
Story by FloodCupcake on SoFurry

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#7 of Small Shadows

This is another story in the Small Shadows series, This details Simon "Meanmug" Proudfoot's first visit back home since his self imposed exile. In this snippet of Mug's post campaign life we see him dealing with long buried feelings of anger with his family, confronting his own failings that kept him away for so many years, as well as finding out the fate of his parents. Will Mug be able to deal with the answers he is given?

Thunder rumbled through the early morning sky as Mug stood on the deck of the Watcher. The rain soaking his face and clothes. Every icy drop sent a surge of shivers through his body. He had been standing out in the rain for only a few moments. He needed to take the time to collect himself. Within the next eight hours he would be arriving back to his homeland. The Proudfoot Burrows, a collection of 3 different clans under the guidance of the Proudfoot Clan.

Mug had not been there in more than 20 years at this point. No contact had been made from either end, as far as he knew anyways. It was something that cut at Mug's core. No one had searched for him. Mug was left alone, helpless in a world that very quickly showed him it pulled no punches. It beat up and spit out the young mage-in-training, leaving behind the shell that he was now: an angry man, an urchin who clawed his way to a place of respect through sheer determination and power of will. He fulfilled his life goal, finding Richter and bringing him home. Now he was going home to be welcomed with love and open arms.

Or so he told himself, tried to tell himself. Years of unspoken words between him and Richter leaked out earlier in the week during an argument. Even though Richter comforted Mug, something still felt wrong. Richter had kept his distance and interactions short. Mug worried that he had gone too far. He was so bitter about this entire trip. Every fiber of his being told him that no one cared for him there. He couldn't be wrong, could he? As he mulled this over in his head he felt warmth overtake him and a taloned hand softly wrapped around his shoulder.

"You will get sick Simon, don't stand out in the rain." Peck's voice rang out, alight with worry. She moved and brought him with her back into the captain's quarters. He heard the soft click of the lock and her hand left him for just a moment. In its place a warm towel laid on his shoulder. She moved herself back to the small hearth nestled into the corner of the room and got her own towel. She peeled off her cloak and stood before him wearing an overly large shirt that sunk down to her ankle joints. Mug turned away as she tugged at the shirt now, pushing his face into his warm towel. Feeling the chill of the rain begin to leave him he let go of a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." he said suddenly, his voice soft against the crackle of the hearth. "I woke up and- I just needed to breathe. I shouldn't have done that in a rainstorm." he stumbled over his words. Shoving his face back into the towel he took a few more moments of quiet contemplation before Peck's hands gently touched both of his shoulders.

"You can speak what is on your mind, my love. I hold no judgement. I wish to only give you comfort." Her voice carried into his ears in soft dulcet tones. She began to remove his soaked cloak and pilfered the towel from his paws. As she slowly dried him off he took in a deep breath and let a modicum of relief wash over him.

"I am worried Peck. Worried that this trip will not go well. That my parents are dead. Or that they both are alive and will come for my throat for my actions and neglect. I never wrote a letter, didn't go back, nothing." he clenched his fists and felt the venom rising in his throat. "But they didn't either. It was a two way street and they sent me nothing. They could've found me. I wasn't even trying to hide!" He felt Peck's grip on the towel tighten as he raised his voice. She ran a finger through the fur on his cheek and it gave him a moment of clarity. "Sorry."

A wave of guilt passed through him, she did not deserve to be yelled at. She had done nothing but try to help. "I just- It has been bothering me for more than a decade now. I thought I had gotten rid of this feeling and would just die in some gutter somewhere from an untreated stab wound. Not returning home to be hailed as a hero. I feel like the infected wound may be easier to deal with." She returned to her ministrations as he continued, chuckling softly at mention of the wound.

"It seems this itself is a wound. One you thought long scabbed over, but now returning with a fresh pain you did not expect." she mused as she tossed the towel away from them. Her hands returned to Mug's shoulders and guided them to one of the banquettes set into the wall. She took a seat and gently patted the spot next to her. Mug took his familiar place and felt her arm wrap around him and pull him close. "You have to treat a wound, otherwise it will get infected. It seems this wound has been very untreated and the problems are just now starting to crop up."

"Well I-" Mug said and caught himself. She was right, frustratingly so. This was years of buildup to a problem he never thought he would have to face. Somewhere along the way his life goal of finding Richter and returning home became nothing more than a dream. Now that he was confronted with the reality of it all one thing settled into Mug's being. He was terrified. What if they welcomed him back with open arms and understanding? What if they resented him? What if they were dead? All of these options weighed him down for so many years. There would be no easy way to deal with this.

"You are right, more than right. You are still trying to help. Even when I am being combative about it." He leaned into her more and wrapped his arms around her waist. Mug knew he needed to reset himself; he tried that in the rain but all he had done was worry Peck and gotten wet. He felt Peck lift him up and bring him into the bed. Her talons scratched into his head gingerly. Mug's brain lit up with pleasure as his limbs went slack in her arms. Muscles in his throat began to contract; Peck giggled as Mug began to purr in her arms in response to her ministrations.

"I do know how to help, all you had to do was ask." She cooed into his ears, taloned hands moving away from the top of his head. She playfully ruffled the fur on his chest and the situation immediately changed. Mug mumbled something as Peck continued to rub at his head and chest. "Do not worry, my love. I won't do anything of that sort." she cooed mischievously. "Maybe another night, but for now-" her hand on his chest made its way up under his neck and small scritches sent him back into bliss in her hands. His body now completely relaxed in her arms and she leaned back into a mountain of pillows to give herself some comfort. With her scratches and affection Mug felt himself lost in a sea of pleasure. Before he knew it, he was resting comfortably in her arms as his breathing slowed and he began to sleep. Feeling his body growing more and more slack Peck quietly and gently rolled them over and wrapped herself around Mug. Happy to be able to get him to sleep, she knew he would not be having a great time with the confrontations that were looming. But she would be right next to him, giving him every bit of support she could.

The Watcher settled into a hover outside of the walls of Proudfoot territory. Mug idly wondered if the guard he paid off to get out still worked in the gates or if he had been court martialed. A yell from behind him broke his concentration on that thought. "Ye all have 'round 8 days or so. I'll be in the Kingdoms visiting my family. I hope you all enjoy your stay." Wilford's booming voice carried over the side of the ship. As Mug, Peck and Richter departed the Watcher Mug looked over the plains of his homeland. Dusty plains extended out in every direction, patches of grass and trees dotted the landscape. Not far from them were a set of twenty foot high gates that led into the Proudfoot Burrows. Walls extended beyond the gates in a large circle that bifurcated the plains from the civilization that lay inside.

A wave of magical energy washed over him. The Watcher pushed away from the ground. With another burst of energy it took off to the south, heading to the mountain range far away from them. Mug, Peck and Richter stood on the path to the gates. A single figure stood further down the path from them. The group began walking towards it as the figure began to wave.

"Hello! You must be the Jesters, yes?" A high pitched voice called out. As the group got closer, Mug saw the Felis take better shape. She was dressed in a set of black and red robes with the proudfoot emblem sewed into the left shoulder. She wore a pair of glasses and had a long glove covering her waving paw. "Or should I say two very welcome returning family members?" As they drew closer to her the fur on her face was a mixture of black, white and orange. Mug's eyes went wide as the voice and face finally matched up to the image of his younger cousin, Richter's baby sister.

"Alicia!" Richter exclaimed as he quickened his pace and the two Felis met in a tight hug. A soft laugh erupted from Alicia as she squeezed against Richter as tight as possible. "Look at you! So big!?" Richter said in surprise. "They been feeding you well then. That's certain"

Alicia's laugh calmed as she shook her head. "No Richter, you have just been away for 20 years. I'm not the same baby sister you remember." Richter let her go from the hug and sighed softly. His eyes drifted away from her before she laid a single paw against his shoulder. "But it is nice to see that you seem to have the same high spirit." She looked around Richter and locked eyes with Mug. "You too Simon, it is very good to see both of you again."

Mug gave a curt nod. "Hello Alicia, it's nice to see you." Her eyes grew for a second at his voice, taken aback by the unfamiliarity before she blinked and smiled back.

"And you must be Peck, Simon's partner?" Alicia said as she stepped away from Richter and over to Mug and Peck. She stuck a hand out which Peck happily shook.

"Yes, I am happy I was invited to join. Simon also appreciates it, no matter how grumpy he may seem." Alicia laughed softly and stepped closer to Mug.

"While I was very young the last time I saw him." She turned her attention to Mug. "I do remember one thing. You were always very kind to me." Mug shifted uncomfortably in front of her. The interactions they had together jumped back to him. Comforting the small girl who didn't understand where her brother went. Having Alicia walking around with him after his studies. Spending time with her when she asked. When he was young he thought it was annoying, but knew he had to do it. For Richter. The promise he made with her before he left came back. The small girl clinging to his leg and thanking him over and over.

Mug felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders as Alicia wrapped him in a tight hug. Mug hesitated for a second before hugging her back. "Thank you so much Simon, you brought him back." she said softly, tears falling softly on Mugs shoulder. Mug gave a small nod and squeezed her tighter. Mug looked past her and saw Richter smiling at him. Alicia broke the hug and sniffed before she smoothed her robes. "Now, I will be happy to show you all around if you would like. Our lands have probably changed much since the last time-" she caught herself and cleared her throat. "Sorry." With a gesture to her left Simon saw the many new homes and shops were made from metal and brick now. As the group walked with Alicia she explained the new industrious side of the Proudfoot lands. They had found a stronger metal deep underground 15 years ago that had brought them a considerable amount of sway in the Iron Senate.

Through the explanations and the grandstanding Mug's mind wandered as he watched the buildings go by. Soon enough they were in front of the doors of the palace. Mug stared up at the doors and walls, memories flooding back. Playing tag in the inner courtyards, studying in the classrooms, uncomfortable lunches with his extended family. A hand draped over his shoulder brought him out of his reminiscing. Mug's senses were overwhelmed for a second as cheers erupted around them. The group was standing in the main hall with countless numbers of Felis surrounding them. Alicia had taken a step back and was joining in with the cheering and clapping. Richter reveled in the attention, raising his hands to solicit more cheers, accepting hugs and handshakes back and forth. Peck stood quietly next to Mug as he nodded and quickly shook hands with so many people, so very many people.

Congratulations began to fall on deaf ears as Mug started to become numb to everything surrounding him. A single word broke through the fog. "Simon?" said a small voice that brought back memories of dinners, birthdays, study sessions and many visits. He turned to see an older Calico woman standing next to Richter. A hush had fallen over many around them as she stepped up to Mug. Tears ran down her furred face as she gripped his paw.

"Hello Aunt Linda." Mug said softly, placing his hand over hers. Linda sobbed softly as she moved even closer to Mug. The small calico felis had helped raise him, fed him, taught him and grieved with him when Richter was taken. She was his second mother, and the look she gave him tore Mug up inside. She wrapped her arms tight around Mug, despite her age the slight pain in his ribs made him wince. Her head stuck against his chest

"You brought him back Simon, you brought him back..." her voice trailed off as she sobbed into his chest. Mug brought an arm around Linda and gently pulled her in close. Linda's choked sobs were broken up by sniffles and thanks over and over again. Mug caught sight of Richter over her shoulder catching up with his father James and his sister. He flashed a small thumbs up and Mug swore his tooth twinkled slightly. He wasn't allowed to hang around Draagore anymore.

The sound of large doors roused your senses as a voice broke through the general chatter that had made its way back to the crowd. "The heroes of Callandor! Welcome! Welcome!" Feeling the fur on your neck bristle, you turned to meet the gaze of an aged Tabby. He was clad in black and red robes, adorned with pinpricks of gold and fur on the ends of sleeves. A soft smile broke over his features as he studied you, Richter and Peck. "Or should I say...Welcome home lads. You have no idea how good it is to see you both after so many years." Your fur standing on end, the heat rising in your face and the claws in your paws starting to flex out of their sheaths. Surrounded by so many people, you knew this is just what he wants. Another game, a test. He wanted you to snap. Richter's paw wrapping around your shoulder breaks your violent concentration. A few people are looking at you strangely and Richter laughs it off.

"Hello Uncle Trevor! Heroes seems a bit strong though." Richter clamors jovially. His overbearing laughs seeps into the crowd as some begin giggling along with him. Peck sidles up next to you and gingerly touches the back of your paw. "Even though we may have 'saved the world' or whatever we have both been through alot of things you wouldn't consider Heroic." Richter's voice carried sharply as he grinned at Trevor. A small huff and a smirk from the Tabby as he glanced back and forth between yourself and Richter.

"Nonsense!" He boomed walking up to both of them now, Mug square in front of him. "Both of you are the reason the entire world didn't have to go to large scale war! Stopping the Black King, ending the Undead Blight-" Trevors gaze fell to Mug; the two locked eyes. "Not to mention you finding and rescuing Richter." Those piercing amber eyes, the scrutiny he had faced for years, Mug saw it in the mirror everyday and now he was facing the source. But something was different. This gaze was worn. Tired. Sad.

Trevor's paw reached out and gently laid on Mug's shoulder. His smile was smaller now, genuine and soft. "I'm so happy to have you back, Son. Truly." The words hung in the air. Mug felt conflict rising from deep within him. Is this what he wanted? Genuine emotion from his long distant father? Words of love and affection? Did he just want a fight? So many questions but only one thing erupted from Mug's mouth.

"Where is mom?" Mug said softly, watching as Trevors face fell flat. He gave Mug a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Is she alive?" Mug mumbled, his voice dripping with anger. He clenched his paws again and studied his fathers face. Trevor looked lost in thought now, contemplating some unknown answer that would calm Mug down.

"We can talk about that at dinner, let's get you all settled in for now." Trevor finally spoke up, smiling at Mug. His paw drifted away from Mug's shoulder as he turned and spoke to a couple other robed felis near him. "I have a set of rooms prepared for the three of you for tonight here in the palace. These men will show you to them." A couple of the robed felis stepped up and nodded as the group made their way through the thinning crowd. Mug stood anchored in place, watching as his father retreated from the halls back into the large doors he came from. He was conversing with some of the other robed felis from before, no doubt aides for him and other council members. As Trevor disappeared from sight, Mug finally began to relax a bit and made his way to their rooms for the night. He followed behind everyone else as he lost himself in thought.

A gentle touch on his shoulder woke him from the trancelike state he found himself in. Peck looked at him with a slight tilt to her head as the robed Felis in front of them glanced between the two. "Dinner will be in a few hours, feel free to unpack and unwind. About seven doors down are the baths and the-" the Felis was cut off by Richter snickering under his breath.

"S'alright mate, I think we can find our way around. Place hasn't changed much. The new carpet is right nice though." Richter said with a smirk. He leaned closer to the young felis and nodded down the hall. "Now I don't remember if it was this set of baths or the ones in the west wing but I know one of em 'as a peephole into the showers. Take that information and do with that as you will mate." Richter offered a wink and received a stuttering 'Yes sir' in response before the Felis took off down the hallway.

Mug laughed as the Felis fell out of sight down another hall. "Didn't you plug that yourself and get the guy who made it fired?" Richter chuckled back before turning to open the door to his half of the rooms.

"Yeah. He seemed like an alright kid though, be a shame if he was a pervert yeah?" Richter said in between chuckles. "Anyways, you two behave yourselves for a bit. See you at dinner, right?" Richter locked eyes with Mug, the edges of his mouth creasing with worry. Mug sighed softly and nodded.

"As much as it's going to hurt, yeah. I will be at dinner." Richter gave Mug a hearty thumbs up and disappeared into his room. Mug heard a soft click behind him as Peck opened the door and he followed her into the room.

A large bed sat in the middle of the spacious guest bedroom. Mug could remember hiding underneath beds and in cabinets in so many similar rooms to this. He walked over to the large wardrobe and ran a paw over the worn knob of the door. The aged wardrobe was freshly dusted and the room had a nice clean smell to it. The hardwood floors were cold against the pads of his foot paws and as Peck got her things out of her bag he heard the telltale clicks and clacks of her careful steps. The familiar tone dragged him out of his memories as he stepped up next to her.

Mug stood close and gently grasped one of her hands, causing her to drop the clothes item she was holding. A small trill erupted from her beak as Mug gently scratched the back of her taloned hand. "Thank you. I know I keep being distant but I appreciate the help in keeping me grounded Peck." Mug spoke softly, drawing small circles in her palm now. He heard a soft giggle from her as she turned to fully face him. Her other hand reached forward and scratched against the side of his face, Mug instinctually leaned into the ministrations.

"Of course my love, though I do have to ask." she said, grabbing onto his hands now and pulling him in closer. She leaned down slightly, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Are you alright? I am-" she paused as she figured the best way to put it. "It's just- I am- Simon I am worried you will do something you will regret deeply." She shifted awkwardly in his embrace. "I know that you have complicated feelings about your father, but it seems to be affecting you more than-" she stopped talking for a moment as Mug stared at the space in between them on the floor. "I haven't seen you that visibly disturbed in a while Simon. It is troublesome, to say the least." Mug felt a gentle tug on his hands as he glanced back up at Peck. Her eyes bored down on him as she searched his features for anything. He gave her hands a small squeeze and smiled at her.

"Hey, no need for that okay. I am alright." Mug said, keeping his voice light. "I know I wasnt alright earlier. But this helps. Having you here with me helps, I know I can do it as long as I have support. Just like saving the world. The challenge is trivial when you have your friends at your side." Mug said with a laugh. Peck stared at him and narrowed her eyes.

"Simon, you died whilst trying to save the world. You remember that right?" she said haughtily.

Mug smirked and shrugged as he let go of her hands. "I mean yeah. But you were there, so it was fine!" He began to unpack his own bag as Peck placed her hands against her hips.

"You didn't know I was there though you reckless little shithead." she chided, her vocabulary slipping slightly. Mug leaned closer and gently bumped her with his hip.

"Now how do you know that? Maybe I was a little craftier than even you thought. The great and mighty inquisitor bested by the crafty trickster? Seems like it could happen." Playful malice teased through their mental connection as Mug spoke. When he looked back over to her she had stood up rigid and had her head tilted at an angle.

A moment of silence passed between the two before a taloned hand flung out to grab ahold of Mug. He pushed himself backwards into a jump and her hand missed his cloak by an inch. His jump rolled him backwards onto the bed. Mug rolled himself off to the other side of the bed as he erupted into laughter. Mug plopped onto his paws from the side of the bed and began running around the room as Peck began to chase him.

"Simon, you take that slander back this instant!" Peck yelled through small chuffs and laughs of her own.

"Welcome! Welcome! Please, take a seat anywhere. This is a family affair, so we can keep it much more casual than normal." Trevor boomed from the head of the table; The closest blood related relatives left for the Proudfoot clan all gathering in the dining room. Richter, Linda and James took seats on the right side of Trevor's head position. Alicia and her partner, A blue scaled Kobold named Zev, took the seats to the left of Trevor. Mug and Peck decided to sit on the left side next to Alicia and Zev. Mug saw another one of his cousins, Melissa, come in with her husband and take seats next to Richter's family. Trevor took his own seat at the head of the table and Mug felt anger rise in himself once more. As everyone began to quiet after Trevor took his seat he cleared his throat and looked over at Mug.

"Before dinner gets brought out there is something I would like to say." Trevor began, his eyes traveling around the table before once again settling on Mug. "There is no easy way to put this, but with you not wanting to receive correspondence directly Simon I figure it is best to just tell you." he said, pain evident in his voice. "We lost Sypha some time ago, I am sorry son." Mug locked eyes with Trevor, emotion surging through every fiber of his being. He dreaded this answer from the very beginning and knowing that she didn't come to greet them to start off with should've been the first sign. He choked back a sob and took a deep breath.

"Thank you. I am sorry for being as difficult as I have been." He said, keeping his tone as even as he could muster. "This has not been the easiest for me, I thought myself unworthy of being able to return. I regret not trying to reach out earlier than now. I didn't even think I would get the chance to have this conversation in my lifetime. I appreciate accommodating my issues in such a way-" He paused as Trevor looked at him with anguish playing over his features. "Father." Mug said with a nod towards Trevor. A smile played across Trevors features before he cleared his throat and lifted a wine glass. One of the staff came by and began to fill it with a dark red wine. More staff appeared and began to do the same with everyone's glasses. Mug waved his hand and instead asked for water. His cup was filled and he raised it in turn.

"To the return of the prodigal sons of the Proudfoot Clan!" Trevor beamed, Everyone responded with a firm cheer of approval before taking a sip of their drink. Peck simply set her glass down, not wanting to embarrass herself attempting to drink from the glass. As Trevor finished his drink he noticed Peck and Mug not partaking in wine and made a motion to one of the staff near the wall. "My apologies! How thoughtless of me. Is there something I can get to make drinking a bit easier for you Peck?" Trevor said as one of the staff members hovered next to him nervously.

Peck shook her head and gave a small chuckle. "Not at all Sir Proudfoot, if I may I have my skin that I use for such occasions. If that is to be allowed?" Trevor smiled and nodded at her.

"Not at all! A woman with her own drink on hand? Where did you find someone like that son?" Trevor said with a laugh. He took another sip of his wine that had been refilled and made a gesture to Peck. "And please, I have no need for such a formal address from you my dear. Just Trevor is fine." Peck produced her wineskin and took her own drink.

"Of course Trevor and thank you." she said with a polite nod. As dinner was brought out and people were being served, conversation turned more casual. Mug was even enjoying himself telling his father about how He and Peck had met and his time in the service. Richter talked about some of the adventures the Jesters had taken, exaggerating every detail he could to try and make Mug seem like a shadow of death that could rip through a vampire with his paws alone. As food was eaten and laughs were had, Mug started to feel at peace. He had been afraid of this, reconnecting with the people from a life that seemed so far removed from who he was now. Yet they welcomed him with open arms and a surprisingly pleasant evening.

Conversations began to wind down some as dinner made way for just simple conversation between different members of the table. Mug and Trevor were finishing up a conversation regarding politics in the current Proudfoot council. Mug enjoyed the moment of connection between him and his Father. A voice from across the table took hold of the conversation in the momentary lull.

"By the way Simon." Melissa said, voice haughty and dripping with judgement. "Since you have decided to reinsert yourself in the Proudfoot family politics. I thought it would be a perfect time to bring up your lineage! Now while you two make a very happy couple I am sure I ju-" Melissa was cut off with a glare from Trevor.

Mug raised his paw and looked at his Father. "No need. Please continue, cousin." Melissa gave a single clap and nodded back.

"See, I told you Uncle. Simon was always sensible, I am sure he will understand the point I am trying to make." she beamed before tapping a single digit to her chin. "Now where was I...Ah yes! With you and Richter being absent from the clan for as long as you have been it meant that the Proudfoots have lost our considerable sway in the council in the waning years." she looked at Peck for a moment before her gaze fell back to Mug. "Now while I am sure you two are a very happy couple I am sure we could find one or two potential suitors to sire a proper heir yes? Being the last in Uncle Trevor's line means that it is important to-" Mug now held up his paw once more and smiled while looking at Peck. Her eyes narrowed for just a moment before it clicked in her brain the scheme Mug was brewing.

"Actually, I had some more news to share with everyone here." Peck gingerly laid her hand on the table and Mug placed his paw over it. "Peck here is actually with a litter right now."

The faces across the table warped into differing levels of confusion and disgust. Richter smiled wide, barely containing the laughter in his throat. Trevor's face was even. Peck gave a small giggle and gently swatted Mug's shoulder. "Oh dear, you know it's called a clutch and not a litter right?"

Mug returned a laugh and shook his head. "Tomato, Potato. If you would like Melissa I could show you what they would even look like!" He said, voice edging closer to the gravelly tone he normally took. He held out a paw and a thin mist appeared from it before settling over the table itself. A small clutch of eggs appeared in the mist and as they cracked, from out of them appeared some monsters covered in goo. With protruding beaks and catlike ears and eyes, they began to caw and whine as Melissa looked on in horror. Trevor sat quietly watching the scene unfolding in front of them all. Richter whispered to his mother covering her eyes. Peck kept herself from laughing with a hand over her beak.

"Aren't they adorable Melissa? Our beautiful children can carry the Proudfoot legacy for a very long time! We may try to have a second clutch as well!" Mug said with pride and love dripping from every word. The beaked monstrosities waddled their way across the table to reach out to Melissa.

"Get those gross monsters away from me! Disgusting creatures! How dare you act like this to a council member!" Melissa said with disdain, waving at the apparitions. They all melted into nothingness as the mist was sucked back into his paw and Mug stood up, squaring his gaze at Melissa.

"A council member!" Mug roared. "Don't make me laugh you pompous shitbag! Do you have any idea what I have been through while you have sat in your little palace? Soaking up decadence and acting like some sort of royal asshole! Prattling on about lineage and heirs and shit! I spent years of my life struggling without this garbage and my first night back you are trying to convince me to betray my partner just to make sure your position is secure?!" Mug was shaking next to his chair as Peck reached over to gently touch his arm. Mug counted in his head to five and glanced around to the others. Scared looks from Linda brought him back into something that could resemble a point in his outburst. "I left because Richter was out there scared and alone. The red tape of bureaucracy kept anyone from being able to properly do anything! Three years of meetings and council discontent. All this power you claim to have and for what? Can't even try and rescue a fucking child! I had to go and do it myself. And you know what Melissa?" Mug said, pointing a clawed digit directly at her.

"I fucking did it. Through all the suffering, pain and loss. I fucking went into that hellhole and fucking found him. I brought him back." His harsh words softened slightly as he looked to his left and saw Alicia. Not frightened but sad, obviously worried for him. "I kept my promise." Mug said softer, his gaze drifted back over to Melissa as he dropped his paw. "Keep your fucking heirs and family mess. You won't have to worry about it from me." Mug stormed off towards the doors leading into the guest area. He stopped next to Trevor and took a deep breath before glancing over at him. "I apologize for ruining the night." Mug said, voice breaking slightly. He moved out of the room after that as Trevor sat stone faced at the head of the table. Melissa shook in her chair, her husband whispering to her for a moment. After a couple more awkward seconds Peck lightly dabbed away some food residue from her beak and stood up.

"Well that was a delightful dinner and a wonderful show. Truly pleasurable company! It was very nice to talk and meet with-" she glanced over to Melissa who met her eyes with scorn. "Most of you. I think I shall accompany Simon to...wherever he went..." She gave a small bow and made her way past the head of the table. As she walked she felt a paw slip into her pocket for just a moment. After closing the large doors behind her she felt in her pocket and pulled out a small note with a room number on it. She placed it back in her pocket and hurried to catch up with Mug before he decided to try and walk home.

Mug studied the note over the course of the next few days. It racked his brain, why Alicia would be pointing him to one of the rooms nestled deeper into the palace. On the eve of the 4th day Mug let Peck know that he would be making his move. Something had to be there for him to see, but Mug needed a cover. Peck offered her services, reminding Mug that she could in fact mimic him. He knew this but it didn't stop her from flaunting it by repeating some very indecent things Mug had said mid-coitus. After her fit of laughter Mug decided he would sneak around in the dead of night.

He made his way across the Palace entirely unimpeded. The four guards he had run into during his hour long hunt for the room had simply not noticed Mug as he expertly hid. It was trivial to him as the bored Felis wandered around 'protecting' the safety of the various members of the council and their families. Mug scoffed as he came to the room number from the note. He brought out his thieves tools and began to pick at the lock. After a few seconds of fumbling with the lock it clicked open and Mug rushed inside.

As Mug's eyes adjusted to the darkness inside he looked around the room carefully. A large desk sat against the far wall covered in hundreds of sheets of paper. A large board was set up on the wall to the right of the desk, covered in more sheets of paper. Mug couldn't make out the actual words or pictures on the board. He caught sight of a candle against the desk and made his way over to it. With a flick of a clawed digit the candle lit up with a magical flame. As the light danced over the desk Mug noticed the papers littering the oaken desk. Military reports, letters from different people across the continent, guard reports of persons of interest. Mug picked up the different pages and quickly skimmed over them.

The prevailing interest in all of these pages was the description of the person of interest. A Felis with a black coat, grey splotches of fur covering one of his eyes and one ear set in a permanent droop. Someone was looking for him and from the years dated, they had been looking for him for a long time. The reports from towns came from all over the Iron Kingdom. As Mug frantically began sifting through the documents he found most of the actual information was sparse. It seemed to be someone trying to find any sight of him. Checking the dates he saw this was during his time drifting around in the slums. He picked up the candle and held it up to the board on the wall.

Mug's eye grew in shock as the board held a large map with multiple papers pinned in place on and around the map. The map tracked movement and sightings throughout the Iron Kingdom before being circled on the city of Dag Turum. It was the place himself and Echo Squad had been based out of when he was still in the service. He walked over and studied the papers next to the map itself. It was a dossier of his military career; statistics for his missions, his records on training exercises, detention reports, even the small bit of therapy records that were supposed to be completely confidential. "How in th-"

A creak from across the room startled Mug. He grabbed at the dagger tucked into his belt and flipped it into his paw. The door opened softly and a robed Felis faced away from him. "Put that away Simon." the stern tone of his Father rang out. He turned to face Mug and in his paws was a tray with a couple glasses on it and a bottle of dark brown liquid filled to the brim. He balanced the entire tray expertly as he arched an eyebrow at Mug. "Well, didn't really expect a weapon. Thought you would feel safer in the Palace but I guess after dinner the other day I can understand the apprehension." Trevor said with a sigh. He made his way across the room and set his tray down on the one clear spot on the desk. The tray fit snugly against the papers strewn about.

"You gave Peck the note?" Mug said incredulously. His father poured liquor into the two glasses and took a long drink of his own. Trevor set the second glass next to Mug as he drank. "But- I- Why? You kept tabs on me for years! All of this!" Mug said as he gestured wildly at the papers on the desk. Trevor picked up a couple errant sheets and smirked.

"Quite crafty wasn't she." he said softly, sadness touching the edge of his voice. "She kept most of this away from my eyes for so long." Mug blinked twice and Trevor gave him a small chuckle. "She didn't even let me know about any of this-" Trevor said gesturing at the desk with his glass. "Until she found you." A single digit pointed at the board behind Mug. Trevor held up his other paw and with a small gesture, the other sconces in the room lit up with flame. Mug saw a portrait settled against the wall next to the door. At first he thought it was another decorative piece in the darkness, a painting of fruits or an older building. This painting however was a portrait of Mug, in his full dress uniform. It had to have been shipped here from his swearing in. He thought he told the Iron Kingdom to burn anything that wasn't required to be kept.

"She was so fucking proud of you." Trevor said after another long sip. "Had everything secreted away across half the country just to have anything from you. When she found out you were serving she would tell me about every mission report and how well you were doing." Another forlorn smile played across Trevor's features as he set the glass on the table and began filling it again. "Come on, have a drink with me Son. I am happy to-"

Mug wheeled around and flung his dagger out. It embedded itself into the wall above the desk and Mug breathed heavily. Trevor locked eyes with Mug, a silent battle playing out through their gazes. Mug was furious, a rebellious boy who only wanted to find his cousin was left to the wolves while everyone sat around knowing where he was the whole time. Trevor's eyes betrayed the horrible truth behind this entire room, a deep sadness that he knew he would have to share with Mug.

"I don't drink My Lord, I would appreciate not being asked again." Mug said brusquely, bringing his arm back underneath his cloak and walking swiftly back to the map to study over it again. Mug heard a glass clank against metal and he was sure Trevor was getting ready to storm out after being insulted so egregiously. Instead he heard loud gulps coming from behind him. Mug turned to see his Father drinking straight from the bottle, more than half of the liquor now gone. Trevor pulled away from the bottle and exhaled hard.

"Shite, 'aven't done that in quite a while." he exclaimed with a coughing laugh. "She would've finished that easily, at least in our prime. Drink me under the table with no problem, not even a 'angover the next day!" his laugh warmed up as he reminisced about his wife. Trevor hopped up onto the desk and sat down, scanning over some of the papers idly. "Well go on then 'Meanmug'" Trevor said in a mocking tone. "You have my undivided attention. I am sure you 'ava question or two you really wanted to ask me." His gaze wavered slightly but Mug could tell this was genuine.

"When did she-" Mug said, turning back around as he stifled a sob. Did he even want to know the answer? It had plagued the edges of his thoughts for days now after the dinner. She was gone, could he handle finding out it was his fault?

"About 4 years ago. Less than a year after you went missing." Trevor said suddenly, sloshing the liquid in Mug's abandoned glass around. "She got sick one night during the summer months.We tried so hard but she wasn't able to fully recover from it. It slowly waned 'er strength over the course of about a month. None of the doctors we could get could do anything but keep 'er stable. She was miserable in bed for so long." A sniffle carried into the words as Mug listened. "One night she summoned me and let me know. She 'ated all of this and wanted to just go with peace. I begged, Simon. I cried and pleaded for 'ours. I told 'er I would let the gold reserves go dry to try and find someone who could 'eal 'er." A choked sob erupted for just a moment before the sound of fabric wiping over fur. "She just shook 'er 'ead, told me that it would be better this way." Another sob, Trevors normally stoic tone clouded with grief and alcohol. "She said she would be able to see you again." Mug felt pain lance through his entire body. He sank to his knees as tears began to stream down his own face. "And if she didn't find you...then she would know she was right."

Mug heard a soft click as he looked behind him to see his father unlocking one of the drawers. "No matter what I said she 'ad 'er mind made up. Stubborn until the very end. Guess that explains where you get it from." He held a stack of papers in his paw and a single letter sat nestled on top of them. "She once told me, she always wanted to send you something. She wrote letters and then would just burn them or throw them away. She was so afraid of driving you farther away than you already were. She watched from afar and wished for your safety every night." Trevor had made his way across the room slowly, his steps becoming more and more uneven. He fell to his knees himself behind Mug. Mug now sat on the floor, still facing away from his father.

Mug hugged his knees closer to his face as he cried silently. He did this. All he had to do was reach back out, his mother had been trying to find him almost the entire time he had been gone. Right up to her death. She let herself die just to see if she was right or could see him again on the other side. Whimpering sobs erupted from his mouth as Trevor clenched his paws against his own knees.

"Son I- Please." he started as Mug cried harder and harder. "I...I know it 'urts but...I need to give you something and tell you one more thing. Please. I have to." he said, his voice dropping into a tired whisper. Mug wiped at his own face with the back of his sleeve and glared over his shoulder.

"This is for you." Trevor said, holding the letter out to Mug. "Sypha wrote it. Before-" he stopped for a moment as he stifled another sob. "She wanted you to 'ave it, made me promise to give it to you. It's why I passed Peck the note. I 'ad this room magically alarmed for years, so I would know if someone found it all. But I knew you needed to see this. It was the only thing I could think of-" He coughed as his head dipped for a moment before he pulled back up to a sitting position. "Shouldn't 'ave 'it that so 'ard." Mug snatched the letter from his hand and stood up. He made his way past Trevor and stowed the letter in his cloak. "No- Wait I-" Trevor said from the ground as he reached out and failed to even grasp Mug's cloak. He pushed against the floor as Mug stopped a couple feet away from him.

"What is it Trevor?" Mug said angrily, feeling his claws slink out of his paws. His whiskers twitched and a stiffness ran up his back that he couldn't control. He just wanted to leave, he couldn't do this. He would grab Peck and they could travel back to Fort Draagore. This was all one giant mistake.

"Please." Trevor said weakly as he sobbed into the floor. "It's not your fault Simon. She didn't wan- I don't want you to 'ate 'er or yourself. So please." His sobs waned slightly as he curled into himself. "Just blame me son. Don't 'ate your mother and don't 'ate yourself. I tried to move things along through the council. I knew 'ow much Richter meant to you, but I couldn't do anything but sit and wait for those pompous fools to try and make decisions. Sypha found you through 'er own means and even though I knew we could've gone and tried to see you she didn't want you to 'ate 'er. I didn't want you to 'ate me But I will 'appily take that now. We just wanted you to be 'appy." Trevor was a mess on the floor, now muttering about not hating Sypha, and that it wasn't Mug's fault.

Mug stood frozen. This was it, his mother passed on hoping for her son to return one day. His father had carried all of this with him for years along with his own grief at feeling like he failed to do what he could to help Mug or find him. Now was the moment to let it all go, to finally cast away the weight and let Trevor and the rest of his family stew in the mess they made. Mug watched, as if he wasn't in control of himself, as he walked across the small distance between himself and Trevor, kneeling down next to him.

Mug picked his Father up from the huddled mess he was on the floor and held him by his shoulders. His mouth opened for a moment, words hanging in the air like daggers. He could finally tell him to fuck off, that he had done it without anyone else. Mug sifted through his feelings as the moment froze in time between them. All that pain, the hatred, the hurt he had taken upon himself. Mug could finally unleash it. Fury welled up inside of him and he looked his father square in the eyes as he spoke.

"I'm sorry." Mug said quietly. "I put you both through so much, I was so filled with stubborn pride that I hurt you both so much. I was such a stupid kid. I don't hate either of you. All I wanted was to know someone cared." All the fury from before poured out of him in quiet waves of heart wrenching grief. He gently wrapped his arms around Trevor and pulled him into a tight hug. "Please. I hope you can forgive me...Dad...I'm so sorry." Mug cried softly into his fathers shoulder as Trevor returned the embrace. Years of sadness poured from Mug as he felt his father cry against him, paws grasping at Mug's back threatening to never let go again.

Mug and Trevor spent the rest of the night crying and reminiscing about Mug's late mother. Trevor told stories about their time growing up together in separate clans and how Sypha was as a rambunctious young adult. Mug quietly marveled in the ways he and his mother were so alike. She was a gifted athlete and prided herself on her physical abilities, The polar opposite of the studious and stoic Trevor, who always butted heads with the brash Sypha.

"She was a wonder son. Surprising me day in and day out. Never afraid to speak her mind or let me know how much I annoyed her." Trevor said, voice heavy and eyes half lidded. "You have done much of the same, you have the same fiery spirit Sypha did." He began snickering to himself as he pointed a single digit at Mug's face. "Even have the same angry glare, your left brow creases a little harder than your right. Your whiskers also tilt down on the left side. Just like her."

Trevor continued to study over Mug's face for a moment, lost deep in thought. Mug looked down at the letter he now held in his paws, turning it over to see a wax seal of the Proudfoot family holding the letter closed. He looked back to Trevor as he sat leaned against the desk, eyes closed and head moving fluidly from side to side. "Tr- Dad. You never opened this? If she wrote this right around the time she- Don't you want to know?" Mug said softly, folding the edge of the envelope slightly back and forth.

"S'not for me, I know Sypha would kick my ass from here to the courtyard and back if I would've opened that before you did. Dead or not." Trevor said without opening his eyes. He leaned his head back against the desk to stop it from moving. "Whatever is in that letter, It's meant for your eyes only. I got to spend every last second I could with her. I wish for more everyday but that," he said, gesturing in Mug's direction. "That's her last moment with you." Mug nodded solemnly and stared at the seal for a few seconds. He tucked it away into his cloak once again and stood up from the floor. Mug walked over and helped his father to stand and exit the study. Keeping his father mostly upright as they walked, the pair ran into a guard.

"Sire?" The younger Felis said as he rushed over. "Is he alr-" Mug held up a single paw and shushed him softly.

"My father has had a bit too much to drink tonight. Can you help escort us to his room?" the guard shifted nervously for a second before Trevor's head popped up and stared blankly at the man.

"Who...Archie? Why are you questioning all thi-" he gave a small hiccup before continuing. "This. My son here is just trying to take his poor decrepit father up to his room late at night after some impromptu grief counseling. Why are you giving him a hard time?" Trevor said, waving his arm around for a moment before settling back against Mug quietly.

"R-right this way sir." the guard said swiftly and helped escort the pair back to his fathers room. He set his father in bed and laid a blanket over him. Mug felt a paw touching his arm and saw Trevor staring up at him.

"You hate me. Don't you son?" Trevor said flatly, his grip tightened against Mug's fur. "It's probably justified, you have every right to despise me." his paw went slack and he settled back against the bedding. Mug stood there for a second before reaching out and touching his Fathers arm back.

"I thought I did. I was convinced that all I could do was hate you and mom for what happened. But I was self-centered and arrogant. I let pride come in the way of two people who never stopped caring for me. That's my mistake." Trevor nodded along softly as his eyes fought to stay slightly open. "But I don't hate you. I missed you. I wanted a family so bad I had to stumble into ones of my own creation." Trevor smiled softly as his eyes closed. Mug smiled warmly back at his father "I love you Dad, we can talk more tomorrow." Trevor mumbled an affirmative before turning over on his side. Mug gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder before walking back to his and Peck's shared room.

As he approached the door it clicked open and Peck stood in the doorway. She quickly moved forward and scooped Mug into an embrace. At the touch of her taloned hands against his fur her emotion overwhelmed his senses. Even though they were bonded by soul, the intensity of his dealings with Trevor had left Mug completely engrossed in his own being. Her feelings and thoughts had been put behind a curtain, one which was now wide open. Mug felt her dread that something untoward had happened, her anxiety at wanting to leave him to deal with it, but also wanting to be there in that moment for him. He also missed her immense worry for him as she most likely felt all that had surged through his being. She chuffed softly in his ear, small clacks and whines erupted from her beak. "Hey, hey. "Mug said softly, running his paw over the top of her feathered head. She held him tighter against her lithe frame. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." Mug said as he hugged her harder.

"I was afraid, you didn't seem to be in any mortal danger but-" Peck's beak shut as she gently placed her hands against his back and head in the loving embrace. "It was all so much. What happened?" Mug hesitated before answering her softly.

"It was my dad. He slipped you the note and had the room magically alarmed. He came in as I was looking around. It was filled with information about me. My Mother had been tracking me for years, almost the entire time I was missing. When I enlisted she found me. Kept tabs on me in secret and she wanted to try and reach out but she was scared." Peck nodded solemnly along with his words as she set him down in the room.

"She must've thought you would retreat further away." Peck mused as she shut the door and made her way over to the bed. Mug hopped up to sit with Peck taking a seat next to him.

"So instead, she just kept watching me. After I disappeared her and my father had to try and process me not being alive. At least with what they thought, I was pronounced KIA. Shortly after that she died." Mug pulled out the letter, holding it firmly between both of his paws. "This letter. She wrote it for me before she died. Even my father doesn't know what she wrote." Peck's hands gingerly touched against his paws. Mug looked up into her eyes, her brow softened and she slowly blinked and nodded at him. He returned the nod and let a single claw glide along the top of the envelope.

Pulling out the letter and skimming it he saw the letter was expertly written despite how sick she must've been at the time of writing. Mug cleared his throat and began to read aloud to the only other person who would hear the contents of this letter.

To my Dearest Simon,

I write you this letter to try and reconcile with my own grief. I have no clue if you are even going to be able to read this. Though soon I may just be able to see you and tell you to your adorable little face. At least I hope it is still adorable. You were always the cutest kitten.

I feel as though I need to apologize to you. I wish I had mustered up the courage to try and reach out when I found you, but before I knew it you were gone again. I hope you were able to find some semblance of happiness in this life. Maybe something would be different now. But focusing on that is not the point of me writing this.

It is to let you know how proud I am of you. I have read your records and it is astounding how much you have accomplished in the service. Your captain must have trained you well; I always knew you were better suited for something more martial than being a stuffy old mage. You would have hated the courts and all of the politicking that goes on around here. It is what drove you away in the first place.

Simon, I am sure that you have accomplished and will accomplish great things. If you are still out there, If you get this letter one day, I need you to know that I love you so very much. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to, Whether that is finding Richter and coming home. Or just building your own life away from all of us after completing your search. I have no doubt in my mind that you will find him, you may have already.

If it ends up being the latter then I wish you well, whoever you find to be with, or if you find more solace in being alone. Know that no matter what I love and accept you. May you find peace, as I hope to have when I am gone from this world as well.

Simon, I know this all may seem very grim but I am going to be deathly honest, with both myself and you. I have accepted my end with how much worse this illness has gotten over time. Trevor is destroying himself worrying and I know it is only making it worse to see me in such poor condition. I can't continue to put that strain on him.

So armed with this sad knowledge, I have resigned myself to try and be comfortable for the last bit of time I have. I can take solace in the fact that I either get to see you again in the next life or you prosper in this one and I can rest easy knowing that you will be great. As I always knew you would be. I think either way I will be content.

With all the love in my heart,

Sypha Proudfoot

Mug read the letter over and over. He was surprised that he found a strange sense of comfort in the words. Sypha believed in him until her own death. She knew he was either alive and going to finish what he had set out to do, or that he was gone and she could tell him to his face. A wave of peace washed over him as he folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope. As he did so he saw another smaller piece of paper inside the envelope and pulled it out.


Trevor my dear husband,

If you read this before giving it to Simon I will stab you even if I am dead.

Your loving wife and perennial pain in your ass

Sypha Moonclaw-Proudfoot

Mug laughed hard, rolling over on the bed and kicking his legs. Peck took the smaller piece and read over it, before giggling as well. After a few seconds of gut wrenching laughter Mug finally calmed down enough to breathe again. He sprawled himself out on the bed and Peck settled next to him.

"I don't think I was expecting this. I thought everything would be bad, like the dinner. Instead I just. I reconnected with something I didn't think I would." Mug laughed softly as his paw gently grabbed onto Peck's. "Guess I should've expected that though. Wouldn't be the first time it happened in my life." Peck grunted an affirmative before she rolled onto her side and brought him into her chest.

"We talked about wounds before, maybe this one was just tender. Already healed but because of the discomfort it caused it seemed the opposite." She said as she idly stroked the side of his head. Mug nuzzled into her touch and smirked.

"Yeah. You know you are really getting mileage out of this wound metaphor." Mug said with a huff. Peck trilled softly and wrapped a hand around the back of his head,

"Well of course, being tied together forever means I have to get as much mileage out of everything I use. Otherwise things would be boring." She traced circles into the back of his head.

"I suppose so." Mug said softly, feeling relaxation begin to fully overtake his senses.

"Tired?" Peck whispered. Mug gave a small nod as she continued to rub her taloned hands through his fur. "Okay, it has been quite an eventful night for you." Mug nodded again as he nuzzled himself into her more.

Peck fully enveloped him in her embrace and shuffled both of them up towards the head of the bed. "Sleep well my love." Mug smiled, feeling her familiar warmth around him. As much as he wanted to try and unpack all of this new information, he knew it would be better dealt with later. Right now he had warmth and love and with that final thought Mug fell into a peaceful rest.

The next day Mug and Peck were awoken with a knock at the door. An aide for his father gave them a summons to his office. As Mug and Peck arrived they take notice of Trevor. He looks horrid, lidded eyes and grayed whiskers twitching ever so often. He grunts and groans as he sips on what looks to be a cup of coffee. Mug notices the brewing stand it was made in on a little table in the back. He grabs the cup of coffee and takes a tentative sniff before slamming the cup back onto Trevor's desk. Mug takes off out of the room as Trevor sputters. "Wait, Son I-" but Mug is gone before he has a chance to finish.

"Long night Trevor?" she teased. Trevor laughed softly and clutched his head.

"You could say that, I assume sharing a bed with my son means he told you what happened, yes?" Trevor said with a small sigh. Peck responded with a nod. "I was hoping to properly apologize for my abhorrent behavior last night. I thought he would drink with me. But instead I guzzled three quarters of a bottle by myself because he refused." Trevor gave another small laugh. "Still as stubborn as the day he was born."

"Excuse my forwardness Trevor but I am guessing Simon never told you why he doesn't drink anymore?" Peck said as she glanced around the office to the various maps and baubles.

"No, I didn't know he used to drink. I figured it may have been religious after last night." Trevor said, waving his hand. Peck slowly picked up a small ceramic egg and examined it carefully. With the air growing thick with tension Trevor gave a small cough. "Is it something more...serious?" he finally said. Peck glanced at him over her shoulder.

"A while before we were reunited, he got plastered around his birthday. Kept drinking for multiple days. He only stopped after they were sent on a mission to rescue a local druid from the clutches of a collection of demons." she said as she set the egg down and turned to face Trevor. "Near the end of a fight a demon grabbed one of his comrades and lifted her into the air. Simon tried to shoot him before he got too high but couldn't make the shot due to his hangover. When he finally did manage to catch the demon with a bolt it was-" she took a breath as a shiver went down her spine. The feelings inside of Simon when he told her this had been so chilling. "Both her and the demon were too high up for either party to survive." Trevor's eyes went wide in realization.

"He blames himself." Trevor whispered as he slumped deeper into his chair. "I'm such an idiot, I tried to force him- How careless of me." He said, voice rising in self-hatred. He brought himself back to an upright position and stared over at Peck in earnest. "I...I need to fix this...That was too thoughtless of me."

Peck chuffed softly and shook her head. "There was no way you could have known Trevor. Besides-" She felt the connection between her and Mug growing as he got closer to the room. "I don't think you will need to do much of anything." Mug opened the door and startled Trevor slightly. "Hello my love, did you find what you needed?" Peck said playfully. Mug nodded as he went over to the brewing stand with a small bag and a waterskin in hand.

"Simon," Trevor said as he stood and walked over to Mug. "Peck let me know, about the drinking- If I would've known I wouldn't have tried to push the issue so hard. I really-" Trevor said as he reached over to put a paw on Mug's shoulder. Mug shrugged off Trevors touch and pointed back to his desk.

"Sit." Mug said forcefully. Trevor hesitated before he walked back to his desk dejectedly. Peck chuffed to herself as Mug began to fiddle with the brewing stand. After a few moments and a couple flicks of magical fire the smell of strong coffee filled the room. Mug walked over to Trevor's desk and picked up his current cup. He took an experimental sip before making a disgusted face. He opened a window next to him and poured it outside. He poured the coffee he was making into Trevor's cup and added a single cube of sugar from the small bag. He followed suit with a second and third cup from the tray next to the brewing stand and placed Trevor's cup in front of him

"Here. Drink the whole cup and it should get rid of the hangover, for the most part. You will at least be able to function today." Mug said with a clawed digit poking into Trevors chest. "I won't be doing this for you again though. Understand?"

Trevor stared at the cup and then back up at Mug. "Yes. Thank you, son." He placed his hands on the cup and took a long sip. He shivered in his chair and sighed after swallowing the dark brew. "Wow. That's really good, you make this yourself?" Mug nodded as he handed Peck her mug of coffee. She nodded back at him before glaring into the cup for a second. The steam from the coffee disappeared and she titled the cup back into her throat.

Mug took a sip himself and smiled softly. "Yeah, I helped plant the beans and got some pointers from the druid that lives at the fort. It really does do the body good." He took another sip and sighed appreciatively. "Consider that cup a 'No problem' for last night. You can return the favor by giving us some time today. That is if you can fit us into your busy schedule." Trevor nodded as he took another sip.

"Of course, son. Anything." He said with an affirmative nod. Mug set his cup down on the desk and pulled two of the chairs in the room close to the desk.

Mug's voice became shaky and small as he talked to Trevor. "I want to continue our conversation from last night. You told me so much that I didn't know about and I know there is more. I want to know my history. I want to know you and my mom better. I feel I owe her that much before I-" Peck laid a hand over Mug's paw. It quelled his small convulsions and steeled his voice. "Before I visited her. If you can spend that much time on us." he looked at Peck and gave her hand a small squeeze. "Dad."

Trevor's face lit up and he took another sip. "Well, what can I say about your mother. She was the loveliest person I ever had the chance to know, as well as-"

"A pain in your ass?" Mug finished with a smirk. He produced the small piece of paper that Sypha had written for Trevor. Mug handed it to Trevor. He looked over it with a smirk

"Yes, a massive one. I loved her all the more for that." Trevor said, wiping a single tear away from his eye.

Trevor, Mug and Peck spent the rest of the day talking, laughing and grieving for Mug's mother Sypha. The rest of the time spent in the burrows was pleasant for Mug as he warmed up to his closer members of his family. As he and Peck boarded the Watcher on the final day of the trip, Mug took a final look out over his homeland. Felis had gathered at the gate and were waving up at the pair. Mug felt an overwhelming sense of pride for the sendoff as people cheered and screamed. Mug caught his father standing on the top of the gate with a detachment of guards. Richter and his family stood next to him, all three waving up at him.

"Feels good doesn't it?" Peck said as she waved with Mug. He nodded as he grabbed her hand.

"Yeah, it also feels good to be heading back home." he said as the Watcher began to lift high enough in the sky to not see the gathered people anymore. Specs turned into clouds as they continued to rise and rise.

"Now now my little kitty, you cannot tell me that your homeland doesn't feel more homey at this point? We had such a nice visit, your Father was rather nice to me. Maybe he was jonesing for an invite to the wedding?" she teased as she slapped him lightly with her tail feathers.

Mug felt his face grow hot as he looked over at her. "Wedding? You planning something?" he accused. Peck laughed and sauntered from the edge of the ship.

"Oh come on Simon, we both know you couldn't do that to me. Thinking you can tame the wild beast that is Peck?" Mug smirked in response as he followed behind her.

"Is that a challenge?" he said playfully. She twirled on the spot and booped his nose.

"One you can't hope to possibly win my love." She turned around once more and made her way underneath the deck to most likely go and check out the galley.

A plan began to form in the back of his head, something to finally get one up on the love of his life. But for now he followed her into the ship as the wind howled behind him as they picked up speed. "Game on, love." he said to himself with a wide smirk. She wouldn't see this one coming.