Gay Friends

Story by amadaeus on SoFurry

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There was once this guy named Paul. He was an attractive single gay man. His best friend, John, was also a gay man. John was evicted from his apartment...overdue on rent. He was talking to Paul the next day over lunch.

"Paul," John said, "I was evicted out of my apartment yesterday. I was wondering if you could help me out."

"Sure." Paul said. "You're best friend. Of course I'll help you. In fact, you can stay in my apartment. You can be my roommate."

"Cool!" John was excited. "I promise I'll help out around the apartment."

Paul moved John in that same day.

The next morning, Paul got up for work. He took a shower, got dress, and walked into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffe, only when he walked into the kitchen, he saw John jacking off into a condom.

"John!" Paul shouted. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, good morning Paul." John greeted his friend with a smile on his face. "I told you I'd help out around the apartment. I'm packing your lunch for you."