Project Warblade: Chapter 2

Story by Ember_KAmura on SoFurry

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#4 of Vincent Kazira

Having slept throughout his Growth Stage, a Genetically Engineered wolf known as Vincent is awakened from his slumber and cast into an entirely new world. Will he adjust and adapt? Or fail like the predecessors before him?

And here it is! The second chapter of my story! I hope you guys enjoy!

After a few minutes, there was a whirring noise as the Armored, Vault-Like entrance to the room was unsealed. Several pressure locks would slowly slide aside, and the door swung open with a few thuds. Two Anthros strode in, in the middle of a conversation. One of them appeared to be a large, Grey-furred wolf, while another was a White-furred arctic fox, the latter of which possesses a similar hair color to Vincent.

The wolf accompanying them seemed to be wearing some form of Combat Armor, consisting of armored, heavy plates that connected to a black undersuit, while the Arctic Fox simply wore a lab coat, it was more like rubber than fabric, mostly white and with a grey latex shine to it. "Are you sure he's stable enough to be released yet? We haven't tried adjusting him to an unsealed atmosphere , he's at risk of suffering the same fate as Specimen-310. Not to mention, he's supposed to remain submerged for at leas-" The fox was quickly hushed as the wolf held his right paw in front of their snout.

The somewhat lean and significantly larger Wolf was simply known as Lieutenant Crex, he had been sent from Draconis, the Homeworld of the Darkwolf Empire, to oversee the Warblade Program. He had spent the last few months on the Holo-Comms with Blitz, the both of them doing whatever they could to convince their superiors not to terminate the program. It had worked at first, but now his words were starting to sound increasingly hollow and without promise, even to him. As valuable support and funding was becoming harder and harder to come by with each and every lifeless failure they were forced to present.

"It doesn't matter if he's ready or not, Doctor Blitz. We've delayed our superiors for long enough, Draconis wants progress, now. I'm sorry, but we're out of time." Crex grumbled as Blitz leans on the control panel of Vincents tube , checking their Vitals from the small, holographic panel on the side of the tank. The exterior was pleasantly warm, matching the temperature of the fluid within. "V-Very well then... Shall I release him now?" The doctor questioned, tapping a few buttons and turning a knob on the control panel. Inside the tank, several fans would activate to mix the fluid around, preventing it from settling. If this ever happened, the subject would experience deformities and excruciating pain, as demonstrated by all of the previous failures that still haunted his nightmares.

"Yes, do it."

For a moment, Vincent could see a bit of illumination shining through the glass. This happened at times, just one of the occasional noises and movements inside the tube at seemingly random intervals, though they provided little disturbance. The Wolf growled a little, causing a few bubbles of air to go up into the tank. He was able to move around apparently, despite his beavily sedated status.

Vincent remained in his position, feeling the faint humming of the spinning blades that mixed the fluids around, the device itself being kept away from his paws by use of a small grate. He was was about ready to be released from the tube. Unlike the other projects of this complexity, Vincent was quite stable. Far more stable than most of the other subjects that typically expired from natural causes within a few weeks of creation, the remains of whom were ground down into a oozy, red paste and simply used in the BMGR for fuel.

Those were the lucky ones, those unfortunate enough to survive failure were merely sent off towards the Medical Labs for experimentation, their forms already being a twisted mockery of what they were intended to be.

Vincent tried to gently tug at one of the many tubes that were attached to him, particularly the one that had been placed down his throat, allowing for ease of breathing and daily feeding periods. It was as if he had just noticed it's presence and was trying to remove it, something that should have been impossible in his current state. The specimen was unable to remove it however, as it provided oxygen and had been firmly attached with a clamp around his snout. His efforts ceased shortly as the sedatives kicked back in once more, albeit in lesser effect.

Suddenly, the wolf began feeling a wave of coldness washing over his body and his vision was flooded with a bright light, his fur and fat doing little to keep him warm now that his fur was wet with the fluid that had kept them that way. The mixture within the tank was draining through the grate on the bottom. The tubes that once kept him on life support detached one by one and fell limp at his side like a group of dead snakes, while the one up his throat was slowly retracting into a receptacle in the roof of the tank and it's clamp opening up and falling onto the floor. Vincent felt a sudden rise of terror over what was transpiring, his vision blurring and his head starting to spin from the sheer amount of stimuli that he had been exposed to in such a short amount of time. The wolvan had little idea on what was going on, and his vision was too blury for him to see more than a few steps in front of him. The silence didn't last very long though, as Vince heard an almost familiar voice, calling to him...

"Easy there, just stay put. We're opening your Tube now."