Trying Out Plan B

Story by tigerwriter93 on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissions

Well, finally got around to uploading this one. It's been a while since I've done commission, though I'm pretty happy with how the final piece turned out. Oddly enough, I'm also glad I didn't go all the way with the sexual stuff in this one; I wanted the focus to be more on the relationship between the characters and not so much the sex (despite one of them having a high libido, probably x3).

Characters © talang43

Story © yours truly

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He was going back to a place he'd hoped he would never see again. It was as if it was tradition for him to come here a few days after a breakup, but he wished he and Cynthia's marriage would've worked. He thought he finally found a lovely lady to settle down and start a family with, and with a rottie no less. But it's been nine years since he's been to Boondocks; nine years of a happy marriage.

Jackson slammed the half-full beer bottle on the bar in frustration, rubbing his forehead with his paws. The Golden Retriever gave a low growl as he thought about that Turkish Mastiff. He knew something was going on between him and his now ex-wife; he couldn't forgive himself for putting so much trust in her. How did he not realize it? Cynthia, his wife, seeing her yoga instructor almost every other night and outside of those classes? He took a big swig from his beer, trying to drown out those perverted thoughts of fantasizing Cynthia being felt up and groped by the larger canine. He hated those thoughts. He hated how they would turn him on. But why would they?

Before he allowed his buzzed mind to think about those any longer, he took the last few swigs of his beer, emptying the bottle. He slammed the glass against the bar, sliding it towards the bartender. "Can I get another one of these, Blake?"

The Great Dane's ears perked as he looked up from his phone; it was a slow night and there weren't many around. "Sure thing, bud," he said as he shuffled under his black t-shirt to put the device in his jeans pocket. The tall, white-coated Dane glided along behind the bar towards one of the coolers to fetch Jackson another beer. "You...did walk here, right?" he asked before opening the cooler.

Jackson nodded and waved a paw. "I'll be fine. I don't live far from here anyway."

Blake grinned as he got another beer for the Golden. He snapped it open and swapped out the empty one in nearly one fluid motion. "Good. Because I would've only allowed you to have one if you drove here," he said as he adjusted the red bandanna on his head. "That'll be another $3.00, please."

Jackson reached for his wallet. He was about the pull out another five but he figured he will be here a while. He thumbed for his debit card and tossed it on the bar. "Keep it open will ya?"

"Will do, bud." Blake swiped the card off the bar and spun around on his toes towards the register behind him.

The Golden took the first sip of his second beer of the night, then glanced around at the other patrons with him. Aside from him, Blake, and the bouncer, there were four others here tonight. Compared to everyone else in the bar, he was the most well-dressed with his white polo shirt tucked into the nicest, cleanest pair of jeans he owned. He scowled at who he saw at the other end of the bar and who was against the wall behind him. Of course, they had to be couples. He shifted his attention to what was in front of him: a cold brew to help him forget, and football on the TV. He wasn't a fan of either team playing, nor did he care who was playing; the rock and country music blaring through the speakers was but mere background noise. But it all was much better than seeing reminders of what was stolen from him.

As he casually watched the TV, Jackson sipped down his beer. He didn't know how much he drank already, nor did he care, but that strange yet familiar buzz began to kick in. Never felt this loose in years...

He noticed himself crawling back into his head as he let the alcohol numb his mind when the heavy, wooden door to the bar swung open, immediately slamming shut. Jackson shuddered as his ears perked at the disturbance, glancing over to see who just came in.

He has seen plenty of German Shepherds around town, sure, some of whom had a few noticeable features; this newcomer in particular had a light-blue nose and, what appeared to be paw pads of the same color. Normally he'd just shrug it off and carry on with his business, but this one appeared as if he wanted to be noticed. He wore a bright, yellow t-shirt with a black tribal design covering most of it under a red zip-up hoodie, though he wore it more as an accessory with it being unzipped and the hood folded back. He also wore a pair of tight jeans that were a tad too much revealing than Jackson would've liked to see. At least to Jackson, the German Shepherd looked young, quite young in fact; he wasn't sure if that was his appearance fooling his buzzed-up state or not.

But next thing he knew, the newcomer must've took Jackson's blank, curious stare as an invitation to sit on the stool next to him. The Golden quickly turned his attention back to his beer, which he then noticed how much he drank already. He polished off the rest of it and gently rested the bottle on the bar, sliding it back towards Blake, to which the Great Dane moved as quick and smooth as he does to throw it out for him. Without a word, Blake gave him another one. He looked up at the Dane, tilting his head slightly.

Blake just grinned and pointed to the German Shepherd sitting next to him. "Third one's on him, bud."

He never noticed Blake already serviced the newcomer, nor did he notice the Dane mixing up the Long Island he now held in his paw. Wow I must be out of it... He rubbed his eyes a moment and tried to regain some focus before starting on his third beer.

The German Shepherd turned to him and chuckled. "You ok there?"

Jackson gently set his third beer down, though looked ahead with a blank stare when he spoke. "No...No not really, if I'm gonna be honest." He exhaled deeply through his nose before finally giving his attention to the Shepherd. "How much time ya got?"

The Shepherd shrugged. "All the time you need, dude; I'm in no rush."

"Alright then," Jackson said after taking another sip of his beer, "I don't think it'd be too interesting for you, though; bit of a sad 'recently-divorced-man-goes-to-get-hammered-because-his-wife's-a-cheating-bitch' kind of story." He shrugged.

The Shepherd held up a paw. "Hey, you don't have to give me all the details if you don't want to. I understand if you don't want to talk about it," he chuckled, "wouldn't be surprised if you've had to repeat that story several times already."

Jackson chuckled. "Yeah...but it's a bit more than that and," he rubbed the back of his neck with a paw, "I don't want to creep you out or anything, you know?"

The Shepherd tilted his head. "Whaddya mean?"

"Well...I don't exactly want to discuss it in here." He hoped the Shepherd wouldn't notice his embarrassment when he said that.

He gave a coy smile. "I can already tell where this is going. Wanna go out back? I'm not quite finished with my drink and," he glanced at Jackson's beer, "looks like you're not quite finished either."

Jackson smiled, though his paw gently caressed his bottle. "Uh, yeah, sure." He leapt off his stool, though stood still for a moment to regain his balance after feeling his head spin. "Wow I'm not used to being drunk," he thought aloud.

The Shepherd gently got off his stool and chuckled. "Clearly."

Soon, the two of them headed out the door to the back area. It was a cool, breezy night out; both canines could feel the gentle chill against their skin through their fur the moment they stepped outside. The back was a square area with a few tall, wooden tables and stools, and cheap, canvas awnings that extended over the areas close to the buildings. Alongside the adjacent building were two beer-pong tables with a few cup holders on both sides of each table. There was a back bar too, though its metal shutters were down. The Shepherd pointed to one of the tall tables, to where they both sat next to each other.

"By the way, I don't think I caught your name," he said as they sat down.

"Oh, um, Jackson."

"Jackson, huh?" He took a sip of his Long Island. "Mine's Justin."

The Golden smiled as he took a sip of his beer. "So...Justin," he began, "Like I said before: recently divorced, getting hammered here, yadda yadda. Thing is, the guy my ex-wife was," he trailed off, rubbing his neck with a paw as he felt his cheeks burn. He knew it wasn't from the alcohol, and he hoped Justin wouldn't pick up on how awkward and embarrassed he felt about this situation.

"You found him attractive, didn't you?"

"Well...ok maybe a little." He gave a soft growl, not because of Justin but because of how massive and strong that Mastiff looked when he did see him. From what he could recall, the guy was built like a tank and looked more like a bodybuilder than a yoga instructor.

Justin grinned as his ears perked. He held a paw under his chin while giving Jackson a flirtatious look. "So, was he a cute, twinky guy? Big, chubby guy? Or somewhere in between?"

Now he was getting annoyed. He growled a bit louder, baring his teeth slightly, trying to keep himself from yelling at the Shepherd outright when he spoke. "Why the hell does that matter? That...that literal son of a bitch thought it was fine to fuck my wife behind my back and not give two shits if I found out!" The Golden soon found himself breathing hard, and his buzzed state didn't help him in keeping this a semi-casual conversation. "And don't...don't get me started on how I feel about Cynthia." The utterance of her name felt like vomit in his mouth, though he did feel vomit creep up his throat due to consuming nothing but beer for the past hour. He stayed quiet a moment to calm himself, then took a big gulp of his beer. He was thankful at how quickly the bubbly alcohol calmed him down. Justin seemed like a nice guy and he's been the only one to whom he's mentioned all this; he didn't want to scare the him off.

The Shepherd instantly dropped his fake, flirtatious demeanor and sat up straight on his stool as Jackson carried on. His ears slowly drooped more and more as Jackson spoke, quietly taking small sips of his Long Island. When Jackson finished and began to try and calm himself, he took that opportunity to speak. "Look...sorry I asked that. I-It was a bit out-of-line for me."

Jackson looked at his nearly empty bottle, then to Justin. "No, no, it''s alright dude. This whole bullshit mess got me all out of sorts and, well," he shrugged and motioned towards the area around them, "It's why I came here."

"I get it dude," the Shepherd let out a long sigh, "Um, so, from how I'm understanding this: you're finding that the guy your wife left you for to be attractive as well. Now, and please don't take this the wrong way," he quickly said while holding up a paw, "but are you bi-curious by any chance?"

Jackson leaned forward with his elbows on the table as he rubbed his temples with his fingers. "I don't know, dude. I've been feeling such a huge range of emotions this past week I've got more worries on my mind than my sexuality." He sighed and looked away from the Shepherd. In a way, he was glad that Justin asked such a straight-forward question about that. He looked back to the Shepherd, but noticed something peculiar when he did so. Of course, Justin seemed like a positive guy right from the get-go, but Jackson thought that was something he needed right now after the divorce. And whether it was loneliness, the alcohol in his system, or if it was legitimate, he did find the Shepherd cute. It was then he noticed how young Justin looked, though not so much that it would be weird between them; that is if something happens between them.

Justin giggled when he noticed the Golden smiling and staring at him, his eyes twinkled under the low light of the back area of the bar. He knew that look; that look of admiration and attraction. He looked away and smiled a bit, feeling his cheeks warm from embarrassment. He cleared his throat and turned back to him. "Um, yeah, no I understand. Figuring out your sexual orientation is a process in it of itself half the time; just...please get yourself right in the head first after what happened, ok?" As if by instinct, Justin reached for Jackson's paw resting on the table, gently placing it on top.

Without a word, Jackson rotated his around and gently squeezed the Shepherd's paw. He didn't care if this looked gay; he missed having that gentle intimacy, not only after the divorce but even towards the end of his and Cynthia's marriage. Her passionate fire for him dimmed more and more ever since she met that Mastiff. But now? She doesn't matter anymore, now that he's met someone who's willing to understand him.

He could feel his heart race and his canine prick creep out of its sheath under his pants. "H-Hey, you wanna finish our drinks and we can go to your place," he said under shuddering breaths.

Justin gave a coy smile and chuckled. "You are curious, aren't ya?" He took a sip of his Long Island, which was nearing the end by now. "Sure! We head back to my place after this. I don't live too far and I walked anyway."

"Same here! So, you live in town, then?"

They then began to causally chat about living near each other, yet both were surprised they never saw each other around town until tonight. Occasionally, the bi-curious topic came up. When it did, they were soon comfortable talking about what to try when they go to Justin's place. During the whole conversation, they continued to hold each other's paws, neither of them wanting to let go. When they both finished their drinks, they slowly got off their stools and tossed their respective empty drinks in a nearby trashcan.

Jackson's ears perked just before they were about to head back in. "Oh! I gotta go close my tab first, then we can go."

"One thing first." Justin quickly grabbed both Jackson's paws and leaned in for a gentle, quick kiss on the Golden's cheek. He smiled and let go of Jackson's paws. "Ok, now we can go in." He opened the heavy, wooden door back into the bar and held it open for Jackson. The Golden gave him a look of surprise and confusion after he kissed him and quietly walked right in, the Shepherd immediately behind him.

Jackson leaned against the bar and flagged down Blake, the Dane swiftly making his way towards him. After closing his tab, and writing the worse form of his signature he's seen yet, the two exited the bar and headed to Justin's place. Even in his drunken state, he started having second thoughts about having a fling with another guy, let alone a guy he just met at a bar he's never been to in years. This'll be an interesting night; that's for sure.

* * *

Their walk to Justin's apartment wasn't exactly a dry one; the overcast night sky sprinkled a light mist of rain upon the town. They could pick up nearly all the scents the moisture brought out, both pleasant and horrid. But that didn't stop them both from enjoying each other's company. Despite their fur getting damp, and they themselves being slightly tipsy, they kept their conversation casual. No mention of Cynthia or the yoga instructor; no mention of Jackson questioning his orientation. Justin didn't want to push either of those topics further; a part of him wanted them to hold paws as they walked, but he decided against that too. All he cared about was making Jackson comfortable during this new experience.

Once they made their way into the lobby of the apartment building, the stench of their wet fur dominated their nostrils. Justin crinkled his muzzle while Jackson covered his up with his paws.

"Ugh! Hope you have enough towels, dude!" Jackson complained, his voice slightly muffled.

Justin unlocked and opened the hallway door. He chuckled. "Don't worry; I have plenty. I'm not a fan of electric fur dryers, and I don't like the idea of getting my entire bathroom wet after my shower, if you know what I mean."

The Golden lowered his paws, but then scratched near his ear. "Good." He lowered his voice, even though they were alone in the hallway. "Besides, I'm sure we'll reek anyway after we do...whatever it is we end up doing."

They soon began to walk up a set of stairs. Justin kept his voice lowered as well. "Hey. Relax. I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to do, ok?"

Jackson nodded, smiling and feeling his face warm a bit. He still wasn't sure why he felt...peculiar about Justin; he hoped they will at least become friends after this.

They were both in front of the door to Justin's apartment, which he unlocked and opened, letting his guest enter first. Jackson soon followed then, after closing the door behind him, locked and chained it. Jackson wasn't too put off by the apartment's appearance; he wasn't surprised at all at how cozy it felt. Immediately to his right and left was the kitchen area and bathroom. Past that was the main room, where the ceiling and windows were quite tall. To the far, right corner from where the Golden stood was a set of carpeted stairs that lead to, what he assumed was the bedroom. Overall, Justin's place felt more like a studio apartment than a one-bedroom.

As he was taking all this in, he hadn't realized he was standing right in the way, still damp and smelly and tracking his muddy paws over the carpet. A light tapping on his shoulder snapped him out of his trance.

The Shepherd looked to him with a bit of concern. "Hey, you ok dude?"

Jackson shook his head quickly, shutting then opening his eyes to get himself back into focus. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry about that..."

Justin took of his damp hoodie off and hung it up on a coat hanger in the nearby closet. "It's fine dude," he said as he started to take off his shirt. He then tossed it aside in the main room, planning on picking it up later. "Now why don't we get you out of those wet clothes and get you nice and dry, hmmm?"

The Golden shifted his eyes and felt a pit form in his stomach. "I-I can go in the bathroom quick and dry off if you want some privacy." The fact that Justin's toned body was on display only made him feel more flustered.

"Please," he began as he moved closer to Jackson. His paws caressed his sides and gently tugged at his damp polo, untucking it and slowly pulling upward. "You were curious, right?"

Jackson snorted. He didn't want to admit it, but he could feel his member poke out of its sheath under his pants at the Shepherd's intimacy. He nodded as he was stripped topless, the whole time feeling a warming sensation in his cheeks.

Justin tossed the polo aside and began to rub Jackson's exposed body, which left him breathless for a moment. Jackson wasn't sure why he would look attractive; marriage for any length of time tends make people let go of themselves, and the bit of pudge in his belly sure showed that. He wasn't sure what to do except stand there in the entry way as Justin rubbed him down, the two of them topless and still damp.

"Man, you're acting so cute for someone who's had some intimate experience before," Justin commented as he grinned. "I have an extra pair of shorts if you'd rather wear something dry; I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's pants and undies are damp." He chuckled.

"Y-Yeah, for sure," Jackson said with a nervous chuckle.

"Ok, cutie." The Shepherd smiled and dropped his arms from Jackson's waist. He then began to head to the bedroom. "Oh, and feel free to take whatever from the fridge if you want something to drink," he said before heading up the stairs.

Jackson did just that and padded over to the fridge to look inside while his host was upstairs. He opened it and scanned what was in there: a mix of different kinds of beers, liquors, a bottle of wine, sodas, and lemonade; all in some appropriately sized bottle, depending on the beverage. He figured he had enough beer for tonight and would rather have wine. After grabbing the tall, glass bottle and closing the fridge, he searched through the cabinets for a couple wine glasses.

Soon enough, Justin made his way towards the kitchen, already wearing a pair of light-blue shorts that matched his eyes and nose. He had a pair of plain, red shorts in his paw when he saw what Jackson was doing. "Need help finding anything?"

"Yeah, any wine glasses?"

"Of course," he said as he tossed the pair of shorts to Jackson, "Go ahead and change; I'll get our wine ready for tonight." He gave a sly grin.

Jackson barely caught the pair of shorts then headed for the bathroom, feeling unsure about the Shepherd's true intentions once he noticed that grin. He immediately closed the door after entering the bathroom and started to take off his damp pants and underwear; wet clothes never felt good against damp fur, and he was glad Justin was willing to let him dry off. As he did so before putting on the pair of shorts, he looked at the large mirror above the sink, then looked down. A red tip began to poke out of his golden sheath, and he felt his balls ache with desire for relief. Part of him wanted to rub one out quick, yet part of him didn't want to spoil the moment. For the first time in years, he felt wanted, desired for, so why ruin a night like this?

He quickly changed into the shorts Justin loaned him; they were a tad tight, but at least they held up and weren't cinched around his hips or pushing against his balls. As he looked up, he took a moment to admire his physique. He rubbed his golden, furry belly, noting how bad he let himself go in such a short amount of time. For the hell of it, he decided to flex in the mirror. Well, at least I kept some of my muscles since marrying that bitch. He then turned sideways with his back facing the mirror, turning his head as much as he could to look at his rear and lifting his tail some. "Dammit Justin! I swear you picked this pair on purpose," he said to himself as quietly as he could. After giving himself a show, and feeling himself becoming more aroused, he picked up the rest of his clothes off the floor and headed to the main room, setting them near where Justin tossed his polo.

When he went into the main room, he noticed Justin peer over the couch, smiling. "Feel better?"

Jackson nodded. He also noticed two filled wine glasses on the coffee table, as well as the, now opened, wine bottle. He wasn't a wine snob at all, so long as it was red; what he found in the fridge showed Justin had good taste, as far as he was concerned. Still a bit nervous about this current situation, he let out a slow, deep breath before he joined his host. When he sat down, he sat upright at first, paws in his lap. He could tell by now the alcohol has run its course, but it was too late to back out of this now.

Justin scoffed at how formal his guest was acting and lightly slapped his chest. "Hey, com'on, man. Relax a little." He then picked up his wine glass and motioned for Jackson to do the same, to which he complied. He raised his up while Jackson did the same. "I'm sure you know this one." He then cleared his throat.

They spoke in unison as soon as Jackson picked up on the traditional Irish toast. "Here's to you. Here's to me. Here's to friends we'll always be. And if we ever disagree, FUCK you! Here's to me!"

Both canines simultaneously took a big sip of their glasses before setting them back on the table. Justin then reached for the TV remote on the side table; the remote for the DVD player was on the side table as well. He looked back to Jackson after grabbing the TV remote. "So, I got cable, Netflix, some movies and shows on DVD..."

Jackson thought for a moment. "Well, guess it depends what you have and what you like," he held up a paw a moment, "though as long as it isn't anything boring or makes me want to puke."

"Don't worry. I think I can find something interesting for us to watch." Justin took another sip of his wine before getting up to browse his DVD collection. At one point, he bent down longer than necessary, his tail slightly raised just enough to show off his toned butt. Eventually, he picked a few DVDs from the shelf and set the stack on the coffee table. "These are some of my favorites, by the way," he said as he squatted across from Jackson.

He took a sip of wine as he shuffled through the pile, one DVD at a time. "Fan of documentaries I see," he said, smiling at Justin.

"Yep! I tend to pick up any that are about foreign countries I would like to visit someday. Hell, I think I have a few here about places within the US I would like to visit as well."

He looked back towards the collection in front of him, also noting some obscure movie titles he's never heard of before. "The hell are all these about?" He asked.

"Oh those?" Justin peered at the movies. "Ah. Those are what I call 'gold-covered turds,'" he giggled as he gestured air quotes, "Movies I just see on the shelf and think they may be interesting based on the title and cover alone, most of which no one has heard of, guaranteed." He too began to shuffle through the movies. "Of course, I have some that are infamous for being so awful, yet they're so entertaining to watch because they're awful." He reached for his wine and took another sip, albeit a bigger one than before. "Especially when you're nice and loose thanks to something like this," he said as he gently swirled the wine in his glass, then setting it back on the table. "So. What'll it be?"

He rubbed his chin a moment. "All these do sound interesting...what about this one?" He pointed to a DVD titled Stephen Fry in America.

"Oooo, good one! Wanting to keep it local, eh?" Justin grabbed the DVD and stood up to get their movie ready.

"I'm a bit of a homebody myself, I guess." Jackson chuckled nervously. "Personally, you shouldn't need to go outside of the country if you're looking for unique finds; I'm sure we have plenty right here in the states."

"Oh I agree," he said as he was finishing up near the TV stand. He chuckled. "You know, if you want, maybe we can go on a little road trip sometime, hmmmm?"

He sighed, then shrugged. "Well...not like I have anything holding me back I guess." He then grabbed the wine bottle and began to top-off his glass. "Hey, you want some more wine, Justin?"

"Oh yes, thank you," he said as he sat back down. He leaned back and draped an arm over the couch as he selected the 'Play' option on the menu screen, setting the remote back down on the table.

Jackson kept his upright posture for the first ten minutes of the film. As he drank his wine, however, he slowly became more and more relaxed. He could feel himself leaning into the couch the same way Justin was. He kept his paws near his lap, but eventually they wandered farther to his sides: one resting on the arm rest, the other dangerously close to Justin's leg.

Meanwhile, Justin noticed the Golden's wandering paws and gently rested his on the one creeping towards his leg. He never kept his focus off the documentary as he did so.

Jackson snapped his head towards his host, then looked down at their paws. His face instantly became flushed as he smiled. He turned his attention back to the documentary and took a sip of wine. They held paws like that for most of the film, each one sipping their wine and, eventually, needing to refill their glasses again. Near the end, both canines were laying on the couch, with Jackson resting his head on Justin's chest; the two of them passed out between the alcohol, the relaxing couch, and sharing a calming, intimate moment with each other.

The documentary was long over by the time Justin woke up, who then scratched Jackson on the ear to wake him up as well.

The Golden woke up with a yawn and noticed the position they were in. For a moment, he gave a look of terror once he realized what he was doing with another man, but then looked up into the Justin's eyes and smiled. He then slowly moved himself upright and off the Shepherd, but still held onto his paw to help him upright as well. They had to take a moment to rub their heads from going vertical too fast while liquored up.

Justin looked at their wine glasses and picked up the bottle. "More wine, hun?"

He nodded and held his wine glass as best as he could. By now, Jackson didn't care if he was drunk and horny for a guy; he was still thankful Justin ran into him at the bar and offered him some company after Cynthia.

Justin finished up refilling them for another round of wine. He picked up his glass and held it a moment before sipping from it. "So, if I recall correctly, you were curious what it's like to have a romp with another guy?"

He nodded, scratching the back of his neck out of nerves. "I um...have been curious about trying...anal...more than anything..." He felt his cheeks burn up after he said that.

The Shepherd chuckled. "Believe me when I say that you don't want to do anal first-thing. I've been with a number of guys and gals in the past, so I know how to take things slow." He noticed how aloof Jackson was and set his wine glass down. He then rested a paw on his cheek and slowly turned his head so they were looking eye-to-eye. "And the easiest thing to do when starting out is foreplay, and only foreplay. No need for lube, pre-cleaning, condoms, nothing; we can just...have at it." He said the last statement with a sly grin.

Jackson gulped and nodded, trying to keep a positive attitude about what they're about to do. "Right right...understandable."

He chuckled. "Good." Justin then draped both his arms over the Golden's shoulders, still looking into his brown eyes. "Just relax. Take it slow. Explore. That's all we're going to do for now, ok?" He smiled.

Jackson simply nodded. As much as he would love to go all out on Justin, he decided on letting him take the lead with this situation. But he barely had a moment to think about this when he suddenly felt the Shepherd's lips pressing right up against his. His eyes shot open initially, but gently closed as he sank deeper and deeper into the kiss; he was starting to wrap his arms around Justin's waist. Soon enough, he tasted the Shepherd's tongue against his own as they both began to get more and more heated.

Their kiss only lasted a moment, yet felt like it went on forever in passionate bliss. Justin petted the Golden's chest and stomach, looking him up and down. "You don't look half bad, hun."

Jackson couldn't help but smile in a goofy way. He too started to rub Justin down as best he could, trying to follow suite with what he was doing to him. He could easily tell the Shepherd felt like he looked: toned, in shape, young, he could easily feel those taught muscles under his fur. Compared to Justin, he himself became soft and, with what little muscles that did show, his wasn't as tight as the Shepherd's.

Once he noticed the Golden's paws were within reach, Justin gently grabbed one of them and slowly moved it down towards his shorts. "First thing you need to get used to," he began, "is knowing how to handle your man."

Jackson hesitated and fought against it, but he quickly stopped and allowed the Shepherd to guide his paw underneath the waistband and cup around his junk. He could even tell that Justin was starting to poke out of his own sheath too. As if by instinct, Jackson began to caress and massage the Shepherd's balls and sheath as Justin let him explore.

While Jackson was occupied, Justin continued to caress him some more, giving short gasps every so often as he felt those paws play with his marbles. He felt his member harden fully out of its sheath, and could see it pitching a tent in his shorts, despite Jackson's paw fumbling around down there. "Well," he cooed as he looked into the Golden's eyes, "One of us is ready to play."

He then gave Jackson a quick peck on the lips as he rotated himself facing forward on the couch, shuffling his shorts so that they would drop to his ankles. Immediately, his red canine pecker was on full display, a hint of pre leaking out of its tip. He motioned Jackson to come closer. "Why don't you cuddle up next to me and I'll show you what you can do now, hmm?"

Even though he was still unsure of this whole situation, Jackson found himself becoming more and more confident with fooling around with another guy; or it could also be the alcohol loosening him up enough that he's willing to try new things. Whatever that reason may be, he shuffled close to Justin that their two, shirtless bodies were pressed together, an arm draped over the Shepherd's shoulder. He took his other paw and reached for the Shepherd's cock. "I take it you want me to jerk you off now?" He giggled.

Justin pecked him on the cheek and simply smiled. "Don't go too far though; we're only getting started."

"Oh yeah?" Jackson grinned as he began to stroke Justin, "Just let me know when you want me to stop."

Justin nodded, part in agreement and part in encouraging Jackson to continue.

He went slow at first, feeling every curve and bump of the Shepherd's cock against his paw pads. As he stroked, his paw started to get damp from the pre slowly dripping out of the Shepherd. Never had he realized how big a canine penis like his own could get so big when it's hard and unsheathed. However, he had always seen his own from above. Never before has he seen one at a different angle, let alone jerking off another man's penis.

His movements remained steady, though he could hear Justin softly moaning in his ear. He never realized how focused he was until he heard those moans. Yet, those made him want to stroke just a little faster and harder, giving a gentle squeeze around the shaft or the knot every so often.

Justin yelped softly whenever he felt a squeeze against his member, gripping around Jackson's shoulder tightly.

When he heard the first yelp, Jackson stopped and look towards Justin with some concern.

"It's ok babe," he reassured, panting a little, "Keep going. Those squeezes feel good, believe it or not."

Jackson nuzzled the Shepherd's cheek and continued to stroke a bit quicker, every so often giving a gentle squeeze to his knot. He felt Justin thrusting upwards some, either near climax or really beginning to enjoy the sensations, but he kept going at it regardless.

After some time, and yet another deep, passionate kiss, Justin gently gripped his wrist. "Hey," he said, his panting heavier now than before, "I'm about to cum here, but I want to try something first." He eased up on his grip around Jackson's wrist and held his paw. "If you don't want to do it, that's fine by me and we can end things with what you've been doing so far."

"What was it you were wanting to try?"

"'ve ever done oral and had someone cum in your mouth?"

"Only with women...obviously," he chuckled, "But uh...I-I'm sure it's not too much different if I did the same to a guy."

Justin shrugged. "Eeeeh. Same concept, different methods. You've seen all those suggestive images of girls sucking on lollipops or bananas or anything phallic, yeah?"

"Duh. Who hasn't."

"Do that on this," he said as he pointed to his twitching member, "Just watch the teeth."

"Of course, of course." Jackson tried to hunch over towards the Shepherd's cock, his maw wide open, though he was not able to reach far.

Justin patted him on the shoulder, chuckling a little. "Easiest way to suck off a guy is on your knees. Not sure if you've had to do the same--"

"Oh right, right." Jackson's ears drooped slightly, more at being oblivious to how familiar he was at giving oral, at least to a woman. Soon enough, he was on his knees, Justin's dripping, red cock right in front of his muzzle. He instantly smelled the Shepherd's musk emanating from his groin and tried not to wince at the scent. Women either smelled nice down by their lady parts, or smelled of fish. But from a male? All he could smell was an indescribable, crusty odor and damp fur.

Justin's ears perked as he tilted his head. "Something wrong?"

Jackson shook his head and looked up at the Shepherd. "Oh, uh, nothing, nothing...I guess I'm not used to being this close to another man's junk before," he chuckled, "Closest I've been to another naked guy was in the public showers at the gym; even then I was never really close." He casually stroked Justin's cock to keep it upright and firm, forcing a smile.

"It's fine, hun," he said as he gently petted behind the Golden's ear, "I told you before we started: I won't make you do anything you don't feel comfortable doing."

Jackson instinctively closed his eyes and leaned into his paw some as he was petted. He then opened his eyes and let go of the now deflating semi-erect cock, but still knelt in front of Justin with his head lowered a bit. "Sorry...I'm just not used to doing this with another guy, you know?"

Justin tilted his chin up with a finger, smiling back at the Golden. "Hey, it's fine dude. We can just cuddle, polish off this wine, kiss some more."

"I'd like that but," he got up while grabbing at Justin's shorts, pulling them up as well, "Can we stay shirtless for now?"

"Sure." He grabbed his shorts and pulled them the rest of the way up, shuffling on the couch as he did so. Without a word, he patted the cushion next to him as he smiled at Jackson.

The Golden wasted no time and plopped right next the Shepherd, being sure he was as close to him as possible. Justin topped off their wine glasses and draped an arm around Jackson's shoulder. They both leaned in for yet another deep, passionate kiss before taking a sip of their wine. They spent the rest of the night cuddled on the couch getting drunk off cheap red wine and watching a couple more of DVDs from Justin's collection. Soon enough, both canines fell fast asleep on the couch in each other's arms; never before had Jackson felt so cared for with such intimacy. In that moment, he knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter in his life.