Changing Times - Chapter 2 - A Positive Outlook?

Story by Lone Maxwell on SoFurry

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A special shoutout to two people this chapter - Vanishing (Ice) and Kdubbz (Kevin).

Ice - You have helped me through the chapter, and contributed certain aspects. Thank you.

Kevin - Your like a brother to me, and you always have been. I love you, and i'm glad that you feel honoured to be in this story. Making contributions to it yourself, its not just my story anymore. Its yours.

I know i ask a bit for rating and comments, but i do this because it helps me look back and anaylse my previous chapters a bit more, and pick out the key aspects that were good or bad. So please, Rate and comment. ^^

Changing Times - Chapter 2 - A Positive Outlook?

Lone burst through the door, panting. Being lost in his thoughts had made him late. Again. And there was his whole class, staring back at him. Lone shifted uncomfortably in the doorway, as his teacher rose, to give him the inevitable dressing down. However, the usual rant did not come, and instead something much worse. "I don't know what's got into you lately Lone... you're a bright fur... but you seem to be on another planet half the time..." Lone's eyes met his teacher's for a moment, but the concern and worry in them made Lone tear a little and avert his gaze. Head down, trying desperately to be inconspicuous, he made his way to his seat, and flumped down next to Kevin. Lone kept his head down from the class, stopping himself from breaking down. He heard Mr. Watson sigh, and start to write on the board the objective of the lesson at hand.

A familiar voice suddenly whispered into his ear: "Hey, are you ok dude? You've been acting really strange recently, and I'm beginning to worry about you..." Lone looked to his right and Kevin was looking directly back at him, with a clear expression of confusion and pain on his face. Lone couldn't fight back the tears any longer, and they silently streamed down his face. "I... I need to talk to you..." His voice was shaky and almost uncomprehendable, but knew that since Kevin had helped him in the past with his issues, he would understand the voice clearly. "Alright Lone..." Kevin put his arm around Lone's shoulder, and steered him towards the exit, but Mr. Watson was puzzled, and decided to challenge their quick jaunt towards the door. "And where do you two think you're going?" the Black Wolf just shot him a look of deep compassion and understanding for his friend, which made Mr. Watson back down instantly.

Kevin led them to their normal talking spot, which was behind the beautiful bushes and the plants that surrounded the front of the school... It was a quiet and serene place, and they were never disturbed there. Lone threw himself against the wall a bit forcefully, and then sank to the ground, putting his head to his knees. Kevin still stood there above him, blinking away the tears forming in his own eyes - he loved to help others, and seeing the person he was closest to in the entire world hurting, hurt him just as much... "I can't hide this anymore...I can't live the lie anymore..." Kevin knelt down to Lone's level, and lifted his face up with a paw, so they were looking directly into each other's eyes. Wisdom, care and empathy swam behind the black pupil's of Kevin's blue eyes, but all they saw were Lone's eyes swimming with tears of pain and guilt... Lone's red-rimmed eyes starred back blankly into Kevin's. He shook his head, then began to sob uncontrollably, but managed to choke out a few words. "Kevin...I'm..."Kevin reached down with a gentle paw to wipe the tears away and hugged his friend close to comfort him."You're what, lone?" The wolf looked away and muttered. "I'm...Gay."

Lone prepared himself for the worst. He prepared himself for Kevin's muscled arm to pull back and knock him in the jaw, for the incessant insults, and the rejection and hate that had followed him around in every dream lately. But instead of any of this occurring, Kevin just hugged him even closer. "Lone...That's ok... There is nothing wrong with being Gay, and I will never, ever lose my judgement on you because of it. Because, well..." Lone looked back at Kevin, his ear twitching a bit, curiosity taking over him... Could it be? "I'm...Gay too, Lone. And there is nothing wrong with either of us. We are the same as everyone else." Lone's mood had completely shifted. His tears of sadness turned to joy, and he embraced Kevin tighter than he ever had before. Kevin, his best friend, who was practically a brother to him, was gay too. A huge weight had lifted off his chest, and for the first time for months, Lone was genuinely happy.

Lone and Kevin returned to their class, both happier than they had been in a long time - they had just come out to each other, into acceptance, not rejection. Nothing negative could puncture their shared joy. The day passed pretty quickly and Lone was beginning to enjoy his time in school again. He had always enjoyed learning, especially since he aspired to be a teacher one day, and had been encouraged to jump at every chance of a better education. He had regained his focus, and was actually able to concentrate for a change. Before he knew it, the school day had ended, and lone was saying goodbye to a few friends, amongst which, stood Kevin. But as soon as everyone had walked away, Lone pulled Kevin into a hug. "I'm going to tell the others tomorrow..." Lone felt Kevin's body change as it registered this information, and pulled away from the hug, concerned. "Are you sure you want to?" asked Kevin. "They don't need to know..." Lone merely nodded and added "I can't lie to them any longer. You took the news pretty well, and to be honest, why shouldn't they as well?" Kevin simply grinned, and replied "Alright Loney, I'll be with you when you do it - I'll always be here for you." Kevin said his goodbyes to Lone, and walked off home. Lone breathed a huge sigh of relief, and started making his own way home.

Could this moment be any more perfect? Soon, all my suffering, my anxiety, my worries, will all be gone...

Kevin, my best friend, is gay as well, so I can speak to him about everything now. It's not like I couldn't before, but... Lone was debating with himself for a good time, and he seemed almost surprised to have reached his house so quickly. With a slight jump, and a wag of his tail, he was on the front step, turning the door knob, and entering his house. The scent of home was warm and comforting and Lone's parents were cuddled up together in the lounge, the television flickering on their faces. It was showing the news...

"A well known celebrity, Alan Knowels, was found dead today in his apartment. Scientists have confirmed that he committed suicide, with an overdose of paracetemol. There was a suicide note next to where he lay. It read "I've lived a false life. I am not the fur you all think I am. I am a homosexual, with three kids, and a wife... This is too much to cope with. I am sorry. Sorry for what I've done to you all..."

Lone looked shocked - Everybody around here knew who Alan Knowels was. He was one of the most famous movie stars ever, mainly famous for the smash hit "Love meets the abyss". "Dang...That's a real shame, huh?" Lone said this sympathetically to his parents, expecting the same reply from them. His father looked disappointed, but he had one paw clenched into a fist. "I didn't know he was a fucking fag. Jesus..." Lone heart stopped beating as he heard his father's response. "Dad, what's so wrong with him being gay?" Lone was trying to disguise that he fact that his world had been torn apart, keeping his voice steady and firm. "What's wrong with him being gay? EVERYTHING is wrong with it! It is a sin to be a homosexual - he is the work of the devil, and I hope he burns in hell for eternity for it. He had no rightful place in this world."

His father's words hit him...


His emotional barrier was destroyed, and all the negative feelings he thought he had demolished returned. All Lone could do was whimper out "Oh..." before making his way straight to his bedroom. He knew what he was going to do...

He sat on his bed.

He went into the bedside cabinet drawer.

And he pulled out the knife.