Silent Invasion Part 2

Story by lexorius on SoFurry

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#2 of Silent Invasion

Invasion of the base where done already. But the Commander needs to stay unassimilated. and his assistent begged to be assimilated.

Silent Invasion Part 2

thanks again to @Barefoot for helping with the Story :)

Commander, would you like some help to fetch your belongings sir?

he turned to Private Smith and seeing his superbly muscled body could not help thinking "I have no idea why but I am getting a hard on just being near you". he said "I sure could do with some help" and felt the desire increase while we headed into his office.

We reached his office a few seconds later, and quickly entered. The Commander closed the door behind us. He looked lustily into my eyes and came closer trying to kiss me. He was obsessed with his desire for me.

My new body continued sending out pheromones as it froze in anticipation of what would happen next. I realised I no longer had any physical control. A tingling sensation ran from my brain down my spine and spread along both arms. Suddenly the voice appeared in my head and took over.


I watched entranced as my arms and hands were raised to either side of the commander's head. Strange technical marks materialised on the back of each hand and shot two grey tubes into the ears of the now motionless commander. From somewhere deep inside me some sort of instant orgasm forced its way up through my arms until it felt like it was coming through the tubes.

It seemed that some part of me and some part of the voice had seeded him. This orgasm was different, on a higher plane of my being. It was fascinating, but my thoughts were now being overwhelmed by the knowledge streaming through my body.

For the first time a direct link between my victim and my brain was established. Some parts of my brain knew the exact route the data took from his brain through the assimilation tubes, straight along my arms into my spine and back to my brain.

At first the Commander tried to scream, then he lost all control over his body. He instantly became an empty, emotionless husk. From the time the assimilation tubes drilled into his skull, web-like grey tendrils spread over his face and down through his body.

I could feel his knowledge being sucked into me through the assimilation tubes. No correction! - into Us. We now could visualise all facets of me; my new species, the connection with the virtual core which controlled me, the commander and the newly converted imperial soldiers.

We also know we have to gain more computing power to control more soldiers of the imperial army on this planet.

I watch as my still connected arms slowly start to transform. Claws sharpen, my arms slowly turn into their black scale form. The tubes, formerly grey, slowly turn black. Some of my rubber body fluids stream over and cover the Technical Parts.

The stream of rubber-goo touches the Commander's skull. I feel the tubes retract from his ear and the goo closes the holes. The Grey web-like tendrils turn to a darker black and then disappear completely.

I could only watch all this and received waves of unbelievable pleasure knowing I was obeying the voice. "YOU CANT HAVE HIM YET" - We already knew why. We need him with his original human DNA. He knows where the Emperor is. We know it too. The commander shakes in pain while he Screams "What have you done to me ?"

The voice tells us the assimilation process of his brain is not finished yet. He was strong. Without the control of the transformed cells in your new body, it took some time, until we gained full sync between him and us.

The Goo is like a catalyst which speeds up the conversion and control a million times. The commander collapses on the floor as the assimilation tubes retract from his ears. He writhes and shakes out of control, as though he just had an epileptic fit.

Full control of my body has returned so I slowly reach down to him, and softly stroke his head. "shhh... you will like it as we do... it took only a view times longer for you ... but the dna scanner in the containment chamber of the emperor was also your idea..." he calmed down and stopped fitting and passed out. I know he was in a good way.

While I caressed his head I reviewed the knowledge that has been sucked out of his brain. Below our military installation is a Top Secret bunker. My technologically enhanced body enabled me to visualize it. I saw a really big hangar, many office installations, a big research facility and some sort of huge deep cooled storage filled with many artefacts from the spaceship of our emperor.

My connection to the data core activates again and feeds a constant stream of information overlaying the base map. I now know the location of the sceptre or seeding device that started my transformation by inserting the seed of the emperor's essence into me.

I also see the datacore where I am connected with some part of the old spaceship. We have to place the datacore into the main server room, to gain more computing power. With some tweeks, we could couple the highly advanced core with primitive human technology.

For now our work was done, the base was nearly secured under our control. Some humans remained unchanged. yet. I feel the control unit concentrate its attention on me. The stream of information ends and everything is stored in my newly enhanced memory. I am now a sub controller. More changes occur. My eyes have been altered and an overlay over my normal vision appears. Looking at my hands I see the hidden implants under my skin glowing.

Turning back to the commander I could see his inner fight between the nanites I'd injected and the body cells being altered. More data popped into my consciousness like an Information Flag. I could choose the information while thinking about it in milliseconds. no nanoseconds.

A noise disturbs my thoughts, it was a door closing in the outer office. I focused on the source of the noise. It was the commander's secretary. I could see the human shape clearly through the wall. A nanosecond was all it took to scan the information transferred from the commander to my memory. Michael, the commander's secretary had just returned from an appointment with the base doctor.

I groaned. Michael, the secretary, was in a bad mood. I could smell it. He had received bad news. I sniffed again, he isn't healthy at all.

Walking over to the door of Michaels room, I transformed into human form, my skin forming my old uniform. A quick look back to the commander shows 89% assimilated. Soon he would be one of us. At least his brain, but not yet his body.

I opened the door and seeing the full face of Michael could tell he had been crying. He shook his head. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know the commander was in his office". He tried to hide his tears and be professional, but I could read his body like a book. A quick scan of his body shows all inner organs. one marked in red. Much information about his pancreas popped up. Also confirmation the damage could be fixed by assimilation. Another flag "probably Gay - 75% confirmed", was a nice surprise. The scan and data upload took only 102 milliseconds.

Modulating the tone of my voice "is everything ok, you look like you've been crying?" his face reddened by the direct question. I also sent a small dose of pheromones into the room. He would trust me after he smelled it.

At first embarrassed, confused and then regaining his composure Michael answered - " well - I had a medical with the base doctor and he said I had diabetes. It would be the end of my military career - and this is all I have"

My scan had shown it was much worse and he also knew it. - tears running down his face. He looked right into my eyes. My human side melted and felt really bad for him. My naga side knows he would be healed by assimilation.

It seems I thought about this fact a second too long. He turned his face away and took out a handkerchief, I stepped in front of him and gently took him into my arms. He pressed his face into my shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably. Taking in a deep breath of his scent. the analysis of which appears as information, I ignored it as did my naga-side. The situation was too comfortable. I had never experienced such feelings for another man before.

"Everything will be ok" - I whispered into Michael's ear. He pushed me away. "Nothing will be ok" he says and sits on his chair.

I ignored the voice of the datacore urging me to assimilate him immediately. More information downloaded from the Commanders brain pops up. He had caught Michael surfing a furry site on the internet. He found out Michael loved furries and had two lizards in his apartment.

"Well I guess it will be ok soon. - I know you like furries and lizards" - I said getting his attention.

He shook his head and jumped up from the chair. - "what did you say". - He was totally confused.

"I said, you like furries and lizards - so maybe you'd like this" - I changed my skin from uniform to scales.

As if hypnotized he stared at my scaled skin. I continued the change to my lizard form and flexed some of my glorious muscles.

He did not run away, just staring in fascination at my body. He stepped forward and stroked my eight pack-belly to test the feeling. I can smell his arousal. It took a few seconds of thought before he asked "what are you?".

My new augmented eyes could see his erection through his uniform and underwear. I felt his pulse increasing and the sweat on his skin. - "100% gay confirmed. Arousal level 100%." I dismissed the overlaid data with a thought. It was obvious. I had fallen in love.

I also grew hard. This time was completely different. It was not the urge to assimilate everything on this planet, to make everyone into servants of our kind. - It was the smell of this human and his desire. It was the overwhelming feeling humans called 'love'. It was the wish to hold him, to help him, to have him. I think I have fallen in love with a human. The tip of my penis slipped out. He saw it and became flushed with enthusiasm but he didn't stop to stroke my belly.

I pulled him gently closer. It was the first time I realized how small and fragile that humans are. He wasn't small for a human (I ignored the information : 193 cm I saw) . He lays his head on my chest and his hands explore my hips and my rear.

Datacore was observing the whole process. I feel it. It was confused and tried to calculate why the human would react like this without the use of large amounts of pheromones that converted all the other victims.

I ignored it and concentrated on the sensual touch of Michael as he caressed my rubbery, scaly skin. "How" - he asked and interrupted my thoughts. - "What how" I asked him while I looked into his eyes'' -

"How could I become like you". - I laughed. "Well if you were here at breakfast, you would already be one of us" "Oh are you doing an invasion?"- he said, interrupting me. "yes a sort of invasion" I replied with a slight smile, showing some of my razor sharp teeth.

A short pause then he pushed me away again and began to strip, whilst ordering with a firm voice "I want you to make me into one of you kind". I saw and felt his racing pulse, his eagerness resulting in a highly erect state. In his haste he unbuttons and throws off his jacket then rips off his t-shirt.

I realise I am nervous, my instinct is to make love with Michael. I flicker my forked tongue in and out capturing and savouring more and more of his odor, my lovely michael. As he tries to remove his boots he nearly falls over. I catch him gently, hold him and feel his orgasm throbbing and shooting cum in his pants. He was a little bit embarrassed.

I took my sharp claws and gently cut his pants away from his body and gutted the bootlaces. Throwing aside the remains of his clothings, he kicked his boots away breaking a picture frame hit by a flying boot. No one is going to be blamed for that.

Now while he is naked he throws himself at me kissing me passionately. I feel his tongue fighting my tongue and it feels gorgeous. His body is pressed onto mine with his tool rubbing against my stomach leaving his pre behind. He swung his legs around my hips. his weight is nothing for a naga like me. I hold him tight and he breaks his kiss. "bite or fuck" I know what he wants to know. - "in your case - both" I grin back at him. I lowered him, turning his ass a few centimeters so my tip touched his hole. He came a second time and sprayed his cum over my belly. I love his warm seed on my belly but now it is my turn.

I licked his shoulder and let him lower him his ass directly on my tip. He wasn't a virgin anymore but it doesn't matter. It was like thousands of nagas came at the same second and I felt all their pleasure. My cum entered Michael and a second later, my dagger-like fangs penetrated his shoulder. I feel his pleasure then the pain and then the pain turning into pleasure. I remove my fangs from his shoulder and lick the rest of the nanite-venom mix away. When I came a second time into him his inner muscles milked my tool as he came a third time. He was in an orgasmic afterglow as I rested him on the ground. He wispered " this was the best sex of my live".

The transformation was beginning as I kissed him and felt his tongue slowly change. His eyes were already slits. and his skin was turning into rubbery scales. He was now and forever my mate. All over his body dark scales formed. His forked tongue licked his cum from my chest. He purred a bit as his face started to change, forming a snout and his ears retracted slowly into his head. His hair fell like snow to the ground. I loved it as his forked tongue passed over my pecs. I carefully removed my tool and rubbed his chest which became smoother and smoother every second. I licked from his chest to his shoulder where the bite marks had been. No scars, only the big and massive shoulder scales of a proud soldier, His whole body growing by the second. Soon he will be as big as I am. With some light force he pulled me down into another kiss.

The datacore informs me that it has placed guards before our office. I looked at the outside door and saw through the walls two big naga-soldiers standing on guard. They are cloaked as humans. Then I looked into the Commander's office. the commander now standing at attention and awaiting orders. His assimilation is now 96.7%.

I was satisfied. A quick look at Michael showed all his body functions were fixed. He will fully transform within the next 9.43 minutes. I pull him close and breathe deeply. The odor was in the right parameters: he would be a great mate and a perfect subcommander-guard.

I turned back to Michael and looked directly into his beautiful naga eyes as he said " thank you" and kissed me deeply.