The Ring Thief

Story by KinkyMister on SoFurry

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A thief bites more then he can chew when he tries to steal from a wizard.

A brown mutt dressed in form fitting black leathers slowly made his way up the hill amidst the various farmsteads, Hazel is a deep brown with short fur and a medium straight bushy tail, he has plenty of muscular definition but is abnormally tall for his chosen trade: thievery. Today he is on his way to do a promising job, after reaching the top of the hill; he laid eyes in his goal: the tower.

Hazel looked in wonder at the imposing tower in the hill, he had always wondered what the insides of the tower would look like, and today he would finally sate his curiosity when he picked the place clean! He remembered when the tower was built in a surprisingly short amount of time and the mysterious wizard moved in. Rumor was that the wizard moved in this backwater of a town to avoid exile from the kingdom, apparently, he did something to some lord's idiot son, and something that made the temple of The Guide outraged enough to want a lofty wizard gone. Of course the mayor was more than happy to welcome the wizard, and the money he would bring to Hazel's little town.

Hazel initially had cold feet about trying to steal from a wizard, but a couple of his thief friends had told him that they easily invaded the tower and nabbed some precious jewelry in the lower floors in the area reserved to servants and guests, apparently only the higher floors had some magical protections. Hazel did not understand much about magic, but what he did understand made him sure that it was evil and against the teachings of The Guide, granted, thievery was also against the teachings, but Hazel was a thief not a saint and a bit of hypocrisy never harmed anyone.

After waiting hidden in the underbrush until the dead of the moonless night Hazel made his move, he first covered his face with a thin mask and quietly moved in to the wall that surrounded the tower, and, with a practiced movement threw the grappling hook to the top. He tested the rope and before using it, he made sure that he had not been spotted; quickly he made his way to the top of the wall and carefully observed the courtyard.

*Really? They said there were no guards, but this is ridiculous! Some people just don't deserve to keep their money* he thought with a grin after failing to see any guards, satisfied he began to climb down the other side of the wall into the courtyard. A quick glance was enough to see the entrance his colleagues used to invade the place, sneakily he made his way to the little side door and moved to use his lock picks, only to notice the door was unlocked *Huh? But why? Does the wizard want to be robbed? Well I am happy to oblige* the thief thought as his tail started a slow wag.

Once inside he made his way to the rooms indicated by his friends, on the way neither did he meet a single soul nor did his acute hearing pick a single sound. With his ears perked, he started to feel a sense of unease *Okay this is creepy...*. The tower was clean and full of signs of life, yet he did not have to dodge a single servant or guest.

Despite his misgivings, he pressed on, and, finally found his mark: the guest's floor, carefully he went to the first door and pressed his ears to it *Clear and it smells as if the last guest left some days ago. They said that there would be jewelry in all guest rooms, even the empty ones* Hazel did think it was odd that the guests would vacate the room and leave their valuables, but he did not worry about it any further. Hazel tried the door handle and found it unlocked, frowning at the ease of the job he silently made his way in.

The room was spacious, easily bigger than his entire house, fancy furnishings covered the room and a male smell was in the process of fading from the room *A bear, maybe*. He made his way to the bedside and carefully checked the fancy box on top of the table for traps, after not finding anything he carefully opened the box, ready to dodge in case something went awry.

His eyes widened when they met the ring with one massive gem on top of it *is that a diamond? It is huge! I will be settled for life!* with a maniacal grin he snatched the ring, for some reason instead of just putting in his pouch he felt the urge to put it in his finger. As soon as the ring settled in his middle finger, he heard a voice:

*\ **And yet another rat with eyes too big for his little body* **

Hazel almost jumps out of his skin when the voice that seem to come from everywhere resounds around him. In a panic, he realizes the voice is being sent to him via magic *the wizard noticed me! I have to run!*.

He initially moved to the door, but his instincts tell him it is a bad idea, in fear he goes to the window and begs The Guide for his escape to work, he quickly uses his second roll of ropes to climb down to the floor below. There he finds a locked window, with the need to sneak gone he breaks the window apart just as he hears a woman scream, he rushes to the door and forcefully opens it thanking the gods for finding it unlocked.

Ignoring the woman, a naked weasel of some kind, he rushes down the stairs hoping to make it before the guards are on their way or worse the wizard. Thankfully, for him he easily manages to leave the tower, he climbs the rope in the wall carelessly and goes over, after his paws touch the ground he dashes in a rush of adrenaline. In the near complete darkness his vision manages to work just enough for him to not fall on his face.

After what felt like hours of running he spots a farm and makes his way to the barn, after invading the place he sees only a huge horse sleeping and no other animals, he carefully hides himself into the hay and tries to remain silent. To his surprise, light begins to fill in from the windows; he had run aimlessly until dawn. *Damn it! Damn IT ALL! If that gods-dammed wizard manages to find me, I am dead, worse than dead! I cannot believe it was a trap! Who sets traps to minor thieves?*

Hazel jumps in surprise when the all-encompassing voice resounds again and answers his question:

*\ **Well, I admit this is beneath me, but with the nonsense with that worthless lording and the temple wanting my blood I had to swallow my pride and come to this shithole. To my surprise the worthless mayor had *conditions* for *me* a master wizard to live in this black hole of a town. He wanted me to get rid of thieves, like some common guard, I decided to play along, after all he did offer me somewhere to avoid the zealots and conspirators* **

Hazel heart was beating fast as if he was about to die *He can read my thoughts? Where is he? How did he follow me? I have to get out!*. Hazel attempted to jump out of the hay and run but found his legs unresponsive.

*\ **Reading your insipid thoughts is child's play, especially with you wearing that arcane focus, I am at my tower drinking some good wine* **

After realizing with growing panic that he could not move his legs, he thought *the ring! I have to take it off!*. Yet as he moved to remove the ring, his hand rebelled and he slapped himself, hard.

*\ **Don't interrupt it is rude. As I was saying, I need to clean this town of thieving scum like you. However I am not a brute, so do not force me to make you stab your pretty eyes out* **.

Realizing his helplessness Hazel resigned himself to his fate *If you are not going to hurt me, what are you going to do?*

*\ **Well... I made one of your friends desecrate one of the zealots ugly shrines and recorded it on an crystal projector, fancy magic that replays what someone did. Now he has _wisely_agreed to stop with the thieving since if that recording ends up in the hands of the zealots he is bound to have his skin peeled like a fucking banana* **

*\ **I can't have all of you do the same thing, it leaves a trail and all that, so I am taking suggestions, what is something that I can blackmail you with that is truly awful, please make sure to think of something that won't harm the general populace* **

The voice had taken a mocking tone, Hazel now understood that his friends where the wizards puppets, he was not able to stop his wandering thoughts, and his mind summoned unwillingly some awful and humiliating things he could be forced to do.

*\ **Really? Laying with a male is the worse you can come with? Your mind really is insipid, let me guess, you follow the so-called Guide? You? A thief? I suppose I can force you to go to a brothel and record everything, the zealots do like to throw rock at different people* **.

Hazel cursed himself and his thoughts, just the idea of laying with a male made his stomach turn and bile invade his throat. He was not a devoted follower of The Guide, but he knew what happened with the weird people who was caught in places dominated by The Guide's faith. It was illegal but it would make his life hell.

As he trembled and fought with himself to take off the ring, his eyes passed the feral horse and mind managed to think of something more unholy then lying with a male. As soon as the thought came, he prayed that the wizard had not heard, or at least he prayed that the wizard was not that sick.

*\ **Me? Sick? *That* came out of your mind dear kink dog. I suppose I will fulfill your fantasies* **

Just as the voice fated Hazel found himself marching in direction of the horse, and his panic increased manifold *No! Please! Anything but that! I will die!*

*\ **You are right of course, but you do have other holes* **

Hazel dry heaved at the mere thought of putting his mouth anywhere near the horse, yet his hands moved against his will and he found himself undressing. *Please! I beg of you! Take me to jail! Anything! I will do anything!*

*\ **I know, and you are going savor a feral horse* **

Fear gripped Hazel mind as he found himself nude save for the magic ring, his knees bent on their own and he found himself at eye level with the animal's sheath. It was massive and a pungent musky smell emanated from it. Hazel wanted to turn his nose away, yet as soon as he thought that he found himself forcefully sniffing.

His ears pinned against his head, as his nose was flooded with animalistic musk he felt his stomach lurch. He felt his head begin to approach the heavy sheath. *PLEASE! I have learned my lesson!*. In a mockery of his thoughts, he found his nose almost touching the black sheath, and against his will, he started sniffing loudly.

*\ **That must smell disgusting, I'm a canine myself and I can't imagine why you would sniff that* **

Bile started rising as he sniffed and a pitiful whimper left his throat *Please! I am going to be sick!*. The sniffing stopped and Hazel managed to pull his head back, only to watch in horror as his hands moved towards the beast's sheath *Wait! It will kick me to death! You said you were not going to kill me!*. As if to answer his mental plea, his hand with the ring touched the beast sheath and the ring emitted a soft glow.

*\ **Don't worry the ring will make the beast friendly, and it will also make so it doesn't blow too fast, I would hate to cut your fun short* **

As Hazel felt his pads touch, the sheath and he heard the wizard's words he let another whimper as his tail hid between his legs. Hazel's hands started groping the sheath, shortly after the thing started growing and thickening. Humiliation gripped Hazel heart as he found himself doing the motion that he often did to himself to the beast. He could not help but notice how thick the animal's penis was becoming. It was pink and black and the texture made it look dirty. Hazel tried to look away to no avail; instead, he was forced to stare as each detail was burned to his mind.

Soon the member reached its full length and started dripping the foul smelling pre. Hazel felt panic as his hands aimed the things head toward his face. *No!* His head slowly inched forward. *Please!* He felt his tongue extend itself in direction to the big mushroom shaped head. *Wait! Wait! WAIT!* mercifully his head stopped, but his tongue was still on the line of fire if the pre started dripping. *Pull me back! Pull me back!*

*\ **Why? Go ahead, convince me to not force to you to lick that cock like a starving man that just found food* **

Fear started rising as Hazel noticed the pre slowly forming a drop that would surely hit his tongue. *I will help the poor! I will give everything back! I will work for you! Free!*

*\ **Fine... But just a drop so you really learn* **

*No! Please!* Hazel did not have more time to plead as the drop hit his tongue. It was salty an musky, and it did not really taste all that bad, yet the psychological hit made it taste like the most foul of concoctions, Hazel dry heaved, somehow the wizard blocked him from actually vomiting. Tears had started forming on Hazel's eyes as he felt as if he had just lost something he would never get back.

** Oh do not be so melodramatic. **

*Fuck you! You piec...*. Before his mind finished the thought, his tongue flicked over the horse cock's head. Hazel froze with wide eyes as his tongue lapped the pre off the beast. *But you said...*

*\ **And you said no. Also do not curse at people that can ruin your life, its unwise* **

Before Hazel could think anything his tongue started lapping at the cock like a child suckling a piece of candy, he wanted to vomit, he wanted to rip his tongue off, yet he continued lapping faster and faster. His hands coaxed more pre out of the cock and his tongue gladly licked it off.

*\ **Now kiss*.**

And with that order Hazel felt his lips kiss the musky head, he felt such dense sense of shame that his mind failed to formulate words. Yet his humiliation did not stop, he felt his maw open and the head of the cock enter, fury, fear and shame warred within him, and yet it was disgust that won. With the minimal control he still had he worked to make the pre leave his mouth, he would not swallow any of it, no matter what.

Yet as soon as he thought that he found himself siphoning pre from the beast, he could not stop nor expel the pre; it kept accumulating, forming an awful tasting mixture of pre and saliva that was forced to roll over his taste buds repeatedly. All his fur stood on end when the inevitable happened: With a loud gulp, the foul mixture went to his stomach.

He shocked on the cock repeatedly as his stomach tried to empty itself but was stopped repeatedly, he thought the disgust had peaked, and yet he now wanted to vacate his body. *Enough! Enough! I tasted it! Enough!*

*\ **Sure you are tasting it, but you are not really savoring it, are you?* **

As he heard that Hazel left hand moved to his own limp crotch. *No! Stop!*. Yet as his mental screams increased his cock started to emerge from his meager sheath, he was not aroused, and yet his cock became hard at a record pace.

*\ **Stop? But you are so hard.* Don't deny yourself! **

Hazel began to pump his painful erection and to his horror, his head started to take even more of the beast's endowment. *I will die! Stop!* No begging made any difference as the huge length was forced down Hazel's throat, his gag reflex fought valiantly and yet it vanished suddenly. Hazel felt as a ring of flesh was forced into his bruised throat.

Hazel was starting to fell lightheaded, as an unnatural amount of pre was pumped almost directly on his stomach. His arm was still furiously jerking his involuntarily stiff cock. *Please... I am dying...*. Just as Hazel thought things were at the worst they could possibly be he felt as his distended esophagus distorted even further as the horse's cock flared and delivered its disgusting payload straight to his stomach.

In the edge of unconsciousness, Hazel felt his cock start to spurt sperm in the most violent orgasm he ever had. Before merciful oblivion could take him his head pulled back, enough for him to breathe... And for him to actually taste the creatures semen. It was like the concentrated version of the pre, and there was so much! Hazel knew that was not natural, the beast should be empty, yet Hazel found himself forced to gulp down impossible amounts of sperm.

He felt bloated, he felt tired, he felt disgusted, and he felt helpless. *Enough... Too much...*. For the first time his pleas where heard as his body dislodged itself from the still cumming horse cock. His hand aimed the thing ate his face, but Hazel was beyond caring, he was just glad to breath.

*\ **Glad you enjoyed yourself, by the way how do you think this looks? A Dog invades a barn, molests some poor horse, all the while masturbating and having a dopey smile on* **

*I am not smiling!*. The defiance felt hollow at this point, he lost, no matter what he now carried this unholy memory, to his surprise he did have an odd smile on his face, like a stroke victim.

*\ **Well that was fun, hope to never catch you stealing again, I'll take the ring, you attuned enough that I don't need it to punish you if you relapse* **

Hazel noticed as the ring vanished in a ball of light, and he regained control over his body, he felt shame burning hotter, and as his first act of freedom, he found himself tasting the horse's ridiculous discharge again as his stomach tried to empty itself.

When Hazel finished he still felt like he had eaten too much, his stomach was still turning, his nose burned with the musky smell, and all he could taste was horse semen. Exhausted he fell into the hay, only to notice a small crystal with a note to remember the deal. Above the crystal was an animated image of a mutt gladly servicing a feral horse.

Hazel's bloated body and bruised throat made him fall asleep quickly; he had nightmares of his friends and family watching the humiliating crystal.