However, most employers are aware of the condition and are able to compensate for it." Cody twined himself around his dragon companion and rested on his shoulder again. "You can arrange yourselves like this, we offer special shirts that leave room for the serpent to peek over either shoulder. You can also work separately, you're just limited to however long John can grow himself, a factor you both need to be well aware of."

"But won't that look...weird? I mean, to customers?" John asked amid moans as Jeff continued to pet him.

"Not at all," Cody answered. "It'ss not common in this ccity ssincce sserpentss aren't found much around here, but in other ccitiess it'ss quite common for ssmaller ssserpentss to be wrapped around a co-worker, ssinccce their long bodiess and ssmaller formss make them a tripping hazard. They alssso sshare body heat sso you being in hiss clothess won't look any different."

"Hey John," Jeff piped up, "why don't you hiss your 'S's like him?"

John shrugged, Jeff wincing at the weird feeling of his penis shrugging. "Before they died, my parents had me practice holding my tongue in check. Hey, you okay?" he asked in concern, seeing the dragon's face contort a bit as he spoke.

"Y-yeah...whoa..." Jeff chuckled softly. "You talking feels really weird but good."

Cody hissed in amusement. "Everything he doesss will feel good. Like your penisss wass, he iss now hyperssenssitive to any touch, including hiss own breath. You'll get usssed to it after a while."

Malochim nodded. "For the first few weeks, it's very difficult to do much because everything he does feels amazing. He can even masturbate himself now with his hands, as you just found out."

Jeff nodded and yawned, John doing the same, feeling himself shrinking along his length. He flopped back on Jeff's belly again, falling asleep quite swiftly. Jeff yawned again and stretched. "I feel really tired now..."

The older dragon nodded and stood up, retrieving a blanket. "You two may sleep here as long as you need to recover. Are you sure your parents aren't expecting you?"

Jeff nodded, hugging the soft blanket. "They knew about all this I guess, they faked us going to a retreat so we've got until my birthday to get used to this. But what do I do about our job at the diner?"

Malochim shook his head with a soft smile. "Don't worry. We handle legal stuff for this for you, as part of our service. When you feel up to it later, we just need your information."

"Thanks... you two are awful nice for professionals."

Cody chuckled. "We like what we do and we like helping otherss find happinesss. Not all professionals are tightwad money whoress."

The four laughed at the joke, the boys falling asleep. Malochim and Cody left them, Cody shrinking as the dragon sat at the desk again. "They're good boys, I hope their girl is pleased with their choice," Malo whispered as he browsed the inventory lists of his other outlets.

The next few days were probably the most exhausting the two boys had ever had. John found himself growing and shrinking at random, which made Jeff feel weak. Just walking to the hotel from the mall was dizzying too. Not to mention slightly embarrassing; not many in town had seen a serpenitalia merger, so many found it a bit odd to see a snake wrapped around a dragon, and as such, the two boys found a lot of eyes straying their way. John was the most embarrassed, worried what people would think if they knew he wasn't really a true python anymore. After that first day he kept himself small and decided to get used to dwelling in Jeff's pants. True to what Cody had said, it wasn't at all cramped or claustrophobic, in fact he found himself welcoming the tight quarters and the warmth. Jeff though had a difficult time keeping up with the recovery. Thankfully he'd saved up enough of his pay from his job to afford food, but he was so hungry so often now he was worried he'd run out of money before the week was over. The hotel food was decent and all, but only the complimentary stuff for their stay was free and it wasn't really enough to sate his body's urge for food while it continued to adapt to the merge.

A few days later Malo called them back for a follow-up and gave them some medication to help with the next stage of their merge; John had to learn how to control his new ability to regain his old size. Jeff almost fainted a few times from the strain, but thanks to the medicine he felt himself more and more able to handle it.

Meanwhile, back at home, Jinny was busy with the birthday preparations after her shift at the restaurant. She had already sent out invitations and received a few replies, awaiting more as she went around putting up decorations. She felt very lonely though, spending most of her day in a haze, constantly thinking about her brother and best friend. Some of the regular customers noticed the change right away and offered her some support. She smiled a bit at that, but it didn't last long. Most of her relief came when her father returned home from work; while she was putting up decorations or working on some other things he'd come up behind her and give her back a massage as he eased his erection into her.

Unfortunately, the intimacy with her father was cut short two days before the birthday.

She was going into heat.

It wasn't so bad the first day, but the day before the party was almost unbearable. She started to worry; how could she entertain guests, especially her guy friends, if she was in full heat and craving cock? To make matters worse, popcorn thunderstorms were predicted for tomorrow. She had hoped to have most of the party outside, but was now occupied by moving some of the stuff indoors to the basement.

It was all Jinny could do to put on a happy face on her birthday. Overnight a huge cell had encroached; thunder rumbled over the city as it slowly neared her house. John and Jeff weren't back yet. Her heat was now flaring up to full force; thankfully she wasn't very odorous during her estrus, the house smelled rather strongly of fresh paper and ink, balloons, cake, and whatever mom and dad were cooking for the party. But now she was going on her third day of no sex and she was getting very antsy. She also had to wear clothes at home, since no one else outside their home knew of their secret life together. Incest was generally considered normal for reptiles and dragons but she still had to hide it from her non-scaly friends. She hated wearing clothes in her own home, it made her feel cramped and pressured.

Birthday breakfast was a little uplifting; her parents surprised her with her favorite meal from the restaurant, a large egg and bacon sub with fresh tomatoes and some light sugary syrup on the bread. The peach dragoness had to pace herself and not scarf the sandwich down. While she was eating, the phone rang, her mother picking it up. It was Jeff, calling to let them know he and John would be back sometime that afternoon. After breakfast her father treated her to another massage, letting her ride him. She didn't like him having a condom on, but it was a wonderful relief nonetheless, he helped her calm down and relax before their guests would begin showing up. They finished up just in time; just as Jinny finished cleaning herself off to hide the scent of sex, some of her relatives arrived early to help get the food ready, as well as drop off presents. A few of her cousins and friends came by shortly afterwards, dropping off flowers and some smaller wrapped items.

It wasn't long until the party's appointed time arrived at 3 in the afternoon, but to Jinny it felt like days. Where were Jeff and John? How much she longed to be wrapped in their arms again... Sadly though, the party came first. She was ready to mope when she found they hadn't arrived yet, but her cousins pulled her into a dancing game and she quickly lost herself in the fun. It was actually rather nice hanging out with friends and family, something she rarely did because she was so focused on the boys. Everyone was having fun outside watching the dancing game when the storm finally rolled in, giving only a tiny bit of warning with a light mist of rain which quickly evolved into hude drops. Needless to say, the backyard was evacuated quite rapidly in favor of the downstairs and basement. There wasn't enough room to keep dancing, so they moved on to food and chatting. As they settled into snacks, her friends Annie and Eliza came up to her, giggling after flirting with some of her male cousins.

"Hey Jinny, where's your brother?" Annie asked, looking around.

"Hey yeah...haven't seen the bozo all day, is he hiding to surprise us or something?"

Jinny sighed and shook her head, brushing her hair back behind her shoulder. "No, he and John had to go help with Mr. Morrissy's science camp. They called this morning to say they'd be home late afternoon, so...they should be arriving anytime now."

No sooner had she said that than one of the guests called out "THEY'RE HERE!!", everyone turning to the door expectantly. Jeff came bolting through the door clutching their shared suitcase, soaked to the bone, John curled up under his shirt with just his head peeking out of the neck hole.

"WOW that storm came fast!" he shouted, shaking himself off. Everyone laughed, a few of his aunts coming up and offering to take his shirt to dry it off. "No, no, we're good, we're gonna go upstairs and get changed. Where's Jinny?"

"Here!" she called, edging through everyone.

"We got something for you but it's under all our stuff, we're gonna go get dressed-" She cut him off by grabbing his wrist and half-tugging him up the stairs. Some of their friends tried to follow but their father wedged himself in the stairwell.

"Give the birthday duo a bit, they'll be back down. In the meantime, who's up for some pizza??" That certainly distracted them; the snacks were nice and all but hardly filling.

In Jinny's room, Jeff rooted through his suitcase, pulling out a few clothes. Jinny sat on the edge of her bed and giggled. "Did you guys get me a new dildo again or something?"

"Not really, you stopped using them over four months ago," John replied with a smirk.

"Ah, here it is," Jeff finally said, turning to her. He handed her a small wrapped box. "Happy birthday sis," he whispered with a smile. She tore into the box eagerly, then squealed at the contents.

"Ohmigosh it's so CUTE!!!" She pulled out a new radio clock shaped like a kitten playing with a ball. She'd wanted it for several months now. "Thank you so much!!"

"That's not all, though," John said, glancing at the door. Jinny noticed his glance.

"Is it...something private?" she whispered, wondering if it was some new toy.

"We have something to show you..." the serpent replied, then slithered backwards out of Jeff's shirt.

Jinny gaped in shock and awe as Jeff pulled his pants down, the first thing she saw being John coming out of his genital slit. Was he stuck?- wait, no, John had been almost twenty feet long yet only eight feet of him was visible, there was no way he fit the rest of himself inside her brother! The next instant her mind processed the sight of a fairly hefty sac hanging from John's smooth belly right before his conjoinment with her brother...John had testicles? What was going on?? Then it clicked and she gasped, almost shrieking in shock.

"NO WAY!!"

The boys stared at her in anxious anticipation, unsure of her response. Jeff stepped forward and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Jinny, let me explain..." She looked up into his eyes, confused. "We did this...for you. We've known for years that you want both of us."

John slithered quickly around his dark-scaled host and nodded to her. "Truth is...I...we love you, Jinny. And we want you to be happy."

"Happy? You think this makes me happy? Our best friend is my brother's penis!"

"Jinny I-" Jeff started, but a grunt escaped his and John's mouths with a sudden hug from her.

"I'm more than happy!! I can't believe you two..." She buried her face in her brother's chest. He hugged her tightly, rocking her side to side.

"We did it for you, Jinny."

John slithered around behind her and licked her neck, reaching around under her arms to softly grope her breasts. She purred happily, but then pulled back from her gray-scaled brother and sighed. "I really wanna do it with you guys to celebrate but..."

"But what? Is something wrong?" John asked, rubbing her shoulders.

She sighed sadly, hiding behind her hair. "I'm in heat...if we have sex...I might get pregnant..."

Jeff smiled softly and kissed her, John smiling too and resting on her shoulder. "Don't worry about's still early. Things will work out. Right now...let's just enjoy the night. And if, by some chance, you do get pregnant...we'll help you take care of the baby. Or, maybe mom and dad would like to take it in...but I know you want a child. If we father your first, we'll be a father to it." She sighed in gratitude and rested her forehead against his chest. He leaned his chin atop her head, giving John a knowing wink. The python grinned and winked back, just as eager as his host. With that, the python pulled back a bit, rubbing her shoulders and back. She murred and arched back into his hands, leaning against her brother. "We'd love to take you right now but there's still a party to tend to. Afterwards though..." He smirked and leaned in to nibble her neck, John doing the same to her other side, Jinny moaning under her breath and shivering, "if you can hold out long enough...when everyone's gone...and it's just us..." his hand trailed down her front into her shorts, his fingers gently petting her feminine slit, John taking over for him.

"We're going to ravish you...all...night...long..." At each of those final words Jeff tweaked her clit, simultaneously nipping her collarbone, pinching her scaled hide between his lips, John mimicking the action. She shuddered and moaned between them, blushing when she remembered someone might overhear them.

Leaving her to those thoughts, the boys gave her a deep, loving kiss, then dressed in some new dry clothes and headed back downstairs, John coiling himself around Jeff again and resting on his shoulder. Jinny watched them in longing, blushing furiously. She just barely managed to calm herself before her friends busted into her room.

"What'd he give you??" "What'd you guys do??" "Did he give you a present?? What is it??"

Jinny laughed and shook her head, holding up the clock. "Just this, I've been wanting it for ages."

"You two were in here way longer than for just that though!" Annie hinted.

"Nuh-uh. It's between him and me, you'll find out soon enough."

"Awww come on! Tell us!!"

In the living room, the boys quickly blended in, laughing and joking with everyone. When asked about why John was wrapped around Jeff, he'd reply "I recently shed, my hide's really sensitive so I'm taking it easy so I don't hurt myself." Some others noticed he wasn't eating either, or drinking, to which he'd reply "Snakes can go for weeks without eating and I'm already full up on soda from the drive home." They were surprised how easily everyone believed the cover-ups, though it was most likely because John was the only serpent most everyone at the party knew. They weren't really lies anyway; Jeff had chugged quite a bit of soda on the way home, and John's new skin was sensitive. Several of their friends and relatives weren't fully convinced though, but didn't let it on in front of everyone else.

Heading into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza, Jeff found his mother busying herself with cake slices. She smiled up at them and set the knife down, coming over to hug them. "Good to see you succeeded!"

"It was kinda rough at first but...I think we made a good call," her son replied with a grin. John nodded with his own smile.

"Yeah, awkward at first and took a lot of getting used to, but I'm glad we did this."

She nodded. "Huge changes usually are, but as long as you two are happy with it, I'm happy." She cocked her head at them curiously, then glanced around to make sure no one was around. "Do you get smaller though for mating?"

John nodded and quickly shrank, unwinding around the gray-scaled dragon, who at the same time quickly undid his pants to let her see. She murred softly at the sight, eyeing the way John's belly color and scale patterns continued onto her son's scrotum. "Sorry mom," he replied jokingly, "she's got first dibs."

She giggled at that, watching as the python quickly grew larger again and twined himself around Jeff under his shirt, Jeff securing his pants again. "While I can't deny I'd love dibs eventually, I know she'll be happy with this."

"If she and your husband are okay with it I'd enjoy giving you some fun too," John whispered with a grin.

"You two..." She shook her head in amusement and turned back to the cake. "Go out and enjoy your birthday, let everyone know the cake is almost ready. Actually, here," she stopped them as they turned to head out, handing them three slices of cake. "Two for you, one for Jinny. You know how the Coblingers are with sweets."

They laughed and john took a cake slice, staring at it oddly. "This is so strange...usually I'd be hungry and delving into this but I have no desire to eat anymore. Food looks so weird."

"Can you still eat?" came a voice from the doorway. They both whipped around to find their uncle Ciran standing there with a smug look on his face. "You may have pulled the wool over everyone else for now but I know better." He strode into the kitchen, looking John over curiously. "When are you planning to make the announcement then? And who's the lucky girl?"

"You'll know when the time comes," Jeff replied casually, taking a bite of cake. "And...I don't really know, actually. It's not exactly party etiquette to announce my best friend is now my pecker."

John laughed, accidentally displaying his lack of teeth. Several of Jeff's cousins caught sight and ran into the kitchen clamoring about it, wondering if the python was okay with no teeth. The commotion attracted others, the sudden attention and curiosity making the boys very uncomfortable.

"Alright, clear out! Clear out!" their mom called, shooing everyone out of the kitchen. "Too many cooks in the kitchen will spoil the food!"

"But we wanna know what's going on with John!" "Yeah, is he okay?" "He hasn't eaten and he doesn't have teeth!" "Is it contagious?!" one of the girls asked, suddenly afraid.

The boys sighed, glancing at each other. All the guests now had eyes on them, Jinny and her friends looking in from the stairwell having overheard concerned voice tones. "It's not contagious," John finally relented. "Jeff and I underwent a natural merge and I'm now part of his body. That's why I don't have teeth and why I don't need to eat or drink. In fact I can't."

"Natural merge?" one of his aunts asked.

Jeff nodded. "Apparently the natural magic that flows through dragons and nagas allows them to merge under special circumstances. It just kind of...happened."

John nodded and smiled. "It may sound weird or whatever, but I'm actually quite happy about this. I won't have anyone tripping over me anymore for one thing." That broke the tense atmosphere, most of the guests laughing. A few of the older crowd though in the back looked a little disgusted, several among them quietly excusing themselves to leave. With the situation finally revealed the party went on again. Jeff's dad handed out cake slices, then smirked and turned on a hidden player, music suddenly filling the room with a familiar tune. The twins looked at each other awkwardly, Jinny blushing as the congregation started singing Happy Birthday, their friends laughing at the flustered looks and singing all the louder to embarrass them.

Jeff handed Jinny her cake slice and the two ate together, John laying on Jinny's lap, faint flickers of the cake flavor dancing over his tongue. Apparently their senses were already merging. As he laid there staring fondly up at Jinny while she ate, he found himself wondering what the inside of her womb looked like and if he'd ever be able to let Jeff see it too. The ideas caused his base to start hardening though so he distracted himself by inspecting the pile of presents in proximity to their present perch, lengthening his body and slithering carefully along the carpet, stifling a shiver at the sensation on his sensitive skin. The action caught the attention of their friends, who quickly came over again watching in wonder. He found plenty of distraction then as they asked him to demonstrate how long he could grow. Jinny had to cross her thighs as she watched him grow to almost twelve feet long, her panties now sporting another damp spot under her skirt.

Not long after finishing their cake the twins, and by extension the penile python, were roped into a game of Twister. The first round, it was just the three of them, which was interesting enough since John's presence gave only an extra set of arms with no feet or tail. Within just a few spins they were already a tangle of gray, peach, blue and green, tails, arms, legs and a long body. A few of the guests jokingly commented John was cheating, as he could arch his body and suspend himself over the dots with no danger of falling, so he took to resting his body on the twins, he and Jeff having a hard time not moaning out at the constant shifting contact between themselves and the beautiful girl. Jinny likewise was having a hard time keeping her heat craving under control, the fact that John was basically a large penis making it extremely hard to keep her mind from wandering as he wrapped around her. More than once he caught the scent of her heat, having to gulp back a dose of pre. Finally though, the game heated up, the three growing more concerned with staying up, until finally Jeff's arm gave out reaching for a red dot and he and John both collapsed, Jinny managing to stay up. Her friends squealed and lifted her up, proclaiming her victor. The boys just laid there on the game tarp laughing.

The games continued for a while, then the twins settled into the presents as their father handed them the packages. Jinny got several new sets of clothes, a plush toy holding a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant (not the one she worked at), some more plush toys to add to her collections including some hard-to-find items, and the Eye of Penarchy quintology she'd been eyeing for so long. Jeff luckily escaped the clothes, since now his new shared anatomy required a different clothing layout. He did, however, get a new basketball, some new videogames including a recent release he'd been trying to preorder, and as per his college thesis, a laser kit containing mirrors and crystals to play around with and study the properties of light. His parents also got John a bodysock lined with exquisitely soft material, which he was more than happy to put on. He'd always loved soft things. The last present though was a surprise gift from Jeff's and John's friends, which sent the twins and the python rolling in laughter; a pair of shoes with John's exact color patterns, white on the bottom lined with yellow, and green on the top with blue diamonds. "Told ya we'd make shoes out of you!" their friends joked, referring to a running gag spanning their middle- and high-school years.

Finally it was time for everyone to head home. With the excitement winding down, Jinny found herself more and more impatient, anxiously waiting for her relatives to finally leave. Their friends had left already but a few of their aunts and uncles, and subsequently their cousins, had stayed to chat. Jinny was happy to spend time with them but with less and less distractions to occupy her, her heat was starting to take over again. Finally she couldn't take it. "I'm sorry everyone but I need to head to bed," she said, standing up and stretching.

"Why?" her aunt asked. "It's still a bit early isn't it?"

Jinny shook her head. "I'm starting my heat cycle, it wasn't so bad during the party but now that I'm worn out from it, it's starting to pull at me. Catchya later, night everyone." She quickly headed upstairs, blushing.

"It's not easy dealing with that," her aunts agreed. "Does she use medications to stifle it?"

Her mom and dad shook their heads, Jeff and John coming back into the room from going to get some drinks. "We don't use medicines much, you know that. Especially for heat. Jinny's paranoid about it potentially messing up her fertility."

Aunt Jemini giggled. "Oh yes, I remember that. Every summer she stayed with us she'd always be talking about having a family." Unseen by everyone else Jeff and John exchanged glances nervously. Before it had been easy to tell Jinny they would care for her if they got her pregnant, but now the full gravity of the situation was settling in. And unfortunately, there were no condoms for serpenitalia, not that they knew of anyway. It had slipped their minds to ask about it.

It was almost 10 in the evening when their relatives finally headed out. After waving them goodbye, John and Jeff headed back inside and sighed deeply, glancing around the vacated living room. It was a mess of confetti and other odds and ends, along with a few soda cans forgotten here and there. Jeff's dad came up from the basement and smiled at them. "Long day huh?"

"Yeah." Jeff stretched, then pulled his shirt off, John unraveling from him. After his dad closed the window blinds, the gray dragon also stripped off his pants, sighing again in relief as his balls hung free. "Man it's good to be home finally."

His dad chuckled, eyeing the merged two. "Interesting. I've heard about it but to see it is something entirely different."

John smirked and shrugged. "Jinny and mom liked it."

"I'll bet. It's definitely not an everyday occurence. But Jeff, how are you going to work now?"

"Same as always," he replied, softly rubbing John's base, the snake murring quietly. "I'll just have two extra hands."

His dad chuckled again. "Well, that's good. But I think those two extra hands are needed elsewhere right now." The boys looked over the mess anxiously. "No, don't worry about that...we'll get to that tomorrow. You two head upstairs."

Jeff nodded, then paused. "Dad...are you sure this is all okay?"

His dad nodded and smiled warmly. "I paid for your hotel stay and helped you fund the final surprise for her. Would a father do that for his children if he wasn't sure?"

His son smiled back softly. "True...thanks dad. For everything. We'll be the best for her." With that he headed upstairs, John uncoiling himself and shrinking a bit so he could sit upright in front.

"You ready for this?" he asked, glancing up.

"Are you?"

John laughed and gestured to his body. "Duh."

"Smartass." The two laughed quietly, then peeked into Jinny's room. She was sprawled on her bed, biting her pillow and clutching the headboard, her tail pumping one of her horse-cock dildos into her sopping snatch. The spicy scent of her heat hit Jeff's nose like a wall, sending his heart racing. John could feel it on his tongue, his base hardening. The two fought for control on the urge briefly, Jeff finally breathing through his mouth rather than his nose to help pace them. He walked over to the bed and knelt by her, chuckling softly. "Having fun, Jin?"

She rolled her head over to look at him, her eyes glazed, her cheeks red, tongue hanging from her mouth as she panted in desperate need. "Toys aren't enough..." she whimpered, gasping as the equine toy speared her cervix, the base snug against her netherlips.

John reached over and started rubbing her back, Jeff reaching down and taking over for her tail, slowly easing the toy in and out of her depths. She loosed a long, low moan, hips bucking off the bed. The python leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Jinny, we need you to calm down and control yourself. We want to do this properly, and I know you do too." With that Jeff started pulling the horse phallus out of her a bit more with each stroke, until finally just the tip was within her. Mustering all her willpower she reached back and pulled it free, gasping on the bed as she struggled for mastery over her nerves.

"You're right...I this right..." Shakily getting up, she kissed the penile python, then her twin. "I'm gonna go take a cold shower and calm down, I'll meet you two in your room."

"Cold shower? Thought you hated the cold," Jeff teased, groping her butt gently.

"More reason to snuggle with you two," she replied with a wink, slipping out into the hallway. The boys smirked at each other and darted to their room to wait for her. Glancing around the room they quickly started putting things away and straightening what they could to make it a more fitting setting for what they were about to do.

When she came into their room about fifteen minutes later, still shivering a bit from the chill of the water and toweling her hair, she paused and stared. The bed had been moved away from the corner to the center of the room's far wall, the two small desks now moved to either side of the bed, bearing lit scented candles. Lavendar, her favorite. The candles illuminated the two boys from behind as they leaned on the footboard, giving them a somewhat mysterious, mystical effect. John slithered across the floor slowly to her, leaning in to kiss her cheek as he gently pulled the towel from her awestruck hands.

"M...My hair is a mess still..." she halfheartedly complained as her heat flared up in full force, the situation arousing her immensely. John took her hand and walked her over to the bed, Jeff pulling a brush up from behind the footboard, having anticipated her.

"Let's get that taken care of," he whispered. John turned her around and hugged her, rubbing her sides as Jeff carefully brushed out her hair. When he was done John moved around behind her and started massaging her shoulders, resulting in a soft coo from her. Jeff smiled and moaned softly as John's hands roamed over her body, his tongue flicking all over her. John was already in heaven, every contact with her was utterly euphoric and satisfying, yet left him and Jeff craving more. He slithered along her side to her front again, hands on her shoulders, leaning in to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around the snake, Jeff shuddering behind her and moaning loudly. He stepped up to her and hugged her from behind, rubbing her hips and sides, pressing John's base up against the top of her tail. The young dragoness was in heaven herself, sandwiched between her two lovers...yet this time it felt so different, so...right, somehow, knowing that they were now one yet separate and the one she was hugging was pretty much a sentient penis. The idea amused and aroused her, even more so with the fact that this was her friend, the one she'd longed with which to indulge their shared fetishes. It seemed like all her dreams were coming true all at once.

"I love you guys..." she whispered happily, kissing John passionately and tasting Jeff's pre on his tongue. The pungent, spicy scent of her heat grew thicker around them, now in full-on force from three days without cum in her belly. She was so aroused, every stroke of their hands made her hide shiver and her legs tense as she fought to remain standing. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, pulling away from the passionate python with a gasp, staring at him with lust-lidded eyes. "I need you!!"

This was it, the moment they'd been waiting for for a week. John pulled back, Jeff wrapping his arms around her from behind and walking backwards around the bed, flopping onto the mattress with her atop him. As John grew smaller, getting himself ready, Jinny turned herself around and straddled her brother's thighs, leaning back to expose her sopping wet snatch.

John gaped, drooling pre. Never before had Jinny's vagina seemed so incredibly alluring. Despite the new perspective, he had a strange feeling of comfort, as if he'd finally come home after being away for ages. He hissed softly in contentment, tongue flicking out over her clit, his hands finding their way to her warm entrance. She was far warmer than normal and her entrace quivered at his touch, an involuntary gasp escaping her. Flexing his jaw he suckled on her clit, making her yip and shiver. Unable to resist the growing urge to be buried in a warm, soft passage, he eased his hands into her eager entrance, massaging her opening. The poor girl had to lean back and grab her brother's knees to support herself, his attention to her pussy was overwhelming! Jeff rubbed her thighs, teasing her sensitive spots, watching her breasts roll on her chest with her ragged breath. He could feel John's tongue and hands roaming over her bits, small rivulets of pleasure flowing through him from the new sensations of feeling such fine detail of her body.

"So delicious..." John hissed softly, circling her button with his tongue. "My gosh...I can't take it...Jinny, are you ready?"

Rather than replying, her hand shot down and pressed his head into her folds with a low moan. John meeped in surprise, but recovered quickly and tucked his arms against his chest, pushing himself into her slowly. Jeff groaned loudly, clutching her knees, Jinny crying out as she spread around the snake's thick body. He was thicker than Jeff's penis had been before! The gray dragon growled at her increased tightness; it sharply reminded him of when he'd claimed her virginity almost 14 years prior. Her slick, hot inner silk squeezed John tightly, making Jeff shudder with pleasure just from the penetration as the serpent continued to push deeper. John had been concerned about Jinny's tightness, but inside her pussy, he felt a sense of belonging like never before, and her grip all around him was amazingly comfortable! Not only that, but he was finally, finally getting to live out a fetish he'd so long desired with her!

Jinny shuddered as he slithered deeper and deeper still, the sensation of the larger bulge of his arms against his chest slightly reminding her of that flared horsecock toy she used to play with, but the sensation of him actually penetrating her was mind-blowing, both for her and her brother as he gritted his teeth under her, overcome with the strange sensations circulating from his crotch. He could feel the whole length of John's body undulating in a slithering motion, pulling him deeper. He was actually slithering into her rather than just pushing. Finally John's small form was almost fully inside her, maybe an inch or so left to go as he nuzzled the peach dragoness's cervix. She squealed and moaned, loeaning forward over her brother now with her breasts over his face. Jeff purred and leaned up to suckle on her nipple, hands running up her sides to her back. They both moaned loudly in surprise when John nuzzled her cervix and started massaging it with his hands, then eased his limbs in and pulled himself through.

"He' my womb...oh fuck...feels so good..." Jinny whimpered, her hips bucking back slightly, trying to bury him in herself even more. "I can't...believe we...actually get to do this!!" She threw her head back with a loud squeal as the python inside her began to lengthen again, causing an endless feeling of him slithering up her passage. His hands were all over her inner walls, exploring her deepest sanctuary. Jeff smiled as he watched her writhe and shriek over him. He could feel John lengthening and curling up on himself in her womb. The gray dragon leaned in and kissed her passionately, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly. She moaned into his mouth, tears of passion and joy running down her cheeks. In her womb, John smiled, feeling her reaction through Jeff. Jeff could feel his cock's hands massaging her inner walls, John could feel his body being caressed by Jinny's soft hands, which somehow felt even softer and more intimate than they ever had before. Jinny was completely overwhelmed, feeling her belly bulge with the python's increasing length coiling in her core while she lay wrapped in her brother's strong arms.

"Jinny...when we cum...John gets hard and be careful you don't set us off..." he grunted, thrusting John's hardened base into her pussy.

"I...oohhh...I get it...mmmm..." She shuddered above him when John finally stopped and just rested in her womb, the pleasured girl laying atop her brother and revelling in the wonderfully full sensation between her legs and in her belly. Her peach scales felt so warm to Jeff as he hugged her tightly kissing her neck and nibbling those scales, gently raking his teeth against her and making her shiver and coo. Inside her, John simply murred quietly, basking in his achievement of finally being able to be inside her. He truly felt at home here, it was a wonderful feeling indeed, being inside the girl he loved, pleasuring her, surrounded by her warmth, and potentially about to fill her belly with eggs. After a few minutes of basking together in the wonderful new sensations, Jinny sat up and tucked her hair behind her shoulder, smiling down at her brother with love and lust in her eyes. "I'm ready..."

No sooner had the words left her lips than John started retracting from her, causing her to gasp and cry out, involuntarily bucking from the constant pleasure of his steady withdrawal through her passage. How many inches had he put inside her?? She couldn't even count, it felt like so much! Jeff growled and held onto her hips, trying his hardest not to start thrusting into her, but it felt so damn good! He could feel John erecting again, hoping the python would be able to get himself to a decent length before hardening all the way. The erecting certainly didn't help; the added pressure against Jinny's walls sent even stronger waves of ecstasy through them both. Finally John was ready, and not a moment too soon, finally giving in to the rising arousal, his whole body going stiff, crossing his arms across his chest and squeezing himself a bit, shivering at the rush of pleasure both from his arms and from Jinny's heat-stricken passage clinging to him. Jeff Hilted himself inside her, John's chest about an inch beyond her cervix as he waited in her womb for the main act. For a few tense seconds they hesitated as Jeff and Jinny locked eyes.

Then the peach dragoness lifted herself up and let herself slip back down.

The floodgates were opened.

The two dragon siblings clung to each other, growling, purring and crying out loudly as he mercilessly pumped his hips, pistoning his pythonic penis into her passage with reckless abandon. Jinny screamed and squealed in bliss, her mind totally lost to heat-crazed lust as her brother fucked her fast and hard like never before, John's thickness so much more than her brother's penis had been earlier. John was in utter paradise, pleasure rocketing through his entire being as he careened repeatedly through his girl's tight tunnel, pre leaking from his mouth into her already copious juices. When Jeff rolled over and pinned his siter under himself, giving her a few playful shallow thrusts to pace himself, John took the opportunity to play with her cervix again, the three flooded with blissful pleasure from the unusual addition to their lovemaking. Jinny clung to her brother and kissed him deeply, smoking pouring from their nostrils. He eased his hand between them to play with her boobs, tenderly stroking her nipples as he set to a slow but strong rythym of pulling out almost all the way, then plunging back through her cervix, the two of them quaking with each deep penetration. John could feel her pussy tingling on the brink of orgasm, her heat was heightening her pleasure so much she was on a hair trigger. When Jeff paused just shy of her cervix the python flicked his tongue against her inner walls, his hands romaing her sliky warmth and inadvertently brushing her G-spot. She screamed hoarsely, arching off the bed as she came, her juiced gushing all over her brother's crotch and dripping off his John-patterned balls.

Jeff lightly thrust into her, riding out her insane tightness of her heat-powered climax. His tail lashed around behind him as he struggled to prolong this, she just felt so wonderful! Her silky passage clinging to his serpenis so perfectly, her soft scales, her musical voice crying out in bliss, it was almost too much. He had to fight himself not to blow his load too early, he wanted her sated and pleased tonight or else they'd never sleep. He wanted her to enjoy this to the fullest they could provide. Leaning down he suckled on her nipple to distract himself, breathing sharply through his nose as he tried to calm his body. Bad move. The rich spice of her heat yanked at his nose, making him growl like a feral beast. His hips shuddered as he paced himself, thrusting slowly, trying not to rut her. Her wonderful heat surrounding his shaft...he couldn't help himself. A low moan escaped him as his loins tensed, a few strong jets of thick pre jetting up John's length and splashing against her cervix. His balls churned, eager to fill her. Looking up at her face again he found her staring at him through lidded eyes, a pleading expression on her face. She grabbed his cheeks, pulled him up, and kissed him deeply. He wrapped his gray-scaled arms around her, hugging her to his chest, then planted his hands on either side of her head and started pistoning hard into her again, shivering and moaning in delight as her walls spasmed tightly and hugged his python shaft. Her tail found his and the two twined together tightly, his heavy balls slapping against her with each thrust.

Jinny squirmed and moaned loudly, feeling that fire of orgasm start to well up in her belly again. She shoved Jeff over roughly and straddled his lap, keeping John inside her, then cried out as she started to ride them, leaning back and grabbing her brother's knees for leverage as she slid herself up and down John's entire length. Jeff watched hazily as her breasts bounced and danced on her chest, mesmerized by the sight of this candle-lit beautiful girl in utmost bliss. At the same time though, he could feel his own finish swiftly creeping closer, and this time he wasn't sure he could hold it back. He grabbed her thighs, rubbing her sensitive spots with his thumbs as he thrust off the bed, hilting himself inside her, shuddering at the wonderful feeling of being balls-deep in her.

" close..."

"G-gimme it..please...cum in me!!" she rasped, gasping for air as her belly tensed and her pleasure spiked just from the thought of him filling her thirsty womb. Jeff's hands trailed up her thighs to her hips and held her tight, his tail tightening around hers as he shoved himself off the bed with powerful jerks, the two of them purring and calling out loudly as pleasure swept up their bodies ever higher with each pounding of hips. John was barely aware anymore, all he could feel was overflowing ecstasy throughout his entire being, and it just kept increasing with Jinny's tightness and the speed of their mating.

Jeff lunged up hard, pulling his sister onto his shaft with one final yelp, plunging John through her cervix one last time as his body exploded. Sharp tingles up and down his spine made him shiver, his tail tensing around hers erratically as rope after thick, hot rope of semen shot up John's length. Jinny screamed hoarsely, head flung back, body shuddering atop him in her climax as she felt him gushing into her womb. John's eyes rolled back as he felt himself ejaculating, a strange fulfilling feeling washing over him each time he coughed up their mixed seed into her.

The three just laid there for a short while, shuddering in bliss from their climaxes. Gasping for breath, Jinny rolled off hher brother's chest onto his outstretched arm, whereupon he hugged her to his side, both of them panting heavily in a deep afterglow, John still pumping cum into her womb. She murred softly, stroking her bulging belly with her hands and John's creamy white underside with her tail, Jeff hissing in pleasure at her tail's touch. Eventually John finally retracted himself, eliciting soft, sweet moans from her until, with a dull squelching sound, he popped free of her passage, the biggest smile of his life plastered over his face along with a generous helping of their cum. Jeff chuckled softly, helping his serpentine cockfriend recline on his dark-gray belly. The peach dragoness giggled softly, reaching over and stroking John's underside, his usual content hiss escaping him.

"Best...birthday...ever..." she whispered, snuggling against Jeff's side. "At this rate I definitely wouldn't mind getting pregnant..." He murred and turned his head to kiss her lovingly, John scooting over and lengthening himself again to lay on her newly-rounded abdomen. The serpent rolled over and propped his chin on his hands, his elbows resting just under her breasts as he smiled up at her hazily, cum still slowly dripping from his toothless maw.

"There's still one more present," he whispered, making her look down between her boobs at him in surprise. Jeff's tail shifted and arched over them. The young dragoness gasped, a glint of gold greeting her green eyes.

"Jinny... will you marry us?"