The Super Soldier Potion

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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#12 of Furry Fantasy Stories

When Reingar enters the store of the alchemist Nirn, he doesn't yet suspect what special potion the slinky feline has in store for him. The wolf only expects a concoction that boosts his physical condition, but after taking it, he quickly discovers that it does a lot more than that. It also makes him much bigger, stronger, and as a side effect, incredibly horny. Fortunately, the crafty alchemist has the perfect remedy for that side effect.

This story is a smut fic centered around a muscle growth potion and its side effects, as I always wanted to write about muscle growth. Other than that, it features magic and rough, steamy gay sex between a big buff wolf and a slinky cat with cum inflation, knot fucking, and generous size difference thrown in for added fun. If the prospect intrigues you, give it a read! And after that, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

"Hello, is anyone in here?" The tinkling of a bead curtain accompanied Reingar's deep voice as he entered the alchemy store. Only a dim oil lantern illuminated the cluttered room, shining a flickering light on countless wooden shelves and boxes. Every open space was stacked with ingredients, dried and fresh plants, fur and scales of seemingly every animal under the sun, mushrooms, crystals, and glowing amorphous spheres. Among them were glass flasks and vials filled with liquids in all colors of the rainbow, some of which were probably worth more than all of the wolf's equipment.

Cautiously, Reingar walked through the narrow aisles toward a narrow counter, his chainmail armor clattering with every step. Sniffing the air, he hoped to detect a whiff of the store's owner, but he couldn't make out anything among the smells of the thousands of alchemical ingredients. To make matters even worse, some of them even blocked his nose, dulling his acute sense until he couldn't smell anything at all. "Where the hell is that alchemist guy?"

"Well, that guy is right behind you," a melodic voice chirped.

Reingar spun around with a surprised growl, accidentally knocking a bubbling green potion from its shelf. He froze, and his ears flattened as he watched the flask fall, already bracing himself for the impact and the effects of its curious content. Fortunately, the dreaded impact never happened as the flask slowed down and came to a dead halt in mid-air, hovering just an inch above the ground. At first, he wondered if time had just stopped, but then he noticed that the liquid was still splashing around, and the glass was suspended by a strand of blue magic.

The wolf slowly traced the strand of magic to its origin, ending up at a svelte black paw with a shiny pink paw pad. Its owner, a beautiful tomcat who was undoubtedly the owner of this store, grinned at him with blinking fangs and sparkling turquoise eyes, looking as if he had successfully caught a mouse. He wore only a loose, midnight-blue robe and a pair of thigh-high black stilettos, his tail slowly swaying behind his back. How had the cat even managed to sneak up on him in high heels?

The feline picked up the flask Reingar had almost smashed and playfully scolded him, "Watch where you point that fluffy tail of yours next time, big boy."

"S-sorry, this place is a bit more cramped than what I'm used to," Reingar apologized with low ears, tucking his tail between his legs. "But you're the alchemist, right? Nirn?"

"Yes, I'm the owner of this store. But don't worry your pretty head about that little mishap. Nothing happened, and that's all that counts, right?" Nirn reassured the wolf with a slinky smile. " So, with whom do I have the pleasure?"

"I'm Reingar, member of the Aurora Battalion. I'm here to..." Reingar responded, but the feline cut him short.

"Aaah, you're the brute from the military camp. Of course, that explains it."

"What? Hey! how dare you! I'm not a brute!"

"Says the guy who just knocked over an invaluable potion with his tail, of course. Either way, if you're not a brute already, you're going to be one very soon. That's the reason why you've been sent to me, isn't it? The enhancements?" Nirn singsonged while he eyed the wolf from his ears to the tip of his tail with a dreamy gaze. "But let's take care of that in the back of the store, shall we? We wouldn't want to break anything else in here, would we?"

Reingar raised a brow as he tried to make sense of the feline's words, but he didn't question the teasing. He had already made enough of a fool of himself, and there was no reason to embarrass himself any more. He was only here at his sergeant's behest anyway, who had ordered him to collect a potion for his physical condition and not to have a chat with a cat. The sooner he got what he needed, the sooner he could return to his own things. With a low grumble, he followed Nirn through the store and into a surprisingly spacious backroom. There was no furniture inside, not even a single stool, just barren brick walls, a slatted wood floor, and another flickering oil lamp.

"Luckily for you, I've been able to combine the effects of my enhancement potions into a single mixture," Nirn lilted and held up the same flask Reingar had almost smashed. "I also boosted its efficacy, so it should work faster and better than ever before. Just drink this, and the result should become visible quickly."

The wolf cast a wary glance at the emerald green liquid, his tail still tucked between his legs. "Quickly? What does it even do, and are you sure that it's safe? It sounds like you haven't tested this version before. I'm a soldier, not a guinea pig for some alchemist's experiments."

"Oh, of course it's perfectly safe because it's not the first one I've brewed. I know what I'm doing, trust me," the cat replied and rolled his eyes. "It will enhance your physique, make you stronger, tougher, and faster. Speaking of, I think I should call it my super soldier potion. What do you think?"

Reingar still wasn't one-hundred percent convinced. There was no way some icky fluid could do all of that, was there? However, he admittedly had no idea about alchemy, and at some point, he probably had to trust that slinky feline and his craft. "Well, alright, let's hope that it works as it should for everybody's sake. Pass it so I can get this over with."

"Not so fast, handsome," Nirn giggled and coyly fluttered his dark eyelashes. "Before we get started, I ask you to undo your armor and your clothing."

"Wait, what? No! You can't be serious! Why can't I just take it and leave?"

"Well, as I said, the potion works quickly. I don't know how fast, but it shouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes for all the changes to occur. Since it will enhance your already well-developed musculature, you really want to get rid of anything that might hinder that process -- or to put it bluntly, your clothes might get torn and shredded while it's working its magic. You don't want that, do you?"

Reingar shook his head in disbelief and stared at the cat, trying to discern if he was pulling his leg. Then he looked at himself and absently brushed over his expensive chain mail, ultimately deciding that he preferred any momentary embarrassment over the risk of destroying his costly equipment. He hadn't spent half his savings on his gear only to lose it a month later. So without another comment and without even looking at the alchemist, he started to take off his armor.

The wolf dropped his sword, his belt, and the chainmail first. Then, he went to work on his sturdy vest, untying the knots that held it together and slowly revealing the fluffy brown pelt and broad chest underneath. So far, so simple, even if the alchemist's overly curious, bawdy stare was really stretching his nerves. "Hey! Look somewhere else if you don't mind."

"Sure thing, big boy. Take your time."

"Oh, and stop calling me boy, cat!" Reingar barked and glared at the flirty alchemist. However, the feline was wholly unfazed by his bark. After spending another moment ogling his bare chest, Nirn turned around with a shrug and teasingly waved his tail at the wolf while he continued to undress.

Even though Nirn wasn't watching anymore, Reingar started to blush when he undid his pants. The thought of getting naked with a stranger in the same room was making him pretty uncomfortable. "Can't I at least keep my pants on?"

"If you want them to rip, sure."

Reingar hemmed and hawed, still clutching the seams of his pants until he finally decided to drop them with a reluctant groan. The padded fabric dropped onto the floor, and a breath of cool air wafted around his exposed crotch, making him embarrassingly aware of his own endowment. He quickly pushed his pants aside with one foot and shielded his groin with a paw before he addressed the alchemist with a red hot blush on his face, "Alright, I'm ready. Don't turn around and just give me the potion, okay?"

"Of course. Whatever works best for you, handsome," Nirn lilted, handing the potion to the wolf without turning his head. However, the movement of his arm was enough to twirl his robe and to grant Reingar a glimpse of his backside. To his surprise, the wolf noticed that the alchemist was butt-naked under his robe and that he was staring right at his bare, furry butt. He could barely suppress a gasp, but he couldn't stop his body's more primitive reactions. The red tip of his cock already protruded from his sheath, and the rest followed with powerful throbs, while his face reddened with even more shame, making him hot and cold at the same time. That stupid, slinky, salacious cat! And as if that wasn't embarrassing enough, Nirn had the nerve to purr, "Just tell me if you feel weird about anything, alright? I'll try to help you the best I can with whatever you need."

"Yes. Sure. Thanks." Reingar snatched the flask from the feline's paw and quickly turned around, so he didn't have to look at Nirn anymore, allowing his searing arousal to cool. With trembling fingers, he uncorked the bottle and placed it against his muzzle, a whiff of the swirling green liquid rising to his nose just as he was about to take the first sip. It carried an exotic, slightly sweet scent and definitely smelled better than expected, but he still wasn't stoked about drinking it. The sooner he got this over with, and the less he thought about it, the better. So the soldier closed his eyes, raised the flask even higher, and as soon as the fluid netted his lips, he tossed it down whole.

For a moment, the wolf just stood there and waited with bated breath and a pounding heart. The flask was empty, and the strange liquid inside his stomach, so the changes had to begin soon, right? Just when his patience wore off, and he opened his muzzle to ask the alchemist about it, something inside him began to change. His chest heated up, and a strange energy emerged from within him, spreading through his limbs and his muscles into the very tips of his fingers and toes. With every beat of his heart, another wave of warmth washed through him, and he began to sweat. "N-Nirn. I-I'm getting really hot."

"Wonderful! That means that the potion is working!" Nirn replied cheerfully, still averting his gaze.

Not even a second after the alchemist finished speaking, the potion's magic intensified its effect on Reingar's body. The heat inside him swiftly reached its maximum intensity, making him feel like he had marched an entire day in the scorching summer sun, and all the other changes were only just beginning. The wolf's heartbeat was getting heavier and heavier, booming in his ears while the might behind each beat was shaking his body to the core, numbing his senses and muddying his thoughts. Eventually, it felt as if even his guts and organs were shaken loose by the endless drumming, and everything started to move and shift inside him, tugging and pulling at each other as his skin tightened.

Thus far, Reingar had tried his best to ignore the changes, but the violent forces acting on him were starting to unsettle him. What in the world was going on inside him? Why did it feel as if that concoction was trying to tear him apart? He tried to ask the alchemist, but the same magic that morphed his body slowed his tongue and crippled his limbs. Whatever he tried to say and ask emerged as a jumbled mess of grunts and groans, and he couldn't even move an inch. At least it wasn't painful, just incredibly uncomfortable, as if a thousand paws were shaping and molding him at once. Pulling mass from seemingly nowhere, they bolstered every single muscle in his body while pulling his tissue apart to make room for their new size.

The alchemist's ears twitched as he heard the wolf's muffled distress, and he quickly turned around. "Oh my, it is working even better than expected. Hang in there! It looks like you're almost halfway there," he cheered and watched the wolf's transformation with amazement. "And how it's working. You're getting real big all over, boy. Tall, strong, well endowed."

The alchemist's reaction wasn't quite what Reingar had hoped for, and he had a hard time even understanding his words, but as long as the cat was confident about the process, he probably didn't have to worry about it. Besides, his worries diminished anyway once the transformation reached his brain and pounded it to a pulp. After the last few thoughts were driven from his mind, he spent the next few minutes with a dumb grin on his face while his body continued to swell and grow.

Only once the relentless waves of magic weakened, Reingar awoke from his stupor and sluggishly recovered his senses. The numb tingling abated, feeling returned to his limbs, his arms, legs, and tail, and the mist clouding his mind cleared enough to give him back control over his thoughts. Without having seen even a single part of himself, the wolf could already tell that he had changed a lot. He felt stronger, heavier, and even a little taller, as the room around him had shrunken in size. Then he looked down, and his notions were corroborated by a view that took his breath away. The wolf had always been one of the buffer guys in his unit, but his previous build was nothing compared to what he looked at right now. Every single one of his muscles had grown so much that his definition was visible even under the densest, fluffiest patches of his brown fur, and everything else was a little bigger than he remembered it as well. His paws and feet had gained in size, his chest was broader than ever, and his abs were ripped and hard enough to break rock. In hindsight, it had been a terrific idea to strip his armor because not a single part of it would've survived this transformation.

When Reingar looked up, he saw that Nirn was holding up a magical mirror, and the reflection showed a prodigious strongman, a lumbering beast with a fierce grin, a blessed body, and a wealth of newfound confidence. The wolf playfully flexed his muscles and admired his new looks with a fiery growl. The cat had been right; he had become a brute after all, and he loved every bit of it! While the wolf admired himself, he noticed that his genitals had benefited from the enhancements as well. His dick had grown to almost twice its original size and stood proudly between his powerful thighs, fully engorged, throbbing, and adorned with a glistening strand of pre. His sack had swollen even more, drooping down halfway to his knees and completely filling the space between his legs. Now, he not only looked like a perfect warrior but also like the perfect breeder, a god of a wolf.

However, it wasn't just pride and happiness that occupied the freshly transformed soldier's mind, but also a large portion of lust, and that lust quickly gained the upper hand when he turned toward the alchemist. Just one look at the slinky black feline was enough to kick Reingar's arousal into overdrive. Any shame he might have felt was flushed away by a raw, primal desire beyond his control and comprehension.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry, but it looks like, despite my best efforts, I couldn't quite remove all of the side effects. You look... awfully needy," Nirn purred with a smirk that didn't look apologetic at all. In fact, right after he dispelled the mirror, he started to unbutton his robe. "There are quite a few ways to address your current issue. Most of them require time and effort, but there is one way to take care of it here and now. So how about you just indulge your desires and rail me, big boy?" On cue, the alchemist dropped his robe and revealed his slender, boyish form. Aside from a belt with a bunch of colorful vials, not a single scrap of fabric concealed his tight butt and slim chest anymore, his small rosy nipples and already fully-erect, barbed kitty cock on luscious display.

Reingar smacked his lips and growled menacingly, curling his fingers while he tried to keep himself under control. It was clear as day that this naughty cat was toying with him, that he had willfully set this up. He doubted that Nirn had ever even tried to get rid of that so-called side effect, but he cared less than ever before. If the alchemist wanted him to screw him silly, he wouldn't disappoint him, and even just the thought of bending that slutty feline over and going to town was riling him up like the fires of a blast furnace. "You're playing with fire, kitty, you know that? I haven't even experienced my new strength yet, so not even I know what I'm capable of."

"But I have experienced it before. Not yours, but that of the others that have gone through this process, so I'm ready to take you," Nirn cooed, detached one of the vials from his belt, and downed its content. "Come to think of it, I'm actually giving you the opportunity to demonstrate your stre- ~ah~." His voice faltered, and his tail began to flutter like mad as the potion unfolded its effects. Still trembling, the feline carried on, unbuckled his boots, and popped open the next vial. He turned around and raised his butt, spreading his cheeks with one paw and pouring the vial's content over his cute rosy butthole. "And that's it, I'm ready for action. Come here and use me, wolf boy, and don't you dare hold back. Show me how strong you've become." He teasingly slapped his butt and spread it even further, granting the wolf a prime view of his tight pucker.

Something inside Reingar finally broke under the constant teasing. He pounced on Nirn with a wolfish grin and shoved him to the ground, shutting the horny alchemist up for just a moment. He crudely pulled his needy partner up by the head and pressed his raging erection against his anus. The tapered tip slid in on its own already, and he slammed in the rest without any warning, eliciting a lewd cry from the feline as his hot insides wrapped snugly around his cock.

The initial burst of stimulation charged the wolf's raging lust even further, and he began to pound the tight, noisy cat with a thundering howl. With every thrust, another wave of pleasure inebriated his thirsty mind and fueled the beast inside him. Just as Nirn had requested, he didn't hold back and gave him all he got, every ounce of strength his new body could muster to give the alchemist a taste of what that super-soldier potion was capable of.

Nirn received the pounding with the highest praise he could give, a glowing chant of lust and horny moans filling the entire store and probably the street beyond. His face had melted into pure bliss, his jaw hanging loose and his blue eyes gone cross. His whole body was limp, just hanging in Reingar's tight grip while the wolf broke into his tight ass, his useless pecker flailing around in the stormy rhythm of his thrusts. Only his tail refused to yield to the pleasure, coiling around his partner's muscled back and teasing him with feisty slaps on his butt.

Grunting through gritted teeth, Reingar hammered his willing hole as if he owned it. He closed his paws around the feline's slender torso and wrenched him back up against his body, using him like a toy. The best toy he had ever had. In this position, Nirn's dark, fluffy belly showed even more clearly what was happening inside of him, and once the wolf caught sight of the obscene sight, he couldn't look away anymore. He had grown so big that his massive wang stretched his partner's midriff, the bulging outline racing up and down with every thrust. Just below, the cat's barbed pecker danced and dribbled with pre, while his bloated sack pummeled the kitty's tight coinpurse, clearly showing who was the more potent male of them, who was the alpha.

Reingar wasn't even close when his partner broke under the relentless pounding. Nirn's cries rose in pitch, and his voice got even needier as he succumbed to a powerful orgasm. His entire body tensed and reared up in the wolf's iron grip, his bouncing cock sprayed his milky load all over the floor, and his anus clamped down around Reingar's taper, but nothing could stop the wolf from going as hard as ever. He simply thrust through the tightening orifice and slammed into the cat's prostate, milking him from every last drop of kitty seed while breaking his mind into utter submission.

The soldier licked his lips as he watched the puddle of Nirn's cream grow, and since he was sadly too far away from it to taste it, he tasted the mewling, squirming cat instead. He pressed his face against the alchemist's neck, took a deep whiff of his heated scent, and licked his sweaty fur. The touch of his hot tongue sent an intense shiver down the feline's spine, making his orgasm flare up once more.

In the brief moment after the alchemist's nuts had run dry, just a single plea slipped from his naughty muzzle, "Fuck, so good! But I need more! Bite me, breed me, break me so no one else can use me ever again!"

Nirn's request resonated with the wolf's uncontrollable lust, and he acted without thinking. He parted his lips and briefly bared his long canines before sinking them deep into his partner's scruff. A metallic taste spread across his taste buds as he drew blood, and the feline in his arms went wild, howling with twisted, masochistic pleasure. Not even a minute after cumming, the depraved alchemist was fully erect again.

The moment Reingar tasted the blood of his partner, the last semblance of reason escaped his mind, and he turned feral. His vision blurred while his ears and nose got all the more sensitive, making the cat's screams and pheromones even more potent aphrodisiacs. Lust reigned supreme, and his brain singled in on one goal: to cum in that tight, hot hole at any cost, and he raced toward it in a brutal, hot frenzy.

After another few minutes of horny rage and relentless pounding, the wolf was finally getting close. The knot at the base of his massive cock was swelling, heralding his impending climax, but he didn't allow that bulb of throbbing meat to slow him down. He reamed the alchemist with unwavering force, wrenching it in and stretching him to his absolute limits.

Nirn screamed at the top of his lungs while the knot violated and broke him, but his voice was drowned out entirely when Reingar came. Letting go of the cat's scruff, the wolf threw his head back and howled triumphantly while he rammed his fat cock into him one last time, tying with him for good. A gigantic orgasm ravaged his mind and threw him into outer space while his nuts churned up the biggest load he had ever produced, blasting his cum deep inside the feline with audible squirts and filling his guts in record time.

Time and space completely lost their meaning for the wolf while he bloated his partner. Right now, he solely existed to cum as hard as physically possible. Nirn, however, got to watch his own inflation from a front-row seat while teetering on the verge of another climax. After a few seconds, the first sloshing bump formed on his already distended belly. Half a minute later, it had grown big and round enough to conceal its throbbing originator, and Reingar's orgasm was still going strong. But at that point, the alchemist stopped caring as he joined the soldier with a blissful mewl and nutted again.

Reingar recovered from his high with a deep growl and looked down at his partner with a pleased grin. The cat was as happy as could be, his orgasmic contractions squeezing the wolf's knot and milking him dry, and his belly had inflated into a heavy, drooping dome big enough to hide his rosy prick. Was that really all his cum? "Fuck, you look like a cum balloon, kitty. The hottest, tightest one I've ever had," he growled, looking Nirn deep into the eyes.

The feline didn't react, though, his gaze glassy and his tongue hanging loosely from his muzzle. The view hatched another depraved idea in Reingar's mind, and without warning, he tried to pull out of the alchemist. Obviously, the fully inflated knot foiled his plans, and he ended up just tearing and tugging on Nirn's ass some more, but that was more than enough to elicit a vigorous response, more mewls and screams.

The cat's weak struggles immediately put Reingar back into the mood. He really wanted to fuck him some more, and he pulled again, mustering all his new strength. Against all odds, he managed to wrench his knot out of Nirn's butt with a nasty slurp, and what could go out surely could go in again. The wolf unceremoniously slammed his cock back into the alchemist, the knot popping in with a fierce snap, and not even a second inside, he pulled it back out again, knot-fucking the little feline with heated growls.

Nirn took the unexpected abuse surprisingly well, screaming with debauched bliss, "Oh, fuck yes! That's it! Ruin me!" before his voice devolved into a garbled mess again.

The feline's encouragement was oil on Reingar's burning lust, and he rapidly ramped up the speed. At first, his knot still ground his thrusts to a dead halt on the way in and the way out, but after a few fierce thrusts, he managed to break his partner's sphincter so thoroughly that it accepted its fate and yielded to the extreme insertion, allowing him to screw it faster again. And while his knot popped in and out of the alchemist's abused asshole, his canine orgasm was still lasting beyond its initial surge. With every stroke, he pumped another rope of jizz into Nirn's inflated belly, but without a tight seal to keep it all inside, the fun got messy fast. Thanks to the sheer volumes involved, cum squirted and burst out of the cat's butt with every thrust like water from a broken pipe.

Nirn came two more times while Reingar knot-fucked him, but his throbbing prick only shot blanks. The power was leaving the alchemist, and while the rapt grin on his face prevailed, his body and his tail lost every last bit of strength, and even his voice weakened from orgasm to orgasm until it was nothing more but a hoarse, horny whisper. Only after the feline's power had faded entirely, the wolf's orgasm followed suit. His knot was finally softening and deflating, and while the pleasure ceased, his satisfaction rose to an all-time high.

After his transformation, Reingar had felt the most pent-up ever, and now he was at peace with himself and the world. His mind cleared, and even though he only just realized what he had done in his lust-crazed rage, it only conjured an even happier grin on his face. He was way beyond shame, and besides, he had only given the cat what he wanted. With a soft sigh, he pulled out of the trembling, wasted alchemist one last time, and once even his tip had departed, only a giant, gaping crater was left behind as an impressive representation of his newly-gained strength and size. "This was the best fuck I've had in my life. You've got a blessed ass, kitty."

Without a strong male to hold him, Nirn flopped over with profuse sloshing and a strained "oof." Lying on the side, he eyed the wolf with a glowing albeit exhausted smile. "Likewise. You've been the roughest I've had so far, and I loved every second of it. Also, the knot-fucking? Fuck me, that was a first, and I think even with my best potion, I'm going to feel that for the rest of the week," he snickered and sluggishly rubbed his inflated belly. "You've become a true force of nature, handsome. So much strength and so relentless. I don't envy your enemies."

"Your potion really has done a number on me. Hell, if I had known about this beforehand, I wouldn't have put it off for two weeks, but then again, I couldn't have imagined any of this in my wildest dreams. Thanks for that wild ride, Nirn," Reingar replied with a chuckle. Turning around, he spotted his gear on the floor, and he couldn't help but notice how small it was. Even his sword looked more like a toothpick than a viable weapon. For what it was worth, his gear was intact and functional, but he doubted he could wear any of it anymore, save for the belt. "Well, curses. Seems like I have to buy a new outfit again."

"Oh, why, though? You look much better without any clothing on, and I bet it would distract all your enemies as well."

"I believe that in a heartbeat. However, I would prefer returning to my camp without creating public mischief," Reingar assessed with a grin and got up to pick his equipment from the floor.

"Aw, fair enough. There's actually a simple robe on the counter just for you. It was included in the service because of reasons, you know?"

"Oh, very good. Also, you doing fine, kitty? You haven't moved an inch since I dropped you there."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's not my first rodeo," Nirn giggled and winked. "That's why I even do those services in the first place. Also, I get to see a lot of hot hunks, which is the other big reason. That said, the service also includes a warranty for... let's say, the coming years. So should anything come up, you can visit me. And if you're feeling particularly horny, I'm gonna fix that for you free of charge."

"What a mighty tempting offer," Reingar replied and approached the spent alchemist, playfully flexing his guns. However, the enhanced wolf still could be gentle where it counted. Bending forward and gently cupping Nirn's head, he kissed his forehead before parting with warm words, "Thanks for the outstanding service, and I'll see you again sometime, kitty."

The feline's eyes clung to Reingar's lips, still brimming with a nigh insatiable desire, and he purred, "Thanks for the patronage, big boy. See you again soon."

Reingar nodded with a wide grin as he got up to leave with his boosted strength and even a bunch of new confidence. He already knew that he would pay Nirn another visit soon, probably tomorrow already. The feline was just too much fun to pass up on his tempting offer, and he couldn't wait to stuff his snug ass every day for as long as he was deployed in the town.