"Side Effects" -- Story by Kaz

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Not gonna lie, this was an exciting one to write. We follow the story of Darian the bull who has a problem with his weight. Lessons are learned about ingesting chemicals purchased on the internet... Definitely a unique idea and I'm glad I was able to put it to pen and paper. :D










As always, feel free to like/comment or drop me a watch! Also my PMs are always open, here or on any of my linked contact methods. Don't hesitate to reach out, I love chatting! Commissions are wide open also ?

"Side Effects" - Story by Kaz

Chapter 1: The Pill

There comes a point where the teasing and humiliation one receives for being overweight took its toll. The breaking point where words pushed one into action. Some people developed a workout routine, got a dietician and all of those fancy things. Others took their 'treatment' down a more interesting course.

Darian was a well-endowed male bull. Not the well-endowed you might expect however. He was beefy in all the wrong ways, sporting an overhanging belly and visible fat over most of his limbs. He was overweight to the point that it was pretty much unhealthy for him. He'd grown up trying his best to become athletic, healthy even. Nothing had really taken. In the end he'd wound up loving food too much and exercise too little.

It hadn't been too big of a problem for the adult bull. Childhood trauma and bullying aside, he'd developed into a comfortable mental place where he accepted his 'fatness' and built his life around it. He avoided that extra set of stairs out of convenience. He always parked nearest the supermarket doors so he wouldn't have to walk further than necessary, those sorts of things.

Adults didn't do a lot of bullying, not the way kids did. Nobody had time for that anymore, so focused on their own lives and turmoil. Darian was free to forget the horrors of a high school era long forgotten. Until he met Mark that is.

In his late twenties, Darian had found himself needing to split the costs of his two bedroom apartment with a roommate. Times were getting tougher, and the American dollar stretched much less than it used to. It had become a chore to keep his snack drawer stocked and that wasn't going to fly. Plus he had a whole extra bedroom that wasn't being used, so why not?

The heavy red bull had remembered sitting in the café to meet Mark, immediately feeling a deep sort of psychological envy that he always felt when he interacted with people who were built like Mark. The young tiger was not only beyond handsome, but his body was toned and muscled in all the right places. He looked like some sort of professional athlete with how ripped his torso alone was.

Now, Darian wasn't in the habit of checking men out but when he got close to body builders or healthy, fit men he couldn't help but stare. His eyes would rake over deltoids, quads, biceps and everything in between. He wanted that so badly for himself, worse than he'd ever wanted it since high school.

Mark had moved in shortly after their meeting in the café, and that left Darian having to look at him day in and day out. Sometimes he'd stroll around the house shirtless after a workout or before. He even caught a glimpse of Mark scurrying naked from the bathroom after leaving his clothes in his bedroom once as well. All of it served as fuel on an intense fire that built and built within his mind.

His tipping point came the day that Mark announced he needed to go on a diet. The tiger patted his toned belly in dismay, staring at himself shirtless in a mirror. True his abs had become a bit underdeveloped but he was still the image of peak physical power. Just hearing him complain about his body fat made Darian livid in ways he didn't know he could be. Enough was enough, he _had_to make a change. It had been long overdue since his childhood.

Darian wasn't going to pretend that he was the sort of bull to be motivated into any kind of exercise routine or healthy dieting. He loved his sugary goodness and lazing around far too much to change his lifestyle over jealousy. No, he had decided he would take an alternate route to what his mind's eye saw as perfection.

Everyone knew that those 'instant weight loss' pills and 'diet alternative' medicines on the internet were hokey. Just a bunch of harmless vitamins and minerals that _might_have the effect of decreasing appetite or burning a tiny bit of extra fat. They didn't work anywhere near how they were advertised though. The thing is, on the internet you can find the most horrible and wonderous things side by side. The deeper you go, the more likely you are to find strange things that probably shouldn't exist.

So Darian powered up his laptop one breezy summer day when Mark was occupied, humming to himself as he got into his chat program. He knew some people who knew some things. Real questionable sorts of things. Some of his friends were downright vile in their tastes and hobbies, but that just meant they had the access and knowledge of deeper parts of the internet.

He was lamenting his problem to one such friend in great detail, throwing the usual pity party he threw when he saw men who were super fit. Most of his friends waved him off like no big deal, pressuring him to make healthy lifestyle changes. This particular friend labored under no such delusions. He wasn't too 'righteous' to offer alternative solutions to Darian's problems.

'Um...have you heard of ShrinkFast? It's this new diet pill that supposedly works better than your wildest dreams.' Darian's eyes lit up as he read the message a few times. A diet pill that actually worked? He was all in. He eagerly typed a reply demanding more information. The conversation carried on about the pill before a discreet link was sent. Darian was warned not to open the website in a traditional browser, but to use an incognito mode instead. He thanked his friend and closed his chats as fast as he could, opening his 'secret' browser for dubious activity and pasting in the link he'd been given.

The website was a splash of color on a plain black background. Nothing more than colored underlined text urging the viewer to buy ShrinkFast while 'supplies last'. Darian tilted his head. He knew it had to be some shady shit to be set up in this fashion, but not even a single image? He felt a nervous twitch in his belly and moved to close the website, losing the desire again when one flashing message stopped him. 'Be the you that you deserve'.

Caution thrown to the winds, Darian entered his credit card and billing information. Not once did he stop to consider that this might be a scam website designed to siphon money out, or worse it could lead to some crazed lunatic banging down his door and murdering him. Carelessly providing his address, full name and all the necessary transaction details before pressing 'enter'. The deed was done.

He'd ordered one small bottle of the stuff. The ping from his mobile banking app told him that the money had been taken, and a plaintext confirmation email told him that his goods would arrive within a week. Huh, most be domestic to arrive that fast. Strange to be on such a shady website if it wasn't an illegal import or something.

He'd almost forgotten about is indiscretion on the website the day the pills actually arrived. He'd quickly gone back to life as he knew it, basking in the warm glow of his beautifully lazy life, tossing down snacks as he always did. So of course one bright afternoon when a knock came at the door, he nearly fell off of the sofa. He hadn't been expecting guests!

He grumbled to himself as he paused the show he was watching before waddling over to the door, peering through the peephole. There was nobody standing outside. What was that on the doormat down there though? The fisheye lens didn't give him the ability to see directly beneath it. He could swear he saw something standing out against the doormat though.

He flung open the door and stared down at his feet. A creeping heat spread from his cheeks down his neck and into his chest. He knew the package was what he'd ordered almost a week ago. He knew without even reading the label which was handwritten on the brown paper package. He felt a weird sense of guilt as he snatched the package up, hearing a soft rattle as pills moved around inside their container within the package. He shut himself in the apartment and shakily started to peel away paper.

Moments later he was holding a depressingly small bottle in his hands that couldn't contain more than three adult sized pills. He shook the bottle and confirmed his suspicion. The white bottle had no label at all and didn't even have child-protective sealing on the cap. This definitely felt more shady than he was prepared for. Still, his mind drifted back to the website and its flashy promises.

Darian signed and flipped the top off of the bottle, pouring out an odorless capsule into his hands. It was the size of an average cold and flu capsule. It was a strange bright shade of green that was almost luminescent to look at. Darian pinched it between two fingers as he set the package under the coffee table. It was firm and unmoving. It must be packed with some kind of powder. The instructions didn't say how he was supposed to take it, so he shrugged and tossed the odorless capsule into his mouth and swallowed, following it up with a swig of his energy drink.

Darian sat there for a few minutes, blinking as he looked around. He didn't notice anything different, but then medicine always took time to work. Had to dissolve in stomach acid and spread through the bloodstream, all that fun stuff. Panic began to set in as he realized he'd just ingested and unknown chemical from an unknown source with no return address or any way to identify the sender. This could end quite badly. What if he needed to call poison control? He'd been so blinded by his desire that he hadn't been rational!

Praying it wasn't too late, he scrambled to his feet and hefted along into the bathroom, shutting the door and falling to his knees in front of the toilet. He was in such a rush now that he hadn't bothered to lock the door, he just flipped the seat of the toilet away and gripped the porcelain, breathing heavily from his sudden and rushed movements, reaching his fingers into his mouth and trembling, tears welling up in his eyes.

He was just about to ram them down his throat when he felt a shooting pang of gut pain down below. That deep uncomfortable ache that preceded a massive bowel movement. Owing to the fact that he'd been constipated for days, he didn't want to risk shitting all over the bathroom wall and floor trying to puke up the unknown pill. He groaned and got to his feet, turning around and dropping his shorts to plant his wobbly fat ass on the toilet seat. He took a deep breath and hoped it was a sugar pill....

Chapter 2: What's Happening?

Darian felt pressure in his lower belly, a low gurgling hitting his ears. He knew that pressure all too well, it was the signal of an impending dam break. He closed his eyes and gave a tentative push, immediately feeling shocked at the sensation of still being stopped up. It was a painful cramping that made him stop pushing almost at once. Still, the gurgling continued.

He planted his meaty hands on his thighs and decided he'd lose all of his clothes. This felt like the tipping point for his constipation, but he knew it was going to take a lot of effort. One of those "need to be naked" shits for sure.

He cradled his belly with one hand and spread his legs, pressing his heels firmly against the cool porcelain base of the toilet. Brrrupppp. His guts trembled but nothing came out. He couldn't help but feel like his anus was dry, drier than usual. Maybe that was the problem! A little Vaseline or something might help him?

He hefted himself off of the toilet and let out a sharp barking growl of discomfort as the cramp seemed to undulate in his lower belly. His bowels were trying to push his waste free but his body was saying no. One of the most uncomfortable sensations, and he absolutely hated it.

Some of his friends might have chastised him for his diet at this point or told him to go take an enema or some laxatives. He wasn't ready to put in that kind of effort. Sure it was a major inconvenience and uncomfortable, but at the same time he felt like he could deal with it. Today though, he was beginning to question that...

Groaning and clutching his belly, he popped open the mirror of the medicine cabinet, feeling the pressure only building. The Vaseline was right there on the shelf, he grabbed it eagerly and flipped the tub open, scooping a generous amount onto a his middle finger. He sighed as he closed his eyes and reached back.

Finding the target wasn't difficult. The Vaseline slipped around his distending pucker easily, and he gingerly poked the tip of his middle finger inside to carry the lubricating jelly with it. He didn't feel immediate relief, but his butthole definitely burned a little less. He replaced the tub of the goo, feeling his hole wink and flex, cooled by the presence of the thick jelly.

Sitting back down he planted his hands on his thighs again and gave a hearty push. His asshole bloomed outwards but nothing happened, nothing came out nor did he feel any more relief. The cramps intensified as he let go of the push, swearing under his breath and curling his toes. Not even a fart had escaped his blocked pucker. This was ridiculous! He'd hoped the Vaseline would loosen the backdoor up and provide what he needed to evacuate.

He steadied himself and took a deep breath. Sweat was beginning to bead up on the bull's forehead which he wiped away and refocused. He gave a gentle push and slowly concentrated his effort into swelling that push into a heave. His asshole weakly sputtered, and finally he felt a fart squeak out. The sound was pathetic and small, high pitched squeaking into the porcelain bowl below. He released his clenched muscles and panted audibly, the effort taking his breath away.

"Well damn, at least I finally got a fart out. Even if it was a tiny one....jesus I gotta watch what I eat." He grumbled at himself as he took a break from pushing, taking a few more deep breaths before he reached down, gripping the toilet seat with his meaty fingers and bearing down for another push. Comically, he thought of how it must be for women to give birth, feeling like this was something similar. The thought cracked him up so bad he lost his concentration on that push and started laughing, followed by a pained series of groans as the cramping got even worse!

"Ugh that was stupid. Gotta focus." As he pushed again, he felt it! After so long, he felt the insanely solid head of what must be a massive turd beginning to press against his asshole. He made a series of ungodly grunts as his body struggled to push the dry, heavy log out, even a bit. It was just inside his asshole, he could feel it so close to easing out!

He had to stop that particular push when his vision went blurry a bit, head swimming through a haze as he calmed himself down. He would finally have his relief! He readjusted his grip on the toilet seat sides, and gave an almighty push, letting out a thunderous scream that might have shaken windows if there were any in the bathroom.

The thick log was incredibly dry, to the point that it felt a little scratchy almost as it eased out of his straining hole, spreading it wide. It felt like a long rock as it reached the halfway point, his asshole fluttering around it as his head swam, vision blurred as he pushed harder than he'd ever pushed before. He knew if he stopped, his asshole would slurp the turd back inside and he'd be here for another year trying to get it out.

As the turd reached the three quarter point of dropping from his blooming pucker, the ungodly foul stench wafted out of the toilet below. It was absolutely rotten, an earthy deep stench that reeked of dirt, hay and a serious undertone of rotting meat or animal carcasses. The stuff that'd make you gag just from ma whiff.

He wasn't focused on the smell. He wasn't focused on anything at all except ridding his body of this 'pest'. That was his fatal mistake, not paying attention to his surroundings. If he had been paying attention, he might have noticed things seemed...larger than they normally were. He might have noticed that his flabby ass seemed to fit a little easier on the toilet seat. Hell, the most telling sign that something was wrong would have been the painting across from the toilet that normally sat at eye level for him as he sat on the toilet. Now it was far above his head.

His vision was swimming so much, tears forming in the corners of his eyes that he still hadn't noticed. The last vestiges of the monstrous dry turd broke free from his ass and dropped into the toilet with a heavy splash. He let out a spittle-laced grueling pant of relief, only now as his head began to clear up did he notice what was happening.

His eyes went wide as he suddenly felt his ass fall through the toilet seat into the cold water below. How the fuck? He scrambled for the sides of the toilet, finding it incredibly difficult to reach his arms out of the toilet and around to touch the porcelain. He grabbed it and started to hoist himself out but alarmingly he felt the cool porcelain slipping across his fingers until suddenly he was gripping the sides of the sweaty plastic seat he'd just been sitting on.

He swallowed hard as his legs barely reached the porcelain lip of the toilet bowl now, ankles resting on the rim as he used the inner edge of the plastic toilet seat to yank his body out of the icy water. He gasped as he tried to process how small he had become! His heart thundered in his chest as he tried to brace his ankles on the lip of the porcelain bowl and pull himself upwards by his grip on the seat. Unfortunately, his legs swung into the bowl and he was left dangling, barely able to hold onto the plastic of the toilet seat thanks to the ass sweat and his steadily shrinking body.

He yelped out then, trying to call for help. Even if anybody had been home, he knew the tiger couldn't possibly have heard his squeaky soft voice. He struggled to keep his feet out of the icy water below as the last vestiges of his finger strength failed him and he lost his hold on the toilet seat, beginning to tumble to the water below.

By the time he hit the surface of the icy water, he'd become no bigger than an average house spider. The cold water made a tiny splash as his body hit the surface and went under. To him, the splash was monstrous and sent waves crashing over his head. He gagged and coughed out the toilet bowl water, eyes frantically searching for some way out of this...then the smell hit him.

The god awful smell of his turd, his foul bowel movement that had sat cooped up inside of him, growing more fetid every day. That thick choking smell was everywhere in the bowl. His eyes landed on the turd and he felt a surge of hope. Well, a surge of hope marred by just a tiny bit of disgust. The rock solid fecal matter was floating. That meant he might be able to use it to avoid a watery grave in his own toilet bowl!

He panted as he doggy paddled towards it, struggling to keep his head above the freezing water. The closer he got to it, the more the smell flooded his senses. He found his nostrils flaring as he reached the now-massive turd. It dwarfed his body several times over given his new and tiny size. He reached out and pressed his hands to the rocky surface of the log that had been constipating him for days. A soft gasp came from him when he marveled at how warm it still was.

He struggled for some kind of handhold or foothold on the surface of the turd, realizing that it was a little more slippery than it might have normally been thanks to his trick with the Vaseline. He struggled to find purchase with his slippery fingers, soon finding that his red flesh was stained a mottled brown from his efforts.

He groaned and gave it one more try, paddling his feet in the icy water, feeling a little numbness starting to set into his lower half. Schlurrrrp. His fingers sank into the firm log, enough that he was able to grip it. He shuddered as he pulled himself up, praying his movements didn't overturn his only hope of safety as he climbed.

It was like climbing a mountain as he struggled to find a new handhold. The lump log had bits of shit sticking out of it at places that would allow him to use them like rock climbing handholds. It took some effort, and much more physical exertion than he'd have ever liked to give freely but he'd done it! The icy waters lapped below his feet as he dragged himself onto the hunk of shit, lying on his belly and draping his arms around the sides of the turd. He was hugging...his own bowel movement.

The absurdity of the scene made him cough a bit. He was making sure to keep his face as far back from the log of shit as possible. He definitely didn't want any in his mouth. Even though he was beginning to find the scent a little arousing...He would never want it on his face like that. No way. He grunted as he let his panic ebb away, soon replaced by a strange, powerful arousal...

Chapter 3: Flushed Away

Darian felt a hot flush creeping up his body as he idly ground himself against the massive turd. The texture was tough and firm, but there was enough give to let it stain his fur. He was surprised at the temperature of it though, how it had remained warm still. He had begun sweating from the proximity of the log, pressing his body tighter to it to savor the fading warmth.

What had seemed like a horrible situation a few moments ago...didn't really seem that bad anymore. The longer he pondered it, the more he felt certain parts of his body pressing against the warm shit. He stirred nervously, using his hands to push his chest and head away from it so he didn't accidentally touch his face to the log.

What was the harm in having a little fun? Surely when his roommate got home he could help sort all of this out. For now, Darian was safe and getting warmer by the second, so he might as well take advantage of a wild situation. He let out a huff and flared his nostrils, letting the warm dung stench pour in, closing his eyes and beginning to grind his hips gently back and forth.

It was the weirdest thing, sort of like humping against a rock but not quite as hard. Just a slight bit softer. He could feel his shaft starting to stiffen, panting as his cock jabbed at the hard turd. He dragged his hips back and pressed forward gently, firmly pushing the tip of his cock against it to make a slight indent.

He began to repeat this motion slowly. It wasn't like he was jackhammering or anything, that'd make his dick sore! He closed his eyes as his shoulders began to tremble, continuing his slow thrusts. Soon enough a sticky bead of precum oozed out and started stamping against the little divot he was making with his cockhead.

Each pull back got progressively stickier as the fecal residue mixed with his precum and started making thin gooey strands of brown-coloured precum. He didn't make enough precum to change the turd's consistency by any means. But it did mix nicely with the precum anyway. Darian felt his eyes lidding over as he looked down past his brown-stained chest fur to watch his leaking, throbbing shaft mash against the wall of shit again and again. He decided he wanted to change things up a little.

He pressed his cock up against his belly so that he could lie flat on the shit surface while maintaining his erection. Now he could feel the log's warmth against his balls and thighs. He closed his eyes then and started humping again, feeling his length slide up and down the surface of the turd. It wasn't painful, just a tad uncomfortable. Still, the smell and staining all but made up for that.

He leaned his head back as best he could while continuing to hump the huge log, starting to lose track of time as the turd started feeling less and less warm. The chilly water below was cooling it down finally. Had it been minutes? Hours? Days? He wasn't really sure anymore, his mind felt...clouded.

He brought himself to the verge of a climax and rode the sexual high over the edge as he rammed is belly into the log again and again, mashing his cock between his body and the shit's surface hard, letting out splattering ropes of cum that shot up and painted the side of the turd, rolling down to splash into the toilet water.

He was breathing heavily again as he trembled atop his new 'boat'. He looked around his confinement nervously, as if someone might have seen his foul indiscretion. Even though it was beyond silly to check inside of the toilet bowl, he did anyway. That's when he heard the sounds.

The sound of the front door slamming closed followed by cheery whistling made him start to panic again. The arousal was quickly fading, all that remained was a sticky cum stain that mingled with the shit to make a fine residue that seeped into his chest fur while he waited for more sounds.

It was Mark! The tiger had made it home finally. Darian started shouting at the top of his lungs, kicking his feet to paddle the turd around, making splashes in the water anything he could do to draw attention.

The tiger flung the bathroom door open, and Darian thought he'd been heard and would be saved. He tilted his head and squeezed his life raft a little harder when the door pressed closed. Surely his roommate wasn't going to...not with him in the toilet, right?

Mark came into view then, and his sheer size made Darian's stomach drop as he stared up at a towering gargantuan tiger. His heart stopped for a moment as he wondered if Mark was going to flush the toilet pre-emptively to rid the bowl of Darian's leftovers. Thankfully, he just muttered something to himself and turned around, lowering his pants and underwear.

Darian's eyes bulged as he was greeted with the sight of spread open tiger cheeks and a pulsing pink hole tucked between. It looked more than inviting. He felt a sudden urge to press his face into it but it was far too high above the surface of the water for him to reach, even if he tried to use his turd as something to balance on.

The realization hit him just as he saw the pucker beginning to puff outwards, distending slightly and flexing, the muscle winking at Darian as the tiger sighed out. He resumed his shouting, staring up in slight horror as he watched the tiger's hole blossom. He had to admit, it was quite a beautiful tender hole...

The sneaking slip of brown waste began to pry its way out of his anal muscle, and Darian swallowed nervously. The way everything was angled, that piece of shit was going to fall directly onto - oof! He couldn't even finish the thought as the tiger's log crackled and slid out, falling down and smacking Darian in the head, some of it getting stuck to his horns as the rest plapped down into the water noisily.

Mark grunted and pushed again, and a second log began to ease out in a flurry of spluttering farts that echoed in the porcelain prison. Darian felt his eyes water from the intense foul stench of fart and shit from two different men. It was insane the way it made his nostrils burn! But why was he getting hard again?

He watched in terror as the tiger' hole opened for another massive log. This one bounced off of his head and splashed into the water. Soon enough he was surrounded by waste, and he couldn't honestly say he wasn't enjoying himself. The shitty cum stains on his chest told that story.

The tiger's bowel movement went on for a few minutes more, turd after greasy turd falling out of his beautiful asshole and joining the growing collection in the bowl. When it was all said and done, he stood up. Darian gasped as he realized what was going to happen now, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He held tightly to the piece of shit he was straddling, spreading his legs out to either side so he might get a better leg grip on the log. Securing himself, he even relented and rested is cheek against the firm log, doing his best not to press his face into it, definitely keeping his mouth far from the surface. He didn't even want to think about tasting his own waste...

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the sounds of Mark's pants being done up mingled with the jingle of the metal toilet flush. As it pressed down, Darian peeled himself away from turd again. His entire world had begun to rumble In an ominous manner and he swallowed hard, staring down the mouth of the toilet bowl. This wasn't going to be a great experience...

The waterfalls of liquid from the edges of the porcelain bowl moved so fluidly as they worked to refill the water that was already draining away. All of a sudden, Darian felt the turd he was on start to rotate and move backwards, and he yelped. His foot collided with one of Mark's turds but he didn't even notice. There were more pressing matters at hand.

Darian shouted and screeched like a banshee for help, but he felt the turd sinking in elevation and knew it was too late. Swirling around and around at speeds no human should endure, the turd he was riding slipped away with the water pressure into the sewage system.

If he was exhausted before, he definitely wasn't anymore. His eyes were wide with shock as he watched and felt the water start pouring over him. The turd submerged fully and bumped against the pipe on its way past, dragging Daian's head under the surface of the water for a moment, leaving him gasping for air as it surfaced again.

The tunnel was narrow and dark, the sound of water rushing all around him as he was carried further into the small pipe, looking around frantically for something to stop the turd. He saw nothing and was forced to hold on for dear life as his makeshift vessel spat out of the smaller pipe and into the sewer proper.

Darian shouted out as he was propelled at inhuman force along with his chariot, the shit being his only hope of survival as the turd shot out into the open air and fell into a filthy canal. The water was cool to the touch but nowhere near as cold as the toilet bowl water had been.

His stomach was lurching and his mind reeling as the turd began to float down the canal, carrying its cargo along with it. Where he was going he had no clue. Some kind of water treatment plant, he supposed. Either way he had quite a long way to go before he reached anything on the S.S. Turd.

Darian settled In for a long ride through the sewer system. Only then did he have the time to cast his thoughts back to that website. The red flags had all been there, screaming in his face. He hadn't listened, out of sheer desperation alone. He started rocking his hips again to hump against the log, sailing along an wondering if these shrinking effects would ever reverse...maybe there was some kind of 'cure' or something? Would he live long enough to look for it. All that mattered right now was shit. And so he humped, merrily coasting along and whistling to himself as he orgasmed over and over again on the thick turd, not knowing if he'd see the light of day ever again. Maybe he should have steered clear of the site. These side effects were something otherworldly...